Project Work 2 Stage 2

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Умарова Меруерт

Демократова Аяжан

Target Market Personification:

Meet Raushan, a 30-year-old adventurous professional residing in Almaty,

Kazakhstan. With a moderate income and a keen interest in nature, she dreams
of escaping the city grind to unwind in serene landscapes.Raushan, single and
well-educated, values experiences over possessions. Her weekends are spent
hiking and exploring, and she appreciates unique cultural activities.

Raushan's hobbies include horse riding and embracing local traditions, making
her the ideal customer for "Just DEM al" in Katon-Karagay. Seeking comfort in
nature, she is drawn to glamping experiences with breathtaking views,
comfortable accommodations, and immersive cultural activities like koumiss
master classes and Saka baths.

Understanding Raushan’s profile guides our marketing strategy, focusing on

online platforms where she seeks travel inspiration, emphasizing the allure of
our services to satisfy her adventurous spirit and appreciation for nature.

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