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LIFA AIR LTD REPORTS: New decree on the cleaning of ventilation ducts and

equipment in Finland leads to services producing better indoor air!

Ministry of the Interior decree on the cleaning of

ventilation ducts and equipment
Number 802/2001, issued in Helsinki, FINLAND on 13 September 2001.

In accordance with the Ministry of the Interior decisions, and on the basis of the Fire and Rescue
services Act (516/1999), Section 88, issued on 30 April, 1999, it is decreed:

Section 1 Scope
This decree covers the cleaning of ventilation equipment that ventilates by
gravitational force or mechanically, and the cleaning of chamber, fans, fire insulation
and other equipment and ventilation ducts affecting fire safety that are part of the
ventilation system.

On the basis of Section 31 of the Fire and Rescue Services Act (516/1999) , a
municipal rescue officer can decide on the cleaning of ventilation equipment at an
individual site.

Section 2 Ventilation ducts and equipment to be cleaned once each year

The following are to be cleaned once a year:

1) the ventilation ducts and equipment of commercial food preparation premises;

2) the ventilation ducts and equipment of spray-coating areas, woodwork factories

and workshops, textile factories, laundromats, bakeries and fuming areas, and also
the ventilation ducts and equipment of industrial and other areas that collect large
quantities of fire-spreading substances;

3) the ventilation ducts and equipment of rooms in which inflammable liquids are
industrially produced or technically used.

Section 3 Ventilation ducts to be cleaned every five years

The following are to be cleaned once in five years:

1) the ventilation ducts and equipment of hospitals, pensioners´ homes and restricted-
access penal facilities;

2) the ventilation ducts and equipment of day care centres, schools, hotels, holiday
lodgings, boarding houses and restaurants.
Section 4 Cleaning operations

The cleaning will cover inspection of duct sealing and the functioning of the fire
protectors. Duct sealing is inspected with a pressure test if the site`s operations require
special sealing and otherwise if there is reason to suspect the adequacy of the sealing.

Section 5 Cleaning record

A record will be drawn up of the cleaning work, of which a copy must be given to the
owner and holder of the building or the holder of the premises.

Section 6 Content of cleaning record

The cleaning must contain:

1) site information;

2) the cleaner;

3) the date of the cleaning;

4) the cleaning operations undertaken and their scope;

5) working methods;

6) noted shortcomings and repairs undertaken.

The cleaning of the ventilator ducts and equipment can be recorded in the property´s
user and maintenance instructions.

Section 7 Date of enforcement

This decree will be in force starting 1 October 2001. Before the decree is in force, the
actions required for its implementation can be undertaken.

Helsinki, 13 September 2001

Ville Itälä, Minister of the Interior

Jyrki Karvonen, Senior Engineer

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