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Visperas, Carlex Jin M.

MM 3-2 International Marketing

Question 1

(a) Political considerations play a crucial role in shaping international marketing policies as they can
significantly impact a company's ability to operate and succeed in foreign markets. Governments that
support foreign investment and have policies encouraging business growth can attract more
international companies. Companies may need to align their international marketing strategies with
local ethical and social standards. Failure to do so can lead to public backlash and damage the
brand's reputation.
(b) Economic factors play a pivotal role in shaping international marketing policies, influencing
everything from market selection and entry strategies to pricing, product adaptation, and
distribution channels. Companies often target countries with strong economic growth as these
markets offer increased consumer purchasing power and business opportunities. Understanding a
country's trade balance is crucial. Persistent trade deficits may signal challenges for companies trying
to export to that market.
(c) Cultural factors are among the most significant influences on international marketing policies. The
cultural environment of a country shapes consumer behavior, preferences, and expectations,
impacting how companies design their marketing strategies. Understanding and adapting to cultural
nuances are crucial for successful international marketing. Language barriers can hinder effective
communication. Companies need to carefully translate marketing materials to ensure they convey
the intended message accurately. Cultural aesthetics influence design preferences and artistic styles.
Adapting product designs and packaging to align with local aesthetics enhances consumer appeal.

Question 2
Market globalization drivers, government globalization drivers, and competitive globalization drivers
are distinct factors that contribute to the overall process of globalization in different ways. The demand for
products or services in global markets is a significant driver of globalization. As consumers become more
interconnected and have access to a variety of goods and services, companies seek to meet this demand by
expanding their reach. Advances in communication technologies, such as the internet, enable companies to
connect with consumers worldwide. This driver facilitates marketing, distribution, and communication on a
global scale.

Governments play a crucial role in facilitating or inhibiting globalization through trade agreements
and policies. Favorable trade agreements can encourage businesses to expand internationally, while trade
barriers may limit globalization efforts. Political stability is a government-driven factor that encourages
foreign businesses to invest in a country. A stable political environment reduces the perceived risks
associated with international business operations. The presence of global competitors drives companies to
expand their operations internationally to remain competitive. Companies seek to gain a competitive
advantage by entering new markets and reaching a larger customer base.

In summary, market globalization drivers are influenced by consumer demand and the
interconnectedness of markets, government globalization drivers are shaped by policies and international
relations, and competitive globalization drivers are fueled by the need to stay competitive on a global scale.
These drivers often interact and overlap, influencing companies to engage in globalization strategies.
Question 3
As an economic advisor to the president aiming to enhance trade benefits, I would recommend a
comprehensive strategy that focuses on both short-term and long-term measures. Engage in diplomatic
efforts to resolve ongoing trade disputes and negotiate favorable trade agreements with key partners.
Diplomacy can help ease tensions and create a more conducive environment for international trade. Conduct
a review of existing tariffs and trade barriers. Consider temporary adjustments to tariffs to promote exports
and address imbalances in specific industries.

My medium to long term recommendation would be, Invest in infrastructure projects that enhance
logistics, transportation, and connectivity. A robust infrastructure network can reduce trade costs and make
the country more attractive to foreign investors. Focus on education and skill development to enhance the
competitiveness of the workforce. A highly skilled and adaptable workforce can drive innovation and improve
the quality of goods and services. Emphasize sustainability in production and trade practices. Many
consumers are increasingly conscious of environmentally friendly products, and aligning with global
sustainability trends can enhance market access.

Implementing a combination of these short-term and long-term recommendations can contribute to

minimizing trade imbalances and maximizing the overall benefits of international trade. It's important to
recognize that trade policies should be dynamic and responsive to evolving global economic trends.

Question 4
In my point of view as a marketing student, being a member of the Association of Southeast Asian
Nations (ASEAN) and the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) can bring several advantages to a
country. ASEAN promotes economic integration among member states, providing businesses with enhanced
access to a larger regional market. This can lead to increased trade and investment opportunities.
Membership in ASEAN can make a country more attractive to foreign investors seeking opportunities within
the region. It creates a platform for investment cooperation and partnerships. ASEAN aims to harmonize
standards and regulations, making it easier for businesses to comply with uniform requirements across
member states.

While APEC encompasses a larger and more diverse economic region, providing member countries
with access to a wide range of markets and consumer bases. APEC facilitates the exchange of information
and technology among member economies, fostering innovation and technological advancement. APEC
provides a platform for networking and collaboration among government officials, business leaders, and
other stakeholders, fostering partnerships and cooperation.

So the common benefits are membership in both ASEAN and APEC allows a country to diversify its
trading partners, reducing dependency on any single market and spreading economic risks. Being part of
ASEAN and APEC enhances a country's international standing, signaling its commitment to regional
cooperation and economic integration.

While the advantages are significant, it's important for countries to actively participate and leverage
these platforms to realize the full potential of their membership. Additionally, the success of these
memberships often depends on the extent to which member countries engage in collaborative initiatives and
implement agreed-upon policies.
Question 5
A. The task of "Connecting with Customers" in marketing management involves establishing and
maintaining meaningful relationships between a business and its target audience. This task
encompasses various activities aimed at understanding, engaging, and building loyalty with
customers. Conducting market research to understand customer needs, preferences, and
behaviors. This helps in tailoring products, services, and marketing messages to align with
customer expectations. Creating opportunities for customers to engage with each other and with
the brand. Building a sense of community fosters brand loyalty and advocacy.

B. The task of "Building Strong Brands" in marketing management involves creating, developing,
and maintaining powerful brand identities that resonate with target audiences. This task focuses
on establishing a positive perception of the brand, building brand equity, and fostering customer
loyalty. Crafting a unique and recognizable brand identity, including elements such as logos,
colors, taglines, and visual assets that set the brand apart from competitors. Developing
consistent and compelling brand messages across all communication channels. Ensuring that the
brand's voice and tone align with its values and resonate with the target audience.

C. The task of "Delivering Value" in marketing management involves creating and delivering
products or services that meet or exceed customer expectations, ensuring that the customer
perceives value in their purchase. Ensuring that the quality of the product or service aligns with
or surpasses customer expectations. Quality is a fundamental aspect of delivering value. Building
and maintaining a positive brand reputation that instills trust and credibility. A reputable brand is
more likely to be associated with value in the eyes of customers. Being transparent in all
interactions, including product information, pricing, and policies. Transparency builds trust and
contributes to the perceived value of the brand.

D. The task of "Creating Long-Term Growth" in marketing management involves developing and
implementing strategies that sustainably drive the expansion of a business over an extended
period. Actively seeking and entering new markets, whether they are geographical or
demographic, to broaden the customer base and increase market share. Continuously building
and reinforcing the strength of the brand. A strong brand contributes to customer loyalty, trust,
and the ability to command premium pricing. Forming strategic partnerships and alliances with
other businesses to access new markets, technologies, or distribution channels. Collaborations
can accelerate growth opportunities. Considering opportunities for international expansion.
Entering new global markets can provide avenues for significant growth, but it requires careful
planning and adaptation to local contexts.

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