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Dear D, E, and F section students,

This communication serves as a stringent reminder of the uncompromising criteria and

structure that must govern your group's upcoming presentations. Failure to adhere to these
directives will be viewed with the utmost severity.
Non-Negotiable Criteria
1. Time Management: The allocated 10 minutes for each presentation is non-negotiable.
Any exceedance of this timeframe will result in penalties. It is incumbent upon your
group to meticulously plan and execute your presentation within this constraint. CRs
take an active role in uploading the presentations on the machine (desktop) well in
2. Use of AI: If you or your group has used AI to generate the content, please list the
questions asked, provide a complete text from the AI as an attached document, and
explicitly mention it on the slide(s) by highlighting the text generated by AI. Later on,
I will use the AI feature on Turnitin to check for plagiarism or the use of AI. If the
slides have not cited/referred to their source of information, I shall consider it
academic cheating, resulting in ZERO marks.
Mandatory Presentation Structure
Your presentation must strictly adhere to the following structure:
1. Introduction and Purpose
- The introduction must be concise and purposeful.
- Clearly articulate the relevance of your presentation's goal.
2. Background and Context
- The background and context must be succinctly established.
- Clearly delineate the factors that substantiate the significance of your chosen theme.
3. Data and Methodology
- The data sources and methodology must be explicitly outlined/explained.
- Transparency in detailing data collection and analysis methods is non-negotiable.
4. Descriptive Data
- Present relevant descriptive data with precision.
- Utilize visuals judiciously to enhance data comprehension.
5. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis
- The quantitative analysis must be exhaustive.
- Qualitative insights should be seamlessly integrated for a holistic understanding.
6. Summary/Conclusion/Recommendation (whichever is applicable)
- The conclusion must succinctly summarize key findings.
- Provide clear recommendations based on your analysis.

The overarching objective is to persuade the audience through (a) compelling question(s)
collectively brainstormed by your group. Your presentation must not only inform but actively
engage the audience in thoughtful consideration.
Failure to meet these stringent standards will result in severe consequences. Any queries
regarding these directives should be addressed immediately through a group rep within 48
hours. Failure to do so shall be treated as compliance.
This document is not a suggestion; it is a directive that demands unwavering compliance.

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