H3 Psy Xii

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Resource Person: Ms. Vini Vijayasenan Handout No: 3
Ref. Book: NCERT TEXT BOOK Subject: Psychology
Topic: Meeting Life Challenges

Name of the Student: _________________________________ Roll No.: ______

Class & Section: XII B/D Date: __________

Learning Checks : 1 mark

1. The concept of primary and secondary appraisal was given by__________.

i. Lazarus
ii. Hans Selye
iii. Meichenbaum
iv. Maslow
2. _______ techniques aim to inoculate people against stress.
i. Relaxation techniques
ii. Meditation
iii. Cognitive behavioural
iv. Exercise
3. A child gives notes to her/his friend, since s/he was absent from school due to sickness. This is a form
of _______ support.
i. Tangible
ii. Informational
iii. Emotional
iv. Assertive
4. _________ involves obtaining information about the stressful situation and about alternative courses of
action and their probable outcome.
i. Emotion oriented
ii. Task oriented
iii. Avoidance oriented
iv. None of the above
5. The state of physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion is known as______.
i. Strain
ii. Coping
iii. Burnout
iv. Resistance
6. Social events like death or illness in the family, strained relationships, trouble with neighbours are
some examples of______.
i. Life events
ii. Hassles
iii. Social stress
iv. Internal pressure
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7. ________ stem from beliefs based upon expectations from inside us to ourselves such as, ‘I must do
everything perfectly’.
i. Social pressure
ii. Internal pressure
iii. Social stress
iv. Hassles
8. A student blames his friends for his poor performance rather than devoting time towards studies. He is
said to be using: (COMP)
i. Problem focused coping
ii. Emotion focused coping
iii. Task oriented strategy
iv. Avoidance oriented strategy
9. The term used to describe the level of stress that is good for human beings is________.
i. Strain
ii. Eustress
iii. Distress
iv. Arousal
10. __________ results from the blocking of needs and motives by something or someone that hinders us
from achieving a desired goal.
i. Conflict
ii. Frustration
iii. Social pressure
iv. Procrastination
11. An individual’s reaction to external stressors is called____.
i. Strain
ii. Conflict
iii. Pressure
iv. Frustration
12. Personality traits of hardiness are control, commitment and_______.
i. Composure
ii. Completion
iii. Challenge
iv. Chaos
13. Karim watches TV when he is stressed due to pending assignments in school. According to Endler and
Parker, he is using ___________ mechanism of coping. (COMP)
i. Task oriented
ii. Emotion oriented
iii. Awareness oriented
iv. Avoidance oriented
14. Which of the following are the dimensions of stress?
i. Intensity
ii. Duration
iii. Predictability
iv. Vulnerability
a. i , ii and iv
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b. i, iii and iv
c. ii, iii and iv
d. i, ii and iii
15. Imran feels disappointed when he is not able to do everything perfectly, leading him to push himself to
achieve unrealistically high standards. Identify the cause of his stress. (COMP)
i. Social Pressure
ii. Conflict
iii. Frustration
iv. Internal Pressure
16. Sonali was questioned by her senior when her performance started to decline. She admitted that she
was not eating regularly and her sleep was disturbed. Moreover, she could not concentrate on work and
felt overburdened. Identify the effects of stress being indicated here. (COMP)
i. Emotional
ii. Behavioural
iii. Cognitive
iv. Physiological
a. i and ii
b. ii and iii
c. iii and iv
d. i and iv
Very short answers : 2 marks

17. Define stress.

18. What is strain?
19. What is the function of the immune system?
20. Describe the meaning of ‘Burnout’. Explain any one cause of burnout.
21. What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
22. Explain ‘Eustress’.
23. What do you understand by creative visualization?
24. Distinguish between social pressures and social stress.
25. What are life skills? Give any two life skills.
Fatima communicates her feelings and views clearly with confidence. She could say ‘no’ to a request or
state an opinion without being self-conscious. Which life skill is she using? Suggest two more life skills
that can help Fatima meet the challenges of life successfully.
26. Explain the various sources of psychological stress giving suitable examples.
Short answers : 3 and 4 marks
27. Explain the physiological effects of stress.
28. What are the characteristics that comprise positive health?
29. What is the effect of stress on psychological functioning?
30. Discuss the strategies for coping with stress.
Individuals differ in the coping strategies that they use to deal with stressful situations. Justify this
statement highlighting various coping strategies.
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31. Describe any four methods/techniques of coping with stress.
Resham has been overwhelmed by the quantum of work in her office. She has been advised some stress
management techniques by her counsellor. What are the two techniques that you think would be helpful
for her to manage stress?
32. What is meant by a stress resistant personality?
What do you mean by ‘Hardiness’?
33. How does Selye’s Model relate prolong stress to bodily response? Explain.
Describe the GAS model given by Hans Selye.
34. Explain briefly four factors which facilitate development of positive health.
35. Explain how life skills can help people meet life challenges.

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