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Resource Person: Ms. Vini Vijayasenan Handout No: 4
Ref. Book: NCERT TEXT BOOK Subject: Psychology
Topic: Psychological Disorders

Name of the Student: _________________________________ Roll No.: ______

Class & Section: XII B/D Date: __________

Learning Checks : 1 mark

1. "I can control the weather according to my moods." This is a statement made by a person suffering
from delusion of ________________.
i. Persecution
ii. Reference
iii. Grandeur
iv. Control
2. ___________ disorder involves persistent preoccupation about developing a serious illness and
constantly worrying about this possibility.
i. Somatic symptom
ii. Conversion
iii. Illness anxiety
iv. Depersonalization
3. Forms of tingling, burning on the skin is symptomatic of the ______ hallucination.
i. Olfactory
ii. Visual
iii. Gustatory
iv. Tactile
4. When alcohol abuse leads to building tolerance it means______.
i. Negative effects after stopping consumption
ii. Maladaptive ways of behaving in social places
iii. Needing more of the substance to get the desired effect
iv. Negative coping skills
5. Hair-pulling disorder is also called as__________.
i. Alogia
ii. Trichotillomania
iii. Excoriation
iv. Mutism
6. ________ disorders have been linked to low activity of the neurotransmitter GABA.
i. Mood
ii. Anxiety
iii. Dissociative
iv. Somatic symptom
7. From the _______ perspective, all three factors, i.e. biological, psychological and social play important
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roles in influencing the expression and outcome of psychological disorders.
i. Social
ii. Interactional
iii. Genetic
iv. Biological
8. Perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli are called ________.
i. Delusions
ii. Hallucinations
iii. Inappropriate Affect
iv. Formal thought disorders
9. When people believe that their feelings, thoughts and actions are controlled by others is called Delusion
of ________________.
i. Persecution
ii. Reference
iii. Grandeur
iv. Control
10. When the person has to use more and more of a substance to get the same effect, is called _________.
i. Substance dependence
ii. Substance abuse
iii. Tolerance
iv. Withdrawal
11. Developing a fear of entering unfamiliar situations is known as_______.
i. Panic disorder
ii. Compulsive disorder
iii. Agoraphobia
iv. Conversion disorder
12. “I can control the weather according to my moods”. This is a statement made by a person suffering
from delusion of ___________.
i. Control
ii. Persecution
iii. Grandeur
iv. Reference
13. Rita’s young son works in a call center. In spite of knowing his odd hours of returning, she continues to
have prolonged, vague and intense fear, accompanied by hyper vigilance, showing a kind of anxiety.
Identify the type of anxiety she is suffering from.
i. GAD
ii. Panic Disorder
iii. Phobias
iv. Social Anxiety Disorder
14. The craze for thinness valued by models and actors is termed as ________.
i. Anorexia Nervosa
ii. Bulimia Nervosa
iii. Binge Eating
iv. None of the above
15. An individual reporting loss of part of some or bodily functions is showing sign of a ____ disorder.
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i. Somatic symptom
ii. Conversion
iii. Illness anxiety
iv. Dissociative fugue
16. An individual has sudden and temporary fluctuation of consciousness that blots out painful experiences
he/she is showing signs of:
i. Panic disorder
ii. Mood disorder
iii. Conversion disorder
iv. Dissociative disorder
17. The seventeenth and eighteenth centuries were known as the____.
18. Dhruv fidgets, squirms, climbs and runs around the house aimlessly. He is distracted, inattentive and
seems overactive in class. Thus, he neither follows instructions, nor completes assignments. The
psychologist has diagnosed him with_____.
ii. ASD
iii. ODD
iv. BPAD
19. When children use name-calling, swearing and abusive words, they are using the _____ form of
aggressive behaviour.
i. Proactive
ii. Hostile
iii. Verbal
iv. Physical
Very short answers : 2 marks

20. What are specific phobias?

21. Explain the term hyperactivity.
22. Distinguish between obsessions and compulsions.
23. What is anorexia nervosa?
24. State a feature of dissociative amnesia.
25. Describe Agoraphobia.
26. Write a note on the Bio-psycho-social model.
27. Describe SAD.
28. What is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder?
29. Write a note upon the socio cultural approach to disorders.
30. Discuss the Social learning theory approach to phobia.

Very short answers : 3 and 4 marks

31. Supriya has broken the norms of a village by pursuing a higher level course in aviation. She deviated
from the social norms of her village where higher education for girls was neither motivated nor
accepted. Is her behaviour abnormal? Explain with reference to four Ds.
Explain abnormality.
32. Fatima is experiencing generalised anxiety disorder. Enumerate any two causes with reference to
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diathesis stress model which may have led to the disorder.
State the three components of diathesis stress model of abnormal behaviour.
33. What is obsessive-compulsive disorder? Explain.
34. What are bipolar and related mood disorders?.
35. Differentiate between hallucinations and Delusions.
36. What do you understand by the term ‘dissociation’? Explain any two types of dissociative disorders.
37. What are feeding and Eating disorders?
38. How does humanistic-existential model explain psychological disorders?
39. Elaborate any THREE psychological models proposed to explain mental disorders.
40. What are somatic symptom disorders?
41. Explain disruptive, impulse-control and conduct disorders.
42. Explain the different psychological models used to explain abnormal behavior.
43. Raj would often be seen talking to himself. On questioning, he would state that there were people
around him whom he could see and hear when there was no one else around. Identify and describe this
symptom of schizophrenia.
Ans: Raj is suffering from the positive symptoms of schizophrenia. Raj has auditory and visual
Hallucinations are perceptions that occur in the absence of external stimuli, positive symptoms of
Listing and description of other types of hallucinations – olfactory, gustatory, tactile.
44. Aman is an eight-year-old who has profound difficulty in relating to other people. Often, he is found to
be unresponsive to other people’s feelings and exhibits stereotypical patterns of behaviour. Identify this
disorder and describe its features.
45. State any two differences between somatic symptom and illness anxiety disorder.

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