Reflection Paper Contemp

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In the course of my literary odyssey, the important things

I learned in our learning literature are (1) widening my

imagination to look into different perspectives to have a
better understanding of the circumstances. After
understanding the characters’ feelings and thoughts or
putting myself into their shoes, (2) it teaches me to feel
empathy, and (3) sharpens my understanding of cultures,
beliefs, and history that could make me informed on what is
or could happen in the world. Also, thanks to some literature
I've watched and read, (4) the characters motivated me and
made me learned from their experiences.

On the first meeting, my learning on literature has

broaden, considering that brief introduction of
characteristics, definition of literature, and importance of it
has been discussed along with differentiating literary and
academic text, and exploring the genres. Although it has
been already tackled during my senior high year, I realized
that learning it again became a life changer because it
enhances my creativity, analytical, reading and
comprehension skills that has significant role in order for
me to have a growth. For furthermore of my learnings, I
will share the other important things I’ve learned on other
lessons tackled in this subject, such as kinds of characters,
literary devices, genres, and literary approaches.
Some of the important things I have learned about
different kinds of characters is knowing how to analyze
characters based on the creation and development of
personalities by the author. In this lesson, I was
informed that there are different kinds of characters,
such as antagonists, protagonists, flat characters,
dynamic characters, static characters, round
characters and foil characters. By knowing these, I
learned how to identify or classify each character
based on their personalities, actions and purposes in
the story.

And in literary device lesson, it helped me to

enrich my works to communicate the messages behind
my texts and sharpens my appreciation to use more
languages or words that requires to think critically and
creatively to show imaginative world that can be
appealing to the reader, because it is discussed as a tool
that is used to create meaning, not only for poetry and
drama, but also in contemporary literature. While
learning the literary device at that time, I couldn’t help
but think of something since I learned that it can be also
used in Fictions. As a fan of Harry Potter, I realize that
the author uses this technique to describe the magical
world and creatures in the series.
Also, I learned how different genres of literature
can mold our understanding of the surroundings and
ourselves. Before, I used to think that genres were only
used to categorizing, but now I realize that they are
much more than that. In each genre, I learned so much
and I get why people specifically like and only find
their favorite genre in literature. This course enriched
my appreciation of literature and learned how
different genres of literature can offer different
perspectives, insights and pleasures to the audience. I
also learned how to read critically and creatively, and
to communicate my thoughts effectively. I believe that
these skills I have acquired will be useful for me in my
academic and personal life.

Finally, literary approaches, this lesson also helps me

on my analyzing and interpreting text based on different
perspectives. Now that we are doing our literary
approach for the literature assigned to my group, I have
familiarized some of the common literary approaches
such as moralist, formalism, structuralism, feminism,
Marxism, and more. By learning these approaches, I
gained deeper understanding of the literary works I’ve
read, how to compare different interpretations, and how
to relate literature to other contexts.

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