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Organizational Behaviour

♦ Field Research Questionnaire ♦

Section 1: Personal and Organizational information

Personal Information
A1. Gender: a. Male b. Female
A2. Age: a. <25 b. 26-34 c.35-44 d. 45<

A3. Educational level:

a. Pre-High School Qualification or no qualification at all

b. Bachelor Degree
c. Master’s Degree (MBA, MSc, MA, etc)
d. PhD
A4. Work experience:
a. less than a year b. 1-3 years c. 4-7 years
d. 8-10 years e. more than 10 years
A5. Job position _______________Software Developer_______________________

Organizational Information
B1. Industry:

a. Manufacturing b. Retailing

c. Services d. Construction

e. Banking f. Other (please specify):________IT____________

B2. Competitive position: a. Leader c. Competitor

b. Big player d. Small player

B3. Number of employees: a. 1-25 b.26-49 c. 50+

B4. National Market share ________%

B5. Domestic Market share________%

Section 2: Organisational Culture
To what degree do you agree or disagree with the following



(Please tick one number – Strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=5)

C.1. Employee Orientation 1 2 3 4 5

My organization…
C.1.1 …cares for the individual development of employees X

C.1.2 …cares about opinions from employees X

C.1.3 …trusts its employees X

C.1.4 …possesses a comprehensive system and regulations X

C.2. Customer Focus 1 2 3 4 5

In my organization…

C.2.1 …sincere customer service is provided X

C.2.2 …customer is number one priority X
C.2.3 …first class service is provided to customers X
C.2.4 …the profit of the customer is emphasized extremely X
C.3. Emphasizing Responsibility 1 2 3 4 5
My organization…

C.3.1 … emphasizes economic and social profits X

C.3.2 … embraces social responsibility X
C.3.3 … has a mission is to serve X
C.4. Emphasizing cooperation 1 2 3 4 5
My organization…

C.4.1 … promotes feeling-sharing among employees X

C.4.2 … emphasizes team building X
C.4.3 … encourages a cooperative spirit X
C.5. Innovativeness 1 2 3 4 5
My organization…
C.5.1 … develops new products and services continuously X
C.5.2 … is ready to accept new changes X
C.5.3 …encourages innovation X
C.5.4… adopts high-tech bravely X

Section 3: Leadership Behaviour

To what degree do you agree or disagree


with the following statements?
(Please tick one number – Strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=5)
D.1. Risk Taking 1 2 3 4 5
The leader is…
D.1.1 … willing to take risks X
D.1.2 … being bold with innovation X
D.1.3 … having rich entrepreneurial spirit X
D.2. Employee Caring 1 2 3 4 5
The leader is…
D.2.1 … showing concern for employee’s personal life X
D.2.2 … treating employees like family members X
D.2.3 … showing care for subordinates X
D.3. Employee Vision 1 2 3 4 5
The leader is…
D.3.1 … clearly communicating his/her vision about the future of the X
D.3.2 … emphasizing the long-term planning of the company X
D.3.3 … clearly handling the development of the company in the next five X

Section 4: Job Satisfaction

To what degree do you agree or disagree


with the following statements?
(Please tick one number– Strongly disagree=1 to strongly agree=5)
E.1. Working Partners 1 2 3 4 5
E.1.1 I am satisfied with the communication status between colleagues X
within my department
E.1.2 I am satisfied with the communication status between my X
department and other departments
E.1.3 I am satisfied with the team formed within my own department X

E.2. Job Recognition 1 2 3 4 5

E.2.1 I will be recognized when I perform outstandingly X
E.2.2 My role is considered very important to some people X

Thank you for your participation and valuable assistance.

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