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ФММК туризм 303-топ Демократова Аяжан, Бегланқызы Анар,

Нұрмұхамедова Амина, Бейсенбек Гүлім, Умарова Меруерт

№ Items Cost
1 Auezov theatre`s big hall 1 000 000 tg
2 Zhailau banket hall 11 100 000 tg
3 Billboard advertising for one month 200 000tg (for mounth)
4 Blogger advertising 50-100$
5 Banner for two parts of event 400 000 tg
6 Buffet 1 690 000 tg
7 Host of the event 1 000 000 tg
8 Dancers 75 000 tg
9 Singers 2 500 000 tg
10 Statuette 100 000 tg
18 111 000tg total


№ Items Total
1 Tickets 2 940 000tg
2 From banket hall 12 000 000 tg
3 Ministry of Culture 7 000 000 tg
21 940 000tg total

Income-Expences=21 940 000-18 111 000=3 829 000tg

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