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Prefixes : un -im – in – il – ir – mis – non – anti – dis – under /over – re - co

Complete with the appropriate prefix :
- necessary → ………… - accurate→ ………… – interesting → …………
- fair → ………… – honest → ……….. – satisfied→ ………………
- legal → ……………… – real→ ………… – tolerant → ………………
- eat →…………………… - possible → …………….. – complete → ………………
- understand → …………….. – relevant → ………………… - smoking → …………………
- government → …………….. - write→ ………… – expensive → …………
- developed → …………… – order→ ………… – approve → ………………
- literate → …………… - correct→ ……………… – practical → ………………
B. Noun forming suffixes :
1) Verb to noun: 3) Adjective to noun:
- To contribute → contribution – Violent → violence
- To perform → performance - Real → reality
- To develop → development – Possible → possibility
- To apply → application – Happy → happiness
- To evaluate → evaluation – Reliable → reliance
- To encourage → encouragement – Short → shortage
- To achieve → achievement – Literate → literacy
- To refuse → refusal – Accurate → accuracy
- To assist → assistance – Relevant → relevance
- To know → knowledge – Human → humanity
- To lend → loan – Responsible → responsibility
- To rely → reliance – Poor → Poverty
- To give → gift. – Patient → patience
2) Noun to noun
- Friend → friendship - Child → childhood - partner→ partnership
- Brother→ brotherhood - Citizen → citizenship - Science → scientist
C. Verb formation: suffix/ prefix
- simple → to simplify - visual→ to visualise – rich → to enrich
-clear → to clarify – short → to shorten - power→ to empower
D. Adjective forming suffixes:
1. Noun to Adjective: 2. Verb to adjective:
- Help → helpful/ helpless – to break → breakable.
- Logic → logical – to rely→ reliable
- Critic→ critical – to help→ helpful/ helpless
- Hope→ hopeful/ hopeless – to translate→ translatable
- Job→ jobless - to eat → eatable.
- Friend → friendly – to drink → drinkable.
- Law→ legal/ lawful – to rain→ rainy
E. Put the words between brackets in the correct form:
1. Don’t believe her. She is (reliable) ……………………………. She doesn’t keep her promises.
2. Taking drugs is (harm) ……………………… to your health.
3. It’s (legal) ………………………… to drive without a licence.
4. Most people hate her because she is (friendly) ………………………… and nasty.
5. Life is a (give) …………………… from God .We should preserve it.
6. Documentary films help me to (rich) …………………………… my knowledge.
7. (literacy) …………………………… is still a big issue in Morocco.
8. He puts on glasses because his (see) ………………………… is poor.
9. Usually doctors’ handwriting is (readable) ……………………………
10. It was a (rain) …………………………… day .So, we didn’t enjoy our picnic.
11. Remember you’re in the army. If you (obey) ………………………… the orders, you’ll get a
court martial.
12. A lot of poor countries suffer from the (short) ……………………… of water.

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