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PATIENT’S NAME: Jamelle Calva AGE: 27

DIAGNOSIS: Pregnant MARTIAL STATUS: Cohabitation



1.The client will be able  Breastfeeding is  Discussion  2-3  Visual Aid  What are the
to know the universally minutes (Manila paper) benefits of
importance of recognized as breastfeeding?
breastfeeding. important for the
health and well-
being of infants,
providing them
with essential
nutrients and
antibodies while
also fostering a
strong emotional
bond between the
mother and child.

2.The client will learn  Breastfeeding  Discussion  5 minutes  Visual Aid and  What is it
the proper way to do techniques printed pictures important to know
breastfeeding. encompass and learn the
various methods proper position for
and practices fir breastfeeding?
effectively nursing
an infant,
including proper
positioning to
avoid the babies
possibility of
suffocation and
ensuring the baby
receives adequate

 Nutrition  Discussion  5-10  Visual Aid  What are the

3.The client will know -Do eat a well-balanced minutes (Manila paper) possible outcomes
the right thing to do diet rich in fruits, if I can’t follow the
during and after vegetables, whole grains, right things to do
pregnancy. lean proteins, and dairy during and after
products. Take prenatal pregnancy?
vitamins as
recommended. During the
first three months of
pregnancy, it is important
to consume foods rich in
Folic Acid such as
potatoes, beans, peanut
butter, and green
vegetables for the
development of the
baby’s major organs.

 Parental Care
-Do seek regular prenatal
care from a healthcare
provider to monitor the
health of both you and
your baby.

 Exercise
-Do engage in safe and
moderate exercise as
advised by your
healthcare provider.
Activities like walking,
swimming, and prenatal
yoga can be beneficial.

 Schedule the
-Schedule with your
pediatrician or healthcare
provider. Vaccine are
typically administered
starting at birth and
continue throughout the
first few years of life to
protect them from various

 Skipping Parental  Discussion  5-10  Visual Aid  What are the risks
4.The client will know Appiontment minutes ( Manila paper) that I will
the things needed to be -Don’t skip prenatal encounter if I will
avoided during appointment. Regular engage in any
pregnancy. check-up are crucial for harmful activities
monitoring your baby’s during pregnancy?
growth and addressing
any concerns.

 Smoking and
-Don’t smoke or consume
alcohol during pregnancy
as they can harm your
baby’s development.
 Illicit Drug
-Don’t use illicit drugs, as
they pose serious risk to
both and your baby.

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