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Pre-Check Procedures:

 Before refueling, visually inspect the vehicle for any signs of damage or leaks around the
fuel filler area, the fuel tank, and the fuel lines.

 Ensure the vehicle is parked on a level surface to prevent spills and overflows.

 Ensure the emergency shut-off system (usually a red button or lever) at the fuel station
is operational and accessible.

2. Turn Off All Electronics:

 Turn off radios, cell phones, and any electronic devices in the vehicle. Electronic devices
can generate static electricity, which is a fire hazard during refueling.

3. Static Electricity Prevention:

 To prevent static discharge, touch a metal part of the vehicle, such as the door or the
fuel pump, before touching the fuel nozzle or filler cap. This will ground you and reduce
the risk of static sparks.

4. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE):

 Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes from splashes.

 Use gloves made of materials that are resistant to diesel fuel. Nitrile gloves are a good

 Wear clothing that covers your arms and legs to minimize skin exposure.

5. Proper Diesel Fuel Nozzle Usage:

 Ensure you are using a diesel-specific fuel nozzle and hose, which are typically larger and
marked as "diesel" to prevent confusion with gasoline nozzles.

 Diesel nozzles typically have a higher flow rate, so be prepared to control the flow of

6. Grounding the Nozzle:

 Before inserting the nozzle into the filler neck, ground it by touching it to the metal of
the vehicle to discharge any static electricity.

7. Slow Fueling and Avoid Overfilling:

 When fueling, squeeze the nozzle handle gently to start filling the tank. Diesel fuel can
foam, so filling too quickly can lead to splashing and overflow.

 Do not "top off" the tank; stop filling when the nozzle automatically shuts off to avoid

8. Handling Spills:
 In the event of a spill, stay calm and do not try to clean it up yourself. Inform station
personnel immediately so they can follow proper procedures for cleanup.

9. Emergency Shut-Off:

 Be aware of the location of the emergency shut-off button or lever at the fuel station. If
a fire or emergency situation occurs, shut off the fuel supply immediately.

10. Secure Fuel Cap and Verify Closure:

 After refueling, securely replace the fuel cap, ensuring it is properly sealed and tight. A
loose cap can lead to fuel evaporation and contamination.

11. Vehicle Start-Up:

 Wait for a brief moment before starting the vehicle after refueling to allow any fumes to

12. Proper Disposal of PPE:

 If you used disposable gloves or wipes during refueling, dispose of them in a proper
waste container.

13. Hand Washing:

 After refueling, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water to remove any diesel
fuel or contaminants.

14. Reporting Issues:

 If you notice any unusual smells, sounds, or issues with the vehicle or the refueling
equipment, report them to the station personnel.

These detailed safety procedures are essential to ensure the safe refueling of diesel vehicles, minimize
the risk of accidents, and protect both you and the environment. Always follow any specific guidelines
provided by the fueling station, the vehicle manufacturer, or local regulations.

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