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Anatom c Structures

amadelowerjaw w th
max lla forms mouth
MayaUpperjaw eyesocketthenasal
passages nusesuppertoothsocket mportant
for mast cat onandcommun cat on

Adulthumanshave four typeof

teefk e fffor can

f Apeygfthe
EN The and crown ro
El a L ne jo n at asurface

called cementoeram
Yd Edge
Junct on CES


Dental Notat on

why Notat on s Üstnecommun cat on

Reducesther sk andmakes
transferofthe nfos mpleand correct
Zs gmond Palmersystem Adolph Zs gmondy 1870
ur nary permanent

r gnj e. sIIm a
ne eftower

European system un versalsystem

Permanent Pr mary Permanent
pr mary

has buWHOand accefferbs. s

EFmggtem. t büyüğü
Dental Term nology And ntroduct on to Dental morphology

contachreas poster or
anter or


CuspPo nted elevat on Torberde Atyp cal elevat on C ngulum l nguallobeof an anter ortooth
Fossaconcav ty çöküntü a Groove Development shallow groove
P t small p npo nt ftp.YYE supplemental less d st nct
depress ons
Lobe cuspsandmamelons
th s Telef dgesfoundonthe
İŞTE büfpen s Eatenmostly Roots Anter orteethhave s ngleroots mand bularf rst
buccalsecond premolarsandMaxsecondpremolars ares nglebut
max llarymolarshave 3roots mes opygyd
Mand bularmolarshave2roots mes al d stal Max f rstpremolarhastwoconebuccalandonel ngual
D v s ons ntoTh rd
Max llary central nc sor
The central nc sor s b ggerthan lateral These teeth supplement each other nfunct onand
hey are s m lar anatom cally They are shear ng or cutt ng teeth
These have nc sed r dges or edges ratherthan cusps wh ch found n the can nes and
poster or teeth
Max Central nc sor has the w dest mes nd stally then any other anter orteeth
The lab al face s lessconvex than lateral or can ne wh ch g ves t's a squared
r rectangularappearance

Götürür s
mes al outl ne s only
surly convexbut d stal outl ne
s more convex
d stonc sed angle s notsharpas themes o nc s.atangle
cerv caloutl neofthe sem c rcular d rect on

wh ch srounded
L ngual Aspect
L ngual aspect hasconvex tyand concav ty
C ngulum

mers neu.f
s3centrfc sarhasallof
L ngual them
sect on ma lssBII ç n

w th roundededges
Mes al Aspect D stal Aspect
nc sed edge s dundedw th Root s basesto adapt to dental

Eth cal curvature s greateron ne Ift racurvature

mes al surface
Apex of theroot s bluntlyrounded

nc sed Aspect
nc sal edge s centeredover the root
213Katı mes od stan n
tr angular outl ne
Mand bular nc sors
mand bular central nc sor
t's the smallesttooth n the dentalarches
Lab al Aspect
almost symmetr cal
The ap cal th rd of theroot term nalsn asmall
o ntedtaper
nc salAspect
L ngual Aspect Halfs are almost dent cal
No developmental l nes than mes od stal
Lab ol ngual s greater
mes al Aspect D stal Aspect
tr angular shape thecurve slessthanmax Rootdepress on smore deeper
Has a root depress on CEJ s 1mm lessthan mes al

Mand bular lateral nc sor

largerthan central
Lab alandl ngual Aspect
R ght and Left part of thecrown snt symmetr cal
nthel ngual aspect marg nalr dges longerthand stal r dges

mes alandD stal Aspect nc sal Aspect

crown s largerthan central nc sorsamend b l ngually sbroader than mes nd staly
mes al s de of the crown s longer than the d stal s de
The root s s m lar tothat ofthat centralnc sor

compar son of mand bular nc sors

are local zed at nc sorth rd a

ymetr cally D stal contact area s cerv cal pos t oned
B lateral symmetr cal 1mm of crown d ameter added mes nd staly
nc sededge s almost b sect ngthe crown
tothe d stal half
ab nl nguley C ngulum s sl ghtly d stal
Permanent max llary can nes

thecusp hasa mes al and d stal

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