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Explain some of the reasons why many alliances end in failure

(1)Nowadays, many companies are aiming to engage in mergers and acquisitions

to secure fast growth and diversify their investment portfolios; however, many
alliances end in failure because of many reasons. (2) The first mistake that many
companies made is being overconfident in making M&A deals. (3) In fact, they are
so eager to merge with any target they find interesting that they forget the financial
risks of each one. (4) Another reason that alliance partners have to face up is the
difference in corporate culture. (5) If partners have different goals or different
points of view in doing business, they will end up having culture conflicts,
personality clashes, ineffective working relationships, and no future benefit. (6)
Disney and Miramax are examples. (7) This alliance failed because Disney focuses
on family movies but Miramax targets the controversial and serious movie
markets. (8) In conclusion, there are many factors that lead the alliances to failure
in the end.
what solutions can you suggest?/ What should CEOs do to improve their
chances of success
(1)Nowadays, many companies are aiming to engage in mergers and acquisitions;
however, many alliances fail, and CEOs should still increase the chance of
successful M&A activities by considering some solutions. (2) The first thing they
should do is take a deeper look at the potential targets before making another failed
takeover bid. (3) Instead of making the same mistake in the past, companies’
bosses can add more value to their business by concentrating on their “core
competence” and looking for good targets for M and A activities. (4) Secondly, it
is crucial for CEOs to have a clear plan of what to do with the alliance. (5) They
should have a common strategic goal to reach and increase their profits. (6) In this
plan, they also need to develop a contingency plan if things go wrong. (7) In
conclusion, in order to make a successful alliance, managers should take reasons
carefully and pay closer attention to making suitable solutions that can solve the

Most of meetings are waste of time. What are common problems of meetings?
What are solutions to make meetings work?/ Too many meetings are a waste
of time. Why?
(1)Nowadays, holding meetings to deal with problems is critical for the existence
of a business, but there are a lot of opinions that their meetings are not effective
because of many reasons. (2)The main reason for this situation is the lack of
preparation which can be about time, location or agenda. (3)For example,
arranging the wrong time or not suitable location can often badly impact the mood
of meetings members. (4)In addition, the meeting can be ineffective if the holder
doesn’t prepare well for the agenda or even he does not inform members about the
meeting. (5)The second problem is the ability of leaders. (6) If the leader can’t run
a meeting effectively, the meeting will take a long time, people will get bored and
lose attention and then tedious individuals will dominate the discussion. (7) For all
these reasons, managers must clearly identify the reason why meetings are a waste
of time in order to find solutions and organize meetings effectively.
Nowadays, meetings are critical for the existence of a business; however, most
people think that meetings are not effective, so, it is important to find out what
problems are and solutions for them. (2) Firstly, the meeting should be well-
prepared. (3) It means that a meeting’s agenda and content should be prepared
carefully and before setting up a meeting, the holder has to announce them to every
member. (4) Secondly, it is necessary for the leader to have some meeting
techniques. (5) It means that the holder has to control the meeting well about time
and content. (6) Moreover, the leader should ensure everyone gets a chance to
speak up. (7) To sum up, the team leader needs to improve the meeting’s
effectiveness by setting up a plan clearly and improving meeting techniques.
What causes their market to shrink? (reasons)
In recent years, the mobile market is one of the most highly profitable markets;
however, many mobile companies have seen their market share falling because of
many reasons. (2) Firstly, the mobile industry has become a victim of its own
success. (3) At this time, the mobile phone is one of the most popular
communication devices, computing devices, and consumer electronics products.
(4) Actually, everyone has at least one which leads to an almost saturated market,
so it is very difficult for companies to sell products. (5) Secondly, the competition
in the mobile industry is very high. (6) It means that there are now more and more
competitors entering the mobile market while fewer and fewer customers want to
buy. (7) In short, market saturation has put mobile telecom companies under
pressure to boost their falling revenues and increase profit margin.
What are the ways in which mobile phone companies can boost their
revenues? (solutions)
In recent years, many mobile companies have seen their market share fall, so they
have to find out some strategies in order to boost their falling revenues. (2) The
first solution is to look for another untapped market such as infants, animals, or
even machines. (3) For instance, Pets Mobility has increased its revenues by
launching a new phone for dogs which are called PetsCell. (4) The second solution
is encouraging people to use their existing phones more than they do at the
moment. (5) The invention of 4G, for example, which offers lots of extra capacity,
lower price, and faster network speeds managed to encourage customers’ usage.
(6) Another tactic is extending mobile coverage so that customers can make calls
wherever they are, even in phone-free environments such as airplanes. (7) In
conclusion, mobile telecom companies can still perform well and increase their
revenue and profit margin as long as they pay proper attention to putting solutions
into practice.
Nowadays, the advertising industry is facing some serious problems when some
traditional methods of advertising and marketing do not work ineffectively
anymore. (2) Firstly, customers are now better informed because of a combination
of long-term changes, such as the growing diversity of media and the arrival of
new technologies, notably the Internet. (3) Besides, more and more people are
taking marketing courses, so they can know more about marketing tactics. (4) This
means it’s harder for companies to persuade their customers to buy. (5) Secondly,
the advertising industry is not enough creative. (6) If an ad has boring, even
confusing content, it can make the audience feel bored and dislike it, or waste the
time of customers. (7) In conclusion, the advertising industry is going through a
crisis period and the traditional methods of advertising no longer work because of
all these reasons
(1)It is crucial for advertisers to find out solutions to serious problems in the
advertising industry when some traditional methods of advertising and marketing
do not work ineffectively anymore. (2)Firstly, Businesses can use many alternative
types of promotion, such as in-store displays, product placements, and product
demonstrations to draw attention to what they want to sell. (3) Besides, companies
must choose the right media if they want the audience to get their sales messages.
(4) More importantly, creativity is the heart of advertising that attract more
consumers. (5) If an ad has boring, even confusing content, it can make the
audience feel bored and dislike it, or waste the time of customers. (6)Thus,
advertisers need to keep being inventive in each advertisement. (7) To sum up, it’s
so imperative for businesses in the advertising industry should be aware of the
risks and take actions to deal with this problem as soon as possible to avoid bad
The role of information technology in business management
(1) Over the years, information technology has caused an explosion in commerce
and trade and plays an essential role in business management. (2) Firstly,
companies all have their own IT system that helps managers control all resources,
databases, customer bases, markets, and sales figures,... in their business
effectively and make decisions quickly and precisely after analyzing software. (3)
This helps the company save time and manpower as well as avoid unnecessary
errors. (4) Another benefit that can be mentioned from IT is security as it is a top
priority for businesses. (5) IT makes it easy to store more information while
maintaining the integrity of that information. (6) The company can better able to
store sensitive and confidential information in a way that makes it less vulnerable
to a data breach, especially when sensitive and personal data is being handled... (7)
In conclusion, IT is an amazing and effective invention for managing and
optimizing the whole business performance of enterprises

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