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( A Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of Technology in
Electrical Engineering of the Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal)

Submitted By :

Alakesh Maji (10201621052)

Dipsayan Adhikary (10201621055)
Ronti Sarkar (10201621071)
Soham Das (1020162106060)

Under the guidance of

Prof. Dr.Sawan Sen

Associate Professor

Dept. of Electrical Engineering

Kalyani Government Engineering College

(Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology

Kalyani Government Engineering College

Certificate of Approval

This is to certify that the project report on “MULTI-OBJECTIVE OPTIMIZATION WITH

NETWORK[PROPOSED]” is a record of project work under the curriculum of Maulana Abul
Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT) for the B.TECH 4th year, 7th semester
Examination, 2023, for the subject carried out by “Alakesh Maji, Dipsayan Adhikary, Ronti
Sarkar, and Soham Das”, students of Kalyani Government Engineering College, under the
guidance of “Dr. Sawan Sen”, faculty member of Dept. EE, as a requirement for the partial
fulfillment of the Degree of B.Tech of Electrical Engineering.

_____________________________ ______________________________

Head Supervisor

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Electrical Engineering

Kalyani Govt. Engineering College Kalyani Govt. Engineering College


External Examiner


The satisfaction that accompanies the successful completion of any task would be
incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible,
whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We are
grateful to my project guide Dr. Sawan Sen for the guidance, inspiration and constructive
suggestions that help us in the preparation of this project. I would also like to thank Prof.
(Dr.) Provas Kumar Roy, Head, Department of Electrical Engineering, for his kind help
towards the successful completion of the project.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank Prof. Sourav Kumar Das, Principal,
Kalyani Government Engineering College, Kalyani, for supporting us in our work.





Place: Kalyani





3 .THEORY 10-15


5 .RESULT 15-19



1. Introduction:
Nowadays, the world is facing problems of ecological deterioration and energy shortages. The conventional
vehicles (CVs) consume a large amount of fossil fuels and cause environmental pollution due to carbon
emissions. Meanwhile, electric vehicles (EVs) have been rapidly developed during the last few years due
to the low-carbon industry and smart grid initiatives. Electric Vehicles are vehicles which are either fully
or partially powered by electric power. In most cases, it is asserted that EV have low running costs because
they have fewer moving parts to be maintained and also because they are environmentally friendly due to
the fact that they either use little or even no fossil fuels such as diesel or Petrol.
With the increase of EV ownership, large-scale EV charging load would bring great challenges to power
system planning, operation, and electricity market. Massive access of EV charging load may distort the
traditional electricity load and bring challenges in daily power system operation. Due to the non-equilibrium
spatial distribution of EVs, even under the low EV ownership level, problems would still exist in the local
power grid. The natural (uncontrollable) EV charging load will cause problems such as overload of
equipment, power loss, voltage drops, component life reduction, and power supply unreliability.
The Smart Grid is indeed the key towards smart Electrical Vehicle (EV) charging and is tasked with the
responsibility of not only providing stability but also control that is needed in mitigating load impacts. In
addition to that, the Smart Grid is also tasked with the responsibility of protecting components of
distribution networks form ultimately being overloaded by the Electric Vehicles and thus eventually helping
in ensuring that there is efficient use of electricity that is generated.

2. Literature Review:
PEV-Based Combined Frequency and Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid:

The research paper explores the potential of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in contributing to both
frequency and voltage regulation in smart grids. The authors investigate constraints on PEVs' active and
reactive power flow for offering ancillary services. Two optimization problems, considering different
pricing and contract scenarios, are formulated for the optimal combined offering of frequency and voltage
regulation by PEVs. Simulation results indicate benefits for both users and utilities. The paper addresses
key topics such as smart grid, demand-side management, reactive power compensation, ancillary services,
and optimization.

The paper addresses a timely and relevant issue of integrating plug-in electric vehicles into the smart grid
for frequency and voltage regulation. As PEVs become more prevalent, understanding their potential
contributions to grid stability is crucial.

The introduction effectively sets the stage by highlighting the challenges in maintaining power grid
stability, emphasizing the importance of frequency and voltage regulation. The introduction provides a
solid background for readers unfamiliar with the subject matter.

The authors clearly articulate the problem they aim to address: the simultaneous active and reactive
power compensation by PEVs for optimal frequency and voltage regulation. This clarity contributes to the
overall understanding of the research objectives.

The paper recognizes and investigates constraints on PEVs' active and reactive power flow, which is
essential for practical implementation. This consideration adds a layer of realism to the proposed
solutions.The formulation of two joint optimization problems, considering different pricing and contract
scenarios, showcases a systematic approach to addressing the research problem. This analytical
foundation contributes to the robustness of the proposed solutions.The inclusion of simulation results
provides empirical evidence supporting the effectiveness of the proposed designs. The discussion on
benefits for both users and utilities adds practical relevance to the research.

The main objective of the paper is to investigate the potential of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) in
contributing to both frequency and voltage regulation in smart grids. The authors aim to address the
challenges of maintaining power grid stability by considering the simultaneous provision of active and
reactive power compensation services through PEVs. The paper focuses on formulating optimization
problems that account for different pricing and contract scenarios to achieve optimal combined frequency
and voltage regulation by controlling both active and reactive power flows of PEVs. The ultimate goal is to
demonstrate that PEVs can offer ancillary services that benefit both users and utilities in the context of
smart grids.

Smart Grid Technology-A review:

The research paper sets the stage by discussing the transformation from traditional electrical
power grids to smart grids. It introduces the challenges faced by electrical companies, emphasizing the
need for modifications in planning and operation techniques due to the introduction of distributed
generators. The mention of grid computing and wireless sensor networks as advancements in smart grid
technology adds context to the evolving landscape.

The paper summarizes the key findings of the paper, emphasizing the role of smart grid technologies in
overcoming the limitations of traditional grids. It reiterates the importance of components like demand-
side management, smart meters, and demand response in enhancing the capabilities of smart grid
technologies.It is generally well-organized, with clear sections and a logical flow of information. The use
of tables enhances the presentation of data.

The content covers a broad range of topics related to smart grid technology, including its components,
challenges, and advancements. The paper effectively combines technical details with practical
applications and the methodology for the literature review is well-defined, providing transparency in the
approach taken to gather and analyze relevant literature.

The paper references a variety of sources, indicating a thorough literature review. However, the
references are not provided in the excerpt, making it challenging to assess the credibility of the
sources.The provided excerpt does not explicitly state the specific objective of the paper. However, based
on the content, it can be inferred that the main objective of the paper is to review and discuss various
aspects of smart grid technology. The paper aims to explore the transformation from traditional electrical
power grids to smart grids, emphasizing the role of advanced technologies in meeting the increasing
demand for energy.

The paper appears to cover topics such as the components of smart grids (e.g., advanced metering
infrastructure, phasor measurement units), the integration of information communication technology,
the use of smart pricing techniques, and advancements like grid computing and wireless sensor networks.
Additionally, the paper may discuss challenges faced by electrical companies, modifications required in
planning and operation techniques, and the impact of distributed generators on the power distribution

Smart Grid The Future of the Electric Energy System:

This paper presents a discussion of the future of the electric energy system, addressing the entire
spectrum from power generation, through substations, to distribution and the customer, and the
feedback loops along the way necessary to provide the computational intelligence necessary to make the
"Smart Grid". Both at the federal and state levels, governments have recognized a need for modernizing
the electric energy system and establishing such Smart Grids around the world. We are at the point of a
historic paradigm shift, with the opportunity to implement new, more intelligent methods for producing,
distributing, delivering and using electricity in a much more sustainable manner. Whereas the current
electric system is based on a one-way flow of energy and information from the sources to the end users,
the future Smart Grid will provide multiple paths for the flow of electricity, and particularly information
about that flow, throughout the system. This paper introduces this Special Issue by presenting a broad
definition for the Smart Grid. We discuss the necessary attributes for such a system-of-systems, review
the need for change, and identify the technical challenges facing successful deployment and

Electric Vehicles in Smart Grid:

Electric vehicles (EVs) offer a solution to the significant environmental issue of vehicle pollution. However,
their integration with the grid presents challenges, including infrastructure, communication, and control.
EVs are often charged at home or public charging stations, which can strain the electric distribution
network. Nevertheless, with careful planning and adherence to standards, EV charging can enhance power
quality and grid performance. Smart Grids, equipped with advanced technologies like communication,
smart meters, and control systems, can leverage EVs not only as a load but also as a flexible energy source.
Smart meters with bidirectional communication can optimize grid power by implementing smart
scheduling. Vehicle-to-grid (V2G) technology allows the prediction of power system dynamics, and
research has focused on EV charging and discharging strategies. Studies have demonstrated successful
communication between EV charging and renewable energy sources like solar power, helping address grid
weaknesses. Understanding the dynamic behavior of the electric grid is crucial for predicting reliability
and effectiveness when operating with V2G.

Smart grid and future electric vehicles are two of the most emerging issues that are integratinginthenear
future. This paper is a review on how Electrical Vehicles can contribute to grid stabilisation, simulation-
based research for smart charging, grid communication, blockchain based technologyfor EV with the
purpose of achieving the international environmental and sustainable goals. This paper discusses how EV’s
can significantly affect the electrical grid with uncontrollable chargingwhich in result poses a challenge to
the grid operator. To proceed, the authors of this journal areoffering a developed research and analysis

test system according to the ISO/IEC 15118 standardshowcasing the result of its functionality in an
electrical network. This research develops a test systemto study the functionality of the EV communication
protocol with the network components inrealtime. For the realisation of technical communication, a
model-based approach in terms of universal applicability is pursued. A real-time simulation in RT-Lab is
the basis for the entire test system. Anautomated battery model communicates in parallel with a charging
controller box (CCB) and a server. The server exchanges information with the charge management to
control the charging process. TheCCB contains information to start or to stop the real charge process. The
effect of intelligent bidirectional communication on the electrical network is analysed and evaluated by a
real-timesimulation with real measured data. This paper also introduced a developed block-chain based
renewable energy tracing methodfor tracking EV charging consumption depending on the kind and source
of renewable energy.

Magnetic leviation System-The future of transportation system:

Increasing demand of transportation due to large population and growing cities, the normal
transportation system is not suffice to soothe the needs of metropolitan cities. Which gives rise to more
sustainable mode of transportation with the help of electromagnetism and superconducting magnets, the
MAGLEV train magnetic levitation abbreviated as maglev is an advanced technology of levitation that uses
magnetic forces for the propulsion of vehicles rather than using wheel, bearing and axels. The magnetic
forces are assigned to lift and propel the vehicles along the guide way. The Maglev trains promises drastic
improvement in the transportation services. The phenomenal technology of magnetic levitation provides
nonreliance over the frictional forces, thus providing quieter and smoother operation such as acceleration
and deceleration. The power required for this technology is remarkably less as compared to the current
technology being used. One of the sole purpose of power consumption in this technology is to overcome
the air resistance (drag).Although the conventional wheeled transportation provides high speed
transportation services ,the high-speed maglev trains anytime provides environmental friendly, efficient
and higher magnitudes of speed service. Maglev is short for Magnetic Levitation in which trains float on a
guide way using the principle of magnetic repulsion. Each magnet has two poles. We can see that the like
poles repel whereas the unlike poles attract. This repulsive property of magnets is being used in maglev
trains. However instead of using permanent magnets, strong temporary magnets are incorporated which
is generated by the principle of electromagnetism. When an electric current is passed through a coil of
wire, magnetic field is generated according to Faraday's law.[3] Maglev is used for both low as well as high
speed transportation. The low speed Maglev is usually used for short distance travel. Birmingham, England
used this low speed transportation during the years of 1984 and 1995. However, these days, engineers
are more interested in creating the high-speed Maglev trains. The higher speed the train can travel is
nearly 343mph or 552 km/h. The magnetic levitation (MAGLEV) train uses magnetic field to suspend,
guide, and propel vehicleonto the track. The MAGLEV train provides a sustainable and cleaner solution for
train transportationby significantly reducing the energy usage and greenhouse gas emissions as compared
to traditional transportation systems. In this paper, we propose an advanced control
mechanismusinganArduino microcontroller that selectively energizes the electromagnets in a
MAGLEVtrainsystemtoprovide dynamic stability and energy efficiency. We also design the prototype of
an energy-efficient

MAGLEV train that leverages our proposed control mechanism. In our MAGLEV train prototype,
thelevitation is achieved by creating a repulsive magnetic field between the train and the
trackusingmagnets mounted on the top-side of the track and bottom-side of the vehicle. The
propulsionisperformed by creating a repulsive magnetic field between the permanent magnets
attachedonthesides of the vehicle and electromagnets mounted at the center of the track using
electrodynamicsuspension (EDS). The electromagnets are energized via a control mechanism that is
applied throughan Arduino microcontroller. The Arduino microcontroller is programmed in such a way to
propel andguide the vehicle onto the track by appropriate switching of the electromagnets. We use an
infrared- based remote-control device for controlling the power, speed, and direction of the vehicle in
boththeforward and the backward direction. The proposed MAGLEV train control mechanismis novel,
andaccording to the best of our knowledge is the first study of its kind that uses an Arduino-
basedmicrocontroller system for control mechanism. Experimental results illustrate that the
designedprototype consumes only 144 W-hour (Wh) of energy as compared to a conventionally
designedMAGLEV train prototype that consumes 1200 Wh. Results reveal that our proposed control
mechanism and prototype model can reduce the total power consumption by 8.3 × as
comparedtothetraditional MAGLEV train prototype, and can be applied to practical MAGLEV trains with
necessarymodifications. Thus, our proposed prototype and control mechanism serves as a first step
towardscleaner engineering of train transportation systems.

Congestion Management in Power System: A Review

Congestion in the power system network is a threat to security, reliability, and economy of the power
industry. Congestion management in deregulated power markets has become one of the significant tasks
of system operators to address congestion in the transmission network. Many methods have
beenpresented in literature with the aim of congestion management, improvement of the
securityandefficiency of the deregulated power market in the past few decades. This
reviewpaperexplainsvarious approaches/methods of congestion management in past few years and
provides a comprehensive overview of congestion management methods. A comparative study was done
amongthe different well known CM methods in this work. The various conventional congestion
management methods are First come-first serve and proratamethods, Market splitting and load
curtailment methods, Explicit and coordinating auctionbasedmethods, Nodal pricing methods,
Zonal/cluster pricing methods, Price area based methods,and Congestion management by flexible AC
transmission systems devices. The other congestionmanagement methods are Congestion management
by demand response, Congestion management by generator reschedule and load shedding, Congestion
management by distributed generation, Congestion management by electric vehicles, Congestion
management based on optimizationtechniques and Congestion management by hybrid methods. Various
familiar CM methods has been simulated on modified 6-bus test system, modified IEEE14- bus test system,
and modified IEEE-30 bus test system for the comparison of performances of these methods. This review
work tries to help readers in getting the overview of advanced CM methods along with conventional CM
methods developed so far in one place easily. In this paper, tried to cover advanced CM techniques which
are regularly discussed in smart grids, such as demand response, Distributed energy resources, and
electric vehicles and comparative analysis among the various CMtechniques is also presented here in this

Load Flow:

The flow of electrical power in any interconnected electrical system is termed as Load Flow. The Load Flow
Study is conducted to calculate the voltages at the various buses. It is also used for the study of the short-
circuit conditions or any interconnected power system. The load flow study is essential for the operation
of the power system under an operating condition, its improvement and future expansion.

▪ Voltage magnitude | Vi |
▪ Voltage phase angle δi
▪ Active power Pi
▪ Reactive volt-amperes Qi

The load flow study determining the best location, as well as the optimal capacity of the generating
station, substation and the new lines. The following variables given above are associated with each bus.
In the load flow studies in power systems, three types of buses are identified. In each bus, two variables
are known, and the other two are to be calculated. The buses are classified as follows:-

Swing Bus:The swing bus is the first one to respond to a changing load condition. The
voltage magnitude and phase angle are specified in this type of bus.
Generator Bus:In this type of bus, voltage magnitude and active power are given, and the
phase angle and voltage are to be determined.
Load Bus:In this bus, active power and reactive volt amperes are specified. Buses with
neither generator nor load may be considered as load buses. If any bus in a power system
has both load and generator, then the load is treated as the negative generation.

One of the generator buses is selected as the reference bus for the various reasons such as – The losses in
the system remain unknown until the load flow solution is complete. Hence, one of the generator buses
is made to take the additional real and reactive powers to supply the losses. This bus is, therefore, known
as Swing bus. The voltage throughout the system should be close to 1. Hence the voltage on the slack bus
is assigned to 1 per unit.

The voltage of the slack bus is taken as the reference, and thus its angle is equal to zero. The bus connected
to the largest generating station is selected as the slack bus. This bus is numbered as bus 1. In load flow
problem the single phase representation with positive sequence network is used since power system is
usually balanced under normal condition of operation.

There are two major iterative techniques:

The Gauss-Seidel Method:

The Gauss-Seidel method is based on substituting nodal equations into each other. It is the slower of the
two but is the more stable technique. It’s convergence is said to be Monotonic. The iteration process can
be visualized for two equations. Although not the best load-flow method, Gauss-Seidel is the easiest to
understand and was the most widely used technique until the early 1970s.

The Newton-Raphson Method

The Newton-Raphson method is the most efficient load-flow algorithm. The basic (no approximations)
Newton-Raphson algorithm is based on the formal application of a well-known algorithm for the solution
of a set of simultaneous non linearequations of the form:

[F(x)] = [0]

Where: [F(x)] is a vector of functions: f1 ---fn in the variables x1 ---xn.

The above expression does not equal zero until the Newton-Raphson process has converged (i.e., all the
x's have been found) and the iterations have to be performed, starting at some initial set of values x1, x2,
---xn. In the load-flow problem the x's are voltage magnitude and phase angle at all PQ buses and voltage
phase angles at all PV buses i.e., angles at all buses except slack and │V│ for all load buses.

The iterations are performed by linearizing the non-linear equations [F(x)] = [0] and adjusting the values
of x. This process can be visualized in the case of a singlevariable problem, which could be formed by
subtracting the two equations used at the beginning of the Gauss-Siedel section, i.e.

f(x) = eqn 1 – eqn 2 {f(x) = 0 at the solution} f(x)

= 0 is the required solution.
The initial estimate is xo
≈ x + Δx. This can be improved by applyingtrigonometry
once the function has been differentiated.

The basic information contained in the load-flow output is:

i) All bus voltage magnitudes and phase angles w.r.t the slack bus.

ii)All bus active and reactive power injections.

iii) All line sending- and receiving-end complex power flows.

iv) Individual line losses can be deduced by subtracting receiving-end complex power from sending-
end complex power.

v) Total system losses can be deduced by summing item iv) for all lines, or by

summing complex power at all loads and generators and subtracting the totals.The most important
information obtained from the load-flow is the voltage profile of the system. If │V│ varies greatly over the
system, large reactive flows will result; this,in turn, will lead to increased real power losses and, in extreme
cases, an increased likelihood of voltage collapse. When a particular bus has an unacceptably low
voltage,the usual practice is to install capacitor banks in order to provide reactive compensation to the
load. Load-flow studies are used to determine how much reactive compensation should be applied at a
PQ bus, to bring its voltage up to an appropriate level, i.e.:

i) Re-execute the load-flow with the bus re-designated as PV type with the
requiredvoltage level specified.
ii) Subtract the value of Q obtained from i) from the value obtained in the old
loadflow when the bus was PQ.iii) The result is the value of Qc needed to bring the
voltage up to the specified level.

Note that if the specified voltage is not 1 pu, then the value of Qc has to be adjusted by 1/│V│2 in order
to specify Qc at rated voltage. If new lines (or additional transformers) are to be installed, to reinforce
the system, a load-flow will show how it will relieve overloads on adjacent lines. It will also show how
much reduction in losses will result from the new line (important for economic assessment.)

Smart Grid:

The Smart Grid represents an unprecedented opportunity to move the energy industryintoanew era of
reliability, availability, and efficiency that will contribute to our economicandenvironmental health. During
the transition period, it will be critical to carry out testing, technology improvements, consumer
education, development of standards and regulations, and information sharing between projects to
ensure that the benefits we envision fromtheSmart Grid become a reality. The benefits associated with
the Smart Grid include:

● More efficient transmission of electricity

● Quicker restoration of electricity after power disturbances
● Reduced operations and management costs for utilities, and ultimately lower
powercosts for consumers
● Reduced peak demand, which will also help lower electricity rates
● Increased integration of large-scale renewable energy systems
● Better integration of customer-owner power generation systems, including
renewableenergy systems
● Improved security

Today, an electricity disruption such as a blackout can have a domino effect—a series of failures that can
affect banking, communications, traffic, and security. A smarter grid will addresiliency to our electric
power System and make it better prepared to address emergenciessuch as severe storms, earthquakes,
large solar flares, and terrorist attacks. Because of its two- way interactive capacity, the Smart Grid will

allow for automatic rerouting when equipment fails or outages occur. This will minimize outages and
minimize the effects when theydohappen. When a power outage occurs, Smart Grid technologies will
detect and isolatetheoutages, containing them before they become large-scale blackouts. The
newtechnologieswill also help ensure that electricity recovery resumes quickly and strategically after
anemergency—routing electricity to emergency services first, for example. In addition, theSmart Grid will
take greater advantage of customer-owned power generators to producepower when it is not available
from utilities. By combining these "distributed generation"resources, a community could keep its health
center, police department, traffic lights, phoneSystem, and grocery store operating during emergencies.
In addition, the Smart Grid is awayto address an aging energy infrastructure that needs to be upgraded or
replaced. It’s a waytoaddress energy efficiency, to bring increased awareness to consumers about the
connectionbetween electricity use and the environment. And it’s a way to bring increased national
security to our energy System—drawing on greater amounts of home-grown electricitythatismore
resistant to natural disasters and attacks.

Power Network:

Power networks are evolving in order to integrate distributed energy resources( especially from
renewable sources) and take advantage of the different services/productsthese can offer including
flexibility services. The expansion of DER enables the creationof local electricity markets displacing costly
centralized supply and promotingmoredecentralized alternatives. More flexibility services are also
required in order to deal withthe rise of intermittent generation (i.e., solar and wind) in the electricity
system. A power network is one of the largest, most complicated, and most sophisticated systemsin the
world. Worldwide, the electricity networks are old, outdated, and not smart enoughto meet the 21st
century's requirements. Even in developed countries, millions of peopleare without power for a couple of
hours every day. Recently, the number of weather- caused major outages has increased rapidly, mainly
because most of the components of anelectricity network are outdoor facilities. Even in countries with a
modern power grid, theonly way utilities know there is a power outage is when a customer calls and
reports. Anelectricity grid has to be smart enough to be able to handle thousands of generators of
different technologies and sizes as well as supplying electricity to millions of customersin a reliable and
sustainable way. Current power networks are generation-centric, which necessitates a
massivetransmission and distribution network to transmit the power to major load centers. Thisserved
the industry well for over a century, especially under a regulated, verticallyintegrated model. But
unbundling of transmission from generation, leaving the latter toprivate investors, has created a vacuum.
There are concerns in some markets, for example, that insufficient investment is going into transmission
or that transmission and generationplanning have become bifurcated with adverse consequences for

Regulated Power Network:

A regulated power network contains utilities that own and operate all electricity. From the generation to
the meter, the utility has complete control. The utilitycompany owns the infrastructure and transmission
lines then sells it directlytothecustomers. In regulated states, utilities must abide by electricity rates set

bystatepublic utility commissions. This type of market is often considered as a monopolydue to its
limitations on consumer choice. However, its benefits include stable pricesand long-term certainty. 16A
regulated electricity market operates vertically, with a single entity responsiblefor everything—from
wholesale ownership, production, and transmission of energytothe retailer, and finally to the consumer.
The controlling utility operates and managesall aspects of this process, usually overseen by some form of
public regulator. Regulated electricity markets offer consumers relatively stable energy prices,
publicaccess, and long-term reliability. Because investor-owned electric utilities havetoadhere to strict
regulations set forth by public utility commissions, consumersgenerally experience fewer fluctuations in
energy rates. However, as energy infrastructure continues to age, and consumers becomeincreasingly
aware of the environmental damage caused by large scale power generation, new ideas such as
transactive energy and peer-to-peer trading are gainingattention.

De-regulated Power Network:

A deregulated power network allows for the entrance of competitors to buy andsell electricity by
permitting market participants to invest in power plants andtransmission lines. Generation owners then
sell this wholesale electricity toretail suppliers. Retail electricity suppliers set prices for consumers, which
are oftenreferred to as the “supply” portion of the electricity bill. It often benefits consumersby allowing
them to compare rates and services of different third party supplycompanies. Also, in a deregulated
market, there is an increased availabilityof renewable sources and green pricing programs. A deregulated
or restructured electricity market allows competition to enter theenergy market. Multiple companies can
generate power, without also needing tobuilda grid for transmission and delivery. An increase in electricity
producers leads tocompetition and greater efficiency, driving down energy rates for consumers,
andimproving quality of service. It can also give consumers creating surplus energythechance to become
prosumers, in which they actively participate in the energy market. They do this using a variety of
technologies, such as solar panels, that are locatednear where the electricity will be used. The growing
trend toward a deregulated market environment offers more flexibilityfor those who self-generate power.
It potentially increases competition, leadingtoimproved efficiency and lower costs. It also makes
distributed power generationmuch more feasible. As the planet faces greater climate challenges and
weather events that strain existing energy supplies and the nation’s infrastructure, renewable- based
microgrids can improve the resilience of our energy supplies too.

Plug-in Electric Vehicle:

An electric vehicle (EV) is one that operates on an electric motor, instead of an internalcombustion engine
that generates power by burning a mix of fuel and gases. Therefore, such a vehicle is seen as a possible
replacement for current-generation automobiles, in order to address the issue of rising pollution, global
warming, depleting natural resources, etc. Though the concept of electric vehicles has been around for a
long time, it has drawn a considerable amount of interest in the past decade amid a rising carbon footprint
and other environmental impacts of fuel-based vehicles. In India, the first concrete decision to incentivise
electric vehicles was taken in 2010. According to a Rs 95-crore scheme approved by the Ministry of New
and Renewable Energy (MNRE), the government announced a financial incentive for manufacturers for

electric vehicles sold in India. In 2017, Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari made a statement showing India’s
intent to move to 100 per cent electric cars by 2030. However, the automobile industry raised concerns
over the execution of such a plan. The government subsequently diluted the plan from 100 percent to 30
percent.In the future, PEVs may play an important part in balancing the energy on the grid by serving as
distributed sources of stored energy, a concept called "vehicle to grid." By drawing on a multitude of
batteries plugged into the Smart Grid throughout its service territory, a utility can potentially inject extra
power into the grid during critical peak times, avoiding brownouts and rolling blackouts. PEVs also have
the potential to help keep isolated parts of the grid operating during blackouts. They could also help
integrate variable power sources into the grid, including wind and solar power. Financial incentives may
be available for PEV owners that allow their batteries to be used this way.One of the key factors for
acceptance of PEVs in the marketplace will be the availability of charging stations.Smart Grid technologies
offer a potential solution to this problem, at least within the area served by the energy provider of the
PEV owner. With the Smart Grid, PEVs can identify themselves to the charging station when they are
plugged in, and the electricity used can be automatically billed to the owner's account. The technology
will not only simplify transactions for the charging station owners, but also allow PEV owners to charge up
without the need for cash or a credit card.

Coordination of Smart Grid and Plug in Electric Vehicle:

It is well-known that the plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) can have damaging impacts on the power grid and
cause premature ageing of its components, such as power transformers and distributed generation (DG)
units. Harmonic distortion can contribute to existing grid issues such as network losses, poor voltage
regulation, imbalanced operation and reactive power flows. They may also create new grid problems such
as mal-operation of control devices, harmonic losses, harmonic reactive power flows and harmonic
resonances. These important issues are enough to motivate researchers, investigators and more
importantly, the utilities to seek and come up with new, simple and practical strategies to resolve the
power quality issues in the developing smart grids.

The number of residential, commercial and industrial customers with PEVs and electric vehicle (EV)
charging stations is increasing immensely in many distribution networks. It is well-known that
uncoordinated PEV charging, particularly during peak-load hours, can cause transformer and line
overloading as well as voltage magnitude and voltage unbalance issues.

Besides, EV charger inverters also act like nonlinear loads and inject current harmonics that can initiate or
contribute to poor power quality issues for utilities. Recent studies have started to investigate the impact
of EV battery chargers on the power quality of distribution networks, and in particular, transformer life
expectancy. Some research works have introduced new control schemes for battery chargers or even
included the power factor correction. The negative impact of nonlinear EV chargers on the power quality
of the grid cannot be neglected especially under high penetration during off-peak hours.There are two
main approaches to resolving the issue: (i) motivate consumers to charge their vehicles during off-peak
hours by offering dynamic energy prices, and (ii) coordinate PEV charging activities. The second method
can be implemented by an online and/or offline scheme using PEV charging/discharging coordination

algorithms that are classified as decentralized (distributed) and centralized strategies. Further, some
recent researchers have presented optimal strategies for the allocation of EV parking lots and distributed
renewable resources considering economic objectives.

4. Simulation and Analysis:-


IEEE 30 bus systems are used by researchers to implement new ideas and concepts. The system consists of loads,
capacitor banks, transmission lines, and generators. IEEE 30 bus system is the network of IEEE standards and consists
of several generators, load points, synchronous condensers and some part with long and short line parameters.

No of buses 30

No of lines 41

No of generator buses 06

Total Demand Active power - ____ MW

Reactive power - ____ MVAR

5.Result of Load flow analysis:

BUS NO Voltage Magnitude Angle Radian Angle Degree

1 1.05000 0.00000 0.00000
2 1.03840 -0.04894 -2.80404
3 1.04368 -0.08462 -4.84810
4 1.04126 -0.10141 -5.81030
5 1.00580 -0.15552 -8.91084
6 1.03839 -0.11740 -6.72642
7 1.01739 -0.14221 -8.14815
8 1.03877 -0.11684 -6.69470
9 1.07420 -0.15572 -8.92184
10 1.07711 -0.17416 -9.97843
11 1.11850 -0.12467 -7.14310
12 1.06853 -0.15915 -9.11876

13 1.10835 -0.13916 -7.97336
14 1.05584 -0.17461 -10.00451
15 1.05310 -0.17716 -10.15046
16 1.06508 -0.17037 -9.76174
17 1.06828 -0.17655 -10.11529
18 1.04969 -0.18775 -10.75743
19 1.05073 -0.19081 -10.93251
20 1.05656 -0.18763 -10.75065
21 1.06286 -0.18234 -10.44723
22 1.06267 -0.18238 -10.44954
23 1.04459 -0.18568 -10.63865
24 1.04155 -0.19122 -10.95611
25 1.01116 -0.18650 -10.68541
26 0.99337 -0.19391 -11.11031
27 1.00093 -0.17940 -10.27882
28 1.03848 -0.12376 -7.09089
29 0.98060 -0.20185 -11.56542
30 0.96884 -0.21800 -12.49029


Contingency analysis is significant for power system protection. It is the analysis of a power system during
non-functionality of equipment(s) or device(s). Contingencies in a power system can occur due to internal
component failures or due to external factors like lightning and overloading of equipment. In this paper,
contingency analysis has been done for an IEEE 30 bus system.

N-1 Contingency

Contingency Line % 29 – 30

No. of Reactive Power Voltage Angle in degree Voltage Angle in degree Voltage Angle in degree
Iteration Delivered (Q_d) (Bus 30) (Bus 30) (Bus 27) (Bus (Bus 29) (Bus
27) 29)

-13.78989 -10.30221 -10.76427

1 0.019 0.95027 0.99989 0.99076

-13.71006 -10.29323 -10.96712

2 0.024 0.94493 0.99793 0.98879

3 0.029 0.93953 -13.62979 0.99595 -10.28463 0.98679 -10.75038

-13.54906 -10.27643 -10.74408

4 0.034 0.93405 0.99395 0.98476

-13.46788 -10.26865 -10.73624

5 0.039 0.92849 0.99191 0.98271

-13.38623 -10.73288
6 0.044 0.92286 0.98985 -10.26131 0.98062

-13.30409 -10.72801
7 0.049 0.91715 0.98776 -10.25442 0.97851

-13.22147 -10.10716
8 0.054 0.91135 0.98563 -10.24802 0.97637

9 0.059 0.90546 -13.13034 0.98348 -10.24212 0.97419 -10.71989

N-2 Contingency

Contingency % 27 -28 % 27 -29

No. Reactive Angle in Angle in Angle in Angle in

ofIterati Power Voltage degree Voltage degree Voltage degree Voltage degree
on Delivered (Bus 27) (Bus 27) (Bus 28) (Bus 28) (Bus29) (Bus 29) (Bus25) (Bus 25)

1 0.000 0.93113 -17.45248 1.03639 -6.73101 0.84749 -23.11434 0.95729 -15.90356

2 0.005 0.92545 -17.38404 1.03598 -6.72931 0.84113 -23.12366 0.95295 -15.85400

3 0.010 0.91996 -17.31565 1.03557 -6.72777 0.83465 -23.13617 0.94853 -15.75565

4 0.015 0.91377 -17.24734 1.03515 -6.72641 0.82804 -23.15216 0.94402 -15.70694

5 0.020 0.90776 -17.17914 1.03472 -6.72522 0.82128 -23.17189 0.93942 -15.70694

6 0.025 0.90164 -17.1109 1.03428 -6.72422 0.81437 -23.19572 0.93474 -15.65858



1. Load flow analysis of IEEE 30 bus system.
2. Security analysis with N-1 contingency and N-2 contingency.
1. EV connection with modern power grid.
2. Study the importance of EV connection with power grid.
3. Security and stability analysis of EV with interconnected power network.
4. Cost management and smart co-ordination of EV with Smart grid.

7. Bibliography:

1. “PEV-Based Combined Frequency and Voltage Regulation for Smart Grid”

Chenye Wu, Student Member, IEEE, Hamed Mohsenian-Rad, Member, IEEE, Jianwei Huang,
Member, IEEE, and Juri Jatskevich, Senior Member, IEEE

2. “Smart Grid: The Future of theElectric Energy System”

Roger N. Anderson1, IEEE member, Reza Ghafurian2, IEEE Fellow, Hamid
Gharavi3, IEEE Fellow

3. “Maglev Train”
Sanket Pednekar1, Anjesh Singh2, Yash Oza3, Rushikesh Awad4, Priyanka Trapathi5
Department of Electrical Engineering[1,2,3,4] Prof. Department of Electrical Engineering[5]
Atharva College of Engineering Mumbai University

4. “Congestion Management in Power System: A Review”

Nurul Idayu Yusoff, 􀀕Abdullah Asuhaimi Mohd Zin, 􀀕Azhar Bin Khairuddin Faculty of
Electrical Engineering, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, 81310 Skudai, Johor, Malaysia

5. “Smart Grid Technology: A Review”

Akhil Nigam, Inderpreet Kaur, Kamal Kant Sharma


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