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Boy Erased: A Haunting Tale of Love, Acceptance, and the Harmful Practices of Conversion


'Boy Erased' is a film that perfectly captures the struggles faced by individuals confronting their
identity while dealing with deeply rooted convictions that deem their authentic selves as morally
wrong. Jarred Eamons’s upbringing, the protagonist, was heavily influenced by his parents who
are devoutly religious parents, particularly his father who happened to be a stern and traditional
Baptist pastor. However, the storyline took a drastic turn when the narrative intensified with a
distressing incident of sexual harassment experienced by the protagonist, Jared. Amidst this
troubling situation, Jared found himself compelled to disclose his sexual orientation to his
parents, which was prompted by the perpetrator’s attempts (Henry) to avoid being reported.

Instead of finding comfort and getting the psychological help he needed, Jared was sent off to a
conversion therapy program by his parents. Unfortunately, this only made things worse for his
mental health, leaving him even more confused and emotionally troubled. Rather than receiving
the empathy and validation he is seeking, the program deepened his inner struggles, making
him even more emotionally conflicted and distressed. It coerced Jared into believing that
homosexuality is a disease and a matter of choice, compelling him to believe he needed to be
cured. The film exposes the harmful effects of these practices conducted in conversion therapy,
which have been condemned by major medical and mental health organizations (HRC
Foundation, n.d).

In the movie, each character embodies a universal struggle that resonates deeply with many. It's
not just those who identify as homosexuals facing the brunt, but also their conflicted loved ones,
torn between belief systems and unconditional love. Marshall, Jared’s father, represents the
archetype of a deep-rooted parent who inherits beliefs that condemn homosexuality as a sin.
Nancy, Jared's mother, embodies the heart-wrenching struggle of a mother torn between faith
and her son's well-being, navigating the clash between religious convictions and love. Henry
conceals his true identity due to the fear of societal pressure, leading him to perpetrate acts
heinous to his own being. Victor, the leader of Love in Action (conversion therapy), probably
used his job to escape his true identity, as he was later revealed to be married to a man. Lastly,
Cameron, suffering with how the society has viewed his identity, succumbs to the immense
emotional toll of conversion therapy, tragically ends his own life. These realities reveal the flaws
in unexamined traditional beliefs, causing harm rather than good, especially when institutions
like churches and schools fail to evolve with compassion.

However, the leader of the Catholic Churchs, Pope Francis, is now urging Catholics, parents,
and bishops to reexamine their viewpoints and recognize the dignity of every human being
regardless of their sexual orientation. "If someone is gay and seeks the Lord and has goodwill,
who am I to judge?" he said after emphasizing the importance of integrating gay individuals into
society rather than marginalizing them. Pope Francis has proved that the Catholic church
should lead the way in accepting and welcoming LGBTQ+ individuals into society. He also
criticized laws criminalizing homosexuality(United States Conference of Catholic Bishops,
2022), stating that such legislation contributes to harassment, stigmatization, and violence
against LGBTQ+ individuals. His bold stance may pave the way for people like Jarred, to be
able to grow up in a more inclusive and understanding environment, especially with his father
actively participating in church.

The movie is based on the true-life experiences of Garrard Conley, and it exposes how many
teens are subjected to a barrage of psychologically and emotionally abusive tactics of
conversion therapy programs. One of the key themes of the film is the tension between the
teachings of the church and individual autonomy. It suggests that the church’s teaching of
condemning same-sex attraction can lead to feelings of shame, guilt, and self-hatred among
LGBTQ+ individuals. Moreover, the film also depicts the repercussions of the societal norms
that demand obedience and conformity, stifling individuals' expression and preventing them from
living authentically. Individuals who strongly believed in their faith but later realized they are part
of LGBTQ+ community often drift away from their religious beliefs due to the church's stance.
Hence, it is necessary that we find a common ground to nurture mutual understanding between
these contrasting viewpoints.

Despite the film’s critique of religious teachings, it also offers a glimmer of hope for reconciliation
and healing. Jared eventually accepted his sexuality with the help of people around him. His
decision to write about his experiences suggest that it is possible to find peace and fulfillment
within a faith tradition that has not always been welcoming to LGBTQ+ individuals. Afterall,
Jesus’ fundamental teaching is about unconditional love — highlighting the essence of
compassion and acceptance within the paradigm of love itself. It serves as a reminder that God
is the epitome of love, urging us to reciprocate this divine love by embracing and acknowledging
one another.

Furthermore, the character development of Jared’s parents throughout the movie is also
noteworthy, especially towards the end. It showcases a gradual evolution in their understanding
and acceptance in Jared’s identity. It serves as a proof of the human capacity to love beyond
traditional beliefs, especially for first-time parents navigating life too. This transformation
underscores the notion that individuals, even parents, can evolve over time. Overall, the film
highlighted the transformative power of patience and gentle approach in fostering
understanding. It exemplifies the idea that God’s love for us remains steadfast, regardless of
how sinful we are, hence who are we to judge other people and their sins?
HRC Foundation. (n.d.). The Lies and Dangers of Efforts to Change Sexual Orientation or
Gender Identity. Human Rights Campaign.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops. (2022). Pope clarifies remarks about
homosexuality and sin. USCCB.

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