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Input Devices

Hardware devices that allow data to be entered into a computer.

There are two different types of input devices:

1. Manual Input Devices - Data is input into the computer by hand (people must do
most of the work)

2. Automatic Input Devices - Data is input into the computer directly by a

machine/device (there is minimal input by people)


Input devices are part of the 4 main hardware components of a computer system:

• Input Devices - these get data into the computer

• Processor - this does something with the data to make it useful information

• Output Devices - these show the results of processing

• Storage Devices - holds the data in the system.

Manual Input Devices (data entered by hand)

Manual input devices require humans to do most of the work needed to get data into
the system.

Examples of Manual Input Devices:

Keyboard, Keypad, Pointing Device, Remote Control, Joystick, Touch Screen, Scanner,
Digital Camera, Microphone, Graphic Tablet, Video Camera, Web Cam, Light Pen

For example: If you are using a keyboard to input instructions into the computer, you
must press the keys yourself. It is a manual job not automatic.

A keyboard is used to enter data and instructions into a computer. Command Line
operating systems require a keyboard to be able to use the computer at all. Keyboard is
one of the most used manual input devices. Most keyboards use a QWERTY key layout.
The name 'QWERTY' comes from the first five lettered keys on the top row of the
keyboard - Q-W-E-R-T-Y. Special keyboards called 'Ergonomic Keyboards' have been
developed to help reduce health problems (such as repetitive strain injury) linked with
typing. Ergonomic keyboards have a more natural shape to them with reduces stress on
the wrist and hands. Ergonomic keyboards also come with a built-in hand-rest which
further helps prevent health issues such as RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury).
Keyboards are used to input the following into the computer:

• Text

• Numbers

• Instructions

Uses of a Keyboard:

1. Keyboards are used to input data into applications. For Example - Entering text
into word processing applications like Microsoft Word
2. Entering numbers into spreadsheet applications like Microsoft Excel
3. Keyboards can also be used to enter commands into the computer.

For Example - Keyboard shortcuts:

• CTRL + P to print

• CTRL + S to save

• CTRL + C to copy

• CTRL + V to paste

• PRT SC to take a screen shot of your work

Advantages/Disadvantages of using a Keyboard:

Advantages Disadvantages
Enables fast entry of text into documents. People with wrist and hand problems can
find keyboards painful to use.
Very easy to use (you just press the keys). Keyboards are quite large and can take up
a lot of desk space.
Information that you input instantly Entering data is slow when compared to
appears on the screen. This lets you automatic methods. For example - a
quickly check that what you are entering barcode code scanner will input data into
is correct. the computer almost instantly.

Numeric Keypads

Numeric keypads are used for entering numbers into a computer system ('Numeric'
means number). Bank ATM's use numeric keypads to let us enter PIN numbers and

withdrawal amounts. Mobile phones use numeric keypads to allow us to enter phone
Uses of Numeric Keypads:

1. ATM (Automatic teller machines) -Entering personal identification numbers

(PIN) into an ATM to allow us to access our cash.
2. Withdrawing from ATM -Keying in how much money you would like to withdraw
from an ATM.
3. Telephones -These use numeric keypads to allow us to enter phone numbers.
4. Chip and Pin devices -These have numeric keypads to allow users to enter PIN
numbers and payment amounts when we buy goods and products.

Advantages/Disadvantages of using Numeric Keypads:

Advantages Disadvantages
Faster than QWERTY keyboards when People with large hands can find them
used for entering numbers. hard to use because of their small keys.
Numeric keypads are small so they can Difficult (but not impossible) to enter text
easily fit on smaller devices like mobile information.

Pointing Devices (mouse, touchpad, trackball etc.)

Pointing devices are pieces of hardware that are used to control a pointer (curser) on a
screen. Pointing devices are frequently used with Graphical User Interface (GUI)
operating systems where pointers are used to input commands by selecting icons.

Trackball also allows us to control a screen pointer. Pointing devices (like mouse) are
used to control pointers (curser's) and click icons and options on GUI operating


A mouse is a device that allows the user to control a screen pointer.

There are two different types of mice – a mechanical (ball mouse) and an optical
mouse. Examples: A ball mouse uses a ball to detect movement. These are prone to
clogging which can affect accuracy.

An optical mouse uses light to detect movement. These are more accurate than
mechanical mouse and are better for editing images.

Cordless mice are used in the same way as regular mice, but they do not use a wire
plugged into the computer. They use wireless technology to communicate with the
computer. They are powered by batteries.

• Left button is used to select icons and click options

• Right button is used to call up a drop-down menu of options

• Scroll wheel is used to move up and down through a document.

Uses of Mice:

1. Opening, closing, maximising and minimising programs and files.

2. Moving, grouping and deleting files.

3. Controlling a pointer on screen to select icons or move around the page.

4. Editing images in terms of size and position on the screen.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Mice:

Advantages Disadvantages
Faster to select icons and options when People with wrist and hand problems
compared to a keyboard. (like RSI) can find mice painful to use.
Very easy to move a pointer around a Ball mice can pick up dirt which will
screen and to navigate through affect the accuracy of pointer movement.
Mice are small and do not take up much Mice need a flat surface in order to work
space. properly


Touchpads are built into laptops and perform the same functions as mice. The
touchpad allows us to control a screen pointer and the buttons allow us to select icons
and call up options.

Uses of Touchpads:

1. Opening, closing, maximising and minimising programs and files.

2. Moving, grouping and deleting files.

3. Controlling a pointer on screen to select icons or move around the page.

4. Editing images in terms of size and position on the screen.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Touchpads:

Advantages Disadvantages
Easier than QWERTY keyboards when More difficult to control a mouse pointer
used to select options and icons. when compared to a mouse.
Touchpads are built into laptops so there People with wrist and hand problems
is no need for a separate mouse. This (like RSI) can find touchpads painful to
helps improve portability. use.
Can be used even when there is no flat Some operations are more difficult to
surface available. perform when compared to a mouse.


Trackballs is a device that allows the user to control a screen pointer, but they require
less wrist movement and so are more comfortable to use. Old arcade games machines
often used trackballs to allow gamers to direct in-game characters. The world's first
trackball was developed in 1952 and used a bowling ball. They are much more
comfortable to use than mice. This means that people with painful hand and wrist
problems (like RSI) can use a trackball. Trackballs are more comfortable than mice
because there is less wrist movement required. They are more ergonomic. Some arcade
gaming machines use trackballs to control games characters on screen.

Uses of Trackball:

1. Opening, closing, maximising and minimising programs and files.

2. Moving, grouping and deleting files.
3. Controlling a pointer on screen to select icons or move around the page.

4. Editing images in terms of size and position on the screen.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Trackball:

Advantages Disadvantages
People with hand/wrist problems can still More expensive than mice.
use trackballs
More accurate than mice or touchpads. More difficult to learn to use than a
Pointer can be positioned more exactly
which makes trackballs very using for
image editing.
Can be used even when there is no flat
surface available.

No limit on ball travel. A mouse

sometimes runs out of room on a mouse
Remote Control

Remote controls are used to control other devices using infra-red signals.

Buttons on the remote control can be used to perform functions such as changing the
channel on a T.V.

Uses of Remote Controls:

Increasing/Decreasing the volume on a music player

Selecting a different chapter on a DVD player.

1. Increasing and decreasing the volume of Hi-Fi systems (music centers).

2. Selecting a different chapter on a DVD / Blu-ray Players.
3. Toggling through menus of Satellite receivers.
4. Navigating presentation slides in some overhead projectors. (like in the
computer lab and church)
5. Industry uses remote controls to operate machinery that might to too
dangerous to get near to. Examples include:
• Cranes with heavy loads.
• Activating explosives in demolition.
• Operating robot arms in hazardous chemical plants.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Remote Controls:

Advantages Disadvantages
Devices can be operated without having People with limited hand movement can
to go to them. This is useful for people find them difficult to use.
with disabilities.
They can operate devices that are in an
unsafe environment. For example:
Explosives to demolish a building can be
set off at a safe distance.


Joysticks have similar functions to that of mice and trackball is used to control a pointer
on a screen. Joysticks are also popular devices for gaming. The handle allows gamers to
control on-screen characters and the buttons are used for things like firing weapons.

Uses of Joysticks:

1. They can control characters or objects in video games.

2. Can control industrial machinery (cranes for example)
3. They are used in simulators. For example, flight simulators use joysticks in
order for trainee pilots to control the simulated plane.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Joysticks:

Advantages Disadvantages
Easier to control an on-screen curser or Not as easy to control an on-screen
move an in-game character than it is curser when compared to using a mouse.
when using a keyboard.
Very simple to get used to. Anyone can People with hand/wrist issues (like RSI)
just pick one up and use it! can find them painful to use.

Can be used by disabled people. Joysticks Difficult (but not impossible) to enter
can be operated by hands or even feet. text.

Touch Screens

Touch screens allow users to input commands into a computer by pressing or touching
buttons/icons on the screen. Giving users this ability to touch or press icons on the
screen removes the need to use a mouse.

Uses of Touch Screens:

1. Mobile phones and PDA's use touch screens as a way of saving space (a separate
keyboard would make the devices quite large).

2. Public information systems at airports or tourist information offices.

3. Interactive whiteboards in schools.

4. On-screen multiple-choice tests (like driving theory tests) sometimes use touch

Advantages/Disadvantages of Touch Screens:

Advantages Disadvantages
Very fast and easy to enter options (you Limited number of options available on
just press them). the screen.
No training needed in order for people to Expensive compared to other input
be able to use them. All people do is devices.
press the correct option.
Screen can become dirty and full of
germs due to people touching it.

Scanners are used to convert analogue hard copies of documents and photos in digital

Scanners can convert hard copies (printed documents, photographs etc.) into digital
data. This digital data can then be stored and manipulated on your computer. Scanners
reflect light off the hard copy to capture an analogue image of the document. The
scanner then converts the received analogue data into a digital format. Modern
scanners are capable of scanning documents and images in much higher resolution.
This means that digital copies are closer to the original quality.

Uses of Scanners:

1. Used to scan hard copy / printed documents into a computer:

2. Old photos and important documents (like birth certificates) can be scanned
into the computer. This means you still have a copy if the original is damaged
or lost.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Scanners:

Advantages Disadvantages
Very fast to enter hard copies into the Scanned images are usually of lesser
computer (compared to retyping with a quality than the original document.
Very easy to scan and store documents Digital copies of the stored data can
and images into the computer. easily be duplicated and backed up.
Scanned images can take up a lot
of disk space (especially if you scan them
at a high resolution).

Old photo's that may be damaged can be

scanned into the computer then repaired
using Graphics Editing Software.

Graphics Tablet

Graphics tablets are used by artists and designers to easily create and store digital
graphics in a computer. Graphics tablets can be used to accurately 'draw' illustrations,
symbols, and diagrams. A graphics tablet can be drawn on with a special pen called a
Uses of Graphics Tablets:

1. Allow designers to produce digital images much more accurately than if they
were using a mouse.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Graphic Tablets:

Advantages Disadvantages
Much easier to draw images using a pen Very expensive when compared to a
than it is to draw them using a mouse. mouse.
Very accurate drawings can be produced.

Stylus pens make it better for the artist to Not useful for some input needs.
capture fine detail than they could using
a mouse.

Light Pens

Light pens are used by directly drawing or selecting icons on a computer screen. Note:
Currently light pens can only be used with CRT (cathode ray tube) monitors.

They work by picking up light from the computer screen and then signaling to the
computer exactly where the light was picked up. This allows the computer to 'draw' on
the part of the screen where the pen picked up the light.

Uses of Light Pens:

2. Used for selecting objects on a CRT screen. For example: replacing a mouse or
touch screen clicking/touching icons.
3. Used for directly drawing onto a CRT screen. For example: replacing a graphics
tablet to produce hand-drawn designs.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Light Pens:

Advantages Disadvantages
More accurate than touch screens. (end Can only be used with CRT (cathode ray
of the pen is much thinner than a finger tube) screens. (not usable with TFT or
and so can accurately select small icons) LCD screens)
Not as accurate as a graphics tablet when
used for producing drawings.
They are very small and so can be used Can be quite uncomfortable to use as you
where there is no room for a mouse or must hold your hand raised up to the
graphics tablet. computer screen for long periods.

Microphones are used to input analogue sounds into a digital computer. Sounds exist in
the form of sound waves. Computers understand digital data and not analogue. For
example: computers understand combinations of 0's and 1's.

The job of the microphone is to input analogue sound signals into the computer where
the sound card will convert analogue sound into digital (in other words the sound card
will 'digitize' the analogue sound into 1's and 0's) the sound card acts as an ADC
(analogue to digital converter).

Once digitized, the sounds can be stored and used by the computer.

Uses of Microphones:

Used to input sounds/speech for use in a range of applications. For example:

1. Narration (spoken words) in presentations or in web sites.

2. Voice-overs in movies
3. Speaking over the Internet using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol)
4. Conducting videoconferencing (e.g., business meetings online).
5. Used in voice recognition software. For example:
6. Converting speech into text for use in word processors (useful for people who do
not have use of their hands)
7. Issuing commands (e.g., some cars allow for speech to activate certain features
like 'starting the engine' or 'altering radio volume').
8. Hands-Free mobile phones use a microphone to allow people to hold
conversations without using their hands (this makes driving much safer).
9. Used (along with headphones) in gaming so that gamers can talk to each other.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Microphones:

Advantages Disadvantages
Faster to read in text than to type it in Sound files can take up a lot of computer
using a keyboard. Means that word storage space.
processors can be used by people who
cannot use their hands.
Microphones are very cheap to buy. Speaking words into a word processor is
not as accurate as typing. This means that
mistakes are common with words that
sound the same but have different
meanings example: 'see' and 'sea'.
Makes driving safer because people do Background noise can interfere with
not need to take their hands off the voice recognition systems.
steering wheel to use their mobile phone.

Digital Cameras

Digital Camera is used to capture images and record videos that is entered into a
computer. Digital cameras store digital photographs on a memory card and these
images can easily be transferred onto a computer for viewing or editing. Most digital
cameras have a built-in screen to allow for previewing the digital photograph. This is
useful so that the photographer can decide which images to keep and which to delete.
Digital camera image quality is measured in 'Megapixels'. These are the number of dots
that make up the image. 3 Megapixel cameras produce images made up of 3 Million
pixels (dots). Most digital cameras can also capture video and sound as well as images.
Almost all modern mobile phones have a built-in digital camera.

Uses of Digital Cameras:

1. Used to capture digital images for uses such as:

2. Saving special moments (weddings, birthdays, family snaps etc)
3. Gathering images for use in presentations, web pages or publications
(newspapers and magazines etc)
4. Easy to transfer images to a computer for editing.

Advantages/Disadvantages of Digital Cameras:

Advantages Disadvantages
No film to develop. This means that Not all digital cameras produce images as
producing the photo is much quicker. high-quality as traditional cameras.
Unwanted images can easily be deleted Artistry of traditional photography is
from the memory card. being lost.
Camera software can automatically
correct 'bad images' making photography
easier to master without as much skill.
No need to print at all because the images
can be viewed a computer screen. This
saves paper and is better for the
Memory cards can store thousands of
digital photographs. Traditional
photographs can take up a lot of physical
storage space.
Digital images can be improved and
edited easily using software (sharpening
the image for example)
Digital images can easily be transferred
using Bluetooth, email attachments and
mobile phones.

Web Cameras (web cams)

Web cam is used to capture images and record videos that is entered into a computer,
but they are directly connected to a computer and do not have memory storage.

Many modern computing devices (such as laptops) come with built-in web cams.

Uses of Web Cameras:

1. Used to conduct face-to-face conversations with friends and family online over
VoIP applications such as Skype.
2. Conduct face-to-face job interviews over the Internet. This removes the need for
job applicants to travel very large distances to attend the interview.
3. Used to hold video-conferencing meetings over the Internet.
4. Can capture image and video content for presentations, web sites and even
YouTube content.
5. Web Cameras are sometimes used by parents to keep an eye on their children
when they are in another room.
6. Some people use web cams as a cheap alternative to security cameras.
7. Sometimes used to allow drivers to view the traffic conditions on roads.
8. This allows the driver to plan a different route if the traffic on a road is too

Advantages/Disadvantages of Web Cameras:

Advantages Disadvantages
Allow for long-distance face-to-face The image/video quality can sometimes
conversations. This removes the need for be poor (low resolution).
people to travel.

Video conference business meetings and They do not have their own storage and
job interviews can be conducted very so must be permanently fixed to the
cheaply over long distances. computing device.
Automatic input devices

Automatic input devices require less human interaction in order to get data into a

Examples of automatic input devices

Magnetic Stripe Reader, Barcode reader, Optical Mark Reader, Optical Character
Reader, Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

Magnetic Stripe Reader

Reads information from magnetic stripes found on Bank Cards, Membership cards and
Hotel Door Cards etc. the strip on the cards holds information such as Bank account
number, Name of card holder, Expiry date of membership etc.

Uses of Magnetic Stripe Reader:

1. ATM’s uses these readers to process the information on bank cards.

2. ETPOS (Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale) use the readers to transfer
customers money from their bank accounts when they purchase good in stores.
3. Hotel rooms sometimes use magnetic stripe readers in place of door keys.

Advantages/Disadvantages of using a Magnetic Stripe Reader:

Advantages Disadvantage
Entering data is very fast. You just swipe the card The magnetic stripe on cards can only hold a
through the machine. small amount of data.
No possibly of data entry errors as there is no The cards need to be in contact with the reader
typing involved. to be used. (cannot be used over the internet for
The stripes on cards are not affected by water If the stripe does get damaged, then the data is
and so quite robust (not easily damaged). lost (unreadable).
Data held on the card cannot be read by eye so Magnetic stripes on cards are easily duplicated
bank details etc. are safe. (known as card cloning). (if this happens you are
prone to theft of funds in your bank)

Barcode Scanner/Reader

Barcode used to read information that is stored on product's barcodes. The barcode
scanner reads the information stored on the barcode using a visible red light which is
reflected and translated into digital information. The barcode is present on products
and holds information about each product including:

• Product Id number
• Manufacturer
• Country of origin

Barcode scanners are usually built into POS (point of sale) terminals in supermarkets.
Once a barcode has been scanned, a computer can read the information stored on the
barcode and access details about the product that are stored in a database.

Uses of Barcode Scanners/Readers:

1. Used in supermarkets, stores and warehouses where goods are marked with a
2. They are used in libraries to scan in library cards and read ISBN numbers on
books to find out which ones are on loan.
3. They are used in keeping track of packages that are being delivered to different
4. Also used in organising luggage in airports (helps ensure that luggage is loaded
onto the correct plane).

Advantages Disadvantages
Quick and easy to change product Quite an expensive way to gather
prices. information. Each item needs a
Only the price data in the database barcode and the scanners / computer
needs to updated. There is no need to technology / database needed is also
change individual prices on each of expensive.
the item's bar codes.

Quick and easy way of getting Bar codes can be swapped on items
information into a system. (all you do which means people may pay less for
is scan the item's bar code) more expensive items.
Very accurate as there is no manual Rely on undamaged bar codes to
typing involved. function.
(if a bar code is damaged, item
numbers must be typed into the
system by hand)
Enables automatic stock control.

Optical Mark Reader (OMR)

OMR automatically reads marks made in pen or pencil. Typically used to read multiple
choice examinations where students shade in (mark) answers that they think are
correct. The OMR reader shines a light onto the form and less light is reflected where a
pencil mark has been made. Used to read the shaded areas on documents such as:
• Multiple choice examinations
• Multiple choice questionnaires
• Lottery tickets

Advantages/Disadvantages of OMR's:

Advantages Disadvantages
Very accurate as document's data is fed Forms need to be accurately designed to
into the computer automatically with no make sure that the marks/shading are in
manual typing. correct position to be read by the device.

(accuracy relies on the forms being filled

in correctly)
Extremely fast way of inputting If forms have been incorrectly filled in
information into a computer. (around they cannot be read properly.
4000 forms can be read per hour)
Can save money as there is no need to Can only read shaded areas (Cannot input
employ workers to enter form or read text).
information into a computer.
Forms can jam in the machine as they are
fed through.

Optical Character Reader (OCR)

OCR's allow us to scan text on paper (hardcopy) into a computer. Optical character
readers consist of a scanner along with special software. Once converted to digital, the
text can be used in programs such as word-processors, presentations, web sites etc

Uses of OCR's:

1. Used in the processing of Passports and Identity Cards.

2. OCR is also used in the process of digitizing books.

Advantages/Disadvantages of OCR's:

Advantages Disadvantages
Very fast way of entering hard-copy text The system can have difficulty reading
into a computer. handwriting (especially if it is messy).
Cheaper than paying an employee to Not 100% accurate.
manually re-type printed text into a (relies on being able to read the original
computer. text)
Avoids typing errors as the process is As it is not 100% accurate, information
automatic (no typing involved) needs to be manually checked for errors.
This is time consuming.

Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

MICR is a system which can read information printed in a special ink. This special ink
is used to write customer account numbers on the bottom of cheques.

Uses of MICR

1. Read customer account number.

2. Read Bank sort code/branch number.
3. Read cheque number.
4. Some countries also use MICR devices to read the passport number on

Advantages/Disadvantages of MICR:

Advantages Disadvantages
Cheques. can be processed very quickly Only a very limited number of different
(up to 300 per minute.) characters can be read.
Greater security than OCR because the Both the MICR device Magnetic Ink are
special ink characters cannot be more expensive than other methods of
changed. direct data entry.
No manual input therefore less errors.
(user just swipes information through the
Information can still be read even if
someone writes over the magnetic ink


A file is fundamental unit of data storage that holds a collection of information

organised in a specific format.

A folder, also known as directory, is a special space used to store files, other folder
(subfolders), and shortcuts on a computer. Folders are the only way of organising files
and other subfolders. It does not occupy any storage space.

Sub-folder is a folder below another folder. A directory above a sub-folder is called a

parent directory.
Differences between a File and a Folder

File Folder
Contains data or records Contains files and other folders
Takes place on the computer storage Takes no storage space by itself
Has file extension Has no file extension
A file can be formatted A folder cannot be formatted but can be
renamed after its creation

Copying a Folder using Copy and Paste Tools

1. Right click on a folder on the desktop.

2. Select copy from the pop menu.
3. Right click on any part of the desktop background.
4. Select paste from the pop menu.

Deleting File and Folders using the Delete Tool

1. Right click on the folder/file you want to delete.

2. Select delete from the pop menu.

Moving a Folder using cut and Paste Tools

1. Right click on a folder on the desktop.

2. Select Cut from the pop menu.
3. Type Documents in the search box on the taskbar.
4. Click on Documents in the search results to open the document window.
5. Right click any part of the document window.
6. Select Paste from the pop menu.

Cut, Copy and Paste using Keyboard Shortcuts

1. Copy – Ctrl + C
2. Cut - Ctrl + X
3. Paste - Ctrl + V

How to create a new folder using the File Explorer

1. Click the Home to display the Home tab.

2. Click New Folder.
3. Rename your folder to a desired folder name.
4. Click an empty area.
1. A file holds a ________ organised in _________
2. _______ is a special space used to store files.
3. A folder below another folder _____
4. A folder above another folder ________
5. _______ contains files and folders.
6. _______ contains data and records.
7. _______ has extension.
8. _______ is formatted.
9. _______ takes no storage space by itself.
10. _______ has no file extension.

Searching for Files and Folders using the File Explorer

1. Navigate to the folder where you want to search for the file or folder.
2. Locate the search box at the right upper corner of the window.
3. Enter the desired text to search.
File Extension: File extension is a string of characters beginning with a period and
followed by one or more letters. File extension are used to indicate which programs can
the content of a file. A computer file name has two parts: a base name and a file
extension. The two parts are separated by a period. The base name distinguishes the
file from other files in the same directory. A file extension tells the computer how to
handle the file by following a convention laid down by the creating application’s

For instance, .docx indicates that the file is a document and can be read by Microsoft

Importance of file Extension

1. File extension allows computer users to quickly identify the nature of a file’s
2. File extension provides the user the means of verifying the trustworthiness of a
3. Windows uses file extensions to determine how to open different types of files.
4. Users can easily identify and locate files of specific types by searching for files
with specific extensions.
Common file extensions and their filetypes

File Extension File Type

.txt Text file
.xls Excel worksheet
.doc Word document
.ppt PowerPoint presentation
.jpeg Joint Photographic Expert Group (Image file)
.html Hypertext Markup Language (Web page source file)
.exe Executable file
.mp3 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-3 Audio (Audio file)
.pdf Portable Document file
.mp4 Moving Picture Experts Group Layer-4 (Video file)
.csv Comma-separated variable length file
.mdb Microsoft Access database
.psd Adobe Photoshop file
.zip Compressed/zipped archive

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