Rizal Quiz 1

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The occurrences in our lives have a direct bearing on how we behave.

Our actions and how we

perceive things are influenced by what is happening around us. We put everything into account before
we make a final decision. Everything that happens to us, be it good or bad, it is certain that it will alter
the way we see things.

During the 19th century, oppression, unjust law, Spaniards ruled over the Filipinos and its nation.
Oppression of power, extensive graft and corruption, cruel treatment, and unjust laws. The lives of
Filipinos have been adversely affected by all the unfavorable factors. The farmers were treated like
servants by the Spaniards, who demanded the inquilinos pay double as the property values increased.
Positions in the government were bestowed on persons who were incapable of performing their duties.
Filipinos were subjected to unfair treatment and deprived of their fundamental human rights. The
feudalistic master-slave relationship between the Filipinos and Spaniards happened during Rizal’s time.
Rizal finds the treatment of the Filipinos intolerable. He made the decision to act and do everything in
his power to aid his fellow men. He witnessed how Filipinos suffered at the hands of colonizers. To
further the liberation of his fellow men, Rizal risked his life and reputation. Filipinos fight for their rights
knowing that Rizal is on their side. All of Rizal’s action and decisions were done with him taking the
circumstances into consideration. He knows that fighting for what he believes will result in the
independence of every Filipino.

Rizal has contributed greatly to the nation and deserves to be recognized for that. The younger
generation needs to understand what he did and what his convictions were that led him to stand up for
what is right. Through the implementation of Rizal's Law, younger generation and other generation can
study and understand the life during his time. To commemorate him for his bravery, we should honor
him for his sacrifices.

Borromeo-Buehler, S. (2011, April 7). The Inquilinos of Cavite: A Social Class in Nineteenth-Century
Philippines: Journal of Southeast Asian Studies. Cambridge Core. Retrieved September 2, 2022, from

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