Exercises On Connectors

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1. ____________ Andrew was warned of the risks, he decided to travel alone to
South America.
2. Maria did not get a promotion ______________ her qualifications.
3. Zambia is a land- locked country, ____________ Kenya has a coastline.
4. On the one hand, you could rent a flat instead of buying one. ___________ you are
always at the mercy of landlords.
5. This restaurant has a good reputation, ______________ that one does not.
6. The city has a 50 kph limit. ________________, people are often caught speeding.
7. You won’t be forgiven ___________________ your apology.
8. We couldn’t find a house to buy _______________we looked at quite a few.
9. He always looks so lonely and sad ____________ his popularity.
10. He is quiet and shy, _________________ his sister is lively and talkative


1. Dave smokes. He seems to be in good health (although)
2. I couldn’t sleep. I was tired. (despite)
3. Max didn’t notice the sign. It was right in front of him (even though)
4. Kate never learnt Spanish. She lived in Spain for many years (although)
5. Joe is a millionaire .He hates spending money. ( despite)


1. I couldn’t sleep although I was tired. (despite)
2. Although he has got an English name, he is in fact German. (despite)
3. In spite of her injured foot, she managed to walk to the village( although)
4. I decided to accept the job although the salary was low. ( in spite of)
5. We lost the match although we were the better team.( despite)
6. In spite of not having eaten for 24 hours, I didn’t feel hungry. (even though)
7. Although she was tired, she went to work (but)
8. They went out for a walk, even though the weather was bad. (despite)
9. She managed to write in spite of her injured hand (although)
10. She has plenty of money, but she is very mean (although)

A. Match the 2 parts to form appropriate Collocations:

A B Answers
1. Equal a. lessons ...............
2. Culture b. background ...............
3. Private c. service ...............
4. Family d. classes ...............
5. Literacy e. shock ...............
6. Negative f. opportunities ...............
7. Sustainable g. engineering ...............
8. Educational h. development ...............
9. Genetic i. code ...............
10. Community j. stereotypes ...............
B. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate collocations from Ex A:
1. ________________ help illiterate people to learn how to read and write.
2. When you visit another country, you often experience _____________.
3. ______________________ empowered the status of women in Morocco.
4. _____________________ involves all school qualifications and diplomas.
5. Due to the lack of ______________, it’s hard to find a job
6. _______________________ is the main concern of world organizations.
7. _______________________ help students to get high marks in the exam.
8. Active citizens never hesitate to participate in _____________________.
9. ____________________ has improved Moroccan agriculture noticeably.
10. _________________ about women is an obstacle to social development

C. Put the verbs in the correct form: Past Perfect - Future Perfect
1. Susan turned on the radio after she (wash) _____________________ the dishes.
2. Jack (visit) _______________________ the doctor by next Thursday.
3. Sami (watch) _______________________ TV before they went to bed.
4. By 8’oclock tonight, Sana (do) _______________________ her homework.
5. I passed the exam because I (study) _______________________ harder.
6. By next Monday, I (finish) _______________________ all my exams.
7. By next year, I (live) _______________________ in Rabat for ten years.
8. When I arrived at the cinema, Leila (already/buy) _________________ the tickets.

C. Fill in the blanks with appropriate Phrasal Verbs:

put out - try on - sit down - get on - take off - find out - hurry up - look up
1. You are at home now. ___________ your shoes!
2. She wants to ________________ the truth.
3. Where can I __________________ this sweater?
4. ____________________! We are late.
5. Why don't you_____________________? You look tired.
6. I will ____________________ the train now. Good bye
7. _________________ the word in a dictionary.
8. The firemen _____________________ the fire when it breaks out

Passive – Conditionals – Reported Speech - Wishes

A. Rewrite the Sentences as indicated:
1. My sister cleans the house every day The house ______________________________
2. I failed in the exam because I didn’t study hard  If ____________________________
3. I arrived very late at the airport. If only__________________________________
4. "We are going to the cinema." My friends saidMy friends said ____________________
5. Samir said, "I will send the report tomorrow."Samir said ___________________
6. The artist began the show on time The show ______________________________
7. The teacher gave Leila an excellent mark. An excellent mark ___________________
8. Graham Bell invented the Telephone.The telephone __________________________
9. I woke up late. So, I missed the bus.If _____________________________________
10. I wasted all my money on Casino. I wish _________________________________
11. "Where is my hat?” Ahmed asked me.Ahmed asked me ________________________
12. "You have to do your best", my teacher saidMy teacher told me________________
13. The government will make strict laws.Strict laws _____________________________
14. My student has suggested a clever idea.A clever idea _________________________
15. I didn’t go to work because I was sick If _____________________________________
16. I didn't sleep very well last night If only _________________________________
17. The police must solve that murder That murder _____________________________
18. The students wrote the lesson.The lesson ___________________________
19. My mother washed all the dishes All the dishes ___________________________
20. “Do you smoke?” The doctor asked  The doctor asked _____________________

B. Fill in the blanks with the right word from the list.
for – in order to – so that – could - can - so as not to
1. Yassine created a blog ................. encourage young people to read more books.
2. They collected a large amount of money .............. helping sick people in the village.
3. He is explaining slowly so that his students .................... understand the lesson.
4. The boy hid in his bedroom ..................... be seen by his uncle.
5. Nancy went to Cambridge University in order that she .............. get her Ph Degree
C. Re-write these sentences as suggested.
1. Sam doesn’t live near school.
Sam wishes ..................................................
2. My two brothers don’t speak Spanish.
My two brothers wish .................................................
3. It doesn’t rain much here.
If only ......................................................
5. Robert didn’t have the ticket to watch that match yesterday.
Robert wishes ....................................................
6. As they stole my cell phone yesterday, I wasn’t able to phone you.
I wish ............................................................
7. Paul didn’t apply for the job on time.
Paul wishes ………………………………………………………….
8. She had an accident because she was driving fast.
If only .........................................................
9. I was not a member of that association
I wish .........................................................
10. My best friend can’t come to my birthday party.
I wish .........................................................
11. Sorry, I can’t see you more often.
I wish .........................................................
A. Wishes: Rewrite these sentences as suggested:
1. They won’t arrive on Friday.
If only ............................................................
2. Adam can’t lend you the car.
I wish ....................................................
3. She won’t call Jack tonight.
If only .......................................................
4. Leila didn’t take the taxi to work yesterday.
Leila wishes ........................................................
5. He didn’t have enough time to finish the whole exam last time.
He wishes ...........................................................
6. I am terribly sorry, I can’t help you.
I wish ..............................................................
7. I was not with my wife during my vacation in Europe last summer.
If only ....................................................
8. What a pity! Susan failed her driving test.
Susan wishes ..........................................
9. He doesn’t have a good salary.
He wishes ……………………………………………………

B. Conditionals: Re-write these sentences as suggested.

1. I can’t travel because I don’t have a passport.
If ..............................................................................
2. I don’t have his phone number. So, I can’t call him.
If ..............................................................................
3. I can’t buy a Ferrari because I am not rich.
If ...............................................................................
4. He doesn’t have time. So, he can’t help you.
If .............................................................................
5. Peter can’t come because he is sick.
If ..................................................................................
6. She didn’t find Steve’s phone number. So, she didn’t call him.
If ................................................................................
7. The children were sick. That’s why, we didn’t go on a picnic.
If ..................................................................................
8. It started to rain. That’s why, we didn’t walk to the forest.
If ...................................................................................
9. The professor spoke fast. So, I could not understand his lecture.
If ......................................................................................
10. Sara’s father lost the job. That’s why, she dropped out of school.
If ....................................................................................
11. I can’t send you the invitation because I don’t have your address.
If ...................................................................................
Linking words
A. Re-write these sentences as suggested.
1. He can play the piano. He can sing, too. (not only……..but also)
2. She drives well. She can’t pass her driving license. (Although)
3. He managed to win the final round. The boxer trained hard last time. (Therefore)
4. It was raining heavily. I had to drive slowly last night. (because)
5. His wife prefers to stay at home. Tom loves to spend his summer holiday abroad.
6. Because Mr. Carter suffered from asthma, he left the city. (because of )
7. As the boy was young and naïve, he was easily convinced to buy the product.
8. Even though he is wealthy, he lives in a small apartment in town. (Despite)
9. The snow didn’t melt quickly. It was sunny and shining. (However)
10. Although Mark and Sam were in danger, they didn’t call for help. (in spite of )

B. Fill in each gap with the right linking word from this list:
because of - Despite - but - whereas - However - Although - thanks to
1. .............. the rain, the referee didn’t stop the football match.
2. My brother had the necessary qualifications. ........... ,they didn’t offer him the job.
3. ................. his father is a vice-president, he spends his holiday in the countryside.
4. Emma is tolerant and easy-going .............. her sister is strong-headed and selfish.
5. The husband divorced his wife ..................... her physical handicap.
6. I really want to help you, ................... I don’t have time.

C. Match the following sentences with their appropriate functions:

Sentences Functions
1. He kept taking drugs. Consequently, he became addicted to
2. In brief, the internet is good and bad at the same time. a- result
3. In spite of eating less, Mark is gaining more weight. b- concession
4. Mrs. Brady left her job because of her low salary. c- summarizing
5. Students not only ate cakes in the party but also they took d- adding
pictures. e- cause/ effect
6. Life in England is hectic, whereas in Morocco is quite f- contrast
peaceful. g- explanation
7. Vegetarians eat just vegetables such as carrots, tomatoes, h- examples
8. Reading books is useful. That is to say, readers can get
vocabulary and ideas through reading
1. .......... 2. ..... 3. ....... 4. ....... 5. ......... 6. ....... 7. ..... 8. ........

D. Re-write these sentences as suggested:

1. They want to help them study hard. Parents give advice to their children. (so as to)
2. The teacher projected a film. He wanted to help students stop taking drugs. (in order to)
3. He attended a cookery school. He wanted to become a famous chef. (in order to)
4. They want to fight lung cancer. This campaign is often organized. (in order to)
5. Thousands of Moroccans immigrate to Europe. They want to make their life better. (so that)
6. They invest a lot of money in tourism. They want to attract the maximum of tourists. (for)
7. He didn’t want to be late for the interview. The candidate took a taxi. (in order not to)
8. Maria and her sister left home early. They didn’t want to be late for the appointment.(so as not to)

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