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Date > 4 -Dec-2022 PROTECT _ Adin knowledge 69 str 4 Numeer system and Unzts @F Measurement “The bedock gf modem discoveia is He we of wal dif ined number Syshema , units J, reonowirent, Gra Compubphional mechanisms. In on os @} comput bared dodo. procening , tt binooy gy skem iS, can importante as pect J this. Anothen imporkint ospect civilisakional Grok Is vikyont inlerrotionl kade . To konsocf trough the exchange J goods avd servicer, we need stardoad mecurs g meokue ment , timation, Grd Communication - THiS wquistr o wth - difined numben Agfined Sy sem Gugh units ¥ measuntment for Lungth, weight, hime etc. We token oll Huwre for grant hdey «Lite did we Know or Yrink obout whew all ture originated avd how it gyslemabicadlly davedoped Hhorouglr ta age -te shal coed on Hare i ssath in His Gogker Project abu. > History 9 4ndion numeral gy sem The contibution gf ancient ddan to te davelopment gf rattamaticak is well known ond acknowledged - Some y examples orn > # Borth on exktrave susearch, Soh pourtnied evidence fom Europe dnd Yar Arabic vdorld fo show that modin number Systems indked oviginatec in dvdiio. Usig sevook syounce duanivg, B10 CE bp 1814 CE, AL prmented, seacsol obsenvobions ts post writes on $ndicr walhemadics. * Loplace sawamked * The ingunloun melod of expsumivg every po ssibl ate vairg a so of Hen “bal Tenet in be? pen a) © AX-Baruni wool." whilst we we Sultov Jor calculation accoralleg " Keiv nomen too valus, He frdian do vol we Jee at all for onitrmebic. And just or toe shape of the Jeera trod thay vie fos wonihivg i's differod ‘wy diffewnt aegtons J Heis counby $0 Ae numerical Symbols vee". “The excayndion ak Horgan Molunjo Dax0, Dhohvira shoo tut fe. Stwwo Cousbucton wow done vaing Fired bricks, g stavdood. di mensions Y tine geomebical ava modorial quality The dimensions of the. bc Stoaraal te be slash waite Surgth xuald hx Riéqkt in toe veh 4.2.1. This Smilestiy aco sie Spornivg several Kilometers Points to the. wed f stardloral uni} g mesyadwerd al tod bme, Si rallies modu modhe mahiol thinking g Soslions. D Salient Feoduous, 3 Hae Sndlon Numero ysten. The ovigin onl He evolution A Ha number could be haced fom atime 4 fhe vedic period. Sei) an oro hadlition , Unique avd Unambiguous names weruto be adfi buled fo fe number . The sansk xi} Jorge 40d. unique rama for numbers shady fom one wah going up very Jooge numbenu. The first nine digits tave Unique names and otin unique names for humbers fom lo fo 100 in steps y fen ame givers below= 4 ~ ckom \o > dosa 2 + dee 20 > Vimsobi Stratis $0 > himsot os yep cehalien 40° Cavosinshot ay 5 > Pancha $8 Ls; eee 6 > Sab Sle arate 1 > Sapha 60 = oak $ — ola 90 > pavahi 9 + wa loo > sadn. One can appreciote It importance ge Indian rameroh es z Scenic developmend if te Following conbibubions are. undoutood : “ap Sasjacss gy using Loage numbou with, Unique number Prone for the. Wumbens . * Developivy a wbush pore valus gystem fox tha ruwerobs + The toncept of 2010 Owl ik ure beypral being a place holden. + A dacimol gskm that opened vost posibilitia fox asithmatic opoofia. ® hw concept y Zer0 aval ily Importance. Today, Ze, both o a BYrrool Cox numeral) anak a concept meni the ob sence g ony quantity allows ws to perfosmn Coleulus , Solve Complicadtd exyotions, aval to fave inverted compuben operodtions using Dinos digits. Ancient indian, wee able to we o deciwal yin | to swpswent Socge numbers. Sn this procek , the ured q number Zeno | become inevitable ox a place holder. Brahm guphe duveloped Yoo! for zero in 628 CE. With His invenh'on, Ze10 Coull be ured as an independent numeral for compubstioval popose. Tht rtal powen g Zero wos evidint whim Ht yar gf Zero Loos beyordh 0 mere Ploce froldon. ® Loox humbon ard fair se pawentahon . Voy, Jooge number can be otepurent by a nolahon Cowalat df 4 dativel‘nuvaber. aval powoer gf 10. Ven dosge nhumbow ont wed in Yrauey places In Puseiwa avd ater iAhouas. In o Pomage g Taithsi4a- Upnishod , tar is a sufounce g quantum Rappinet Sn tha darcn'ptinn, the numbers Pe guivdy waisn by multiples 9100 up to Mb lo evel, Sugativa 0 dooge number g) 10, (3) Thaw is a sinilan pamogt 6 Brhadavanyakr —upanisad ore the seme tame which amount. @namben 10. A shoyy in uhich troukum - Buddha Gompdting In a Swamven With 500 offers. The Conkat inchdad , Hating g krovoashye gf Brilewrolic. 1B quiak radhuradicion | the time by mame Aijuna caked sid- —dboota Jo expat numbers beyoral Koh (ic?) im multiple gf 100. 4x tis reply Jo Hs quuttion Sidhotha went on upto 10°, Apdlivg oul unigur hanes fo each number fae ublowdl « fox example, 10% cous alloxw”. Shorty, fom kok Lio") ha series up 40 Aallara (10%) Consithbel 23 fever. One gf reasons for tha wie 9 Looge Wambo Guhd be intowt tk Pshoromy Ashonomial caloolohows invoniably sagulre Losge number. The yedic comput Ans tHiosad aval te Purored hove sevowl refownces to athonomicl dada. ® Decimoh System The univesol way, qf clood Woe gf lo Oa the base. Au numewds in He we wail numbers today is tough de asped gf He gration gystem gf 4 a decimal system AS Bhaskosta dhooya skded 3) Lidowokt , his ancestors howe abrtsdhy daveloped O Place volur system in mudtipler g Hen. Thi's is india ta decimal system. The swulbing Arcimod number system ovigirakdl in dubia much before Hw "LIM cenhiosy BEE. Dubha avd Sigh hibde book provide a List qs insaiphion, and grant plates Hod Contain numenoh cwrtten-in decimal place value noladion . Ture ‘wstriplion’s rorge fom 595 CE tb 975 CE. in Ws openig Youd @ “Table: Decimal systere gf Numbow mentioned in Bhaskcowdunga's Lid r BR (eka) - 1 Lot) HEX (Abja) - 10% (Billion) FN (dasa) - 10! sa aes ; § » q wa) -}0! a -10° HATA (Maha podima) -1d? (Filion) aye (Ayde) - \o* DEW (Grkro) - 10° SH (lakse) - 10° BAN (Talodhi) - t0!4 mye Prague) - ot (Millivi) at CAntya) =lo'? (ZiNion) AR koh) - 10! FA (Madhya) - 10 AE (Psbuda) -to! RRA (Posandh) - 1d? DP Measwument g Tine, Distance ord weit Biskence of a wolugt medtoument gystem aids bods commence ad SdenhHC thinking In He oncien} indian ditrohow Hour. dmdoomenil phyptead meoswows fos qrowtifieg Lor. time arel vaeghd cou four. Dytrorcak fos a debiltd account J weigh avoh mecweur pre-allig ak Hod time dering te Mousyan time. Claplow, 1% avd 20 x book two Avrora provide ths unis d meoulement 4o¥ Space, time avd axight awh specifin webods of dicks oval balances to be pul in es ro enone ue aw odhoud fo by te bade « Ayuovedic Het provide sevewh meoruow for wodght a dnese ot wsed fo mension. inguedions ushile preptrivg & rixhoxe § diferent subsoncel. ® Notion 6} Posamonu Fa. prsommuna 1s uxt for swallut mecavorment 9 Sug te jwaghk - avd time in indian system. Posomarnu (Stig te): 2-38 x 10? wm Pormmonn Legit) + $.78 rio g Pomona Time) * |e St X10% stead (s) ®Meownwment gf dergt. Seo wearwr fave been in voyan to mension the haagh ™ Ondent Her In India. In andacolagial. SIL ad Lohod in Gujcout, an rong Soda voor discovord . The total Lert gf this scolt iS 46mm. Te sivolllost unit ondhts scale vous found 4 be about kFomm. Celose to one-Lyglt yf on argula Sf 1.6464 mcm). Too engravings On He voll gf Hemple ot Trupukkuchi newn Konchipowm shad hoo Sco, OnE measuring F.04 meher in Jurgth 1 voit monkieg dividivg You Sealy into 4 Quad pants, Od te seroral one meatiig 5.69 mabye in Sangh avah roorhig divdiig Hu scale inte 4 qual poms. J voor Jour Hod cath division 4 Ma Fist scolt is Gal fo sc times Dhowus ee. Qypall 4o Ha Creumfrance go dire with One Dhonus at diameler ® Meoswament 8 time. Time iS very Importand asped of ancient Inalion dor several éadont. Fivst the ancients wen ieowited jn kuovsi des. origin gf univouc, hich is one gf five def inieg coswdeuhes gf purora. By tru unik 4 Hime used in oncient Gdia, ke smollut meosur g time isg ta order 9 10° seconds Ow Ae. Jegpst number 10" human yoo: ® Meosuwment 4 weight. Avtrasoslo. hua a vivid durciption 9) wotiour weorons Ly voelg ht. Some Sanco danoinivodions gf otight were posfops used. to wesuou. precious metas such a gold awd ailver and Grr In addition to voeights thew aou guideline for 4s davecpment g 6 Aypes tolower fo be Wed. Tr admiishotion 13 alto keg uhred fo enswe verlfiation Every mow Hood the babonia ont clibraded. Lita: evidence in faa vedic corpus alo poinh to a gyckon Jabks ual balances In vogue during Ae vedic Bae. guy > Matnemat rcs, Gndian wahewalidans raske senna conibutor to ts shaly gf tigoromesy » abgybr ey ashwalic ond resolve numbeu. Most Signidicand, the dectwad gystem Hot we shill employ worldwide today was First Seen in 4ndia. ® Te number syskem si back 08 1200 BC, radhumabiol Knowdalge Loos bein conten oO pant J bsogen body 4 Know ledge known 03 te Vedos. mn Hane texts, numbers: wort Common! expowscd 04 combinations g} pose Bh den. fos example, 365 might be expoumed os Hout Aundouds (8x10), sind Corio) ond five units (Sx tot) , though Cah power Hn WH suprwented coi fhe nome rattan tana so gf ayrbals. $1 1s sussonable + believe fab this sw pauientadion, Univ Pores g tn Plogeol a caucioh role ta Ye davelopment 9 dociwod place volo system in Sicha. ® The concept 4 Zon0. Zoro isd} for much danger Fisdory Only iv Jrdlin tha place helen Symbol tor nothing proywr fo betome a numben thik, or sight. The odvent ge coxept zero allowed numbou to be cotter ficienty vol netioly - ® Solution, a} quodoatic equation $n sevente Comhiony , fist voritten evidence gf Yo subd tor work with 2eno pou Fomalised in He Brahmas pula Siddhanta. 4 Bis Seminod text , He inboduced wes fos solving quadrabic eqposions . Te Quodrobic formula ved rows adof to cod culate rools Ao quodvohie ayodion eat Fosmmulabec by Siddrantachooya. at hy hia ® Sndion Matemaditans oyd fix _conbibudions. ee ws clivicld 4) Bhoskosm- We wos He one who acknowledged Hook ag a i by zo ts infinddy arch Brod tes Suen gf ory mumbo aval infinity also winity.- Fe domows book “Siddhania Sivomant voas voriten by tim. 2) Aryabhoko- He workid ont ‘place valor ystems unig dather 4 signity numbous ava stadieg quodities Thx concept gf Zee wor gieh Yim He alo given informudion bout higonorebic yoktos. He alto duscatbed Hot umber doy ina yor to be O65. 3) Brochmgughe- Ts most Impostard conbibudion gf Broshmgupla fo #ht Hdd gf wollamalie wid lnkoduclig tax concept arel compubeg enttha gl ze0 (0). Te gyrebol gf 2010 woo fist wed by Brakmgupta. 4) Vonohamihiva— Th discovery q higonomeic yuahiont ood ome Vorofamihira’s modhamotiol accomplishments. HL improved! fea poecision 8g Arya bloda's sine tables 5) Boudhayana — He discovewl pythagoros ob Jost (ooo Yor berore Ais birth: Hi voosn't a Seaibe Like Ahmet, vaho just copied popes Knot o molhimabiddan th HL Contemaporiry sence. 6) S¥nivosa Romanujan— He boa fis Conbihubion in fidds g meted se In rumor Hanry , Rogen - Ramonujon's iduntitien In dee pontiion ¢ rumbeu, Loork on algelaa g inequality, Elliphe furchiont, continu acho, Pooioh sums ard predachs gf hypengio mehic SAID, () > Astronomy. gee ey Ashon Rox history in Sndian Subcontinent shetching fom pre- Historic fo mode tina. Some g he earliat wool 9 Jidian askonsns Gam be dakd to the period gf Indus Nebley Civilisation or eantlien - Srdion asbonomy faousl in Ha Sth bh cents 1 vith Amyabhat, ahose work, Ayyabhodiy , supawented the pinracle 4 axbonomical Knowledge ob toad Sime mony dimensions . Fixst among Ham is te on he sourd Yn Ha Oral covity- Six Locadions fave been i dant hel oud te sound eidhor orighak dust Hare Doattus oF 6 com birahon 9 Hane Dsig seb gf subas fo eslablishesr Ais icko. Arccosdi to Pomini Hae vowels fave at mporal factor in ta pacaluction GJ a sound. Thewr yortotion hove been specified; short (hacuya), dovg Cdigha) , and produkt. or Aovaakd { plaka) - THe we of prolaledl vouian Is wot unwual in pace, dor timers doubt, Coution, while cul From fer tua exclrrotion We Jed fp ubten dre vowel Fos c Jovgin dustin thon uswol. Ashdhyayi employs recuotive Logic 4 proce Grammedical opplicah'ant One such example is He dogic J samasc, O method gf ctahig compurds Words from a group gy nouns. On atount @& Ae Kosaka concepts avd divguish'e aovwrgmens , te sentence fowmodion fos a rolut shuchow aval Jiaves voy Lite. scope tos ambiguity jn fa Sonskait Jag uage.. Most voods Chol ta verb forms anal noun fms) originale. Som Hh. dhahus Sn santkit, oe gen Arol sevoal synonyms for a wosd. Each Syrewyin hy a word ts gfen dual fom a dhabu. Prefixes, Knovon o% UPa- Scag , pla wi ise koi Padhsga bhi yo wot adse AL Ukhe Jo wha hy Coe apperaled to he venb Foms in orcloy to ceade adldttoral words. (14) é- A ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, The pace ana spradh gj jwount ednogicol davapments fave over- -rodowed our Fistory aval makt wr believe ho} ho. anceskal. socicha ollax tran Ka wet fave very dite fo conbibule fote Science, Ergineenivg and fedsology ecoystem. tWe also lend to believe trod ald Hoot we fare in ths Sout 250-500 yew doe the Only diving example E edhnolagy (Scigne) Cedhvology) @ Te Sion SBT Horiege Tidion civilisotion 403 a xidh torikge Spanning oven ra recorded Aistory gf Yas lout hoo matllennia. Archaedlogicol excowabans in He Jos} 160 yeou In Sudlin fove febdad a ridh collection gf antefach. Sod reveok seveak clus 4+ He Erg ineeri-a, aval Technology forioge 4% ancient Srdians- Amonst ten Hhirgt, the excovecion Kal bargain in Rajasthan Grd Lofal is Gujerat fave revealed Amnchional 400 - planning, davellivg, fovses built gf diffewnt sire gf burnt bricks but gf a standord pwopor kon & dimensions, tiled Hoonrg well -cle velopecl dvoivoge gyslemy awd pottery which 02 botr yhilifoian ox wellas dacovoked. Fuotkomort , it alto points to agivdhaol operations , shipkulling mdul voosking pecially won aval seek, Copper ard zinc.» crdl 0 host olkan skilled Grads: Sud on inbiade bead making, and jwodleyy among tha people « Aycwmeclagicol ard ditoany evidence suggus tod usieg ha lechnolagy, tay wow making milikegs Quipment , asgricubhorol Lmaplements , oeramendal piece, idols, Coint and o host g often items Roy medial oppliction. Thy wou. abo dept ab exkachig Morcuay and using it in ahem. Qs) al An. ® Melson welch working Kchnologies In modtowm Hiner metals aval alloy, play an impastard ale bn olaxt Lives. Ancient Irdioww, Gove wodr Ure gf bose mdalt dnd alloys in multiple ways. This include, Huo working g milion aids, ornaments , veads, fools, antefach, dahws did cont b rome a few. In pontiulan , Indians Wen known f be guile advanced. in ion and sted aval zinc . Tht anchacologial Felivg gf Horappa ard Mohunjo-Daxo as well ou in bum shor im Souglhdndia. fave coedack in Goldy Aven, copes ove Bronze. Webonze ctu gf a dancing gst frurd ot Mofinjo-Dono beoow ertimony Jo the dechnclagical skills gf te ancient caaftsinen. A Surge numer of pre hidorc {eon Imgemenk sudhod Sood, dogger, Hidunts, Apeors, , javeling -cos019S, Spode, Kungos , Saucen Lamps beam ods, Gal ipod fos been wncortted dining the excovation gf numerous fuovel ily tn Ha Tako did gf Timid Noda. ® don Pilloon A 12m centvay CE iron pillon ok Dhan in Cenbol Snalian is much (C44 Foek 4 Inches). On Mount Abu, situaded in te dower pect of Rojspudava stovda ha fereple Acodesvon, bulb in 1412¢6. An ivon pill Hoa Hird gf il kirk, about 12 fect igh is sthaled in ths countyand af ta tele tol a salva Trisul ortidint on ik top - dt is doled Hag jut before Rohe Pe Pathan Emporon Alauddin ohtn o oy bellion by inal pont of Srolia, the Hi ’ crane oat or 260 iWon a Hoe same ae pues avd Konark in gdlido peach about six metho deg Tae Ji specinen UnoMbIgoUAL poird 40a. SOPhisKiled and od ving Aaisiud lon Ged deel workiog skills d eae ee wall (te) On : Meadhigy, is clsdly edhded 4p dlebang johidh is asdence gf trangmuch'on 4 modal . Alchany oan prociced in ancient civillisaHan 10 Red meted gf teanthorm olin metals into ad -Stis boued onde principle d Bunalunce -exchauge. Many § ancient aldemist alto hiel tr aeate a Gone vohich can make people Immortal , known af philosophou stone. Buk t monukchore te philosopher stone » souk J Fusprmns were Sdirtol “Ta whole population J rennet coag Killest just fo make philosophiu stone. A major work ; Rasa sata - Sean leoy & Vig bho exkrold He aplteahion 4 alchemy into Hs Panltr aud beatment J diseoue wing fey wredals. ® Archikechsw ova Teron planing The Powence ¥ a number gf Himples Heorghout Ine cenkory Point fo good novo d onthidechew 15 Cono graphy , building Consbuction And Conthudion managémend practices. Samasungars —suba- dhors gf Mafoaniadhinis Sxi Blojdia g Drorw, who dived in dae (Ite Conboy CE is primoaily a heah'se oh coxchitedwu (vostu-satha). Roweven, Hew ts dureriphin gf asia \ebider jvolith Gn be cowidoud a good por cuntor to cecwnd do asntok ve hide. @ medical Appltabions, Chosrake— Sombita avo Sussube- combi, ors Ha ho major meoliced preadtse gf ancient Sri. $n susrula fone Adi olucriplion gf surgical indumeris. for Poxeimig seveul surgiod opevtions . Coppen, iron ancl olan medal ncbabig zince, gold aval silver Rick mention in both « \) ® Temples tn Sng, seal cae The Sous, Stavelivg anditechool monuments Such ad Femples fork awl Pillan Hat dot he enike Srlia subcontinent hor FeHimoigy pone erg neor-g skills, Yomebiol aceuragy aval juclicioug use g bulldivg waderiols, “Tou osu severok “pst Hemp” bull by Cholar , Pandyad and Pallavor in “Tamil yodx avo ofrens in Severed pert of South drobtr such on Vije youraugin temples awd Hoysobe dempler fo name & Fava, Anod-05@ Sut rg tangle J engineering onal echnology af wsoxk. For example. Yat Bhadtsvare Hmpe Case bccn on Ahe big demple bulk bey Rain Chole. I behoeen OZ anel tole ACE ts a UNESCO vow heritage ce ® Some ofan Worden, e The Grenal Aralcud in Tamil Nadu is tre voosid’s oldat “SKIL in use? alam. Mousyous fad daveloped a sophidiokd concep! fox yainwakn hoover ww imigation rmamagemen} , Known os toa. “Phar - Pyne” 53 Sem, whith b 4M] praekiced im tha regions gf soudhow Bilan oral Chholn Nagpur. Yor ~Kol pata, Wosk doded fo aboul Nh cenhoy CE, dads colt ships aud gives Adails about dais Conthuction , vanities , meuurumnent, 920, decoration awl accomodation. Gn Hoa ancient Sndian hadition, Hew is a Concep} 9 64 fotos, knovan od Choduh-souh kalo ox Vidya’ wohth cophowt Hea emence of Vaswous desu Skills tod Sralividuodd coun develop. By tb evidunt , Was includla condom skills sot fo ankishic prowl, decoration , beauhitiodion ef body, cookivg am , playing chax , sword Aig hdivg , Stone Crathig , Clothes derigig » Plannivgy , Dancing , Sivging, Playing stamens (is)

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