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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is great to see you all here at the 2022 International
Conference on Economics, Business Entrepreneurship, and Social Sciences. First of all, let me introduce
myself. My name is Fahma, and I am a business administration student at the Islamic University of
Malang. It is an honor for me to be here and present an article written by my lecturer, Mrs. Eny
Widyawati S.AB., M.AB with the title Socialization, Training and Assistance in Recording Family Financial
Cash Flows.

As we know the problem of financial regulation is a problem for every individual, including housewives,
in managing family finances right? In this research, we worked with a group of housewives who are
members of the PKK (Pemberdayaan dan Kesejahteraan Keluarga or Family Empowerment and Welfare)
in Landungsari Village, Dau, Malang. There are a several problems that we face here, namely in some
families the expenses are greater than the income which eventually causes quarrels in the household. As
we know, quarrels result in disharmonious family conditions. In solving this problem, they usually
borrow money at high-interest rates to cover their needs. So the existing income will be used up to pay
off debts in the following month.

Now these problems arise due to a lack of knowledge about how to manage finances properly. This is
where we provide solutions by helping PKK mothers understand how to manage good finances and
apply them to family finances.

The first literature review is the family. The family is the smallest organizational unit in society, and that
family is a system of accepted norms and procedures for completseveralr of important tasks (Arnesih,
2016). Second, family financial management, Garman & Forgue (2000) defines family financial
management as a series of activities in maximizing income and minimizing costs, as well as ensuring the
availability of funds for daily needs, household expenses, emergencies, sav,ings and investment
opportunities. Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that family financial management is
managing/managing family finances to meet the needs of everyday family life. And finally, cash flow, or
cash flow, is the flow of money that starts from us getting the money, saving it, developing it, and
spending it regularly, wisely and disciplined. There is an interesting saying "it doesn't matter if your
finances are in a deficit, the important thing is you know where the money is going." (Ramli, 2020).
There are two elements in Cashflow, namely income and expenses.

Furthermore, there are 2 methods that we use to solve the problem. The first is providing counseling to
mothers about the importance of family financial planning which includes, among other things: making
simple financial plans and diaries as well as profit and loss statements. Counseling is carried out face-to-
face (meeting in person), while still paying attention to health protocols. And the second is to provide
assistance and training on preparing financial planning, at this stage we provide free consultations about
family financial planning, both in person and via chat.
Result And Discussion

1. Socialization

This socialization activity was carried out in January 23 2021. At the socialization stage, we held face-to-
face meetings with 35 PKK members. Before the material presentation activity began, participants were
asked to ask questions related to the financial management that has been carried out so far. From the
results of this question and answer, most of the participants determine the budget at the beginning of
the month. This is of course not quite right because the budget preparation should be done at the end
of the previous month. The preparation of the budget which is carried out at the beginning of the month
causes the placement of expenditure items to be ineffective due to the limited time spent on
expenditures that must be issued. we present material on how to manage household finances, what are
the benefits, how important it is and how to record the cash flow of family expenses and income.
Besides that, the participants were given an overview of the considerations between needs and wants in
order to be able to distinguish which ones should be prioritized and which ones should be ruled out.

2. Training and Mentoring

As seen in the picture, by using this simple financial report the participants were taught how to enter
transactions that occur daily into the format in the book. This record also serves as an evaluation if the
realization of the budget deviates too much from the plan. So that cash leaks can be addressed as early
as possible before they swell.


From the results of the explanation, it can be concluded that with the socialization that has been carried
out, the people of Landungsari Village understand the importance of managing family finances for the
purpose of a prosperous family. And with training on recording family financial cash flow, the people of
Landungsari village are committed to implementing it in their daily lives so as to be able to create
healthy financial conditions.

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