H2 Psy Xii

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Resource Person: Ms. Vini Vijayasenan Handout No: 2
Ref. Book: NCERT TEXT BOOK Subject: Psychology
Topic: Self & Personality

Name of the Student: _________________________________ Roll No.: ______

Class & Section: XII B/D Date: __________

Learning Checks : 1 mark

1. A student who believes that he has the ability to excel in sports demonstrates high _____________.
The value judgment a person has about himself/herself is called as______.
i. Self-regulation
ii. Self-efficacy
iii. Self esteem
iv. Self confidence
2. An individual is rejected in a job interview, he claims that his present job is better. He is using ______.
Anna's application for admission to the college of her choice got rejected. When talking about the
admission to the college with others, she tells everyone that she was never interested in studying in
that college. Identify the defence mechanism used by Anna.
i. Regression
ii. Reaction formation
iii. Rationalization
iv. Denial
3. A person’s resolution of problems at any stage of development less than the adequate,
i. Repression
ii. Reaction formation
iii. Regression
iv. Rationalization
4. Tendency of respondent to endorse items in a socially desirable manner is known as__________.
i. Acquiescence
ii. Self-report
iii. Social desirability
iv. Halo effect
5. Rohit exhibits strong aggressive tendencies but often complains of other people acting in an
excessively aggressive way. Identify the defense mechanism.
i. Rationalization
ii. Denial

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iii. Reaction formation
iv. Projection
6. According to the behaviourists, personality of an individual is the result of ___.
i. Unconscious motives and conflicts
ii. Response of an individual to the environment
ii. Early childhood experiences
iv. A relationship of the individual to her/his environment
7. Which of the following would a humanistic psychologist not use to explain an individual’s
i. Innately good
ii. Goal-directed and adaptive
iii. Self - actualised
iv. Balance among three competing forces
8. _______ guna includes traits like envy, jealousy, etc.
i. Sattva
ii. Rajas
iii. Tamas
iv. Vata
9. TAT was proposed by_________.
i. Cattell
ii. Allport
iii. Morgan and Murray
iv. Rorschach
10. According to Sheldon the Ectomorphs are___________ and __________.
i. Artistic and introverted
ii. Round and social
iii. Rectangular and courageous
iv. Energetic and extroverted
11. Sudha likes apples. This is her ______ trait according to Allport.
i. Cardinal
ii. Central
iii. Secondary
iv. Tertiary
12. The notion of self-efficacy is based on __________ theory.
i. Social learning theory
ii. Classical conditioning
iii. Instrumental conditioning
iv. Insight learning
13. Dismissing anxiety provoking behaviour or thoughts from the unconscious is known as____.
i. Denial
ii. Reaction formation
iii. Repression
iv. Projection
14. _____ is a way of reducing anxiety by distorting reality.
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i. Repression
ii. Appraisal mechanism
iii. Defense mechanism
iv. Acquiescence
15. Individuals having high motivation, lack of patience and always in a hurry are characterized as being a
Type _________ personality.
i. Type A
ii. Type B
iii. Type C
iv. Type D
16. Checking one’s own impulses and managing oneself is ____________.
i. Discretion
ii. Caution
iii. Self-control
iv. Prudence
17. Type-D personality characterizes proneness to _________.
i. Anxiety
ii. Hypertension
iii. Cancer
iv. Depression
18. In __________ (defense mechanism), the person tries to make unreasonable behaviour seem
reasonable and acceptable.
i. Denial
ii. Rationalization
iii. Repression
iv. Projection
19. The self is describes as a ______ when it gets affected.
i. Subject
ii. Object
iii. Relation
iv. Individual
20. Hippocrates proposed a typology of personality based on ____ .
i. Trigunas
ii. Humour
iii. Tridosha
iv. Body Build and Temperament
21. Which of the following lists presents Freud’s psychosexual stages in the order in which they occur?
i. Anal, Oral, Genital, Phallic and Latency
ii. Genital, Latency Anal, Oral and Phallic
iii. Oral, Anal, Phallic, Latency and Genital
iv. Oral, Anal, Latency, Phallic and Genital
22. Amit lacks motivation in life and has an overly complacent attitude. He remains relaxed and deals
patiently with others. Which personality does Amit have according to Friedman and Rosenman?
i. Type A
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ii. Type B
iii. Type C
iv. Type D
23. Sanjana loves to have burgers every day. Being aware of its ill effects on her body, she promised
herself that she would buy a book of her choice if she managed to restrain herself from eating burgers
for a month. This is an example of _____.
i. Observation of Own Behavior
ii. Self-Instruction
iii. Self-Reinforcement
iv. Self Esteem
24. Anjani just found a gold bracelet inside a movie theatre. Which part of her personality would urge her
to deposit it at the manager’s office?
i. Id
ii. Ego
iii. Superego
iv. Libido
25. Cultures are characterized as collectivistic when ________.
i. Each member of the group maintains his/her individuality
ii. There is a clear dichotomy between self and others
iii. Self and group remain at a distance
iv. Self and group have a harmonious co-existence
26. The school counsellor told Simran that people are happiest and perform their best when their personal
traits and characteristics match their occupation. To assess this, she has to go through a psychological
test. Her counsellor is most likely to use the ______test.
i. Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory
ii. Eysenck personality questionnaire
iii. Sixteen personality factor questionnaire
iv. Draw a person test
27. Collective unconscious consists of _____ that are not individually acquired but are inherited.
i. Traits
ii. Archetypes
iii. Conflicts
iv. Dreams
28. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory helps to diagnose ____________.
i. Neuroticism, psychoticism
ii. Sociability, PTSD
iii. Psychasthenia, schizophrenia
iv. Paranoia, depression
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. iii, iv
d. ii, iv

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29. Which factor is TRUE of people who are low in self-efficacy?
i. They feel less fearful and do not shy away from taking risks.
ii. They avoid challenges and allow people to select and shape their environment.
iii. They don’t believe that luck and fate control their life’s outcome.
iv. It can be enhanced by presenting weak role models.
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. iii, iv
d. ii, iv
30. Which of the following statements are TRUE about self as an object?
i. Self is an entity that does something.
ii. Self is being described as a knower.
iii. Self gets observed and comes to be known.
iv. Self is an entity on which something is being done.
Choose the correct option
a. i, iii
b. ii, i
c. i, iv
d. iii, iv
Short Answers : 2 marks

31. Distinguish between the ‘personal self’ and ‘social self’ giving examples.

32. What do you understand by Type C personality?

33. What is a trait? Describe Cattell’s Trait theory.

34. Give two limitations of behavioural ratings.

35. State any TWO techniques of self-regulation.

36. Describe any TWO factors from the Five Factor Model of personality.

37. Explain the interactional approach to understanding personality.

38. Explain Erickson’s concept of identity crisis

39. ‘Self-esteem shows a strong relationship with our everyday behavior’. Justify this statement with the
help of an example.
Short and Long Answers : 3 and 4 marks

40. Explain assessment of personality using behavioral analysis.

41. What are projective techniques? State any two techniques.

(OR) How do projective techniques assess personality? Explain any two well-known projective

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42. A study found that one-third of British children, at age six are afraid of snakes even though it is rare to
encounter snakes in British Isles. The children had never come in contact with snakes in a traumatic
situation, but snakes still generated an anxious response. How would Carl Jung’s theory of personality
explain the same? Throw some light on his theory.

43. Explain the concept of personality. Describe the cultural approach to understanding personality.

44. Explain the humanistic perspective of personality.

45. How do Alfred Adler and Karen Horney explain personality development?

46. What are self-report measures? Explain any two problems associated with their use for personality
47. Discuss the cognitive aspects of self.

48. How do you define personality? Explain any one approach to the study of personality.

49. Nariman is trying to lose weight. During the festivities, he made sure not to eat his favorite desserts.
Identify and explain the aspect of self that Nariman is exhibiting. Suggest some of the techniques he
can apply to further achieve his goal.
50. Mother Teresa believed that she had a mission to fulfil and did what came natural to her, loving others
and serving them. Identify the trait being referred to here by Gordon Allport and how it affects a
person's behaviour. Distinguish it from other traits given by him.
Long Answers : 6 marks

51. Differentiate between type and trait approaches to personality. Explain any four type theories in detail.
Ans: Type- The type approach attempts to comprehend human personality by examining certain broad
patterns in the observed behavioral characteristics of individuals. In contrast, the trait approach focuses
on the specific psychological attributes along which individuals tend to differ in consistent and stable
52. Explain the humanistic approach to personality. What did Maslow mean by self-actualization?

53. Describe Freud’s psychosexual stages of personality development.

54. Explain the characteristics of indirect techniques that are used to assess personality.
Describe any two such tests.

55. According to Freud, individuals avoid anxiety by using mechanisms that protect the ego by distorting
reality. What are these mechanisms called? Explain its different kinds with the help of examples.

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