Container Garden

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Raquel Patro

Container Garden
The Complete Guide to Choosing and Assembling the
Most Beautiful Plant and Flower Pots.

1st Edition
Author's Edition

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form without the prior authorization of the publisher. Copyright
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punishable under Article 184 of the Penal Code.

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Choosing the Pots----------------------------------- 7

Soil or Potting Mix?--------------------------------- 12

Watering-------------------------------------------- 15

Fertilization----------------------------------------- 18

Light------------------------------------------------ 20

Assembly------------------------------------------- 22

Design---------------------------------------------- 25


Pests, Diseases, and Weeds----------------------- 29

The Author------------------------------------------ 31

Bibliographic References-------------------------- 32

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rooftops, as well as in areas

Introduction with poor soil, like
Garden centers, flower shops, construction sites and paved
and landscapers are making a areas. Moreover, containers
substantial profit from are the ideal solution for
container gardens, as it's one individuals living in rented
of the fastest-growing properties or those with
segments in the gardening limited time to care for an
and landscaping industry. extensive garden.
Container gardens are
practical because they can be Considering that containers
set up where a traditional are portable, it's easy to
garden wouldn't be feasible, conclude that they can be
such as indoors, apartment relocated as needed, such as
balconies, patios, decks, and during seasonal changes. The

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famous Palace of Versailles excellent for novice

Gardens features tropical gardeners who might feel
species, such as majestic overwhelmed by large
palm trees, all in containers. landscaping projects.
During spring and summer,
they are strategically placed
in the garden, but before
winter arrives, a significant
operation moves all the
containers to their respective
greenhouses, where they'll
spend the cold months

Container gardens instantly

add color to landscaping and
interest to outdoor spaces. In
containers, it's common to
plant annual flowers, making
it much easier to change the
garden's appearance
throughout the seasons
compared to traditional flower
beds. There are many plants
suitable for container
planting, including annual or
perennial flowers, colorful
foliage herbaceous plants,
shrubs, vines, aromatic herbs,
small trees, herbs, and even

Because they are easy to

arrange and relocate,
container gardens are also

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coconut fiber, fiberglass,

Choosing the ceramic, terracotta, plastic,

Pots cement, not to mention

alternative materials.
You can use pots made of any However, before planting,
material, including the most make sure you are not using
common ones like clay or toxic materials, especially if
plastic, as well as wood,

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you are growing vegetables

or fruit trees.

Regardless of the pot you

choose, the most important
detail to consider is drainage.
The vast majority of plants do
not thrive in permanently
waterlogged soil. In
waterlogged soil, all the
spaces are filled with water,
which hinders the
much-needed root aeration
for growth. If the pot doesn't
have drainage holes, create
them using a drill or a
sharp-tipped tool. For plastic
pots, I personally like to use a
simple handheld soldering
iron. When heated, they are
excellent for perforating
plastic pots. For pots made of
materials prone to breaking
upon impact, such as
ceramic or fiberglass, start by
making the hole from the
outside in using a drill and a
thin bit, without applying
force, and then switch to a
thicker bit to widen the hole.

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Keep in mind that pots made tend to heat up under the sun,
of porous materials like clay, especially if they are matte.
coconut fiber, or wood lose
moisture quickly, but they In the case of sophisticated
allow for better root aeration. and expensive pots that lack
On the other hand, pots made drainage holes or those you
of metal, plastic, fiberglass, or want to preserve for a longer
glazed ceramics are time, perhaps due to intricate
non-porous. They retain water paintwork, you can convert
for a longer time but restrict them into cachepots. To do
aeration, making good this, place a lightweight,
drainage holes even more simple pot inside the
important. Dark-colored pots decorative one, ensuring it

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has good drainage holes. over during strong winds in

Leave some space between exposed locations.
the two pots and fill the
bottom of the cachepot with The proportion of pots in
pebbles to avoid blocking the relation to the size of the
drainage holes and to ensure plants is also crucial. Pots
proper water drainage. need to be wide and deep
enough to prevent the soil
Consider whether your pots from drying out too quickly
or planters will be moved between waterings. Many
regularly because large pots, flower and vegetable species
when filled with wet soil and won't thrive if they wilt
plants, can become quite between waterings. Small
heavy. Modern plastic or pots can't retain moisture for
fiberglass pots can replace long, especially if the roots
ceramic ones, offering equal have grown large and
beauty and sophistication tangled. Therefore, it's better
while being lighter and often to opt for larger pots with
more durable. Additionally, more potting mix, as they can
think about installing casters hold moisture and extend the
under the pots to facilitate time between waterings and
movement. You can also fertilizations.
place lightweight materials
inside the pots to fill space The shape of the pots should
without adding weight, such be considered, especially
as pieces of styrofoam or mix when shrubs or small trees
vermiculite into the potting will be planted in them.
mix. You may even place a Woody plants form large
lightweight inverted pot over clumps with inflexible roots. If
the drainage holes. However, the pot is large but has a
be aware that large, lush small opening, it will be very
plants may require heavy difficult to transplant the
pots, which serve as ballast, species to another pot if
protecting them from toppling necessary. Therefore, for this
type of plant, always choose

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pots with an opening larger

than the internal diameter of
the pot. In this case, avoid
spherical or spindle-shaped
pots, but use them for annual
flowers and herbaceous
plants in general.

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pasteurize it by exposing it to
Soil or Potting a temperature of at least

Mix? 185ºF (85°C) for 30 minutes.

You can partially dry it in the
Avoid using common garden sun and complete the
soil when potting or planting pasteurization in a regular
in containers. Common soil is oven. The moisture in the
too heavy and compacts mixture facilitates heat
quickly. Moreover, it usually distribution; if it is too dry, add
carries a substantial amount a bit of water before heating.
of weed seeds, nematodes, Wait for the substrate to cool
and other pests and diseases. completely before using it in
It is preferable to purchase your plantings.
commercial substrates,
preferably free from clay Balanced substrates consist
particles. Excellent of garden soil (organic
ready-made substrates can compost) with varying
be found at agricultural proportions of other materials
supply stores, garden centers, such as peat, vermiculite,
and flower shops. perlite, well-rotted manure,
worm castings, carbonized
If such substrates are not rice hulls, pine bark, charcoal,
available, you can create your coconut coir, and sphagnum.
own mixture and then

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Many of them have their pH A good homemade substrate

corrected by the addition of recipe may consist of:
dolomitic or calcitic ● 1 part sifted common
limestone. Always carefully garden soil
read the materials and ● 1 part organic matter
composition on the (garden soil, sphagnum,
packaging. A good substrate coconut fiber, compost,
is typically dark, lightweight, etc.)
loose, and contains small, ● 1 part perlite or
light particles (perlite or vermiculite
vermiculite). It provides good
moisture retention, as well as If the garden soil is too clayey,
adequate aeration and you can add a bit of washed
drainage. If you need to river sand to it. Don't forget to
increase the substrate's pasteurize the mixture before
weight to anchor plants with using it.
heavy canopies, add regular
washed sand to the mix.

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Plants require an appropriate into the atmosphere through

amount of substrate for root decomposition, and it needs
development and moisture to be replenished.
retention. Horticultural plants
like tomatoes, peppers,
eggplants, pumpkins,
cucumbers, and beans
require at least 5 gallons (20
liters) of substrate per plant.
Meanwhile, carrots, beets,
lettuce, and scallions can be
planted in 3-gallon (12 liters).
Most herbs and radishes can
be planted in small 1-gallon
(4-liter) pots. For flowers, it's
recommended that the pot
size be larger than the height
of the flower for optimal root

Do not reuse the same growth

station substrate from the
previous season unless you
can re-pasteurize it and
enrich the soil with organic
matter and nutrients once
more. The previously used
substrate not only contains an
excess of salts but may also
be contaminated with pests
and diseases, potentially
spreading these harms to the
new seedlings of the season.
Organic matter diminishes
over time, releasing carbon

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happens, it tends to shrink,

Watering forming a block and a gap
Plants in pots require more between it and the pot's walls,
frequent watering than those making it difficult to rehydrate
planted directly in garden it. Additionally, fine and
beds. However, plastic pots delicate capillary roots can
do not dry out as quickly as die.
ceramic pots, which are
porous, especially if they are Using naturally
unglazed ceramics. Still, even moisture-retentive substrates
plastic pots need regular and is great, but you can also use
frequent irrigation. With few hydrogel polymers mixed into
exceptions, do not let the soil the substrate to further
in the pot dry out too much enhance its water-holding
between waterings. When this capacity. These polymers

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indeed deliver on their Saucers placed under the

promises as they can extend pots can also increase salt
the time between waterings a accumulation and serve as
bit, but they have their limits breeding grounds for
too. If used excessively, mosquitoes. You can either
there's a risk of the substrate avoid using them or make
spilling out of the pot due to sure to empty them after
excess water, like during each watering.
heavy rainfall, for example.
The source of water also
There are also other ways to affects the salt content in
reduce the need for frequent substrates. Water with high
watering, such as using carbonate levels is often
self-watering pots. These pots sourced from hilly areas,
work well for annual plants springs, or underground
and vegetables with short aquifers; it's mineral-rich and
growth cycles but are not contains more salts. River or
ideal for perennial plants rainwater tends to have lower
because this type of irrigation salt content and is more
tends to accumulate salts in suitable for watering.
the substrate, leading to a
whitish layer on the surface. Soluble chemical fertilizers
Excess salt in sensitive plants are salt-based, and water is
can result in burned leaf the primary carrier for them.
edges, reduced growth, and Since we always need to
weak blooms. Even regular fertilize our plants, consistent
pots that do not use capillary management to reduce salt
systems and allow drainage buildup in pots is crucial,
are susceptible to this issue especially for perennial plants
over time. Reduce the buildup where the accumulation
of excess salt by ensuring that effect is more pronounced.
at least 10% of the total water
used for watering exits Watering cans are decorative
through the drainage hole. and add charm to the
environment, but they can be

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tiring to use if you have many daily, or even twice a day

or large pots. In this case, you during the peak of summer.
might prefer to water them As previously mentioned, the
with a hose. However, be water requirements vary
cautious - watering with a depending on factors such as
hose that has been sitting in the quality of the soil, the
the sun can make the water season, the plant's growth
too hot for your plants. Let the stage, and more. Therefore,
hot water drain out before you always check the soil's
start watering. Also, be moisture before watering.
mindful of the water pressure, Stick your finger into the soil
especially with small pots and or take a handful of soil
delicate plants, as it can between your fingers to
knock them over and cause assess the moisture level. If
damage. Use a narrow, curved the soil is moist, it doesn't
spout watering can to gently need watering, but if it's dry
water hanging baskets, and crumbly, it may be in
terrariums, and tiny pots. urgent need of water. While
most plants prefer consistent
An increasingly popular and moisture, there are some
practical system is automatic exceptions, like cacti,
drip irrigation, connected to succulents, and certain
the household water supply. orchids, which prefer the soil
Such a system simplifies to dry out between waterings.
maintenance and keeps your
plants well-hydrated.
Remember to keep it clean
and well-maintained,
regularly checking for
potential clogs or issues.

There is no fixed rule

regarding the frequency of
watering. It can be weekly,

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slow-release controlled
Fertilization fertilizers during planting,
Many plants quickly deplete mixed into the substrate.
the nutrients contained in the Controlled-release fertilizers
limited volume of soil within consist of fertilizer granules
pots. Annual plants and coated with an organic,
others that grow rapidly tend biodegradable resin. This
to be avid consumers of these resin has such permeability
nutrients. Well-draining that it regulates the release of
substrates also result in fertilizers, which can last from
nutrient loss during watering 45 days to 14 months. This
and rain. makes them ideal for potted
plants and flower boxes.
To provide the right amount of
nutrients, it is beneficial to use

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Nevertheless, and application intervals.

controlled-release fertilizers Deficiencies are not as
alone may not always suffice. harmful as excesses, which
For plants in full growth, can even be fatal to potted
flowering, or fruiting periods, plants. Special attention
or in pots where should be given to nitrogen
controlled-release fertilizers fertilizers, which can be highly
have already been used up, detrimental when overused.
the need for nutrients is
greater, and the use of
water-diluted soluble
fertilizers during irrigation can
be highly beneficial. Don't
forget to provide
micronutrients that are not
always present in standard

In organic gardens and other

organic crops, it's preferable
to use liquid biofertilizers,
bokashi, cotton or castor
cakes, bone meal, ash,
well-rotted manure, among
other organic and mineral
fertilizers. There are many
options to grow healthy plants
without the use of chemical

Regardless of the type of

fertilizer, always refer to the
recommendations printed on
the packaging for quantities

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are adversely affected by

Light either a lack or excess of light.
One of the most important
factors for plants is light. It is Since the brightness of a
crucial to adhere to the location can change with the
specific requirements of each seasons, keep in mind that it
species by studying each one may be necessary to relocate
you intend to use, and avoid a container for this reason.
mixing species with different Additionally, consider the
light requirements in the reflected light from
same container. surrounding buildings. Glass
and even mirrored structures
Before selecting plants for can provide ample light.
your containers, take into
account the natural light in As a general rule, flowering
the area where they will be plants, grasses, aquatic
placed. Also, remember that plants, as well as trees,
containers can be moved to shrubs, and fruit-bearing
other locations if the plants vegetables, require a

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minimum of eight hours of

daily sunlight, meaning full
sun. Root vegetables like
carrots, beets, and radishes
need at least six hours of daily
light. Leafy vegetables and
most herbs, on the other
hand, thrive satisfactorily with
a minimum of four hours of
sunlight, also known as partial
shade. Many foliage plants
are well-suited for filtered
light or light shade conditions
and can thrive in various
indoor settings.

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After the clay, lay down the

Assembly geotextile fabric. It should be
To assemble a pot, you will larger than the surface it will
need: cover, extending slightly over
the sides. In addition to aiding
● A pot with drainage drainage, the fabric acts as a
holes filter, separating the substrate
● Broken bricks, tiles, or from the drainage layer, thus
pots preventing nutrient loss
● Geotextile fabric during watering.
● Expanded clay pellets
● Washed river sand Optionally, you can add a
● Pasteurized substrate layer of sand over the
● Slow-release fertilizer drainage mat. This helps keep
● Plant seedlings it clear and acts as an
● Mulching material (pine additional filter, reducing
bark, gravel, expanded nutrient loss. Sand is
clay, etc.) especially useful when the
pots are placed on paved
Begin by placing the broken areas without saucers
pieces over the drainage beneath them, thus reducing
holes. Due to their irregular the formation of soil stains on
surface and shape, they won't the pavement and keeping it
block the drainage holes, clean. Place a generous layer
allowing water to flow freely. of substrate, already mixed
Only a few pieces are needed. with fertilizer, over the sand
Cover them with a layer of layer, and test the depth by
expanded clay pellets. The periodically placing the
expanded clay acts as a seedling's root ball. Fit the
drainage material while also seedling when you find the
retaining water, serving as a right height and lightly press
small reservoir. the substrate, eliminating air
pockets without compacting

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The surface of the root ball surface so that the pot

should be about five doesn't overflow during
centimeters from the edge of watering.
the pot, approximately. This
allows you to add a thin layer To remove the seedlings from
of substrate on top of it, along the plastic pots that they
with a mulch for finishing. come in, gently tap the edge
After all the layers, make sure of the pot upside down on a
you leave at least three table so that the root ball
centimeters between the easily loosens. Seedlings in
pot's edge and the substrate's plastic bags are equally easy
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to remove; simply cut them

open with a knife or scissors.
Avoid watering the plants
before planting to make it
easier to remove the root
balls from their respective
packaging. The root balls
should have some moisture to
prevent them from falling
apart but should not be overly
wet and muddy. Try to keep
the root balls as intact as

After planting, water

generously until a significant
amount of water drains
through the drainage holes.
Top up with substrate in areas
that sink excessively, and only
then add the mulch. It's
perfectly normal for the water
to be a bit muddy during the
initial waterings as it drains
through the drainage holes.
As the substrate settles, the
runoff water will become

Optional tip: In large and

heavy pots, use pieces of
styrofoam to fill the internal
space without adding extra

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Typically, potted plants are

Design used as focal points to attract
Plant-filled pots add color attention, giving the garden a
where you need it most in a sense of purpose. A pot can
simple and easy way. direct the eye to a particular
Moreover, you can change view or angle. They can be
them according to the season, used in small gardens to
keeping things interesting and create a sense of distance by
avoiding monotony. With pots, directing the gaze to a distant
you can create a very specific vista. Soften stairs and other
garden style, whether it's straight surfaces with the use
formal or informal, inspired by of pots.
deserts, France, England, the
Mediterranean, the Orient,
contemporary, or tropical.

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So, carefully choose both the Before planting definitively,

pots that will be used and the distribute the plants on the
plants that will go in them. pot's surface and see if the
When thinking about the spacing between them will
plant arrangement in each work. Also, consider the
pot, consider both height and different growth rates of the
depth. Furthermore, plants you are using. Some
specifying plants with very vigorous species can end
different colors, shapes, and up smothering
textures will contribute to a slower-growing ones.
good visual balance.
Remember that pots and
planters are perfect for
showcasing trailing plants.

A rule that works well is to

choose two or three types of
pots, especially in small
spaces. Too much variety can
make the garden lose its unity
and turn into a senseless
clutter. Also, arrange pots in
odd numbers instead of even;
they tend to work better in
most cases.

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drainage holes are a bad sign

Maintenance and indicate that the plant
Just like the other garden should have been replanted a
plants, potted plants also while ago. It may not always
require maintenance. At least require a larger pot, but a
once a year, examine the pots good pruning of the roots and
and check if they need any canopy, along with substrate
repairs. replacement and fertilization,
can rejuvenate the plant.
Repotting perennial plants is
usually done every two years. Removing withered flowers
However, always ensure that and light pruning can extend
the pot and plant are well the lifespan and encourage
proportioned. Similarly, assess new blooming in potted
the roots. Tangled roots or plants. Likewise, consistent
those protruding from the harvesting of fruits, leaves,

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and herbs will keep your pine bark, rounded pebbles,

potted garden looking small stones, or expanded
beautiful for a longer period clay also serve as an
before plant replacement is attractive finish.
Regularly perform a thorough
Don't forget to provide exterior cleaning of the pots,
supports for climbing plants being careful not to use
and wires for trailing flower abrasive materials that could
stems that tend to bend, as easily scratch the surface. A
seen in orchids, for example. deeper cleaning should be
Add organic matter and a carried out using a 10% bleach
good layer of mulch over the solution (household bleach)
substrate surface from time to before each planting.
time to improve soil
conditions, keeping it fresh,
moist, and weed-free.
Mulching materials such as

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during planting, extending

Pests, Diseases, your inspection to the soil

and Weeds around the root ball and roots.

Plants growing in pots and Regularly inspect your plants

containers are just as for insects and disease
susceptible to pests and symptoms. Handpicking
diseases as those thriving in remains the most organic and
garden beds directly in the effective method for
ground. However, by using controlling small insect
pasteurized soil or substrate, populations such as
we can prevent or reduce the caterpillars, slugs, and snails.
infestation of many pests and For larger infestations of tiny,
diseases while eliminating numerous pests like aphids,
potential weed seeds. scale insects, and mites,
systematic pesticide
Exercise caution and closely applications may be
examine the plants when you necessary. However, never
acquire them, checking for apply any products, be they
signs of pests and diseases. chemical or organic, to edible
Take another look carefully

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plants, especially as the to cut them near the base

harvest date approaches. rather than attempting to
Similarly, using pesticides on uproot them, which can cause
flowering plants can harm substantial disruption to your
beneficial pollinators like pot. The use of herbicides is
butterflies and bees. Use only an unacceptable practice in
products approved for container gardening. Prevent
amateur gardening and weed growth by using
handle them with care to high-quality pasteurized
avoid toxic accidents. Prevent substrate or pasteurize your
many pests and diseases by own mix. Nevertheless, keep
removing spotted or dead in mind that some seeds may
leaves, as well as withered or still find their way into your
spoiled flowers and fruits. pots through the action of
wind or birds.
Maintain the health of your
plants with balanced
fertilization and proper
hydration, as this makes them
naturally more resistant to
pests and diseases.

Generally, weeds are not a

significant issue for potted
plants. Moreover, it's easy and
quick to remove them from
the pot since they will be
competing with your plants
for light, water, nutrients, and
space. Carefully pull them out
while they are still young and
small, being careful not to
damage the roots of
neighboring plants. If the
weeds are too large, it's better

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The Author
Raquel Patro is a gardener,
landscaper, and speaker, best
known as the editor of the
websites,, and She never tires
of studying plants and their
uses, as well as the best ways
to cultivate and arrange them
in delightful gardens.

She holds a degree in

Veterinary Medicine from
UFRGS, with a postgraduate
degree in landscaping. It was
her passion for plants that
practices sustainable
guided her career. Her interest
gardening methods and
in plants is inherited from her
incorporates them into her
mother, who used to take her
projects, courses, and
to gardening courses and
flower shops in the
metropolitan region of Porto
Support Raquel Patro's work
Alegre, in southern Brazil,
by purchasing her specialized
when she was still a child.
publications available on If you have any
Thus, her interest became a
feedback about this book,
passion, and the hobby
please contact her via email
blossomed into a business.
She is passionate about
ornamental plants, with a
special fondness for orchids,
desert roses, succulents,
aroids, and bromeliads. She

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Bibliographic References
GREENWOOD, P. O livro definitivo de dicas & sugestões de jardinagem: 2º
reimpressão. São Paulo: Nobel, 2000.

Container Gardening - University of New Hampshire. Disponível em:

Acesso em: 19 jul. 2018.

Container Gardens - Colorado State University. Disponível em:

<>. Acesso em:
19 jul. 2018.


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