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ФММК, туризм, 403-топ, Демократова Аяжан

Stage 1.
Year of Foundation: XI - XII century

Former name: Chimkent, Chernyaev, Nejiket

Area: 1 170 km2

Population: 904 thousand people

Shymkent is an ancient city. Scientists believe that the city is not less than 800
years old. The first name of the city leads historian XV V. Sharaph ad-Dean
Yezdi in events of the second half of the XIV century in 1366. here was held by
the Army Timur.

Shymkent takes the second place in the population of Kazakhstan, is also the
administrative Center of the South Kazakhstan region. The city is included in
the state program "cultural heritage" as one of the objects for studying and
preserving historical monuments. Here are working with the prospect of turning
the ancient town into the Center of modern city into historical and cultural Park.

Now Shymkent is a modern beautiful city, where 904 thousands live. There are
theatres, restaurants, a network of comfortable hotels, Technopark "Fantasy
World", a water Park, where guests and tourists will take with special Oriental
hospitality. An interesting place in the city is the historical Museum of
ethnography, where the amazing picture gallery is located, interesting is the zoo
and dendropark, where unique species of plants growing in different areas are

In Shymkent about 7 parks, 3 museums, 3 theaters and a large number of other

attractions that attract guests of the city, and delightful to their beauty of local

Shymkent is of great tourist importance: it is a large city with developed

infrastructure, which is a hub connecting Tashkent, Bishkek and the northern
region of Kazakhstan.

Many factors contribute to the development of tourism in Shymkent: 300 days a

year, a wide variety of natural and climatic zones, a successful location on the
route of the Great Silk Road near large historical cities (Turkestan, Taraz,
Tashkent, Samarkand, etc.).

Taking advantage of its competitive advantages, Shymkent can become a main

tourist center for the southern regions. The city, receiving the flow of tourists,
can inform them about tourist products and direct them further along their
routes, while simultaneously offering services in the city itself, using and
increasing its potential.

Today, Shymkent has all the opportunities for the formation of an active
segment in the domestic and international tourism market.

Stage 2.
The Department of Tourism and External Relations of the city of Shymkent has
developed the theoretical foundations of the tourist infrastructure of the city,
which include:

— ensuring the development of tourism activities, ensuring the improvement of

the quality of tourist services, promotion and distribution of the tourist product
of the city of Shymkent;

— development and implementation of an action plan for the development of

the tourism industry of Shymkent;

— promoting the development of youth and children's tourism;

— development and production of maps and schemes of tourist routes around

the city, tourist guides and advertising and information guides about the tourist
potential of the region;

— promoting the development of folk crafts, the production of souvenirs

corresponding to the tourist brand of the city.

Ensuring information accessibility and promoting the tourist potential of the city
includes the organization and holding of the following events: cities are
installed at 32 sites using QR passports in 3 languages (Kazakh, Russian and
English) and are integrated with the international travel travel platform. At the
moment there are 77 hotels in the city, 81 travel agencies and tour operators.
Tourist information materials about the city of Shymkent in various directions
are published in 3 languages: booklets "Shymkent. To make it in 24 hours ...",
"Shymkent. In the footsteps of history", "Shymkent. A journey with taste",
"Shymkent. Immerse yourself in emotions", "Shymkent. In focus", "Shymkent
for children", brochures and maps of the city. These materials are placed on the
objects of the tourism industry in special branded booklets (airport, hotels,
shopping malls, etc.), as well as on the back pockets of the seats of the air

On a regular basis, articles about the mining industry are published on the
onboard channel "SKAT" and "Flying Arystan".

Together with the National Geographic Kazakhstan campaign on exploration

and extraction of minerals, an international expedition was created. Following
the results of the expedition, a photo exhibition "Shyraily Shymkent" was
organized in the city of Astana, an image video about the city was shot, which
became popular on social networks, articles about the city were published in
magazines and on the official websites of the National Geography of Russia, the
National Geographical Society of Kazakhstan.

In order to familiarize residents and guests of the city with the tourist sites of
the region, the official tourist Visit_shymkent_kz page has been launched on
social networks. The page regularly informs about the tourist attractions of the
city, historical sites and festive events held in the city.

Stage 3.
Tourism value of Shymkent is quite large: it is a large city with a developed
infrastructure, it is a hub connecting Tashkent, Bishkek and the northern region
of Kazakhstan. In addition, it has developed ecological tourism and
mountaineering, and there are good hunting and fishing sites. In addition, the
city and its surroundings are not deprived of various historical and architectural
attractions. All this, together with the mild climate makes Shymkent an
attractive point of in any tourist route to Central Asia. I would like to organize
a tour that combines cultural enrichment and enjoyment of nature, we can also
add a little extreme.
Target audience:Young people aged 20-35 years who want to have fun and have
a good time away from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Stage 4.
Since Shymkent is famous for its cultural heritage and natural beauty, I would
like to organize an excursion into the life of nomads in nature. How will this
happen? A small group of 10-12 people will live in yurts for 2 days. That is,
first they will participate in the gathering of the yurt (together with our guides).
Then they will plunge into the life of nomads. They will cook national dishes in
nature, take part in a master class on making koumiss, and there will also be
horse rides in the surrounding areas.

What will be included in the price:

Food for cooking, transport, guide, everything you need to collect a yurt, horses,
riding accessories, drinks and much more.
Stage 5.
№ Main points
1 Name of the tour (route) Nomad life
2 Type of tourism ecotourism and ethnotourism
3 Duration 2 days
4 Route length 100 km
5 Seasonality May-September
6 Target audience 20-40 year adults
7 Number of participants 10-12 people
8 Transport Mercedes-Benz Sprinter
9 Route map

Tour program

1 day 2 day

8.00 Gathering of tourists 9.00 -10.00 Breakfast

8.30 Promotion to Burkuliuk 10.00-12.00 Cooking the meal and

preapering baursak

8.30-9.30 Shymkent-Burkuliuk 12.30-13.30 Luch

9.30-10.30 Рreparation of yurt 14.00-15.00 master class on making
elements koumiss

10.30-12.00 To assemble a yurt 15.00-15.30 Tasting the koumiss

12.00-13.00 Preparation the meal 15.30-17.00 Free time

13.00-15.00 Lunch 17.00-18.00 Аssemble the yurt

15.00-17.00 Free time 18.30-19.30 Return to the city

17.00-18.00 Horse riding

18.00-21.00 Dinner and conversations

next to the campfire

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