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The qarun

A story from the old era.Qarun, he is from the close family of

To qarun allah has given him lots of riches
With that lots of riches, he doesn’t help repairing the fate of
needy and poor people, but instead he forces and tortures
(scene 1)
>Dialogue 1
Miskin 1: help… help mr…
Miskin 2 : mr… we haven’t eat for a long time… please give us
money or foods…
Qarun : why must I give something to you? The one who must
pay is you! If you can’t pay then just be a slave!
Miskin 1 : but mr!
Miskin 2 : you stingy!
Qarun : how dare you to oppose me? Don’t you know how far
the different of level between you and me? You don’t know
your place! Hey guard! Take them!
Pengawal : yes sir!
(scene 2)
#and to qarun with mediation of musa, Allah orders to do
kindness, but this order gets responed by qarun arrogantly
>dialogue 2
Qarun : hey musa… how are you?
Musa : qarun… remember… all your riches that you have it is
just entrusted from Allah.Help the poor and needy people
Qarun : what do you mean musa? You are already know, that I
get this riches by strength and knowledge myself. Why must I
give riches just for that useless poor people?

Miskin 3 : it is better if I have riches just like qarun
Miskin 4 : why we must feel this suffering and poorness?
Mu’min 1 : brother… remember… reward from Allah is better
than riches that much, that riches can’t help us in the afterlife
later, except if that riches used to kindness
Miskin 3 : shut up! You just want to be like him too, right?
Mu’min 2 : brother… remember… that Allah is the best
Miskin 4 : enough! Just think about yourself!
(scene 3)
#as an answer to that good advice, one time qarun goes out
with his clothes and jewelry that are very expensive, he goes
out with guard and slaves
>dialogue 3
Mu’min 3 : we are not jealous seeing your riches and we not
forbid you to be happy with your riches, but we just suggest
you to search just the permit way to gain that riches, and use
that riches by good
Mu min 4: if you can, help the needy and poor people with just
part of your riches. Do a good think to them, such as Allah has
do a good thing to you
Qarun: I don’t need advice from you! Even without your advice
ican live with happy! I am more than you! My mind is smarter, I
become this rich is a sign that I am smarter than you. The only
One who deserve to give advice is me
(scene 4)
#with Allah’s divine, musa tells order zakat for rich people to
share to poor and needy people , musa tells the order to qarun,
but he refuse that order with insult and disrespect.
>dialogue 4
Qarun : zakat? Order for rich people? To share to that poor
people? Just what is that?! Your god’s order is non sense hey
Musa : this is order from Allah, hey qarun! I tell it to you
because Allah has decided me as his messenger!
Qarun : ah, I know your mind want to try to fool me, just say it
that you want my riches, right?
(scene 5)
#after arguing for a long time and didn’t bring any result.qarun
show off to musa’s followers
>dialogue 5
Qarun : hey musa’s followers! Do you know? That musa is also
jealous to my riches ? he came to me to take my riches by
Allah’s order.
(scene 6)
#all that words heared by musa just with patient.after musa
doesn’t have any hope to save qarun from his arrogant. Musa
hand over that matter to Allah. With a pray so that no humans
lost their way by qarun’s words or by this world riches.
>dialogue 6
Pengawal 1 : mr! mr! the earth is unstable!!
Qarun : what?! Then save my riches first!
Pengawal 1 : there is no time mr! I must run off from here!
Qarun : you bastard! I knew it that you just want my riches!!
Qarun : help! Help! Save my riches! My riches!!
And that is punishment from Allah to qarun, he gets buried by
Allah to the deep of earth with his riches

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