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 ก  5

  ก .5 "#" $ % GAT

    1  .ก  

abandon (v.) = desert, leave behind    
able (adj.) = capable, qualified, fit  
abolish (v.) = end, eliminate กก   
abrupt (adj.) = sudden, hasty, unexpected    
acclaim (v.) = applaud, praise, honor ก    
acclaim (n.) = praise, applause, honor กก 
acrid (adj.) = bitter, sharp, biting  !"  
adapt (v.) = adjust, modify #  $ 
adept (adj.) = skillful, expert ก% # 
adhere (v.) = stick, cling ก &
admonish (v.) = warm, caution, advise ก' 
adorn (v.) = decorate, ornament #ก$
advent (n.) = coming, arrival () 
adverse (adj.) = hostile, negative, contrary   *  ก+
affluent (adj.) = rich, wealthy, prosperous, well-to-do ,   
aggravate (v.) = (1) annoy, irritate -ก. ก  ;
(2) intensify, worsen ,$ "$
aggregate (adj.) = entire, total, combined -  # #)/0
agile (adj.) = graceful, nimble, lively  1 1 
ailment (n.) = sickness, illness 23#  #
allot (v.) = divide, distribute $# 4
amazing (adj.) = astonishing, astounding, surprising, startling
& ''2
amiable (adj.) = agreeable, congenial, pleasant 1'1    #
anticipate (v.) = foresee, expect, predict ก/0 
anxious (adj.) = (1) worried, nervous, apprehensive   ก;
(2) eager, avid  
appraise (v.) = evaluate, estimate, assess     
apt (adj.) = (1) appropriate, suitable, correct, relevant, proper 
(2) likely, prone 2    
arduous (adj.) = difficult, exhausting "  ก,#ก
arid (adj.) = dry, barren $$
    1  .ก  

aroma (n.) = fragrance, smell, odor, scent ก 

artificial (adj.) = synthetic, imitation, man-made $## ,+&
astonishing (adj.) = surprising, amazing, astounding $ ก  ก2
astute (adj.) = intelligent, clever, perceptive ! 466!#$
attain (v.) = accomplish, achieve กก,#" 7
augment (v.) = supplement, increase, strengthen, expand 
austere (adj.) = strict, harsh, severe, stern +  "$
authentic (adj.) = genuine, true ก%/  + $
aversion (n.) = dislike, hostility, fear   8) ) )
awkward (adj.) = clumsy ก + )&ก  ก

Exercise: Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences. The first one is done as
an example.
1. Penicillin can have an ……………….effect on a person who is allergic to it.
(A) adverse (B) anxious (C) awkward
2. Burning rubber produces an ……………….smoke.
(A) austere (B) arid (C) acrid
3. Rationing is a system for ……………….scarce resources.
(A) allotting (B) adapting (C) appraising
4. Anthrax is generally an ……………of sheep and cattle, but may also be transmitted to
(A) ailment (B) aroma (C) aversion
5. The head of an academic department at a university should be not only a
distinguished scholar but also an ………………. administrator.
(A) agile (B) able (C) abrupt
6. Mountain climbing is an ………………. sport.
(A) austere (B) arduous (C) anxious
7. Turtles ………………. their eggs after they lay them and never see their young.
(A) abandon (B) appraise (C) adorn
8. Scholarships allow some students from less ………………. families to attend
(A) artificial (B) affluent (C) amiable

    1  .ก  
9. Jewelers are sometimes asked to ………………. jewelry for insurance purposes.
(A) attain (B) abandon (C) appraise
10. Acrobats must be extremely ………………. .
(A) awkward (B) affluent (C) agile
11. In a domed stadium such as Seattle's King Dome, natural grass cannot be grown.
………………. turf is used on the playing field.
(A) artificial (B) arid (C) austere
12. Southern Arizona has a ………………. climate.
(A) arid (B) astute (C) acrid
13. A person suffering from claustrophobia has ………………. an to confined spaces
(A) aliment (B) aversion (C) acclaim
14. I didn't care for the play because it ended so ………………. .
(A) amiably (B) abruptly (C) anxiously
15. The ballerina was ………………. for her wonderful performances.
(A) augmented (B) anticipated (C) acclaimed

    1  .ก  

baffle (v.) = confuse, puzzle, mystify #, " 
balmy (adj.) = mild, warm # "
ban (v.) = prohibit, forbid 
bar (v.) = prevent, obstruct, block ++  ก+ 
barren (adj.) = sterile, unproductive, bleak, lifeless   , 1 
barter (v.) = trade, exchange $ก  
beckon (v.) = summon, call, signal "ก, ก, 66/
belligerent (adj.) = hostile, aggressive ก  ,  8)
beneficial (adj.) = helpful, useful, advantageous ( -10 ,ก,
benevolent (adj.) = benign, kind, compassionate 2 "%.
bias (n.) = prejudice, leaning  -, 
bland (adj.) = mild, tasteless, dull 2'1'
blatant (adj.) = flagrant, obvious, overt  :( 1
blend (v.) = mix, mingle, combine (  
blend (n.) = mixture, combination  (
bloom (v.) = blossom, flower, flourish 26,  
blunder (v.) = make a mistake ก (
blunder (n.) = error, mistake + (
blunt (adj.) = (1) unsharpened, dull '  ;
(2) rude, abrupt, curt # ก
blurry (adj.) = unfocused, unclear, indistinct 12 " '
bold (adj.) = brave, courageous ก6
bolster (v.) = support, sustain 1 ' ,2"
bond (v.) = join, connect 1' 
bond (n.) = tie, link, connection ก1' 
boom (v.) = expand, prosper +#-
boom (n.) = expansion, prosperity, growth ก26#-
brace (v.) = support, reinforce ก#"
brilliant (adj.) = (1) bright, shiny, radiant, dazzling  2 "ก ;
(2) talented, gifted, intelligent 2!   0
brisk (adj.) = (1) lively, quick, vigorous  ;
(2) cool, chilly, invigorating ก!#ก! 1 1 
    1  .ก  

brittle (adj.) = fragile, breakable, weak  # $ก

bulky (adj.) = huge, large, clumsy ก 8

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Most flowers ………………. in the spring.
(A) blend (B) brace (C) bloom
2. The Virgin Island, located in the Caribbean, have a ………………. climate.
(A) blurry (B) brittle (C) balmy
3. Before currency came into use, people used the ………………. system, exchanging
goods directly for goods.
(A) barter (B) blunder (C) bias
4. The airline ………………. . It sent me to Atlanta but my luggage to Montreal.
(A) beckoned (B) bartered (C) blundered
5. People with ulcers must eat ………………. foods.
(A) bold (B) bland (C) bulky
6. Steel is not as ………………. as cast iron; it doesn’t break as easily.
(A) brisk (B) brittle (C) brilliant
7. Some people feel that violent sports such as boxing should be ……………….
because they are too dangerous.
(A) banned (B) bloomed (C) braced
8. Many people think of deserts as ………………. regions, but many species of plants
and animals have adapted to life there.
(A) bland (B) barren (C) balmy
9. An autocratic rulers who serves his people well is sometimes called a ……… dictator.
(A) blatant (B) belligerent (C) benevolent
10. Robert Goddard was a ………………. pioneer in the field of rocketry.
(A) brilliant (B) balmy (C) brisk
11. I enjoy taking walks on ………………. autumn mornings.
(A) barren (B) brisk (C) blurry
12. The victim was apparently struck by a club or some other ………………. object.
(A) bland (B) brittle (C) blunt

    1  .ก  

calamity (n.) = disaster, catastrophe  ;#
capable (adj.) = competent, able, efficient, skillful 
carve (v.) = cut, sculpt, slice $ก ก !' 
casual (adj.). = (1) informal, relaxed  ก ก(  ;
(2) accidental, chance -# 6
caustic (adj.) = biting, harsh, sarcastic กก 
cautious (adj.) = careful, alert, prudent '   
celebrated (adj.) = distinguished, famous, prominent 1'   2) ก
charming (adj.) = delightful, lovely, attractive 0 
cherish (v.) = appreciate, esteem, treasure "  ก  )
choice (n.) = selection, option + ' ก
choice (adj.) = exceptional, superior  8%
cite (v.) = quote, mention, refer to, list ก   ก
clash (v.) = argue, dispute, quarrel -$ 
clash (n.) = argument, conflict, dispute + -$
classify (v.) = categorize $ก ;
clever (adj.) = smart, sharp, witty, bright !
cling (v.) = stick, adhere, hold &  1
clumsy (adj.) = awkward, inept ,-<"<  "  
coax (v.) = persuade, urge กก  1ก1 
colossal (adj.) = huge, enormous, gigantic & 6ก
commence (v.) = begin, initiate, start  ก=
commerce (n.) = trade, business ก  /10
commodity (n.) = good, product, merchandise    '  " -; -#-;
compel (v.) = force, require, coerce ### # +)+36
competent (adj.) = adept, skillful, capable, able  กก,

    1  .ก  

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. The Red Cross provides relief in case of ………………. such as floods, earthquakes,
and hurricanes.
(A) challenges (B) commodities (C) calamities
2. Spoken language is generally more ………………. than written language.
(A) casual (B) capable (C) cautious
3. When writing research papers, writers must ………………. the sources they use.
(A) coax (B) cite (C) clash
4. Monkeys are ………………. as primates.
(A) compelled (B) classified (C) coaxed
5. ………………. remarks can offend people.
(A) Casual (B) Caustic (C) Clever
6. Sculptors use hammers and chisels to ………………. statues out of stone.
(A) clash (B) compel (C) carve
7. The Space Age ………………. in October 1957 when Sputnik, the first artificial
satellite, was launched by the Soviet Union.
(A) commenced (B) coaxed (C) cited
8. Workers must be very ………………. when dealing with toxic substances.
(A) caustic (B) casual (C) cautious
9. In seaside communities, building sites that have a view of the ocean are considered
………………. .
(A) choice (B) clever (C) competent
10. With the growth of international ………………., the economies of the world have
become more interdependent.
(A) commodity (B) commerce (C) choice
11. The Lincoln Memorial features a ………………. statue of the sixteenth president.
(A) colossal (B) caustic (C) casual
12. Corn, cotton, sugar, and many other goods are bought and sold in ……………….
(A) clash (B) commerce (C) commodity

    1  .ก  

MINI-Lesson 1.4
complement (v.) = supplement, complete ,#)/0
complement (n.) = supplement, addition ,#)/0
compliment (v.) = praise, flatter, commend ก   2
compliment (n.) = praise, flattery, commendation + ก, "/
,ก -11
comprehensive (adj.) = complete, thorough, exhaustive #)/0 
compulsory (adj.) . = necessary, obligatory, mandatory 2, # #
concede (v.) = admit, acknowledge, recognize    #
concise (adj.) = brief, short, abbreviated ,   #
concrete (adj.) = tangible, specific, real, perceptible ,3, ) .
congregate (v.) = assemble, gather 1"  
conspicuous (adj.) = noticeable, obvious, prominent 1 "
contemplate (v.) = think about, ponder, speculate 2/ >
controversial (adj.) = disputable, debatable ก+ +$
convenient (adj.) = accessible, available, handy  ก  ) 
cope with (v.) = deal with, manage, handle #' # " 2ก
copious (adj.) = abundant, ample, plentiful ก  
cordial (adj.) = congenial, warm, friendly 22 # "  
courteous (adj.) = polite, refined, gracious "; ก #
covert (adj.) = secret, hidden :<   :(
cozy (adj.) = (1) comfortable, warm # "  # ;
(2) friendly, intimate, close    
crave (v.) = desire, long for, hope for  ก 
crooked (adj.) = (1) curved, twisted, zigzag   -  ;
(2) dishonest, corrupt <' 0 -ก
crucial (adj.) = critical, decisive, key , 6 ก2
crude (adj.) = (1) rude, impolite, vulgar #  "; ;
(2) unprocessed, raw, unrefined #>
cruel (adj.) = brutal, vicious, ruthless *' 
cryptic (adj.) = secret, hidden, mysterious &ก#
curb (v.) = restrict, limit, control # " 2,ก

    1  .ก  

curious (adj.) = (1) inquisitive ก) ก3 ;

(2) odd, strange, unusual $ ก  ( ก
curt (adj.) = abrupt, blunt, impolite #  ก

MINI-Lesson 1.4
Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. The use of seat belts is ………………. in many states; failure to wear them may
result in fines.
(A) covert (B) cruel (C) compulsory
2. Every summer, bears from all over southern Alaska ………………. along the McNeil River.
(A) crave (B) curb (C) congregate
3. An abstract is a ………………. form of an academic article. Many journals publish
abstracts so readers can decide if it is worthwhile to read the full version of the article.
(A) concise (B) comprehensive (C) concrete
4. Before 1754, Britain and the North American colonies had a ……………….
relationship, but after that, their relationship became strained.
(A) conspicuous (B) cozy (C) curt
5. Automatic teller machines provide a ………………. means of banking 24 hours a day.
(A) cordial (B) crooked (C) convenient
6. Lombard Street in San Francisco, which zigzags its way up a steep hill, is known as
the most ………………. street in the world.
(A) controversial (B) crooked (C) cryptic
7. A good writer supports his or her generalizations with ………………. examples.
(A) concrete (B) curious (C) crude
8. Many hunters wear orange and other bright colors in order to be as ……………….
as possible, and therefore avoid being short by other hunters by mistake.
(A) covert (B) cruel (C) conspicuous
9. Movie directors use music to ………………. the action on the screen.
(A) contemplate (B) complement (C) compliment
10. Workers in the service sector should be trained to act as ………………. as possible.
(A) crudely (B) courteously (C) curtly

    1  .ก  

damp (adj.) = moist, wet, humid 1' ?ก
daring (adj.) = bold, courageous, brave ก6 
dazzling (adj.) = shining, sparking, blinding, bright ก  
declare (v.) = announce, proclaim ก8 $2#
deem (v.) = believe, consider, regard, judge 1'    2/
defective (adj.) = flawed, faulty, broken, malfunctioning , + #ก 
defiant (adj.) = rebellious, insubordinate  ) =.
delicate (adj.) = exquisite, fragile  #   <#< 
delightful (adj.) = charming, attractive, enchanting 0
delusion (n.) = illusion, dream, fantasy  ; 
demolish (v.) = tear down, destroy, wreck ,
dense (adj.) = thick, solid $
desist (v.) = stop, cease, discontinue " #
device (n.) = instrument, tool, mechanism " ก/0  ' '
devise (v.) = invent, plan, figure out $(  .
dim (adj.) = unclear, faint, indistinct ' 
din (n.) = noise, clamor, commotion # -ก " 
dire (adj.) = desperate, grievous, serious    "ก+0
dismal (adj.) = gloomy, depressing, dreary  $  "ก+0
disperse (v.) = scatter, distribute, spread ก2ก2
dispute (n.) = argument, quarrel, debate, clash, feud + -$
distinct (adj.) = discrete, separate, different 1 $ก $ก
distinguished (adj.) = celebrated, notable, famous, well-known   )2ก
divulge (v.) = reveal, admit, disclose  :(
dogged (adj.) = stubborn, determined, persistent ' 
dominate (v.) = rule, control, govern # " ก  
dot (v.) = located, scattered around  ), #3 > 
dot (n.) = spot, point 2"#3
downfall (n.) = collapse, ruin, destruction <ก 8%ก
doze (v.) = sleep, nap  #
drawback (n.) = disadvantage, weakness, flaw +  #
dreary (adj.) = dismal, gloomy, bleak  $ -8ก8
    1  .ก  

drench (v.) = wet, soak  ?ก-1ก $1 ?ก

drowsy (adj.) = sleepy, tired   ' 
dubious (adj.) = doubtful, skeptical, uncertain  $ 
durable (adj.) = lasting, enduring, resistant   
dwell (v.) = live, reside, inhabit ก 8
dwelling (n.) = house, home, residence ก #
dwindle (v.) = decrease, diminish 
dynamic (adj.) = energetic, forceful, active, vibrant ,  ' 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. The snow on the mountaintop was ………………. in the bright morning sun.
(A) dazzling (B) dogged (C) dim
2. A person who has been accused of a crime cannot be forced to ………………. any
information that is self-incriminating.
(A) divulge (B) desist (C) disperse
3. Roses have a ………………. beauty.
(A) dense (B) delicate (C) dire
4. An odometer is a ………………. for measuring distance.
(A) device (B) delusion (C) dwelling
5. The amount of open space has ………………. as more and more land is developed.
(A) dominated (B) dwindled (C) dispersed
6. A ………………. battery can cause an electrical device to malfunction.
(A) dogged (B) durable (C) defective
7. Richard Bird and his pilot Floyd Bennet undertook a ………………. flight to the
North Pole in May 1926.
(A) daring (B) defiant (C) distinct
8. Steep, round hills called knobs ………………. southern Indiana.
(A) demolish (B) dot (C) dwell
9. Artists Nathaniel Currier and J. Merritt Ives produced some ………………. prints of
nineteenth-century New England scenes, Which collectors prize for their charm.
(A) dreary (B) dim (C) delightful

    1  .ก  
10. Economists define ………………. goods as ones intended to last more than four
(A) durable (B) dense (C) delicate
11. One cause of the American Revolution was a ………………. over taxation.
(A) drawback (B) delusion (C) dispute
12. Florida has a humid climate. Summers there are particularly hot and ………………. .
(A) dynamic (B) damp (C) dogged

    1  .ก  

eerie (adj.) = strange, odd, unusual, frightening $ กก
elderly (adj.) = old, aged  " $กก 
elegant (adj.) = sophisticated, polished     /
eligible (adj.) = suitable, qualified, acceptable + ก 
eminent (adj.) = celebrated, distinguished, famous 1'  -
emit (v.) = send out, discharge  
enchanting (adj.) = delightful, charming, captivating 0 ก
encounter (v.) = meet, find, come across # (16 
encounter (n.) = meeting, confrontation ก#  ก(16
endeavor (v.) = attempt, venture  "
endorse (v.) = authorize, approve, support #"  ,2.
enhance (v.) = intensify, amplify, strengthen # ก+
ensue (v.) = follow, result ก 
entice (v.) = lure, attract, tempt    &)
era (n.) = period, age " 
essential (adj.) = critical, vital, crucial, key 2,  , 6
esteem (v.) = cherish, honor, admire ก  ก
evade (v.) = escape, avoid, elude # #
exhaustive (adj.) = thorough, complete, comprehensive   # #
exhilarating (adj.) = exciting, thrilling, stimulating '
extravagant (adj.) = excessive, lavish ก  
fable (n.) = story, tale '  
fabled (adj.) = legendary, mythical, famous ,    '
facet (n.) = aspect, point, feature $" ก%/8%
faint (adj.) = dim, pale, faded, indistinct '  12
falter (v.) = hesitate, waver  $ 
fancy (adj.) = decorative, ornate, elaborate # 
fasten (v.) = attach, secure $
fatal (adj.) = mortal, lethal, deadly ก   
fatigue (v.) = tire, exhaust ' 
fatigue (n.) = exhaustion, weariness ' 
faulty (adj.) = flawed, inferior  ก  + 
    1  .ก  

feasible (adj.) = possible 2 "  2ก

feeble (adj.) = weak, fragile, frail $ 
ferocious (adj.) = fierce, savage, violent *'  "
fiery (adj.) = (1) blazing, burning "ก ;
(2) passionate, fervent -ก.' 
fitting (adj.) = suitable, proper, apt, appropriate 
flagrant (adj.) = blatant, obvious  2) ก ! -!
flaw (n.) = defect, imperfection, fault ,
flee (v.) = escape, go away, elude #
flimsy (adj.) = fragile, frail, weak, feeble # ##
forego (v.) = abandon, give up  2
foremost (adj.) = chief, principal, leading (),
fragment (n.) = particle, piece, bit 8%(."
fragrant (adj.) = aromatic, scented ก 
fraudulent (adj.) = false, deceptive, deceitful  ก 
fundamental (adj.) = basic, integral, elemental '@ #' 
fusion (n.) = blend, merger, union ก  ก2กก(
futile (adj.) = useless, pointless, vain   -10  

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. In 1906, much of San Francisco was destroyed by an earthquake and the fires that
………………. .
(A) evaded (B) ensued (C) encountered
2. The writer H.P. Lovecraft wrote many ………………. stories about the supernatural.
(A) essential (B) eerie (C) exhilarating
3. A new ………………. of aviation began in 1947 when Chuck Yaeger became the
first pilot to fly faster than the speed of sound.
(A) fable (B) endeavor (C) era
4. Vance Packard’s book The Hidden Persuaders deals with the tactics advertisers use
to ………………. consumers.
(A) endorse (B) entice (C) enhance

    1  .ก  
5. Riding a roller coaster is an ………………. experience.
(A) exhilarating (B) elegant (C) exhaustive
6. Before the plane takes off, passengers must ………………. their seat belts.
(A) flee (B) emit (C) fasten
7. In the United States, citizens are ............... to vote at the age of eighteen.
(A) essential (B) elderly (C) eligible
8. Barracudas are ………………. predators, sometimes called the “tigers” of tropical
(A) elegant (B) futile (C) ferocious
9. Certain gases such as neon ………………. light when exposed to an electrical current.
(A) emit (B) evade (C) esteem
10. People make more mistakes when they are ………………. than when they are fresh.
(A) exhaustive (B) eminent (C) fatigued
11. A ………………. In a jewel makes it less valuable.
(A) fragment (B) facet (C) flaw
12. Honeysuckle is a shrub that has ………………. white or yellowish blossoms.
(A) elegant (B) fatal (C) exhilarating

    1  .ก  

gala (adj.) = festive, happy, joyful '
gap (n.) = break, breach, opening 1       . . .
garrulous (adj.) = talkative 1)
gaudy (adj.) = showy, flashy, ostentatious 31 "
genial (adj.) = pleasant, cordial, agreeable # " 22
gentle (adj.) = mild, kind, considerate "; -
genuine (adj.) = authentic, real, valid $2
glitter (v.) = sparkle, shine, glisten ก
glory (n.) = grandeur, majesty, fame 6
gorgeous (adj.) = attractive, beautiful  
graphic (adj.) = clear, explicit, vivid 312 -"
grasp (v.) = (1) grab, seize, grip  2# ; (2) understand +2
grave (adj.) = serious, grievous, solemn, somber 8-8ก  +&-22
gregarious (adj.) = sociable, friendly +  ก )  
grim (adj.) = severe, dreary, bleak, somber +  22
grip (v.) = hold, grasp, seize  2# &
grueling (adj.) = exhausting, difficult ' 
gullible (adj.) = innocent, naive, trusting, credulous #".B
hamper (v.) = delay, obstruct, hinder, block กก "  ก+ 
haphazard (adj.) = random, chance, aimless, unplanned " ก-2
  # 6 
hardship (n.) = difficult, trouble "  46 ก,#ก
harm (v.) = injure, damage , 
harmony (n.) = accord, agreement, peace      กก'
harness (v.) = control, utilize # " ก1
harsh (adj.) = severe, rough, strict "$ 
hasty (adj.) = quick, rushed, hurried #
hazardous (adj.) = dangerous, risky 
heed (v.) = obey, listen to, mind, follow ,  #C4
hinder (v.) = block, obstruct, hamper ก "  ก+ 
hoist (v.) = lift, raise, pick up ก+& ก+&$ 
hue (n.) = color, tint, shade $  !
    1  .ก  

huge (adj.) = enormous, giant, colossal, immense +6 &

hurl (v.) = pitch, throw, fling ก  " 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. During the construction of skyscrapers, cranes are used to ………………. Building
materials to the upper floors.
(A) hurl (B) harness (C) hoist
2. The 23-mile-long Boston Marathon is a ………………. foot race.
(A) gorgeous (B) grueling (C) hasty
3. Dams can ………………. the power of rivers, but they may also destroy their
(A) heed (B) harness (C) hurl
4. The more facets a diamond has, the more it ………………. .
(A) glitters (B) harms (C) hinders
5. Many people celebrate the new year with ………………. parties.
(A) gala (B) grueling (C) haphazard
6. Think it over for awhile; don’t make a ………………. decision.
(A) genuine (B) gullible (C) hasty
7. Bad weather ………………. the rescue crews trying to locate the life rafts.
(A) hampered (B) grasped (C) harnessed
8. Gorillas look ferocious but are actually quite ………………. creatures.
(A) gaudy (B) gentle (C) gorgeous
9. Con artists are criminals who take advantage of ………………. people by tricking
them and taking their money.
(A) garrulous (B) grim (C) gullible
10. Working with toxic materials is a ………………. occupation.
(A) hazardous (B) genial (C) haphazard
11. Most minnows are tiny fish, but squawfish, which can weigh as much as 30 pounds,
are actually ………………. minnows.
(A) gregarious (B) gaudy (C) huge
12. At first, the results of the experience seemed ………………., but finally a pattern
(A) haphazard (B) grave (C) genuine

    1  .ก  

idea (n.) = concept, notion, thought  
ideal (n.) = model, standard $## $##@
ideal (adj.) = perfect, model, standard #)/0  " 
idle (adj.) = (1) inactive, unused, inert !'  1; (2) lazy +ก2
illusion (n.) = fantasy, delusion ;  
imaginary (adj.) = unreal, fantastic, fictitious ' $+&, 
imaginative (adj.) = creative, original, clever กก , 
       ! "  "กX "กY
immense (adj.) = huge, enormous, massive, colossal #  #$%
impair (v.) = damage, injure, spoil 
impartial (adj.) = fair, unbiased, neutral ".  ก
implement (v.) = realize, achieve, put into practice, execute ,ก
implement (n.) = tool, utensil, instrument  ' ' " ก/0
incessant (adj.) = constant, ceaseless, continuous "   ' 
increment (n.) = increase, amount 2,  + /
indifferent (adj.) = uncaring, apathetic, unconcerned !1 2
indigenous (adj.) = native  . . .  )ก  $ก,
indispensable (adj.) = necessary, essential, vital, critical
2,  + $ก2กก
indistinct (adj.) = unclear, blurry, hazy 12
induce (v.). = persuade, convince, coax กก  1ก1 
inept (adj.) = incompetent, awkward, clumsy
+ 1,6, +ก%$ ?'
inexorable (adj.) = unstoppable  '  +  3
infamous (adj.) = notorious, shocking 1'  1 
infinite (adj.) = limitless, endless, boundless +2,ก
infinitesimal (adj.) = tiny, minute, minuscule 3กก2 3
ingenious (adj.) = brilliant, imaginative, clever, inventive 2!,
;) 466
ingenuous (adj.) = naive, trusting <'  ()#".B
inhabit (v.) = live, dwell, reside, populate ก ) 8
inhibit (v.) = control, limit, restrain  # # "

    1  .ก  

initial (adj.) = original, first, beginning, introductory ก $ก +$ก

innate (adj.) = natural, inborn $ก,  .1
intense (adj.) = powerful, heightened, concentrated ++ ก#
intricate (adj.) = complicated, complex, involved <#<   
irate (adj.) = angry, furious, upset -ก. "
jagged (adj.) = rough, rugged, uneven, irregular +"+ ##
jeopardy (n.) = danger, hazard, risk, threat  
jolly (adj.) = joyful, happy, cheerful, jovial "ก &ก '
jolt (v.) = shock, jar, shake up, surprise ' , ก$ก
jolt (n.) = blow, surprise, shock '  $'  +&-
keen (adj.) = (1) sharp $  ;
(2) shrewd, clever, bright !!#$ ;
(3) eager, enthusiastic  ' 
key (adj.) = principal, crucial, important 3, 6  , 6
knack (n.) = skill, ability, aptitude, talent 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Many people feel that Hawaii has an almost ………………. climate.
(A) idle (B) impartial (C) ideal
2. A plow is a farm ………………. used to break up soil and prepare the land for
(A) increment (B) knack (C) implement
3. A laser uses a synthetic ruby to concentrate light into an extremely ……………….
high energy beam.
(A) intense (B) indistinct (C) imaginary
4. Jesse James was an ………………. outlaw, well-known as a bank robber and gun
(A) inept (B) ingenuous (C) infamous
5. Antibiotics ………………. the growth of bacteria.
(A) inhabit (B) jolt (C) inhabit
6. Optical ………………. deceive the eye with tricks of perception.
(A) illusions (B) ideals (C) increments
    1  .ก  
7. Stockholders may be too ………………. to vote in corporate elections, so they let
management vote for them by proxy.
(A) infamous (B) indifferent (C) ingenious
8. The heavily populated states of Ohio, Pennsylvania, Illinois, and Michigan are
………………. states for any candidate in a presidential election.
(A) initial (B) impartial (C) key
9. A virus is so ………………. that it can be seen only with an electron microscope.
(A) infinite (B) imaginary (C) infinitesimal
10. The ………………. character Falstaff is one of Shakespeare’s finest comic creations.
(A) keen (B) jolly (C) irate
11. Anyone can learn basic cooking skills; you don’t need a special ………………. .
(A) knack (B) idea (C) implement
12. Alcohol can ………………. one’s ability to drive.
(A) jolt (B) impair (C) induce
13. The ………………. people of Australia were called Aborigines by the English settlers.
(A) indigenous (B) ingenuous (C) innate
14. The rhinoceros has a poor sense of sight but ………………. sense of smell.
(A) an impartial (B) an inept (C) a keen
15. The equator is ………………. line running around the center of the Earth.
(A) an imaginative (B) a jagged (C) an imaginary
16. A glacier’s progress is slow but ………………. .
(A) inexorable (B) impartial (C) infinite

lack (v.) = need, require, not have +$   
lack (n.) = shortage, absence, scarcity +$   1
lag (v.) = fall behind, go slowly   D
lavish (adj.) = luxurious, plentiful, abundant ก
lax (adj.) = careless, negligent, loose  
legendary (adj.) = mythical, fabled, famous   )2ก2ก' ,
legitimate (adj.) = proper, authentic, valid กE
lethargic (adj.) = slow, listless, sluggish, lazy 1' 1 !' 1
likely (adj.) = probable, plausible 2  
linger (v.) = remain, stay )# /,  )$ 
link (v.) = join, connect, fasten, bind 1'  -+ก

    1  .ก  

link (n.) = connection, tie + ()ก 

long (v.) = desire, wish for   
lucid (adj.) = clear, plain, understandable 12 ก
lull (v.) = soothe, calm, quiet #  #
lull (n.) = pause, break 1 ก
lure (v.) = attract, tempt, entice &),  ก
lurid (adj.) = shocking, sensational, graphic ", $ 
lurk (v.) = prowl, sneak, hide <  <"
luster (n.) = shine, radiance, brightness    
luxurious (adj.) = lavish, elegant, plush ) C"*CF  ก
magnificent (adj.) = majestic, impressive, splendid  2ก  #2
magnitude (n.) = size, extent, amount 6 31  + ก
mandatory (adj.) = necessary, obligatory, compulsory # # 22
mar (v.) = damage, ruin, deface, spoil (6 ,
memorable (adj.) = unforgettable, impressive, striking "/0 &ก
mend (v.) = fix, repair < $<
mild (adj.) = gentle, moderate, calm   " 
mingle (v.) = blend, combine, mix   (
minute (adj.) = tiny, minuscule +3กก
monitor (adj.) = observe, watch   2 #
moral (adj.) = honorable, ethical 8.  ก,
morale (n.) = spirit, confidence, attitude + 6 ก,2
murky (adj.) = unclear, cloudy 12, " ' , +"
mysterious (adj.) = puzzling, strange &ก#   8
mythical (adj.) = legendary, imaginary, fictional ' 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. It’s difficult for scuba divers to see when the water is ………………. .
(A) murky (B) lucid (C) magnificent
2. In most cultures, it is traditional to prepare ………………. meals to celebrate holidays.
(A) lurid (B) lethargic (C) lavish

    1  .ก  
3. Parents often sing to children to ………………. them to sleep.
(A) lurk (B) mingle (C) lull
4. Julius Caesar is known not only for his military and political skills but also for his
………………., informative writing.
(A) lucid (B) lurid (C) lethargic
5. A cobbler ………………. damaged shoes.
(A) mars (B) mends (C) lacks
6. One of the ………………. exhibits of Impressionist art is found at the Art Institute of
(A) mildest (B) most memorable (C) most lucid
7. The USO is a service organization that entertains U.S. troops and improves their
………………. .
(A) morale (B) luster (C) lack
8. Quarks are ………………. Particles are believed to be the fundamental unit of matter.
(A) massive (B) minute (C) mythical
9. Some people like to ………………. after dinner over coffee and dessert.
(A) lag (B) long (C) linger
10. Paperback novels in the 1940s and 1950s often had ………………. Covers to attract
readers’ attention.
(A) lurid (B) murky (C) legitimate
11. One problem caused by a rising crime rate is a ………………. Of space in prisons.
(A) lag (B) lack (C) link
12. The ………………. Lumberjack Paul Bunyan and his giant blue ox Babe are two of
the most famous characters in American folklore.
(A) legendary (B) moral (C) minute

negligible (adj.) = unimportant, trivial , 6 
nimble (adj.) = graceful, agile  $  
notable (adj.) = remarkable, conspicuous, striking - "
notify (v.) = inform $2 ก   
notion (n.) = idea, concept, thought  
notorious (adj.) = infamous, disreputable 1' 
novel (adj.) = new, innovative  $ 
objective (n.) = goal, purpose, aim  7

    1  .ก  

objective (adj.) = fair, impartial, unbiased, neutral   ก -  

oblong (adj.) = oval 
obscure (adj.) = unfamiliar, ambiguous, little-known " '
obsolete (adj.) = antiquated, out of date, outmoded 
odd (adj.) = strange, unusual, peculiar, curious $ ก 
offspring (n.) = young, children, descendants  )ก-
ominous (adj.) = threatening, menacing, dangerous ก 
opulent (adj.) = luxurious, plush, affluent   ,  )
ornamental (adj.) = ornate, decorative, elaborate # 
outgoing (adj.) = (1) open, friendly ()ก , )2ก ;
(2) departing, leaving ก+ ก
outlook (n.) = (1) opinion, view "   3 ;
(2) prospect, forecast ก ก/0
outstanding (adj.) = excellent, exceptional, notable, well-known
- "
overall (adj.) = general, comprehensive -  # #)/0
overcast (adj.) = cloudy, gloomy ก " '
overcome (v.) = subdue, defeat, overwhelm  1 # 
overlook (v.) = ignore, disregard, neglect  +  
oversee (v.) = supervise, manage, direct  2  7ก%ก/0
oversight (n.) = error, mistake, omission  
overt (adj.) = open, obvious  :( $ ก
overtake (v.) = catch up with, reach 2#ก" #
overwhelm (v.) = (1) astonish, astound ';
(2) inundate, overcome, engulf   ก  ;
(3) conquer, defeat, overpower 1  
Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Who should be ………………. in case you are involved in an accident ?
(A) overlooked (B) notified (C) overtaken
2. Many of the world’s most ………………. restaurants are located in luxury hotels.
(A) outgoing (B) opulent (C) overt

    1  .ก  
3. The black clouds of a gathering thunderstorm look quite ………………. .
(A) ominous (B) negligible (C) overcast
4. Pulitzer Prizes are awarded to ………………. journalists, novelists, poets, and other
(A) objective (B) outstanding (C) notorious
5. An ………………. plant is cultivated chiefly for its beauty.
(A) opulent (B) obscure (C) ornamental
6. Franklin D. Roosevelt was able to ………………. his physical handicaps; he didn’t
permit them to interfere with his living a vigorous life.
(A) oversee (B) overcome (C) overtake
7. The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains
so many ………………. references.
(A) notable (B) obscure (C) objective
8. The Bessemer process was once the most common method of making steel, but
today this process is considered ………………. .
(A) odd (B) novel (C) obsolete
9. Gregarious people are friendly and ………………. .
(A) overcast (B) nimble (C) outgoing
10. The town planning commission said that its financial ………………. for the next
fiscal year was optimistic; it expects increased tax revenues.
(A) outlook (B) oversight (C) notion
11. The new play was so successful that the demand for tickets was ………………. .
(A) odd (B) overwhelming (C) negligible
12. A book’s table of contents provides readers with an ………………. Idea of what the
book is about.
(A) outgoing (B) overt (C) overall
13. Because ultraviolet light from the Sun can penetrate clouds, it is possible to get a
sunburn on an ………………. day.
(A) obscure (B) overcast (C) opulent
14. Although the accident appeared serious, only a ……………….amount of damage
was done.
(A) novel (B) notable (C) negligible

    1  .ก  

pace (n.) = rate, speed ก  
painstaking (adj.) = careful, conscientious, thorough    # #
pale (adj.) = white, colorless, faded < 2
paltry (adj.) = unimportant, minor, trivial ' 
particle (n.) = piece, bit, fragment 8% ( /) "*ก ก
path (n.) = trail, track, way, route 
peculiar (adj.) = (1) strange, odd, puzzling $ ก 
(2) distinctive, characteristic, unique, special 8%$ ก
penetrate (v.) = enter, go through, pierce, puncture 2"+
perceive (v.) = observe, sense, notice #) +2   
peril (n.) = danger, hazard, risk, threat  "ก 
perpetual (adj.) = constant, endless, eternal   
perplexing (adj.) = puzzling, mystifying, confusing  #
pierce (v.) = penetrate, puncture, stab $  2
plausible (adj.) = likely, credible, believable 2  1' 2 
plead (v.) = appeal, beg +     
plush (adj.) = opulent, luxurious, elegant ) C"*CF 
ponder (v.) = consider, think about, reflect on 2/ " 
portion (n.) = share, part, section, segment  $# ;1$#
postpone (v.) = delay, put off, defer ' 
potent (adj.) = strong, powerful, effective +$+3  .;
pounce (v.) = jump, leap, spring  "#
precious (adj.) = expensive, costly, rare ,   $
precise (adj.) = accurate, exact, definite $, )ก 
premier (adj.) = (1) first, opening, earliest, initial $ก" $ก
(2) chief, leading, foremost (),
pressing (adj.) = urgent, crucial, compelling 2,  
pretext (n.) = excuse, pretense, justification +  ,$ก
prevail (v.) = succeed, win, triumph 1  #  
prevalent (adj.) = common, widespread, popular #  ก6
prior (adj.) = earlier, preceding, former ก 
probe (v.) = investigate, inquire into )20 '#   
    1  .ก  

procure (v.) = obtain, acquire, secure 2 #ก

profound (adj.) = important, significant, deep &ก<&  &ก$, 6
prompt (adj.) = punctual, timely   
prosper (v.) = flourish, thrive, succeed ,  #-  
provoke (v.) = (1) irritate, anger, annoy  -- ;
(2) cause, trigger  กก " ก ก
prudent (adj.) = careful, sensible, cautious  # # "+" 
pulverize (v.) = crush, grind, powder #' , (
pungent (adj.) = (1) bitter, harsh, biting, sharp +  ;
(2) spicy, sour, tart, pursue   ' 22
pursue (v.) = chase, follow, seek 2#    
puzzling (adj.) = mystifying, confusing, baffling 8 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Turquoise is not valuable enough to be classified as a ………………. stone.
(A) perpetual (B) pale (C) precious
2. Employers often require job applicants to have ………………. experience in the field.
(A) premier (B) prior (C) plush
3. Hospitals define urgent care as medical care given to somewhat less ……………….
medical problems than emergency care.
(A) perplexing (B) pressing (C) prudent
4. Toolmakers must have the ability to work very ………………. in order to meet exact
(A) precisely (B) profoundly (C) plausibly
5. NASA ………………. the launch of space vehicles on account of bad weather or technical
(A) ponders (B) postpones (C) probes
6. ………………. of dust in the air may trigger allergies in some people.
(A) Portions (B) Pretexts (C) Particles
7. The Appalachian Trail, extending from Maine to Georgia, is the longest continuous
hiking ………………. in the world.
(A) pace (B) peril (C) path

    1  .ก  
8. When a tiger sports its prey, it crouches down and then ………………. .
(A) pleads (B) ponders (C) pounces
9. X rays cannot ………………. lead.
(A) provoke (B) penetrate (C) pursue
10. Morphine, a form of synthetic heroin, is a ………………. painkiller.
(A) potent (B) pungent (C) paltry
11. Sherlock Holmes, a fictional detective, solved many ………………. crimes.
(A) puzzling (B) prevalent (C) prompt
12. Mallows are a type of wildflower that grows ………………. in prairies, woods, and
(A) profusely (B) profoundly (C) preciously
13. Certain spices give foods a ………………. taste.
(A) prudent (B) pungent (C) pale
14. Trade with Britain and the West Indies allowed Colonial seaports such as Boston to
………………. .
(A) postpone (B) provoke (C) prosper
15. A ………………. Investor never takes unnecessary financial risks.
(A) perplexing (B) prudent (C) premier

    1  .ก  

quaint (adj.) = charming, picturesque, curious, old-fashioned
 0 + ก
quake (v.) = shiver, shake, tremble  ' 
quandary (n.) = problem, dilemma, predicament ;2 ก
quarrel (n.) = argument, dispute, disagreement +$
quest (n.) = search, journey, venture ก  
radiant (adj.) = bright, shiny, glowing ก  "ก
ragged (adj.) = torn, tattered, worn +"
range (n.) = scope, extent, spectrum 1  # / /+
range (v.) = (1) extend, vary, fluctuate $   $ 
(2) roam, wander ก,
rash (adj.) = thoughtless, careless, reckless  #2
raw (adj.) = (1) uncooked # ;
(2) unprocessed, unrefined, crude 82กก+ก,
กก , #
raze (v.) = demolish, level, knock down ,
recede (v.) = retreat, go back, subside, withdraw   ,
reckless (adj.) = careless, rash 
recollect (v.) = recall, remember 2, # 
recount (v.) = narrate, tell  #
refine (v.) = improve, process, purify กก  ,#".B
refuge (n.) = shelter, haven, retreat #;
rehearse (v.) = practice, train, go over Gก< 
reliable (adj.) = dependable, trustworthy 1' ' 
relish (v.) = enjoy, savor, like "ก'
remedy (n.) = treatment, cure ก%
remnant (n.) = remainder, balance, fragment 8%   ' )
remote (adj.) = isolated, distant ก - ,
renowned (adj.) = famous, celebrated, notable  )2ก 1' 
resent (v.) = dislike, take offense at -ก.+" ' 
retract (v.) = withdraw, pull back   ก 
riddle (n.) = puzzle, mystery 
    1  .ก  

rigid (adj.) = (1) stiff, unbending $##$( กE## ;

(2) harsh, severe, strict +  ,กE+ # #
rip (v.) = tear, cut, slash !ก ก 
ripe (adj.) = mature, developed, grown -3 "ก 
risky (adj.) = dangerous, hazardous, treacherous  ก 
roam (v.) = travel, wander, range 
rough (adj.) = (1) uneven, jagged +"+; (2) difficult "  ;
(3) impolite +ก) '  #
route (n.) = way, course, path, road  
rudimentary (adj.) = elementary, fundamental, primary #'  '@
rugged (adj.) = (1) jagged, rough, uneven +"+ ## ;
(2) strong, sturdy $+3$   
rumor (adj.) = gossip, hearsay, story + ' ' '
rural (adj.) = agricultural 1# " # ก ก
ruthless (adj.) = cruel, brutal, vicious #&& " ,

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Motorists can be fined for driving ………………. .
(A) recklessly (B) reliably (C) ruthlessly
2. Million of bison once ………………. the plains of North America.
(A) recollected (B) ripped (C) roamed
3. Musician have to ………………. before performing.
(A) rehearse (B) resent (C) recount
4. At the end of the Ice Age, glaciers began to ………………. .
(A) quake (B) raze (C) recede
5. Big Sur, a wild section of California’s coastline, is known for its ………………. beauty.
(A) ragged (B) rash (C) rugged
6. Wetlands provide ………………. for many species of birds, reptiles, mammals, and
(A) riddles (B) refuge (C) rumors
7. The pirate Blackbeard had a reputation for begin a harsh, ………………. man.
(A) ruthless (B) quaint (C) reliable

    1  .ก  
8. Wrecking balls are used to ………………. buildings.
(A) rip (B) quake (C) raze
9. The northernmost section of the Rocky Mountains, the Brooks Range, is located in
a ………………. section of Alaska.
(A) remote (B) reliable (C) radiant
10. Dogs can hear a greater ………………. of sounds than humans.
(A) remnant (B) quandary (C) range
11. Patent medicine salesmen have claimed to have ………………. for all types of
ailments, from cancer to baldness to the common cold.
(A) remedies (B) quandaries (C) riddles
12. Visitors to Vermont delight in the beautiful scenery and picturesque village and enjoy
staying in some of the ………………. country inns there.
(A) rudimentary (B) ragged (C) quaint
13. ………………. materials have less economic value than processed materials.
(A) Raw (B) Rash (C) Renowned
14. Many medieval stories dealt with ………………., such as the story of the search for
the Grail.
(A) quarrels (B) quandaries (C) quests
15. The Tennessee Valley Authority helped bring cheap electricity to farmers in
the ……………. south.
(A) reliable (B) rural (C) rugged

    1  .ก  

salvage (v.) = save, rescue, recover, retrieve 1 ' ก)<ก
scale (v.) = climb ?
scale (n.) = (1) range, spectrum + 1 ;
(2) proportion  
scarce (adj.) = rare, sparse, unusual +$ 
scatter (v.) = disperse, spread ก2ก2
scent (n.) = aroma, fragrance, odor, smell ก 
scrap (v.) = abandon, get rid of , 8% '   +"
scrap (n.) = piece, fragment 8%3ก>   +">
seasoned (adj.) = experienced, veteran 1,6
secluded (adj.) = hidden, isolated, secret <  ก :
sensational (adj.) = thrilling, exciting, shocking '  2
serene (adj.) = quiet, peaceful, calm, tranquil # ## 
sever (v.) = cut, slice off !' 
severe (adj.) = (1) harsh, strict, austere "$ ก +;
(2) undecorated, plain  #
shatter (v.) = break, smash, fragment "#, ,$กก
sheer (adj.) = (1) steep, sharp, abrupt )1ก' # !ก ;
(2) transparent, thin, filmy # #- 
shimmer (v.) = shine, glow, glisten, gleam   ก
shred (v.) = rip up, tear up ก !ก
shrewd (adj.) = clever, sly !
shrill (adj.) = piercing, high-pitched $ 
shun (v.) = avoid, stay away from #ก  
shy (adj.) = timid, reserved +  < 
significant (adj.) = important, vital, major , 62, 
signify (v.) = symbolize, stand for, indicate ## ก $
sketch (v.) = draw )
sketch (n.) = drawing, picture, diagram ; 
slender (adj.) = thin, slim, slight # ## ) 
sluggish (adj.) = slow, listless, lazy, lethargic 1!' 
sly (adj.) = cunning, clever, shrewd ! 20
    1  .ก  

soak (v.) = wet, drench, saturate $1 , ?ก1"

solace (n.) = comfort, consolation, relief #
somber (adj.) = serious, grave, solemn 8<&)2
sort (v.) = classify, categorize $# ;
sort (n.) = type, kind, variety 1 ;
sound (n.) = noise 
sound (adj.) = safe, solid, secure  

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Skunks use a pungent ………………. as their first line of defense.
(A) scent (B) scrap (C) sound
2. One of the most popular peaks for mountain climbers to ………………. is El Capitan
in Yosemite National Park.
(A) scale (B) soak (C) shun
3. Foxes are not particular rare, but they are not often seen because they are so
………………. .
(A) sluggish (B) somber (C) shy
4. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 was a particularly ………………. piece of legislation.
(A) serene (B) significant (C) slender
5. ………………. workers are more valuable to employers than beginners.
(A) Shrill (B) Seasoned (C) sluggish
6. The Shakers were a strict religious group that ………………. all types of pleasure.
(A) scrapped (B) shunned (C) sketched
7. Denver’s plan to build a subway system was ………………. in the 1970s.
(A) scattered (B) sorted (C) scrapped
8. Even after a ship has sunk, its cargo can often be ………………. .
(A) severed (B) shattered (C) salvaged
9. Some economists believe that the best way to get a ………………. economy
moving again is to cut taxes.
(A) sensational (B) sluggish (C) shrewd
10. Government bonds and blue-chip stocks are ………………. investments.
(A) sound (B) shy (C) scarce
11. If a person’s spinal cord is ………………., paralysis results.
(A) soaked (B) severed (C) salvaged
    1  .ก  
12. Silk is a ………………. fabric.
(A) sheer (B) shrewd (C) slender

span (v.) = extend, bridge, connect + 1' 
span (n.) = length, extent, range ก$(+  ' ก
spawn (v.) = generate, create, produce ( 
spawn (n.) = offspring, descendants )ก
specific (adj.) = definite, particular, exact 22
specimen (n.) = example, sample   $## 
spectacular (adj.) = dramatic, sensational, impressive - #2
spell (n.) = interval, period, time 1  >
spirited (adj.) = lively, energetic, vigorous 1'
splendid (adj.) = excellent, superb, wonderful 
spoil (v.) = (1) ruin, mar  ;
(2) decay, deteriorate, decompose, rot #)
spot (v.) = locate, find, see  ) #3
spot (n.) = (1) location, site ,$  ;
(2) mark, stain, speck   FH  2"
spur (v.) = stimulate, impel, encourage, provoke ก" กก ,
spur (n.) = inducement, stimulus $ก"  , )
stable (adj.) = steady, secure, stationary, fixed   ,
stage (v.) = present, put on $ , 
stage (n.) = grade, step, level, phase   กก 1 ' !ก
stain (v.) = color, tint, discolor, dye , FH   
stain (n.) = spot, mark, blemish   FH  2"
stale (adj.) = (1) old, dry ก- ; (2) dull, trite, uninteresting 
stall (v.) = halt, delay, put off ก "  '  ก
stately (adj.) = dignified, grand, magnificent, elegant - I6-
steep (adj.) = sheer, perpendicular !ก )1
stern (adj.) = firm, severe, strict, harsh +  # " ,$' 
strife (n.) = conflict, dispute, struggle +  +  

    1  .ก  

strive (v.) = attempt, try 

struggle (v.) = fight, argue, dispute  )  -$
struggle (n.) = conflict, strife, battle, effort +  ) + +$
stubborn (adj.) = rigid, uncompromising, obstinate ' 
sturdy (adj.) = strong, rugged, well-built   $+3$
subsequent (adj.) = later, succeeding, following, ensuing 1' C4 ,  ' 
subtle (adj.) = indirect, suggestive, implied   
suitable (adj.) = appropriate, correct, apt 
summit (n.) = peak, apex, zenith 2"  2")"
sundry (adj.) = miscellaneous, diverse, various #33  ) 
superb (adj.) = excellent, splendid 
supplant (v.) = replace, substitute for $ 11 $
supple (adj.) = pliable, flexible, bendable -   ##
sway (v.) = (1) wave, rock, swing, bend   " ;
(2) persuade, influence 1ก2) -  
sweeping (adj.) = complete, exhaustive, general, comprehensive
swift (adj.) = fast, quick, rapid  3
swivel (v.) = rotate, spin, turn " 

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. High-pressure cells may bring brief warm ………………. even in the middle of
(A) struggles (B) spells (C) spans
2. The ………………. cliffs of the Na Pali Coast of Kauai Island, Hawaii, rise some
4,000 feet from the sea.
(A) still (B) steep (C) subtle
3. The process of refining oil involves a number of ………………. .
(A) specimens (B) spots (C) stages
4. In high winds, skyscrapers will ………………. slightly.
(A) swivel (B) sway (C) stall

    1  .ก  
5. One invention often ………………. many others.
(A) spoils (B) strives (C) spawns
6. The snow-covered ………………. of Mount Hood is the highest point in the state of
(A) spur (B) summit (C) span
7. D.W. Griffith was the first director of ………………. films. These were movies made
on a colossal scale.
(A) specific (B) suitable (C) spectacular
8. Cheetahs are the ………………. of all land mammals, with top speeds of up to 70
miles per hour.
(A) stalest (B) subtlest (C) swiftest
9. Salt can be used to keep meat from ………………. .
(A) struggling (B) spoiling (C) stalling
10. Because they must be able to break a path through icebound waters, icebreakers
have to be very ………………. boats.
(A) stern (B) sturdy (C) supple
11. Most people who divorce ………………. remarry.
(A) specifically (B) subsequently (C) stubbornly
12. A roadbed supplies a base for a highway.
(A) stable (B) sundry (C) sweeping
13. The geographical center of the North American continent is a ………………. near Balata,
North Dakota.
(A) spot (B) stage (C) summit
14. Many medical tests require a blood ………………. .
(A) spell (B) specimen (C) stain
15. Because of their protective coloration, ghost crabs are hard to ………………. .
(A) spur (B) spawn (C) spot
16. Severe thunderstorms may ………………. tornadoes.
(A) spot (B) spawn (C) span

    1  .ก  

tact (n.) = diplomacy, discretion, poise 22 )2 # #
tale (n.) = story ' 
tame (v.) = domesticate, master , # +ก
tame (adj.) = docile, domesticated, gentle 1' C4 ,
tamper with (v.) = interfere with ก ก $ก$<
tangle (v.) = knot, twist "   
tart (adj.) = sour, tangy, piquant  
taunt (v.) = insult, mock, torment  ) 
tedious (adj.) = boring, dull, tiresome #'
telling (adj.) = effective, convincing, forceful )( .#1'
temperate (adj.) = mild, moderate ก
tempting (adj.) = alluring, attractive, enticing &)    1ก2)
tender (adj.) = (1) delicate, soft "  ;
(2) gentle, loving - ก ;
(3) sore, painful 23#  2 กก
thaw (v.) = melt 
thorough (adj.) = complete, comprehensive   # # # 
thoroughfare (n.) = street, boulevard   ก
thrifty (adj.) = economical, inexpensive 
thrilling (adj.) = exciting, stimulating, stirring ' '  
thrive (v.) = prosper, flourish 26 ก
thwart (v.) = prevent, impede, obstruct ++ 
tidings (n.) = news, message + ) + 
tilt (v.) = incline, slope  
timid (adj.) = fearful, shy, retiring ++  ก
tint (v.) = color, hue, shade, tone #
tint (n.) = color, stain, dye 
tiresome (adj.) = tedious, dull, boring #'
toil (v.) = labor, work ก, ,ก
toil (n.) = exertion, labor, work '  ก,#ก
tolerant (adj.) = patient, impartial, open-minded
  ก  #C4
    1  .ก  

torment (v.) = taunt, abuse, bully "/ ,23# , +

torrent (n.) = flood, deluge ,  ' 2กก$,1
tow (v.) = haul, draw, pull, drag ก2) 1' -
toxic (adj.) = poisonous, noxious %
trait (n.) = characteristic, feature, quality #" กก%/
treacherous (adj.) = dangerous, hazardous ก6J) ก 8
trickle (n.) = drip, leak  
triumph (n.) = victory, success, achievement 11 18
trivial (adj.) = unimportant, minor 3ก , 6
trying (adj.) = demanding, difficult, troublesome ' ก   46
tug (v.) = pull, draw ก"ก & ก

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. Citric acid gives citrus fruit their ………………. taste.
(A) temperate (B) toxic (C) tart
2. The use of robots and automated machinery has eliminated certain
………………. factory jobs.
(A) tedious (B) thrilling (C) timid
3. One should never buy a food or medicine if the packaging has obviously been
………………. .
(A) tangled (B) thwarted (C) tampered with
4. Alfred Hitchcock directed a number of ………………. psychological dramas;
among the most exciting were Psycho and North by Northwest.
(A) timid (B) trivial (C) thrilling
5. Tides are caused by the ………………. of the moon’s gravity.
(A) tangle (B) torrent (C) tug
6. Many people find chocolate ………………. .
(A) tempting (B) tender (C) temperate
7. Peachtree Street is the main ………………in Atlanta.
(A) triumph (B) thoroughfare (C) tilt
8. In her book Silent Spring, Rachel Carson wrote about insecticides and their
……………. effects on animal life.
(A) tiresome (B) tender (C) toxic

    1  .ก  
9. In the desert, dry creek beds may turn into raging ………………. after heavy
(A) trickles (B) torrents (C) toils
10. Barley can be grown almost anywhere in the temperate zone. Unlike most other
grains, it even ………………. at high altitudes.
(A) tampers (B) thrives (C) thaws
11. ………………. Such as hair color and eye color are inherited genetically from one’s
(A) Traits (B) Triumphs (C) Tints
12. Washington Irving collected and interpreted many famous old ……………….,
including the legends of Rip Van Winkle and the Headless Horseman.
(A) tales (B) tidings (C) traits

ultimate (adj.) = (1) conclusive, definite, final "
(2) maximum, highest, best "
unbearable (adj.) = intolerable, agonizing  23# 
uncouth (adj.) = impolite, rude, vulgar "; # 
undertake (v.) = try, attempt 
ungainly (adj.) = awkward, unskillful ' กก  
uniform (adj.) = consistent, regular  '    ' ก
unique (adj.) = singular, one of a kind, special  กก%/0 '  
unruly (adj.) = unmanageable, disorganized, disorderly  ##
unsound (adj.) = defective, faulty, unsafe + #ก 
uphold (v.) = support, sustain #" ++
upkeep (n.) = maintenance #,"ก% '#' 
uproar (n.) = disorder, disturbance, commotion " 
urge (v.) = encourage, advise, implore ก" ก,2
urgent (adj.) = pressing, compelling 2,   
utensil (n.) = tool, implement, device " ก/0
utter (v.) = say, speak ก )
utter (adj.) = total, absolute, complete #)/0
vacant (adj.) = empty, unoccupied   2 
vague (adj.) = unclear, uncertain, ambiguous ' ' 

    1  .ก  

vain (adj.) = (1) useless, pointless   -10 ;

(2) conceited, proud +2;( 1'  . .
valid (adj.) = genuine, authentic, legitimate 1, )กกE
vanish (v.) = disappear #)6
variable (adj.) = changeable, shifting  $ 
vast (adj.) = huge, enormous, extensive, immense ก 6
venomous (adj.) = poisonous %
verbose (adj.) = talkative, wordy )ก 1 ,-2, 
verge (n.) = brink, edge, threshold + #
vessel (n.) = (1) container, bottle $2ก ;1; (2) ship ' 
vex (v.) = irritate, anger, annoy -ก.
viable (adj.) = (1) alive, living 1  ;
(2) feasible, practical, possible 2 "
vicinity (n.) = area, proximity, zone $ กก 
vigorous (adj.) = dynamic, energetic, spirited ก!#ก! 
vital (adj.) = critical, crucial, key, essential , 6 2, 
vivid (adj.) = clear, distinct, graphic 312 
vow (v.) = promise, pledge, swear  ,66 #
vow (n.) = oath, promise, pledge 66 ,#

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. To be fair, laws must be ………………. applied to all persons.
(A) urgently (B) vaguely (C) uniformly
2. The rattlesnake is the most common ………………. snake in the United States.
(A) ungainly (B) venomous (C) variable
3. The League of Women Voters ………………. all citizens to vote.
(A) urges (B) vexes (C) upholds
4. In his novel The Red Badge of Courage, Stephen Crane ……………….
describes a Civil War battle.
(A) vividly (B) uniformly (C) vitally
5. An Erlenmeyer flask is a glass ………………. used in chemistry labs.
(A) vessel (B) vow (C) verge

    1  .ก  
6. Aerobics is ………………. form of exercise.
(A) a viable (B) an uncouth (C) a vigorous
7. A metropolitan area consists of a central city and any suburban areas in
ts ………………. .
(A) vicinity (B) vessel (C) upkeep
8. Special police tactics are required to deal with riots or ………………. crowds.
(A) ungainly (B) unruly (C) unsound
9. The kidneys play a ………………. role in maintaining health by removing impurities
from the bloodstream.
(A) vivid (B) viable (C) vital
10. The myth of Narcissus tells the story of a handsome but ………………. young man
who stares at his reflection in a pool of water for so long that he turns into a
(A) vain (B) ungainly (C) verbose
11. The fork has been used as an eating ………………. at the least since the twelfth
(A) vessel (B) utensil (C) verge
12. The Great Plain cover ………………. areas.
(A) a vast (B) a viable (C) an ultimate

    1  .ก  

wage (n.) = salary, pay, earnings 2  #$
wander (v.) = roam, travel, range   
wane (v.) = shrink, decrease, decline   ,3ก
ware (n.) = good, merchandise   ";/K0
warp (v.) = deform, bend, twist  # ()
wary (adj.) = careful, cautious, alert  
weary (adj.) = tired, exhausted, fatigued ' 
well-to-do (adj.) = rich, wealthy, affluent   , 
wholesome (adj.) = healthy, nutritious, beneficial -10
wicked (adj.) = evil, corrupt, immoral 1   ก%/0  
widespread (adj.) = extensive, prevalent, sweeping $  
wily (adj.) = crafty, cunning, shrewd 0
wise (adj.) = astute, prudent, intelligent ! 0
withdraw (v.) = retreat, pull out, remove   ก 
wither (v.) = dry, shrivel, wilt $
withhold (v.) = reserve, retain, hold back # #
witty (adj.) = comic, clever, amusing ! #  466
woe (n.) = trouble, distress, sorrow 8-8ก
wonder (v.) = think about, speculate, ponder 2/
wonder (n.) = marvel, miracle $ ก 
wound (v.) = injure, hurt  $(
wound (n.) = injury #23#
yearn (v.) = desire, crave, want  กก
yield (v.) = (1) give up, surrender  $ ;
(2) produce, supply (
yield (n.) = production, output, crop (( (.0
zealous (adj.) = enthusiastic, eager " "
zenith (n.) = peak, tip, apex  $ "
zone (n.) = area, vicinity, region # /+ '

    1  .ก  

Exercise : Complete the following sentences by filling in the blanks with vocabulary
items (A), (B), or (C) according to the context of the sentences.
1. If boards become wet, they may ………………. .
(A) wither (B) yield (C) warp
2. Whole grains and fresh fruit and vegetables are ………………. foods.
(A) wicked (B) wholesome (C) well-to-do
3. You must be ………………. when buying a used car; be sure the engine is in good
(A) weary (B) zealous (C) wary
4. In the past, many salesmen tried to sell their ………………. door-to-door.
(A) wares (B) woes (C) yields
5. Humorist Will Rogers wrote many ………………. newspaper columns.
(A) wily (B) weary (C) witty
6. Congress sets the minimum ………………. , which is the lowest amount of money
workers may be paid per hour.
(A) wage (B) yield (C) zone
7. Intelligent policies are needed so that public funds are used ………………. .
(A) wholesomely (B) zealously (C) wisely
8. Fertilizers can increase farmers'................................ .
(A) wonders (B) yields (C) woes
9. Some superstitions are familiar to many cultures. For example, there is a .................
belief that black cats bring bad luck.
(A) widespread (B) wily (C) wicked
10. A green belt is a park like .............................. around a city in which no development is
(A) zenith (B) wound (C) zone


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