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Ride-sharing is a phrase used to describe transportation network companies that connect clients looking

for a ride with a variety of vehicles eager to provide transportation services. It's a relatively new concept
that has gained a lot of traction in recent years. In a short period of time, ride-sharing apps have
completely transformed the transportation industry. Pathao, Uber, and Obhai are three prominent
ridesharing services in Bangladesh that do well on the roads of Dhaka and other large cities. Regardless,
this vast organization, like any other, must be managed in some way. In 2017, the Bangladesh Road
Transport Authority (BRTA) issued laws governing all ride-sharing companies. Every ride-sharing service
is required to observe the act's rules and restrictions.

The "Ride-sharing Service Guideline 2017" lays forth some ground principles that must be observed.
First and foremost, in order for a ride-sharing application or company to begin operations in a city, the
BRTA must supply a minimum number of cars. Dhaka 100, Chittagong 50, and other cities 20. Which, in
my judgment, is an acceptable requirement.

Aside from that, an individual can only give one car for use as a ride-sharing vehicle, and it must have
been used exclusively for personal purposes for at least one year prior to that.

Getting an enlisting certificate from BRTA is the most important step in setting up a vehicle as a ride-
sharing vehicle. Using a car, a microbus, a motorcycle, or even an ambulance as a service vehicle. The
essential prerequisite for the car is an enlistment certificate. The car, along with the enlistment
certificate, can then be used to sign into a contract with a ride-sharing service.

To obtain an enlisting certificate, simply complete the enlistment form and ensure that all supporting
papers, such as the registration certificate, fitness certificate, TIN certificate, and the driver's license, are
current and linked to the form. The car owner pays a fee to the transportation authorities and receives a
certificate as a result.

This rule is a good one to observe, given the popularity of this service. If these rules were not enforced,
anyone with a car might simply go on the road, which would be devastating given our country's present
traffic difficulties. Furthermore, if these ride-sharing vehicles aren't properly regulated, they can be used
in a variety of crimes and be difficult to track down. It would have raised security issues as well.

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