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RAHMIANI 230105511001

SRI NURMILAH 230105511006

SRI WAHYUNI.A. 230105510006





Complete report of experimental practicum as a scientific method with

the title "YOGURT MAKING FERMENTATION" prepared by:


NIM :230105510006

GROUP :III(there)


It has been checked and consulted with the assistant / assistant

coordinator, so it is asked to be accepted.

Makassar ,27 November 2023


A.backround of the problem
Fermentation is a process of biochemical changes in food that involves the
activity of microorganisms and metabolites. Enzyme activity produced by these
microorganisms. Fermentation products are mainly produced by the activity of
lactic acid bacteria, fungi and yeast, lactic acid bacteria and bacteria. Lactic
acid bacteria and facultative bacteria are able to grow in low PH conditions and
anacrobic conditions. The microbes used in the fermentation process also vary,
from the bacterial group Rage, mold or algae. Each microbe has different
nutritional and environmental requirements. To obtain maximum results, the
fermentation process must be carried out under optimum conditions for
microbial growth. These optimum conditions are influenced by certain factors
such as temperature Ph rotational speed, stirring, fermentation time, dissolved
oxygen for aerobic fermentation and others, one of the optimum conditions for
fermenting sorghum flour using a combination of L. plantarum bacteria and dry
baker's yeast, temperature 37 degrees for 48 hours. Fermentation is thought to
be a way to produce energy in ancient organisms before oxygen was at high
concentrations in the atmosphere as it is today, so fermentation is a form of
change in cell energy production. Fermentation products contain chemical
energy that is not fully oxidized but cannot undergo further metabolism
without oxygen or acceptors. Other electrons thus tend to be considered waste
products or waste. The consequence is that ATP production from fermentation
becomes less efficient than oxidative.
Yogurt is one of the fermented products which contains a lot of nutrients.
The fermentation process consisting of yogurt will increase its nutritional
content. The nutritional composition of yogurt is similar to milk. There are
even some components which are higher in quantity compared to milk, such as
vitamin B complex, calcium and protein during the fermentation process. milk
into yogurt, synthesis of vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, vitamin B1
and riboflavin, vitamin B2, as well as several amino acids that make up protein.
No one can deny that these nutritional components are very useful for health.

B.Problem formulation
The formulation of the problem on this observation is: do you make yogurt?
2.what substances are contained in yogurt?

C.Practical formulation
1. to find out how to make yogurt identify the subtances contained in yogurt.
D.Practical benefits
The benefits of this experiment is sudent know to make yogurt and what
substance are contained in yogurt.

Yogurt is one of the fermented products which contains a lot of nutrients. The
fermentation process consisting of yogurt will increase its nutritional content.
The nutritional composition of yogurt is similar to milk. There are even some
components which are higher in quantity compared to milk, such as vitamin B
complex, calcium and protein during the fermentation process. milk into
yogurt, synthesis of vitamin B complex, especially thiamin, vitamin B1 and
riboflavin, vitamin B2, as well as several amino acids that make up protein. No
one can deny that these nutritional components are very useful for health. Milk
fermentation is a method of food preservation and diversity that has been used
since ancient times. Fermented milk products that are well known in Indonesia
include yogurt, Yakult, a flavored fermented milk drink and kefir.
Yoghurt is a product obtained from the fermentation of milk or milk in the
constitution using lactobacillus bulgaricus and streptococcus thermophillius
bacteria and/or other lactic acid bacteria in accordance with or without the
addition of other food ingredients and food ingredients permitted by the
yoghurt quality requirements according to the National Standardization Agency
in 2009 for the number of yogurt starter bacteria is a minimum of 107 cfu / ml
while the titration acidity as lactic acid is (w/w) ranging from 0.5 to 2.0%.
Yakult is a product resulting from fermentation of raw materials in the form of
non-fat milk cream plus other ingredients, namely water sugar and ceiling or
aroma using the bacteria lactobacillus caseii subsp Shirota.
C.flavored fermented milk drinks
Flavored fermented milk drinks are drinks made from fermented milk which
are flavored and can be placed in other food ingredients with or without heat
treatment and packaged in a hermetic manner. The quality requirements for
flavored fermented milk drinks are the National Standardization Agency in
2009 for the number of starter bacteria in flavored fermented milk to be
minimum. 108 CFU /ml while the titration acidity is calculated as lactic acid
(w/w) ranging from 0.2-0.9%
Kefir is a fermented milk product that has a specific taste as a result of
fermentation of lactic acid bacteria and yeast which live together and benefit
each other. The taste of fermented milk kefir is dominated by lactic acid which
is produced in the lactose fermentation process by starter according to the
standards set by the Codex Alimentarius Committee. 2003, the number of kefir
starter bacteria was a minimum of 104 CFU/ml.
The reactions in fermentation vary depending on the type of sugar used and the
product produced. In short, glucose C6 h12o6 which is the simplest sugar,
through fermentation will produce ethanol 2 C2H5oh. This fermentation
reaction is carried out by yeast and is used in food production.

Yoghurt cells are a solid yogurt product of incubation or fermented milk in

small packages and the characteristics of the coagulum do not change.

Practical methods
A. practicum types
The type of research used in this experiment is observation.
B.practical variabels
1.dependent variable,dependent in variable in this observation are
mixture,color,aroma,and taste.
2.independent variable.he independent variable in this observation are milk ,
temperature and fermentation time.
C.Operational definition of variables.
1.dependent variable
The dependent variable is a variable that is influenced or is a result of the existence of
an independent variable. In making yogurt, the control variables are texture, color,
aroma and taste. texture, taste, aroma, and color are said to be dependent variables in
making yogurt because they are the result of a combination of independent variables
such as temperature, fermentation time, and the amount of milk used. We cannot
control the dependent variable directly, but only through setting the independent
2. Independent variables
The independent variable are variables that can be changed or controlled in an
experiment. In making yogurt, the independent variables are the amount of
milk used, temperature and fermentation time. These three components are
independent variables because we can control what milk will be used, control
the temperature used and control the time required for the fermentation
process. Using different temperatures, milk and fermentation times can
produce different textures, aromas, colors and flavors in yogurt .
D. Tools and Materials

a. pan 1 piece A place to heat milk

b.spoon 1 piece To stir the milk and yakult mixture

c.jar 1 piece A place to store milk and yakult

d.thick 1 sheet To wrap the jar


2. materials

a.ultramilk 400 ml

b.yakult 2 bottles

E. Work Procedures
1. Pour 400 mL of milk into a pan and heat over medium heat while
continuing to stir slowly until white bubbles appear.
2. Place the milk in an airtight jar or container.
3. Then add 2 bottles of Yakult, then stir evenly.
4. Wrap the jar in a thick cloth and let it sit for 15 - 24 hours.
F. Data Collection Technicues
The data collection technique used in this experiment is direct observation
technique. "Direct observation technique is a method of collecting data directly
where the researcher or research assistant directly observes the symptoms
under study from a research object using or without a research instrument that
has been designed".
G. Data Analysis Techniques
Data analysis technique used qualitative analysis techniques based on the
observation. The process of organizing, analyzing, and interpreting qualitative
data non-numerical, conceptual information and user feedback to capture
themes and patterns, answer research questions, and identify actions to take to
improve your product or website is known as qualitative data analysis.

A.practical result

texture Flavor Color Aroma

5h 10 h 15 h 5h 10 h 15h 5h 10 h 15 h 5h 10h 15 h

1 2 3 4 4 3 1 1 2 4 4 3

Flavor & Aroma Color Texture
1 = very dislike 2 = Do not like 3 = Kinda like it 4 = Like
5 = Really like 1 = Clean white 2 = Cloudy white
3 = Yellowish white 1 = Runny
2 = A bit runny 3 = A bit lumpy 4 = Clot

In this practicum, it is yoghurt, yoghurt is a drink produced by fermented milk
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophillus.Making yoghurt
begins by heating whole milk for approximately 15 minutes, keeping the
temperature of the milk stable. This heating will kill contaminating
microorganisms, reduce the redox potential of the mixture, and produce factors
and conditions that are favorable for the development of bacteria included as
inoculum. Heating also causes protein denaturation and conversion to casein
which gives a better and more uniform consistency to the final product. Then
remove the milk and cool it. The yoghurt plan or starter is given when the milk
temperature is 45oThis is because Lactobacillus bulgaricus can grow optimally
at this temperature. After the yoghurt is mixed, stir until homogeneous, then
incubate for 24 hours in an incubator. From the results of the observations, it
can be seen that there is a change in shape into clots or coagulation in the milk.
The lumpy texture is caused by enzyme activity and the formation of acids.
The length of fermentation also affects the smell and sour taste. The longer the
fermentation takes, the stronger the taste and smell will be. This is because
lactic acid is converted into acetic acid. Bacteria Lactobacillus bulgaricus in
this fermentation, the substrate changes into acid, the remains of acetaldehyde,
acetic acid and other volatile ingredients, giving rise to a distinctive yogurt
flavour. The typical flavor of yoghurt is caused by lactic acid and traces of
acetaldehyde, diacetyl, acetic acid and other volatile substances produced by
bacterial fermentation. The acid also causes coagulation of milk proteins and
helps preserve yoghurt. The milk used to make yoghurt is generally whole
milk, skim milk, nonfat powdered milk, skimmed milk without condensate,
milk with some of the fat removed or a combination of various types of
milk.During the incubation process, lactic acid formation will occur by the
starter bacteria. In cow's milk, there is a protein called casein and
carbohydrates in the form of lactose (milk sugar). Lactose is the main
carbohydrate in milk which can be used by starter cultures of lactobacilus
bulgaricus and streptacoccus thermophilus as a source of carbon and energy for
growth. Lactose is hydrolyzed by these two bacteria and the final result is
pyruvic acid. This pyruvic acid is then converted into lactic acid by the enzyme
lactic dehydrogenase produced by these two bacteria. The lactic acid produced
causes a decrease in milk pH or increases the acidity of milk. Casein is the
main protein in milk that is affected by changes in PH or acidity. If the pH of
the milk is around 4.6 or lower, the taste of the milk will become unstable and
coagulate (clump) and form a yoghurt gel. This yoghurt gel is in solid form
(semi-solid and determines the texture of the yoghurt). Lactic acid also
provides a sharp, sour taste and gives yoghurt a distinctive aroma.

Conculation and recommendation
1.Yoghurt is a drink made from processed milk that has been inoculated with
2.Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermopilus bacteria will trigger
the fermentation process of milk, changing the lactose in milk into lactic acid.

Suggestions for future researchers are to be able to carry out more detailed
experiments regarding making yogurt and to use other ingredients than those
used by researchers. It is hoped that this research can become a reference for
future researchers.

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