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Badger Meter RCVcalc - powered by CONVAL by F.I.R.S.T. Version 9.0 (Build 9.0.


Prova 5 17/07/2021 21:08:41

Calculation header
Identifier Prova 5

Operating data
Medium Carbon Dioxide
State Gaseous
Gas Gas, humid (Standard conditions)
Standard conditions 0°C, 1013.25 mbar
Humidity Relative
Relative humidity φ 20.0 %
Density (standard conditions, dry gas) ϱN 1.9769 kg/m³
Specific gas constant R 188.92 J/(kg K)
Molecular weight M 44.01 kg/kmol
Specific gravity Sg 1.5195 -

Operating data
Maximum flow Minimum flow
Operating temperature t1 200.0 °C
Pressure upstream of valve p1 60.0 bar(g)
Pressure downstream of valve p2 0.0 bar(g)
Pressure difference Δp 60.0 bar
Flow coefficient Kv 3.3796E-3 m³/h
Stroke/angle-of-rotation ratio Travel 0.0 %
Mass flow rate qm 4.0 kg/h
Volume flow rate (standard conditions) qn,dry 1.9801 m³/h
Volume flow rate (standard conditions) qn,hum 2.0864 m³/h
Flow type Choked flow!

Fluid operating data

Maximum flow Minimum flow
Relative humidity φ 20.0 %
Isentropic exponent (t1, p1) ϰ 1.2807 -
Real gas factor (t1, p1) Z1 0.93948 -

Pipe downstream of valve

Material number 1.4301
Material short name X5CrNi18-10
Sound velocity in pipe material cP 5'180.0 m/s
Density of pipeline ϱP 7'830.0 kg/m³

Prova 5.CCV 1(3)

Badger Meter RCVcalc - powered by CONVAL by F.I.R.S.T. Version 9.0 (Build 9.0.8)

Prova 5 17/07/2021 21:08:41

Pipe downstream of valve (continued)

Size class downstream of valve DN2 DN 15
Pressure class downstream of valve PN2 PN 40
Pipe wall thickness downstream of v... tP2 2.0 mm
Pipe inside diameter downstream of... Di2 17.3 mm

Valve selection
Series RCV
Valve selection 1/2", 0.80 D mg, Linear
Model code 1002-xx-x-xx-Mx-xx-DLN-xx

Valve data
Valve type Straight globe valve
Trim type Parabolic plug
Flow direction FTO
Basic characteristic Linear
Turbulent flow coefficient Kv100 0.69198 m³/h
Selected valve size DN 1/2"
Pressure class PN PN 345

Load-dependent values
Maximum flow Minimum flow
Stroke/angle-of-rotation ratio Travel 0.0 %
Flow velocity u2 5.7136 m/s
Mach number (valve outlet) MaDN 0.016829 -
Sound pressure level of valve (A-weighted) LpAe 32.4 dB(A)
Power loss P 0.3943 kW

Actuator forces - inputs

Max. upstream pressure (valve clos... p1,A 60.0 bar(g)
Max. downstream pressure (valve c... p2,A 0.0 bar(g)
Packing material (*) Kalrez®
Packing type (*) Double
Seat sealing type Class III
Calc. upstream pressure (valve open) p1,100 55.0 bar(g)
Calc. downstream pressure (valve o... p2,100 0.0 bar(g)

Prova 5.CCV 2(3)

Badger Meter RCVcalc - powered by CONVAL by F.I.R.S.T. Version 9.0 (Build 9.0.8)

Prova 5 17/07/2021 21:08:41

Actuator forces - results

Min. closing force (close position) Fs0 283.68 N
Min. opening force (close position) Fo0 37.47 N
Min. opening force (open position) Fo100 37.47 N
Min. closing force (open position) Fs100 208.31 N
Required actuator force Fact 283.68 N

Characteristics calculation not possible: Flow coefficient - Kv (3.38 E-3 m³/h) < 0,01 *
Turbulent flow coefficient - Kv100 (0.692 m³/h)
Choked Flow! Calculation with Δpc. p1-p2 > 44.74 bar
The valve does not cover the 1st operating point (Kv 3.38 E-3 m³/h).

Approximate value: Isentropic exponent (t1, p1) - ϰ
Approximate value: Temperature (valve outlet) - t2

Values for Flow velocity - u2 (5.714 m/s) are not critical.
Values for Mach number (valve outlet) - MaDN (0.01683) are not critical.


Badger’s RESEARCH CONTROL® RCV Valve product line is the leader in compact precision control
valves for liquids, gases, steam, and cryogenics applications

Calculated value
Lookup value

Prova 5.CCV 3(3)

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