20PWMCT0732 Lab#1

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Robotics MtE-405L, 7th Semester

Student Name: Imad Ahmad

Reg No: 20PWMCT0732
Instructor Name: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah
Submission Date: October 5, 2023

Lab No 1: Introduction to Robotics Lab

Lab Rubrics:
Criteria Excellent (4) Proficient (3) Basic (2) Student’s
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clearly labelled.

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Table of Contents
Objectives ............................................................................................................................................................. 3
Theory ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Types of Robotic Arm .......................................................................................................................................... 3
Lab-Volt Automation 5250-A0 Servo Robot Training System ............................................................................ 3
ProArm RS2200 Robot by Marcraft Int ............................................................................................................... 4
Mobile Robot......................................................................................................................................................... 5
The Khepera IV Mobile Robot ............................................................................................................................. 6
Unimate PUMA 500.............................................................................................................................................. 7
Pick and Place Robotic Arm ................................................................................................................................. 8
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 9

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Lab No: 1 Introduction to Robotics Lab

➢ To learn about Robots.
➢ To learn about different types of Robots.

A robot is a machine designed to carry out tasks autonomously or semi-autonomously. It can be
programmed to perform specific actions or functions, and it may be equipped with sensors, actuators, and other
hardware to interact with its environment.

Robotics is the interdisciplinary field of study and engineering that involves the design, construction,
operation, and use of robots.

Robotic Arm:
A robotic arm is a type of mechanical arm that is typically programmable and designed to perform a variety
of tasks. It is a key component of robotic systems and is often equipped with joints and links that mimic the
movements of a human arm.

Types of Robotic Arm in Lab:

Lab-Volt Automation 5250-A0 Servo Robot Training System:

The Lab-Volt Automation 5250-A0 Servo Robot Training System is an educational and training system
designed to teach students and professionals about robotics and automation. Lab-Volt, now part of Festo
Didactic, is known for its training solutions in the field of automation and industrial technology.


Degrees of Freedom (DOF):

A robotic arm's DOF determines the number of independent movements it can perform. Educational robotic
arms often have a limited number of DOF to simplify programming and learning.

End Effector:
The end effector is the tool or device attached to the robotic arm for performing specific tasks. It could be
a gripper, a welding tool, or another type of tool depending on the system's design and purpose.

Programming Interface:
Educational robotic arms typically come with a user-friendly programming interface. This could be
graphical programming software or a simplified programming language to make it accessible for students.

Teaching Pendant:
A teaching pendant is a handheld device that allows users to control and program the robotic arm manually.
It's a common feature in educational robotic systems.

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Safety Features:
Safety is a crucial consideration. Robotic arms used for training usually have safety features such as
emergency stop buttons and collision detection to ensure the well-being of users.

Robotic arms may be equipped with sensors for feedback and interaction with the environment. This
could include proximity sensors, force sensors, or vision systems.

Simulation Capability:
Some educational robotic arms may have simulation capabilities, allowing users to simulate and test their
programs before running them on the actual hardware.

ProArm RS2200 Robot by Marcraft Int:

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Mobile Robot:
A mobile robot is a type of robot that has the ability to move and operate in various environments. Unlike
stationary robots that are fixed in one location, mobile robots are designed to navigate and perform tasks in
different locations or across different surfaces. These robots can be equipped with wheels, tracks, legs, or other
locomotion mechanisms to achieve mobility.

Key features and components of mobile robots include:

Mobile robots can move using wheels, tracks, legs, or a combination of these mechanisms. The choice of
locomotion depends on the specific application and the type of terrain the robot is expected to navigate.

Mobile robots are often equipped with sensors to perceive their environment. These sensors may include
cameras, lidar, radar, ultrasonic sensors, or infrared sensors, allowing the robot to detect obstacles, navigate,
and make informed decisions.

Control System:
A control system, often including a microcontroller or a computer, is used to process sensor data and control
the robot's movements and actions.

Power Source:
Mobile robots require a power source to operate. This could be batteries or another power supply depending
on the size and application of the robot.

Mobile robots are designed to operate autonomously, meaning they can make decisions and navigate
without constant human intervention. This autonomy is achieved through programming and the integration of
sensors and control systems.

Applications of mobile robots are diverse and include:

Autonomous Vehicles:
Self-driving cars and drones are examples of mobile robots used in transportation.

Warehouse Automation:
Mobile robots can be used in warehouses for tasks such as inventory management and order fulfillment.

Search and Rescue:

In disaster scenarios, mobile robots equipped with sensors can be deployed for search and rescue

Robotic Vacuum Cleaners:

Household robots with the ability to move autonomously and clean floors.

Security and Surveillance:

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah

Mobile robots can be used for surveillance and patrolling in various environments.
Mobile robots play a significant role in automation, exploration, and various other fields where mobility and
autonomy are essential.

Figure 1 Mobile Robot

The Khepera IV Mobile Robot:

The Khepera IV is a mobile robot developed by K-Team, a Swiss company specializing in the design and
manufacturing of advanced mobile robotics platforms. The Khepera series has been widely used in research and
education for experiments in mobile robotics, swarm robotics, and related fields.

Key features of the Khepera IV Mobile Robot include:

Compact Design:
The Khepera IV is known for its compact and modular design, making it suitable for a variety of

It typically features differential drive wheels, allowing for precise control of movement. This design is
common in mobile robots for its simplicity and maneuverability.

The robot is equipped with a variety of sensors, including proximity sensors, wheel encoders, inertial
sensors, and optional additional sensors like cameras and distance sensors. These sensors enable the robot to
perceive its environment and navigate autonomously.

Khepera IV is designed for communication with other robots and external devices. It may have wireless
communication capabilities, allowing for coordination and cooperation in multi-robot systems.
Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah

Programming Interface:
The robot is programmable, and users can develop control algorithms and behaviors using programming
languages such as C/C++ or high-level languages. The robot may come with its development environment and
software libraries.

Khepera IV is often designed with modularity in mind, allowing users to add or upgrade components easily.
This facilitates customization based on the specific needs of research or educational projects.

Educational and Research Use:

The Khepera IV is popular in academic and research institutions for teaching and experimenting with
mobile robotics concepts. It provides a hands-on platform for students and researchers to explore various aspects
of robotics, such as localization, mapping, navigation, and swarm robotics.

Figure 2 Khepera IV Mobile Robot

Unimate PUMA 500:

The Unimate PUMA 500 is a specific model in the PUMA (Programmable Universal Machine for Assembly) series of
industrial robots. These robots were developed by Unimation, founded by George Devol and Joseph Engelberger. The
PUMA 500 was designed for various industrial applications, including assembly, welding, and material handling.

Key features of the Unimate PUMA 500 include its programmability, precision, and ability to perform repetitive tasks
with high accuracy. It has multiple degrees of freedom, allowing it to move in various directions and orientations to carry
out specific tasks in a manufacturing or assembly line.

The PUMA 500 and other robots in the PUMA series have been widely used in industries to automate processes and
improve efficiency. Their legacy is notable in the history of robotics and automation, marking a significant step forward in
the integration of robotic systems into industrial settings.

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Figure 3 Ultimate PUMA 500

Pick and Place Robotic Arm:

A pick and place robotic arm is a type of industrial robot designed specifically for the task of picking up objects from one
location and placing them in another. These robotic arms are commonly used in manufacturing and assembly processes to
automate repetitive and precise tasks.
The key features of a pick and place robotic arm include:

End Effector or Gripper:

The end of the robotic arm is equipped with a gripper or tool designed to pick up and hold objects. Grippers can vary in
design depending on the type, shape, and size of the objects being handled.

These robots are programmable, allowing users to define specific movements and actions. This programmability enables
flexibility in handling different types of objects and performing various tasks.

Precision and Accuracy:

Pick and place robotic arms are designed for high precision and accuracy, ensuring that objects are picked up and placed
with minimal error.

Multiple Degrees of Freedom:

To navigate and position objects in three-dimensional space, these robotic arms typically have multiple joints or degrees
of freedom.

Some pick and place robotic arms are equipped with sensors to detect objects, distances, or changes in the environment.
This enhances their ability to adapt to different conditions.

These robots are often designed for efficient and rapid movements to enhance production throughput.

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah


Figure 4 Pick and Place Robotic Arm

In this lab we learned about Robots. We learned how Robots are making humans life easier. We also get
studied with different types of Robot. And in Robotics Lab Hall we seen different types of robots, like mobile
robot, robotic arms etc.

[1] https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/pick-place-systems-6600798248.html
[2] https://www.ebay.com/itm/293659659435
[3] https://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/search/object/nmah_1028521
[4] %20a,dynamics%2C%20assuming%20zero%20initial%20conditions.

Course Instructor: Dr. Riaz Akbar Shah

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