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Chemistry Lab Manual

Class - XII | Major File

Name : _________________________________

Section : ________________________________

Roll No. : ________________________________

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7. Use Manual File For Making Practical File.
1. Colloidal solution of starch.

2. Ferric hydroxide, Fe (OH)3 sol.

3. Functional group― Carboxylic group (―COOH)

4. Functional group― Aldehyde group (―CHO)

5. Functional group― Alcoholic group (―OH)

6. Functional group― Kenotic group ( C=O)

7. Functional group― Amino group (―NH2)

8. Food stuff― carbohydrate (glucose).

9. Food stuff― fat and protein.

10 Salt analysis―Carbonate ion (CO3―2) and Ammonium ion (NH4+)

11. Salt analysis― Chloride ion (Cl―) and Ammonium ion (NH4+)

12. Salt analysis― Acetate ion (CH3COO―) and Lead ion (Pb+2)

Salt analysis― Sulphate ion (SO4―2) and Copper ion (Cu+2)

Salt analysis― Nitrate ion (NO3―) and Aluminium ion (Al+3)

Salt analysis― Iodide (I―) and Manganese ion (Mn+2)
Salt analysis― Sulphite (SO3―2) and Zinc ion (Zn+2)
17. Salt analysis― Carbonate ion (CO3―2) and Calcium ion (Ca+2)

18. Salt analysis― Chloride ion (Cl―) and Barium ion (Ba+2)

19. Salt analysis― Sulphate ion (SO4―2) and Magnesium ion (Mg+2)

20. Titration ―M/20 FAS / KmnO4

21. Titration ―M/40 FAS / KmnO4

22. Titration ―M/20 Oxalic acid / KmnO4

23. Titration ―M/40 Oxalic acid / KmnO4


AIM :- To prepare colloidal solution of starch.

MATERIAL :- Starch solution 1 g ,distilled water.
THEORY :- Starch forms a stable hydrophilic sol with water at about 100°C
PROCEDURE:- Grind about one gram of starch soluble with a few ml of distilled water to make a thin paste. .
Pour this paste gradually into about 100 ml of boiling water taken in a beaker with constant
shaking and stirring 3-4 minutes and then cool. The filtrate is the required starch sol.
PRECAUTIONS :- (i) The apparatus used for preparing the sol should be properly cleaned.
(ii) Distilled water should always be used while preparing sols in water.
(iii) Constant stirring of the contents is necessary during preparation.

AIM :- To prepare ferric hydroxide, Fe (OH)3 sol.

APPARATUS :- Conical flask of 500 ml capacity, one boiling tube, tripod stand, funnel, wire gauze, iron stand,
parchment paper, glass-rod, test tubes, string etc.
MATERIALS :- 2% ferric chloride solution. Dissolve 2 gram of ferric chloride in 100 ml distilled water.
THEORY :- Ferric hydroxide sol is hydrophobic in nature. Therefore, it does not form a sol readily like gum or
starch. However, under suitable conditions ferric chloride solution is hydrolyzed with distilled
water to obtain reddish sol of ferric hydroxide.
FeCl3 + 3HOH ----------------------------Fe(OH)3 + 3HCl
Hydrochloric acid thus produced is removed with the help of dialysis process.
PROCEDURE:- Take scout 200 ml of distilled water in the conical flask. Heat it on a wire gauze until it starts
boiling. Pour about 20 ml of 2% solution of ferric chloride drop by drop with the help of a
dropper. Continue heating until a deep red or brown sol of ferric hydroxide , Fe(OH)3 is
obtained . Replace the water lost by evaporation during boiling, at regular intervals.
PRECAUTIONS :- (i) All apparatus used in preparation of the sol should be thoroughly cleaned by steaming
out process.
(ii) Hydrochloric acid formed as a result of hydrolysis of ferric chloride is removed by
dialysis process, otherwise it may destabilize the sol.
(iii) FeCl3 solution should be added drop by drop into boiling water.

AIM:- To determine the functional To group in given organic compound.

APPARATUS :- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, test tube brush, glass rod, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY :- Physical state ------------ Liquid/solid
Colour --------------------- Colorless
Odour --------------------- Vinegar like smell
Solubility ------------------ Soluble in water
Nature -------------------- Acidic (blue litmus turns red)


1. Compound + NaHCO3 + Colourless and odourless Carboxylic group

Heat CO2 gas is formed (--COOH) confirm

2. Compound + C2H5OH + Fruity like smell is evolve Carboxylic group

conc. H2SO4 (-COOH) confirm
3. Compound + Neutral Brown/Red colour is Carboxylic group
FeCl3 formed (-COOH) confirm

RESULT:- Carboxylic group (-COOH) present in given organic compound.


AIM:-To determine the functional group in given organic compound.

APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, test tube brush, glass rod, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY :- Physical state------------Liquid
Odour---------------------Pungent smell
Solubility------------------Soluble in water
Nature--------------------Natural (Red/blue litmus no changed)



Compound + 2,4 Di- Yellow color is Aldehyde group
nitro Phenyl hydrazine formed (-CHO) confirmed
Compound + Tollen Silver mirror is Aldehyde group
Reagent + Heat formed (-CHO) confirmed
3. Compound + Schiff Pink/violet colour is Aldehyde group
reagent formed (-CHO) confirmed
4. Compound + Fehling Red/green P.P.T. is Aldehyde group
solution A & B + Heat formed (-CHO) confirmed

RESULT :- Aldehydic group (-CHO) present in given organic compound.


AIM:-To determine the functional group in given organic compound.

APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, test tube brush, glass rod, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY :- Physical state------------Liquid
Odour---------------------Sprite like smell
Solubility------------------Soluble in water
Nature--------------------Natural (Red/blue litmus turns no changed)


1. Compound + freshly ceric Red/orange color Alcoholic group

ammonium nitrate (-OH) present

2. Yellow ppt. is formed Alcoholic group

Compound + KOH + Heat + CS2
(-OH) present

3. Compound + CH3COOH +conc. Fruity like smell is evolve Alcoholic group

H2SO4 (-OH) confirm

RESULT:- Alcoholic group (-OH) present in given organic compound.


AIM :- To determine the functional group in given organic compound.

APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, test tube brush, glass rod, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY :- Physical state------------Liquid
Odour---------------------Nail polish remover like smell
Solubility------------------Insoluble in water
Nature--------------------Natural (Red/blue litmus no changed)



Compound + 2,4 Di nitro Yellow colour is Ketonic group
1. Phenyl hydrazine formed (>C+O) confirm
Compound + Solid meta di Violet color is Ketonic group
2. nitro benzene + NaOH formed (>C=O) confirm
Compound + Sodium nitro Violet/Red colour Ketonic group
3. prusside + NaOH is formed (>C=O) confirm

RESULT:- Ketonic group (>C=O) present in given organic compound.


AIM:- To determine the functional group in given organic compound.

APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, test tube brush, glass rod, etc.
PHYSICAL PROPERTY :- Physical state------------Liquid
Odour---------------------Pungent smell like petrol
Solubility------------------Insoluble in water
Nature--------------------Basic (Red litmus turns blue)


Compound + CCl4/CHCl3 Unpleasant smell of Amino group
+ KOH + Heat isocyanides is evolve (-NH2) confirm
Compound +conc. HCl + Orange/ Red PPT is Amino group
NaNO2 + Beta nepthol formed Violet color (-NH2) confirm

RESULT:- Amino group (-NH2) present in given organic compound.


AIM:- To detect the presence of carbohydrates (glucose) in one of the given food sample.

APPARATUS REQUIRED:- Test tube, test tube holder, test tube stand, glass rod and 100 ml beaker.

CHEMICAL REQUIRED:- Carbohydrate (glucose), Molisch reagent, Benedict solution, Tollen reagent,
Fehling solution A and B, conc. Sulphuric acid and distilled water.

THEORY:- Glucose when tested with Molisch reagent, Fehling solution A and B, Benedict solution, and Tollen
reagent gives a positive response but gives negative response with the Iodine solution.
OBSERVATION:- Test for carbohydrates


1. Molisch test:
Sample + Molisch reagent + conc. H2SO4 Red/violet ring is Carbohydrate present.
along the wall of test tube. formed at the junction
2. Benedict test: of two solution.

Sample + water + Benedict solution. Red ppt. Carbohydrate present.

3. Tollen test:
Sample + water + Tollen reagent + heat Silver mirror is formed. Carbohydrate present.

4. Sample + Fehling solution A and B + Orange red ppt. Carbohydrate present.

warm it on a water bath. formed.

RESULT:-The given sample present in carbohydrate (glucose).


AIM:- To detect the presence of fat and protein in given food sample.
APPARATUS REQUIRED:- Test tube, test tube holder, test tube stand, glass rod and 100 ml beaker.
CHEMICAL REQUIRED:- Sample of protein and fat, CCl4, potassium bi-sulphate, conc. Nitric acid, NaOH
solution, dilute copper sulphate solution .
THEORY:- Fat and oils esters of long chain fatty acids where as protein are complex organic compound
containing nitrogen. Fats give positive test with acrolein as well give spot and solubility test where
as protein give Xanthoprotein test, Biuret test and Ninhydrin test.
OBSERVATION TABLE:- Test for fat and protein.
1. Solubility test;
Sample + water Insoluble Fat present.
2. Spot test:
Sample + Dip white paper/Filter Translucent spot is Fat present.
paper in the test tube. formed.
3. Acrolein test:
Sample + KHSO4 + Heat Irritating smell. Fat present.
4. Xanthoprotein test:
Sample + NaOH and add the Red/ yellow colour. Protein present.
sodium nitropruside
5. Biuret test:
Sample + alkaline NaOH solution Voilet colour. Protein present.
+ very dilute solution of CuSO4
6. drop wise.
Ninhydrin test: Blue colour is f ormed. Protein present.
Sample + Ninhydrin solution +

RESULT:- The given sample present in fat and protein.


AIM:- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion


A colourless and Carbonate ion
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 odourless gas with (CO3-2) may be
Pass the gas through Carbonate ion
It turns milky colour.
2. lime water. (CO3-2) confirmed

To salt solution in Carbonate ion

3. water, add 2-3 drops of It turn pink colour. (CO3-2) confirmed
4. S alt solution in water + Carbonate ion
White ppt.
MgSO4 solution. (CO3-2) confirmed

(B) Test for cation


Zero group present
A pinch of salt in test tube A colourless gas with Ammonium ion (NH4+)
+ NaOH solution + Heat smell like ammonia. May be

Bring a glass rod dipped in Dense white fumes of Ammonium ion (NH4)
dilute H2SO4 NH4Cl. Confirmed.

Ammonium ion (NH4+)

Pass the gas into Nesseler
3. Reddish brown ppt. Confirmed

Salt + CuSO4 solution +

4. NaOH. Deep blue colour. Ammonium ion (NH4+)

RESULT:- Carbonate ion (CO3-2) present in given salt.

Ammonium ion (NH4+) present given salt.

AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS :- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion


No reaction and no gas Week group absent (CO3-
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 evolved 2
A colourless pungent
Chloride ion (Cl―) may be
2. Salt + conc. H2SO4 smelling gas and present in strong group.
suffocating smell.
Put a glass rod dipped in
NH4OH solution at the Chloride ion (Cl―)
3. White dense fumes.
mouth of test tube. confirmed.

Salt solution in water,

add dilute H2SO4 and Chloride ion (Cl―)
4. Curly white ppt.
boil. Now add AgNO3 confirmed.
Salt + solid K2Cr2O7 + Red vapours of chromyl
conc. H2SO4 + Heat chloride. Chloride ion (Cl―)
strongly confirmed.

(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube A colourless gas with Zero group present
+ NaOH solution + Heat smell like ammonia. Ammonium ion (NH4+) May be
2. Bring a glass rod dipped in Dense white fumes of Ammonium ion (NH4)
dilute H2SO4 NH4Cl. Confirmed.
3. Pass the gas into Nesseler Reddish brown ppt. Ammonium ion (NH4+)
reagent. Confirmed

Salt + CuSO4 solution + Deep blue colour. Ammonium ion (NH4+)

4. NaOH.

RESULT:- Chloride ion (Cl―) present in given salt.

Ammonium ion (NH4+) present given salt.

AIM:- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion


Vinegar like smells is Acetate (CH3COO-) may
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4
formed be present in week group.

1 part salt + 2 part solid oxalic Vinegar like smell is Acetate ion
2. acid on your palm + 2 drop very fast. (CH3COO-) confirmed.
water and rub it.

Salt solution in water + FeCl3 Blood red coloration. Acetate ion

3. solution. (CH3COO-) confirmed.

A pinch of salt in a test tube + Fruity smell due to the Acetate ion
4. Few drops of conc. H2SO4 + formation of ethyl (CH3COO-) confirmed.
Ethyl alcohol + Heat. alcohol.

(B) Test for cation


1. No ammonical smell/ Zero group
A pinch of salt in test tube +
No reaction Ammonium ion (NH4+)
NaOH solution + Heat.

2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 White ppt. Lead ion (Pb+2) group-I

may be present

3. Dissolve the white ppt. in

hot water and make two

Yellow ppt. Lead ion (Pb+2) group-I

(i) First + KI solution.
may be present.

Yellow ppt. Lead ion (Pb+2) group-I

(ii) Second part + K2CrO4
may be present.

RESULT:- Acetate ion (CH3COO-) present in given salt.

Lead ion (Pb+2) present given salt.
AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion


No reaction and no gas Week group absent (CO3-2
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4
evolved ,SO3-2,S-2,CH3COO-,NO2-)

Salt + conc. H2SO4 + Heat No reaction and no gas strong group absent (Cl-,
2. strongly. evolved Br-, I-, NO3-)

Salt solution in water +

3. dilute HCl + Heat and add White ppt. General group (SO4-2) may
1-2 ml BaCl2 solution. be.
Add hot water or White ppt. insoluble. Sulphate ion (SO4-2)
4. conc.HNO3 and shake. confirmed.
5. Salt solution in dilute HCl + A white ppt. solution in Sulphate ion (SO4-2)
5 drop of CH3COOH. Add excess of hot confirmed.
lead acetate solution. ammonium acetate

(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube No ammonical smell/ No Zero group
+ NaOH solution + Heat. gas evolved Ammonium ion (NH4+)
2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No gas evolved. I-group absent

3. H2S gas pass in above Black ppt./bluish green II- group present (Cu+2)
solution. ppt. is formed. may be.

4. Divide the bluish green

solution into two parts:
To the first part add Light blue ppt. obtained Copper ion (Cu+2)
(i) NH4OH solution drop wise which forms deep blue confirmed.
drop. solution in excess of

To the second part add NH4OH solution.

(ii) CH3COOH and K4[Fe(CN)6] Chocolate coloured ppt. Copper ion (Cu+2)
solution. formed. confirmed.

RESULT:- Sulphat ion (SO4-2) present in given salt.

Copper ion (Cu+2) present given salt.
AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No reaction and no Week group absent (CO3-
gas evolved ,SO3-2,S-2,CH3COO-,NO2-)
2. Salt + conc. H2SO4 + Heat Evolution of a brown Strong group present
strongly. fumes which ( NO3-) may be.
increases in addition
of copper chips.
3. Salt + freshly FeSO4 + conc. A brown ring is Nitrate (NO3-) confirmed.
H2SO4 along the side of the formed at the
test tube. junction of two
4. solution.
Salt + water + few drop of Nitrate (NO3-) confirmed.
diphenylamine along the Two liquid a brown
sides of the test tube. ring is formed.
(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube + No ammonical smell/ Zero group
NaOH solution + Heat. No gas evolved Ammonium ion (NH4+)
2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent

3. H2S gas pass in above solution.. No ppt./No reaction II- group absent.
Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop of
4. conc. HNO3 boil add NH4Cl solid White gelatinous ppt. III-group present
and NH4OH with shaking till the Aluminium ion (Al+3)
solution. may be
Dissolve the white ppt. in
5. minimum quantity of dilute HCl
and divide into two parts:

(i) To the first part add NaOH White ppt. is formed Aluminium ion (Al+3)
solution. which gets dissolve in confirmed.
excess of NaOH.
(ii) To the second part add blue The solution turns Pink. Aluminium ion (Al+3)
litmus solution. confirmed.
(iii) Now add NH4OH solution drop A blue lake is formed. Aluminium ion (Al+3)
wise and shake . confirmed.

RESULT:- Nitrate ion (NO3-) present in given salt.

Aluminium ion (Al+3) present given salt.

AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No reaction and no gas Week group absent (CO3-2
evolved ,SO3-2,S-2,CH3COO-,NO2-)
2. Salt + conc. H2SO4 + Heat Violet vapors with Strong group present
strongly. pungent and suffocating ( I-) may be.
3. Salt + MnO2 + conc. H2SO4. + Violet vapors which turns Iodide (I-) confirmed.
Heat strongly. starch paper blue.

4. Salt + dilute HNO3 + Boil. Add A yellow ppt. insoluble in Iodide (I-) confirmed.
AgNO3 solution. NH4OH or conc. HNO3

5. Salt + dilute HNO3 + Boil. Add Pink/light violet layer is Iodide (I-) confirmed.
Cl2 water with constant formed at the bottom.
(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube + NaOH No ammonical smell/ Zero group
solution + Heat. No gas evolved Ammonium ion (NH4+)
2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent
II- group absent.
3. H2S gas pass in above solution.. No ppt./No reaction
III-group absent.
4. Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop of conc. No ppt./No reaction
HNO3 boil add NH4Cl solid and NH4OH
with shaking till the solution.

5. Add the H2S gas in above solution. Buff/flesh coloured IV-group present
ppt. Manganese ion (Mn+2)
6. Dissolve the ppt. formed in group-IV in may be.
dilute HCl. Now divide the above
solution into two parts:

(i) To the first part add NaOH solution and White ppt. is obtained. Manganese ion (Mn+2)
then add bromine water. confirmed.

(ii) To the second part add PbO powder + Pink colour is obtained Manganese ion (Mn+2)
conc. HNO3 and allow to stand. confirmed.

RESULT :- Iodide (I-) present in given salt.

Manganese ion (Mn+2) present given salt.

AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 A colourled gas with Week group present
smell like burning sulphur. (SO3-2) may be
2. Put a piece of paper dipped in The paper turn green Sulphide (SO3-2)
acidified K2Cr2O7 solution at confirmed.
the mouth of test tube.
3. Salt solution in water + Dilute White ppt. Sulphide (SO3-2)
CH3COOH + BaCl2 solution. confirmed.
(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube + No ammonical Zero group
NaOH solution + Heat. smell/ No gas Ammonium ion (NH4+)
evolved Absent.
2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent
3. H2S gas pass in above solution.. No ppt./No reaction II- group absent.
4. Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop of No ppt./No reaction III-group absent.
conc. HNO3 boil add NH4Cl solid
and NH4OH with shaking till the
5. Add the H2S gas in above White ppt. is IV-group present
solution formed. Zinc ion (Zn+2) may be.
To the first part add NaOH
6. Dissolve the ppt. formed in
group-IV in dilute HCl. Now
divide the above solution into
two parts:
To the first part add NaOH White ppt. is Zinc ion (Zn+2)
(i) solution drop wise and there obtained Which gets confirmed.
after add excess of NaOH. soluble in excess of
(ii) To the second part of the White or bluish Zinc ion (Zn+2)
solution add potassium Ferro white ppt. is confirmed.
cyanide { K4[Fe(CN)6} solution. obtained.

RESULT:- Sulphite (SO3-2) present in given salt.

Zinc ion (Zn+2) present given salt.

AIM:- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion.


1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 A colourless and Carbonate ion (CO3-2)
odourless gas with may be
2. Pass the gas through lime water. It turns milky colour. Carbonate ion (CO3-2)
3. To salt solution in water, add 2-3 It turn pink colour. Carbonate ion (CO3-2)
drops of phenolphthalein. confirmed
4. S alt solution in water + MgSO4 White ppt. Carbonate ion (CO3-2)
solution. confirmed

(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube + NaOH No ammonical smell/ No Zero group Ammonium
solution + Heat. gas evolved ion (NH4+) Absent.
No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent
Salt + dilute H2SO4
H2S gas pass in above solution.. No ppt./No reaction II- group absent.
3. Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop of conc.
HNO3 boil add NH4Cl solid and No ppt./No reaction III-group absent.
4. NH4OH with shaking till the solution.
Above solution + Pass the H2S gas No ppt./No reaction IV-group absent.
6. Remove H2S gas and add the 2-3 ml White ppt. V-group present
of ammonium carbonate (Ba+2,Sr+2,Ca+2) may be
{(NH4)2CO3} and warm the solution.
Divide the solution into three part:
To the first part of the above divided No yellow ppt. Ba+2 ions absent.
(i) solution add few drops of K2CrO4
To the second part of the above
(ii) divided solution add 2-3 ml drop No ppt. Sr+2 ions absent.
(NH4)2SO4 solution.

To the third portion of the above

(iii) divided solution add (NH4)2C2O4 White ppt. is obtained.
solution .

RESULT:- Carbonate ion (CO3-2) present in given salt.

Calcium ion (Ca+2) present in given salt.

AIM:- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion
1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No reaction and no Week group absent
gas evolved (CO3-2 ,SO3-2,S-
2. Salt + conc. H2SO4 A colourless pungent Chloride ion (Cl-) may
smelling gas and be present in strong
suffocating smell. group.

3. Put a glass rod dipped in NH4OH White dense fumes. Chloride ion (Cl-)
solution at the mouth of test tube. confirmed.

4. Salt solution in water, add dilute Curly white ppt. Chloride ion (Cl-)
H2SO4 and boil. Now add AgNO3 confirmed.
Red vapours of Chloride ion (Cl-)
5. Salt + solid K2Cr2O7 + conc. H2SO4 + chromyl chloride. confirmed.
Heat strongly

(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube + No ammonical smell/ No Zero group
NaOH solution + Heat. gas evolved Ammonium ion (NH4+)

2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent

3. H2S gas pass in above solution.. No ppt./No reaction II- group absent.

4. Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop of

conc. HNO3 boil add NH4Cl solid No ppt./No reaction III-group absent.
and NH4OH with shaking till the

5. Above solution + Pass the H2S No ppt./No reaction IV-group absent.


6. Remove H2S gas and add the 2- White ppt. V-group present
3 ml of ammonium carbonate (Ba+2,Sr+2,Ca+2) may
{(NH4)2CO3} and warm the be
Divide the solution into three

(i) To the first part of the above Yellow ppt. is obtained. Ba+2 ions confirmed.
divided solution add few drops
of K2CrO4 solution.

(ii) To the second part of the White ppt. is obtained.

above divided solution add few Ba+2 ions confirmed.
drops of dilute H2SO4.

(iii) Flame test:-Perform the flame Apple green flame is

test by taking small portion of obtained. Ba+2 ions confirm.
white filtered previously taken
on watch glass.

RESULT :- Chloride ion (Cl―) present in given salt

Barium ion (Ba+2) present in given salt.

AIM :- To determine the one anion and one cation in given salt.
APPARATUS:- Test tube, test tube stand, test tube holder, burner, test tube brush , glass rod, etc.
OBSERVATION:- (A) Test for anion


1. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No reaction and no gas Week group absent
evolved (CO3-2 ,SO3-2,S-2,CH3COO-

2. Salt + conc. H2SO4 + Heat strongly. No reaction and no gas strong group absent (Cl-
evolved , Br-, I-, NO3-)

3. Salt solution in water + dilute HCl + White ppt. General group (SO4-2)
Heat and add 1-2 ml BaCl2 solution. may be.

4. Add hot water or conc.HNO3 and White ppt. insoluble. Sulphate ion (SO4-2)
shake. confirmed.

5. A white ppt. solution in Sulphate ion (SO4-2)

Salt solution in dilute HCl + 5 drop of excess of hot ammonium confirmed.
CH3COOH. Add lead acetate acetate solution. .

(B) Test for cation


1. A pinch of salt in test tube No ammonical smell/ Zero group
+ NaOH solution + Heat. No gas evolved Ammonium ion (NH4+)

2. Salt + dilute H2SO4 No ppt./ No reaction I-group absent

3. H2S gas pass in above No ppt./No reaction II- group absent.


4. Remove H2S gas+ 2-3 drop No ppt./No reaction III-group absent.

of conc. HNO3 boil add
NH4Cl solid and NH4OH
with shaking till the

5. Above solution + Pass the No ppt./No reaction IV-group absent.

H2S gas

6. Remove H2S gas and add No ppt./No reaction V-group absent.

the 2-3 ml of ammonium
carbonate {(NH4)2CO3} and
warm the solution.
7. To the group V solution White crystalline ppt. is VI-group present
and add (NH4)2C2O4 and obtained. Magnesium ion (Mg+2)
Na2HPO4 solution. Shake may be
and scratch the sides of
the test tube with a glass

8. Perform charcoal cavity Pink mass Mg+2 ions confirm.

cobalt nitrate test with the
white ppt.

9. Add 2-3 drops of cobalt A pinkish ash. Mg+2 ions confirm.

nitrate to concentrated
filtrate from group-V. Dip
a filter paper strip in it and .
ignite on the flame.

RESULT:- Sulphate ion (SO4-2) present in given salt.

Magnesium ion (Mg+2) present in given salt.

AIM:- To prepare M/20 standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr‘s salt).Using this
solution find out the molarity and strength of the given potassium permanganate solution.
THEORY:- Potassium permanganate oxidizes ferrous ions into ferric ions in acid medium in cold and is itself
reduced to colorless manga nous ions.
MnO-4 + 8H+ + 5e- --------------Mn2+ + 4H2O
[Fe2+ ---------------Fe3+ +e-]] x 5
MnO-4 + 5Fe2+ + 8H+---------------Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O
Molecular mass of Mohr`s salt, FeSO4. (NH4)2SO4.6H2O = 392 g/ mol.
Mass of Mohr`s salt required for preparing 100 ml of M/20 solution = = 1.96 g
APPARATUS :- Burette, burette stand, pipette, pipette stand, conical flask, funnel, weight box, watch glass,
measuring flask, etc.
MATERIALS:- Mohr`s salt crystal, dilute H2SO4, distilled water.
INDICATOR:- KMnO4 is a self-indicator.
END POINT:- Colorless to pink color
OBSERVATION :- (i) Weight of empty watch glass (W1) =24.400 g
(ii) Weight of watch glass + Mohr`s salt (W2) =26.360 g
(iii) Weight of Mohr`s salt crystal (W2-W1) = 1.96 g
(iv) Volume of the prepared solution = 100 ml
(v) Volume of the solution each titration = 20 ml

S. Volume of Initial Final Volume of Concordant

No. pipette reading in reading in KMnO4 value
(V1) ml the burette the burette solution (V2)(ml)
(ml) (ml) used (ml)
1. 20 0.0 15.8 15.8
2. 20 0.0 15.6 15.6 15.6
3. 20 0.0 15.6 15.6

RESULT:- (i) The molarity of the given KMnO4 solution = 0.0128 mol.
(ii) The strength of the given KMnO4 solution = 2.0224 g/lit.
PRECAUTION:- (i) The balance should be in level.
(ii) Always use freshly prepared KMnO4 solution as it decomposes on keeping.
(iii) Rinse the burette with the solution (KMnO4) to be taken in the burette.
(iv) Rinse the pipette with the solution to be taken in the conical flask.

M1 = Molarity of known solution (Mohr`s salt) = M/40

V1 = Volume of known solution (Mohr`s soln) = 20 ml

M2 = Molarity of unknown solution (KMnO4) = ?

V2 = Volume of unknown solution (KMnO4) = 22.6

M2 = M1V1/5V2

M2 =

M2 =

M2 = 0.0044 mol.

Strength = Molarity (KMnO4) Molar Mass (KMnO4)

= 0.0044 158 g/lit.

= 0.6952 g/lit.

AIM :- To prepare M/40 standard solution of ferrous ammonium sulphate (Mohr‘s salt).Using this solution
find out the molarity and strength of the given potassium permanganate solution.
THEORY:- Potassium permanganate oxidizes ferrous ions into ferric ions in acid medium in cold and is itself
reduced to colorless manga nous ions.
MnO-4 + 8H+ + 5e- --------------Mn2+ +4H2O
[Fe2+ ---------------Fe3+ +e-]] x 5
MnO-4 + 5Fe2+ + 8H+---------------Mn2+ + 5Fe3+ + 4H2O
Molecular mass of Mohr`s salt, FeSO4.(NH4)2SO4.6H2O=392 g/mol.
Mass of Mohr`s salt required for preparing 100 ml of M/40 solution=
APPARATUS:- Burette, burette stand, pipette , pipette stand, conical flask , funnel, weight box, watch glass,
measuring flask, etc.
MATERIALS:- Mohr`s salt crystal, dilute H2SO4, distilled water.
INDICATOR:- KMnO4 is a self-indicator.
END POINT:- Colorless to pink color
OBSERVATION:- (i) Weight of empty watch glass (W1) = 22.600 g
(ii) Weight of watch glass + Mohr`s salt (W2) = 23.580 g
(iii) Weight of Mohr`s salt crystal (W2-W1) = 0.98 g
(iv) Volume of the prepared solution = 100 ml
(v) Volume of the solution each titration = 20 ml

S. Volume of Initial reading Final reading Volume of Concordant

No. pipette (V1) in the burette in the burette KMnO4 solution value
ml (ml) (ml) used (ml) (V2) (ml)
1. 20 0.0 22.8 22.8
2. 20 0.0 22.6 22.6 22.6
3. 20 0.0 22.6 22.6

RESULT:- (i) The molarity of the given KMnO4 solution = 0.0044 mol.
(ii) The strength of the given KMnO4 solution = 0.6952 g/lit.
PRECAUTION :- (i) The balance should be in level.
(ii) Always use freshly prepared KMnO4 solution as it decomposes on keeping.
(iii) Rinse the burette with the solution (KMnO4) to be taken in the burette.
(iv) Rinse the pipette with the solution to be taken in the conical flask.
M1 = Molarity of known solution (Oxalic acid) = M/20
V1 = Volume of known solution (Oxalic acid) = 20 ml
M2= Molarity of unknown solution (KMnO4) = ?
V2 = Volume of unknown solution (KMnO4) = 11.5 ml

M2 = 2M1V1/5V2

M2 =

M2 =

M2 = 0.0347 mol.

Strength = Molarity (KMnO4) Molar mass (KMnO4)

= 0.0347 158
= 5.4826 g/lit.

AIM :- To prepare M/20 standard solution of oxalic acid, (COOH)2.H2O. Using this solution find out the
molarity and strength f the given KMnO4 solution.
THEORY:- Potassium permanganate oxidases oxalic acid into carbon dioxide in acid medium at 60-70
and is itself reduced to colour less manga nous ions.
[MnO-4 +8H+ + 5e------------------------Mn2++ 4H2O]
[ ( COO)-2---------------------------------2CO2 + 2e-] x 5
2MnO-4+16H++5 ( COO)-2---------------------2Mn2++8H2O +10CO2
Molecular mass of hydrated oxalic acid, ( COOH )2. 2H2O = 2(12+32+1) + 2 (2+16) = 126 g/mol.
Mass of hydrated oxalic acid required for preparing 100 ml of M/20 solution = = 0.63 g
APPARATUS:- Burette, burette stand, pipette, pipette stand, conical flask, watch glass, wash bottle, funnel,
glass rod beaker, analytical balance, weight box, etc.
MATERIAL :- Oxalic acid crystal, dilute H2SO4,distilled water.
INDICATOR :- KMnO4 is a self-indicator.
END POINT:- Colorless to pink colour.
OBSERVATION:- (i) Weight of watch glass (W1) = 20.800 g
(ii) Weight of watch glass + Oxalic acid (W2) = 21.430 g
(iii) Weight of oxalic acid (W2-W1) = 0.63 g
(iv) Volume of the solution prepared = 100 ml
(v) Volume of the solution each titration = 20 ml.

Volume of Initial Volume of

Final reading Concordant
S. oxalic acid reading in KMnO4
in the burette, value (V2)
No. (V1) ml the burette, solution used
(ml) (ml)
(ml) (ml)
1. 20 0.0 11.7 11.7
2. 20 0.0 11.5 11.5 11.5
3. 20 0.0 11.5 11.5

RESULT:- (i) The molarity of given KMnO4 solution= 0.0347 mol.

(ii) The strength of given KMnO4 solution=5.4826 g/lit.
PRECAUTION :- (i) All the volumetric apparatus should be washed well before use.
(ii) Always read the upper meniscus in case of colored solution.
(iii) Wash the titration flask with distilled water after every titration.
M1 = Molarity of known solution (Oxalic acid) = M/40
V1 = Volume of known solution (Oxalic acid) = 20 ml
M2 = Molarity of unknown solution (KMnO4) = ?
V2 = Volume of unknown solution (KMnO4) = 9.5 ml
M2 = 2M1V1/5V2

M2 =

M2 =

M2 = 0.0210 mol.
Strength = Molarity (KMnO4) x Molar mass (KMnO4)
= 0.0210 x 158
= 3.3180 g/lit.

AIM :- To prepare M/40 standard solution of oxalic acid, (COOH)2.H2O. Using this solution find out the
molarity and strength f the given KMnO4 solution.
THEORY :- Potassium permanganate oxidizes oxalic acid into carbon dioxide in acid medium at 60-70 and
is itself reduced to colour less manga nous ions.
[MnO-4 +8H+ + 5e------------------------Mn2++ 4H2O]
[ ( COO)-2---------------------------------2CO2 + 2e-] x 5
2MnO-4+16H++5 ( COO)-2---------------------2Mn2++8H2O +10CO2
Molecular mass of hydrated oxalic acid, ( COOH )2. 2H2O=2(12+32+1)+2(2+16) =126 g/mol.
Mass of hydrated oxalic acid required for preparing 100 ml of M/40 solution = = 0.315 g
APPARATUS:- Burette, burette stand, pipette, pipette stand, conical flask, watch glass, wash bottle, funnel,
glass rod beaker, analytical balance, weight box, etc.
MATERIAL:- Oxalic acid crystal, dilute H2SO4,distilled water.
INDICATOR:- KMnO4 is a self indicator.
END POINT:- Colour less to pink colour.
OBSERVATION:- (i) Weight of watch glass (W1)=23.800 g
(ii) Weight of watch glass + Oxalic acid (W2)= 24.115 g
(iii) Weight of oxalic acid (W2-W1) = 0.315 g
(iv) Volume of the solution prepared = 100 ml
(v) Volume of the solution each titration=20 ml.

Volume of Initial reading Volume of Concordant

oxalic acid Final reading in KMnO solution value
S. in the burette, 4
the burette, (ml) used (ml)
No. (V1) ml (ml) (V2) (ml)
1. 20 0.0 9.7 9.7
2. 20 0.0 9.5 9.5 9.5
3. 20 0.0 9.5 9.5

RESULT:- (i) The molarity of given KMnO4 solution = 0.0941 mol.

(ii) The strength of given KMnO4 solution =14.8678 g/lit.
PRECAUTION:- (i) All the volumetric apparatus should be washed well before use.
(ii) Always read the upper meniscus in case of colored solution.
(iii) Wash the titration flask with distilled water after every titration.

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