SD Mediation

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Didactic Situation

In order to create authentic learning contexts, it is Necessary to integrate elements of mediation in the tasks you develop for your
students. Bring some specific examples that are based on the 2018/2019 curricula. What is task-based learning from the
perspective of the new curriculum?

Nr Steps Criteria Content

1. Defining the problem found in Give argumentation on Analyzing the proposed situation I have defined some
the proposed situation the timeliness of the issue problems:
addressed in the context -weakness in spontaneous verbal expression through phrasing,
of the proposed situation reformulation
-difficulty in production of the appropriate messages for simple
communicative situations
-students are unable , for whatever reason, to communicate, to
understand each other directly

2. Explanation of the notion Demonstrates knowledge Education is constantly evolving and introducing teachers to new or
derived from the proposed and application of different techniques to employ in class. So, Creating authentic
background. educational policy learning contexts allows students to explore, discuss, and
documents in the context meaningfully construct concepts and relationships in contexts that
of the problem identified involve real-world problems and projects that are relevant to the
in the proposed situation learner. ,that’s why it is necessary to integrate elements of
Mediation- these related activities are found in the context of
linguistic communication tasks that aim to develop the student's
communication skills in carrying out activities that involve
reception, production, interaction, and mediation (especially
translation and interpretation activities), with each of these modes of
activity possibly being performed in oral form, in written form, or in
both forms. By mobilizing both reception and production, mediation
activities in their written and / or oral form require the production of
an accessible (re) formulation of the text for a third person from a
source to which the third party does not have direct access, through
translation or interpretation, a written summary, or a report.
3. Justification of the identified Refers to relevant The relevance of the identified problem consists in the fact that
problem bibliographic sources / The communicative activities of mediation that (re) process an
demonstrates knowledge existing text occupy a considerable place in the normal linguistic
of the literature and functioning of our societies.
provides scientific Mediation strategies reflect methods of managing limited resources
substantiation in the in order to process information and find an equivalent meaning. The
context of the proposed procedure might involve planning and organization to and make the
situation most of available resources: developing prior knowledge, locating
media, preparing a glossary; but also, might examine how to
approach the task to be performed (taking into account the needs of
the interlocutors; selection of the length of the unit which is to be
4. Contextualization of the Identifies and presents its The issue is directly met in:
problem at curriculum level own model for solving 3. Teacher’s guide
(competență, unitate de the problem, in the 4. Methodological directive
competență, unitate de context of the proposed 5. Common European Framework of Languages
conținut și clasa), după caz și situation. 6. National curriculum reference framework
altor documente de politici 7. Evaluation Reference of specific Competences to pupils
educaționale (instrucțiuni, 1. Specific Competence Nr SC 2. Sociolinguistic competence:
ghid, programe, repere The use of linguistic structures, demonstrating the functionality of
metodologice, metodologii the language within the framework of the social contact.
etc.) în care se reflectă SC 3. Pragmatic competence: The use of the linguistic structures
problema respectivă. in familiar and predictable contexts, demonstrating coherence and
accuracy in communication.
. (Pluri- / inter-) cultural Competence: Integration of the specific
cultural features of the allophone country in contexts of intercultural
communication, expressing empathy / tolerance and acceptance of
cultural diversity.
Competence Unit – oral/written/online Interaction-mediation
2.2. Receptive understanding of the linguistic structures in authentic
social contexts.
3.8. Participation in written / online interactions referring to simple
transactions and familiar contexts, provided that a translation tool is
3.7. Integration of linguistic resources into prepared and / or
spontaneous information exchanges related to familiar topics of
personal and general interest.
3.8. Participation in written / online interactions referring to simple
transactions and familiar contexts, provided that a translation tool is
4.9. Adapting the linguistic resources available in order to identify
solutions involving compromise or agreement in intercultural
Usage of language
• To initiate simple conversations
• To express preferences / emotions/attitudes
• To request and provide information
• To offer / respond to suggestions
• To express agreement / disagreement
• To ask for / give directions
• To clarify the ideas expressed
•To attract someone’s attention
• To ask if one has been understood
• To ask for a word or phrase to be repeated
• To request a confirmation

Activities (examples of mediation)

• retelling the key information from a text orally or in written form;
• explaining the information presented in diagrams, graphs, tables in
oral or written form;
• oral or written retelling of a written text;
• taking notes during lectures, seminars, or meetings;
• personal presentation on creative and literary texts;
• reflection on the messages from creative, literary, and non-literary
• facilitating collaboration within a group to reach consensus;
• facilitating the interaction between the members of a group;
• establishing a positive atmosphere of collaboration and mutual
• facilitating in informal situations with friends and colleagues;
• explaining a new concept;
• adapting ones’ linguistic repertoire to new situations;
• interaction in the online environment;
• plurilingual and intercultural interaction.
Learning products:

 Structured dialogues / simple interviews.

 Posters and collages in traditional and digital format.
 Thematic conversations
 Simple descriptions with verbal support(images, questions,
 Narratives, simple texts, created according to a given model
 Case studies
 Oral translations
 Simple written / online forms.

5. Listing 2-3 bibliographic Demonstrates, in the Bibliographic sources that address this topic are:
sources or authors that address context of arguments, 1.National Curriculum –Foreign Language 2018
the given problem the application of 2. Teacher’s guide
student-centered 3. Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
6. Presentation of the own model Demonstrates knowledge To solve this problem I recommend the following methods:
of solving the problem: 2-3 of the notions and 1.Using task-based learning - students face problems - not just
relevant methods that ensure contents specific to the related to content and subject matter, but also in terms of
the solution of the problem discipline. organizing their work. They need to find a solution on their own
and a recommendation for and thus develop a wide range of skills, for example time
colleagues management, activity planning, cooperation within a team,
obtaining materials and selecting information, finding and using
tools, etc. Task-based learning is flexible because students can
adapt the workload to their abilities. Students develop not only the
linguistic skills, but also those necessary for a successful
career,students are always involved in practical activities which
make learning entertaining but also challenge them to learn new
So, in order to include the elements of mediation in the teaching-
learning-assessment process, I will create at least four different
types of situations in which the student:
• Receives a text and produces a related text to be received by
another person who does not have access to the first text;
2.• Acts as an intermediary in a face-to-face interaction between
two interlocutors who do not understand each other because they
do not speak the same language;
• Interprets a cultural phenomenon in relation to another culture;
3.• Participates in a conversation or discussion that involves
several languages, exploring their plurilingual and pluricultural
All of these strategies help teachers to vary their instructional
practices and facilitates understanding and communication.

7. Argumentation that the Demonstrates Mediation activities are relevant for the classroom in connection
proposed model is relevant consistency in the with small group, collaborative tasks. Working together students
and correlates with the succession of ideas, achieve a goal.Similarly, the most successful language learners are
principles of student centered correctness in expression, the ones who strive to get things right but are not afraid of stepping
approach logical, convincing, outside of their comfort zone and enjoying new experiences. When
reasoned. practicing a language through tasks, students will strengthen their
knowledge to the point where their use of the language, both in
terms of fluency and accuracy, becomes automatic.
The “real world” is where students can put their study to good use.
Task-based learning is a key strategy to giving your class ample
opportunities for quality language practice.

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