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Understanding Social Classes in India

Dr. Radhika Kapur


It is apparently understood that an aimless life is a meaningless life, hence,

individuals, belonging to all communities, categories and socio-economic backgrounds have
different types of goals and objectives to achieve. The primary goal of all individuals is to
sustain their living conditions in an effective manner. In other words, they aim to promote
better livelihoods opportunities and bring about improvements in their financial positions.
They are required to get engaged in various occupations, which are facilitating to them in
generating a source of income. The social classes are classified into urban, rural and tribal
communities. The individuals are required to be well-equipped in terms of their job duties
and responsibilities. In addition, they need to ensure, they promote well-being and goodwill
of not only family but also community members. The methodologies and procedures are
required to be put into practice in a well-organized and satisfactory manner. With
advancements taking place and with the advent of modernization and globalization,
individuals are required to augment their understanding in terms of various types of modern,
scientific and innovative methods and materials. Furthermore, individuals are required to
inculcate the traits of morality, ethics, diligence and conscientiousness in personal and
professional lives. As a consequence, individuals will render an important contribution in
doing well in their job duties and generating desired outcomes. Therefore, it is well-
understood, social classes belonging to all communities have the primary goal of bringing
about improvements in their overall quality of lives. The main concepts that are taken into
account in this research paper are, social classes within urban communities, social classes
within rural communities and social classes within tribal communities.

Keywords: Communities, Individuals, Job Duties, Rural, Social Classes, Tribal,



In India, throughout the country, there are urban, rural and tribal communities. These
communities are categorised into social classes. Furthermore, there are differences among
individuals on the basis of number of factors, i.e. caste, creed, race, religion, ethnicity,
gender, age groups, cultures, personality traits, educational institutions, occupations,
communities and socio-economic backgrounds. The primary goal of all individuals is to do
well in their lives in all fields, which they have selected. In other words, they aspire to bring
about improvements in their overall quality of lives (Deeksha, n.d.). For achieving this goal,
the individuals are required to put emphasis on their occupations and professions. One needs
to be well-informed in terms of their job duties and responsibilities. Furthermore, they are
required to be well-informed in terms of methodologies and procedures. These need to be put
into operation in a well-ordered and regimented manner. In addition, one needs to ensure,
various types of setbacks are prevented from giving rise to impediments within the course of
putting into operation different tasks and activities. The social classes of individuals
categorise the occupations of individuals.

The individuals, belonging to all communities need to make sure, they put into
operation their tasks and activities in a well-ordered and regimented manner. One of the
important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, one needs to be moral and ethical in
their conduct. This is regarded as fundamental in order to carry out all types of tasks and
activities in a satisfactory manner (Education, 2022). Furthermore, one will be able to
differentiate between various types of appropriate and inappropriate factors. In addition,
individuals are required to inculcate the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and
conscientiousness. These traits are the key in doing well in one’s job duties and generating
desired outcomes. In all fields and professions, when individuals will augment these traits,
they will do well in their job duties and generate desired outcomes. Furthermore, they will be
able to render an important contribution in meeting the expectations of others, i.e. family and
community members. Therefore, individuals, belonging to all occupations need to be
wholeheartedly committed towards carrying out their job duties in a well-organized manner.

Social Classes within Urban Communities

The social classes within urban communities mainly comprise of capitalists

(commercial and industrial), corporate sector, professional classes, petty traders, shopkeepers
and working classes. These are stated as follows:

Commercial and Industrial Classes

Under the British rule, production in India became production for the market. When
the individuals are engaged in the production processes, they are required to market their
products. The individuals, have one of the primary goals of leading to an increase in
productivity and profitability. Hence, when they are engaged in the production processes of
various items, they need to be well-informed in terms of buying and selling techniques. These
are regarded as vital in generating desired outcomes. The individuals are required to augment
their information in terms of different types of modern, scientific and innovative methods and
materials in the implementation of different types of tasks and activities.

The individuals are required to understand the concepts. Furthermore, after acquiring
an efficient understanding of the concepts, individuals are required to put into practice
different tasks and activities in a well-organized manner. With the advent of technologies, the
individuals are contributing efficiently in bringing about improvements in their businesses.
The rich commercial middle class took the form of the capital to be invested in other large
scale manufactured goods and services and modern industries. The development of industries
is regarded as one of the essential tasks that would lead to progression of individuals,
communities and nation as a whole.

Corporate Sector

The corporate sector is referred to any organization that is under the control of the
Government ownership. The Government has formulated various types of policies and
programs, which would contribute efficiently in bringing about improvements in the sector.
The individuals need to put into operation in generating desired outcomes. The firms and
organizations that are owned, controlled and managed exclusively by the private individuals
and entities are included in the private sector. All the private sector firms can be classified
into two categories, one is individually owned and collectively owned.

The individually owned firms are known as sole proprietorship. In this case, he or she
is vested with the authority and responsibility of putting into operation management and
administrative functions. On the other hand, collectively owned firms are known as, joint-
Hindu family, joint-stock companies and co-operatives. The individuals are rendering an
important contribution in making wise and productive decisions in terms of different subjects
and concepts. The joint stock companies, which do not belong to the public sector are
collectively known as the private corporate sector. Therefore, it is well-understood,
individuals are required to carry out different types of job duties and methodologies in a well-
ordered and satisfactory manner.

Professional Classes
The individuals get engaged in different types of tasks and activities in accordance to
their competencies, abilities and aptitude. The different types of fields that individuals are
getting engaged in are, art, architecture, literature, science, engineering, medical, health care,
journalism, technology, and so forth. Hence, professional classes comprise of doctors,
engineers, lawyers, administrators, managers, scientists, journalists, teachers, educationists,
researchers, health care specialists, and individuals employed in various types of
organizations. In all fields, it is necessary for individuals to be well-informed in terms of their
job duties and methodologies. Furthermore, one needs to be moral and ethical in their
conduct. This is regarded as fundamental in order to carry out all types of tasks and activities
in a satisfactory manner (Employment Generation, n.d.).

Furthermore, one will be able to differentiate between various types of appropriate

and inappropriate factors. In addition, individuals are required to inculcate the traits of
diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness. With the advent of modernization and
globalization, in all fields, it is of utmost significance to be well-informed in terms of
different types of pioneering methods and materials. These are necessary in carrying out all
types of tasks and activities in a well-ordered and disciplined manner. Therefore, professional
classes are making use of different types of methodologies and procedures in an effective
manner, doing well in their tasks and promoting well-being and goodwill of community

Petty Traders

Trading is an important profession, not only in rural, but also in urban communities.
The individuals are migrating from rural and tribal communities to urban communities with
the main objective of promoting better livelihoods opportunities. In some cases, the rural
individuals are getting engaged in employment opportunities of gardeners, cooks, domestic
helpers, cleaners, drivers and so forth. In cases, when these individuals are unable to find
employment opportunities, they set up their own businesses of various items, i.e. food items,
garments, jewellery, artworks, handicrafts, pottery making, silk weaving, groceries, repairing
of mobile, television and so forth. These individuals are diligent.

They ensure, they put into operation different tasks and activities in a well-ordered
and regimented manner. With the advent of technologies, the individuals are contributing
efficiently in bringing about improvements in their businesses. Furthermore, leading to up-
gradation of productivity and profitability is regarded as one of the major goals of
individuals. It is not a manageable task for individuals, belonging to rural and tribal
communities to get engaged in employment opportunities, particularly, when they are
overwhelmed by the problem of illiteracy. Therefore, they form the viewpoint that initiating
their own business will prove to be favourable to them on comprehensive basis.


Within urban communities, there are market places. Within these places, the
shopkeepers are different from each other in terms of number of factors, i.e. communities,
categories and socio-economic backgrounds. Getting engaged in employment opportunities is
regarded as one of the primary goals of individuals, belonging to all communities, categories
and socio-economic backgrounds. The individuals, mainly belonging to economically weaker
sections of the society and other individuals as well experience problems in finding
employment opportunities, even when they are educated, hence, in order to sustain their
living conditions in an effective manner, they initiate their own businesses. The individuals
set up their own businesses of various items, i.e. food items, garments, jewellery, artworks,
handicrafts, pottery making, silk weaving, groceries, repairing of mobile, television and so

These individuals have inculcated the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and

conscientiousness. They ensure, they put into operation different tasks and activities in a
well-ordered and regimented manner. With the advent of technologies, the individuals are
contributing efficiently in bringing about improvements in their businesses. Furthermore,
leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability is regarded as one of the major goals
of individuals. They are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and
objectives. Therefore, shopkeepers, belonging to urban communities are working towards
carrying out different tasks and activities in an efficient manner.

Working Classes

The origin of the working classes can be traced back to the British rule. This was the
modern working classes, which originated as a result of plantations, modern industries and
railways, which established in India, during the British period. This class grew up in
proportions as plantations, industries, factories, mining, transportations, railways and other
industrial sectors. The individuals, who are engaged in the agricultural sector and farming
practices are termed as working classes. The artisans and craftsmen, who are engaged in
production and manufacturing processes are also termed as working class. Working class is
referred to as the comprehensive term, which comprises of number of individuals, who are
engaged in different types of tasks and activities.

There are number of employment opportunities within urban communities. Some are
considered to be reputed and well-paid jobs. These include, jobs in professional fields, i.e.
medical, health care, engineering, law, education, science, technology, management,
administration, various types of organizations and so forth. In some cases, the individuals,
belonging to rural and tribal communities are getting engaged in employment opportunities of
gardeners, cooks, domestic helpers, cleaners, drivers and so forth. In order to acquire
employment opportunities, it is necessary for the individuals to prepare themselves in a
satisfactory manner. They are required to augment their competencies, abilities and aptitude
in order to carry out all types of tasks and activities in a well-ordered and satisfactory
manner. Therefore, working classes are common in urban communities and are working for
promoting well-being and goodwill of community members.

Social Classes within Rural Communities

The social classes within rural communities are, landlords, agricultural labourers,
artisans, production of handicrafts, livestock sector and rural aquaculture. These are stated as


Within rural communities, there are two types of landlords, i.e. old landlords and
moneylenders. These individuals are willing to accept any types of changes that are taking
place in the agricultural sector, farming practices, markets and so forth. The individuals, who
held the ownership of tenure rights in the zamindari area are often referred to as
intermediaries. The intermediaries, belonged to different categories and were known by
different names. They are found in the various regions of Bengal, Orissa, Uttar Pradesh and
Bihar. Taluqdars were referred to inferior intermediaries, whom large zamindars created out
of their own zamindari rights. Jotedars found in some parts of Bengal were termed as
substantial landlords, who held land directly from landlords. They got the land cultivated by
subletting the land to the tenants on a 50:50 share. In this manner, patedars held permanent
leases at fixed dues under the zamindars. Ijardars, on the other hand were those, to whom the
revenue of the area was hired out on a contract basis.
The contemporary Indian society is characterised by the prominent feature of the rise
and expansion of the middle class. Though in India, extensive research studies have been
conducted on middle class, but primarily in the industrial-urban framework, the analysis of
the middle class within rural communities is scanty. It has also been asserted that caste and
class analysis, despite their relevance and explanatory power seems to have been dropped
from dominant rural development studies as well as policy and political practice. The
landlords, farmers and agricultural labourers were referred to the three classes that are found
in rural communities. The landlords are regarded as an influential and dominant class in rural

Agricultural Labourers

In the rural communities, agriculture and farming practices are regarded as the
primary occupations of the rural individuals. The research studies have indicated that in the
agricultural sector, individuals are employed usually in the productive season. This is when
the productivity is high. The rural individuals, who are agricultural labourers are having the
main goal of leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability. They are
wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and objectives. For this
purpose, they are required to augment their information in terms of different types of modern,
scientific and innovative methods and materials. These will be facilitating in carrying out
different types of tasks and activities in a less time-consuming and efficient manner.

The task of agriculture can be divided into family members and hired labourers. The
first category, belongs to the small farmers, who are not financially sound to hire labourers.
When the labour is hired in abundance, it is apparently understood that tasks and activities
can be put into practice within short period of time. Hired labour is sub-divided to casual
labour and attached labour. Casual labour is referred to the labour, which is employed from
time to time on the basis of emergencies of work. Attached labour is the labour, which is
more or less in continuous employment and is in some sort of contract with the employers
during the period of employment. Therefore, in the present existence, improvements are
taking place in the agricultural sector. This is facilitating in promoting well-being of rural


Within rural communities, individuals are artisans. This profession, they are adopting,
when they are unemployed and do not have any other occupation. These individuals are
engaged in the production of garments, jewellery, artworks, handicrafts, pottery making, silk
weaving and so forth. They are having the main goal of leading to up-gradation of
productivity and profitability. They are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of
desired goals and objectives. For this purpose, they are required to augment their information
in terms of different types of modern, scientific and innovative methods and materials. These
will be facilitating in carrying out different types of tasks and activities in a less time-
consuming and efficient manner.

These individuals have inculcated the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and

conscientiousness. They ensure, they put into operation different tasks and activities in a
well-ordered and regimented manner. With the advent of technologies, the individuals are
contributing efficiently in bringing about improvements in their businesses. Furthermore,
leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability is regarded as one of the major goals
of individuals. They are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and
objectives. One of the important aspects that needs to be taken into account is, individuals are
required to be well-equipped in terms of marketing techniques, demand and supply and so
forth. Therefore, they are promoting enhancement of their overall standards of living by
generating a source of income.

Production of Handicrafts

Within rural communities, individuals are engaged in the production of handicrafts.

This profession, they are adopting, when they are unemployed and do not have any other
occupation. These individuals are engaged in the production of garments, jewellery, various
types of artworks, fabric painting, basket making, pottery making, silk weaving and so forth.
They are having the main goal of leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability.
They are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and objectives.
For this purpose, they are required to augment their information in terms of different types of
pioneering methods and materials. These will be facilitating in carrying out different types of
job duties and responsibilities in a less time-consuming and efficient manner.

These individuals have inculcated the traits of diligence, resourcefulness and

conscientiousness. Furthermore, they are required to be well-informed in terms of different
types of methods and procedures. They ensure, they put into operation different tasks and
activities in a satisfactory manner. With the advent of technologies, the individuals are
contributing efficiently in bringing about improvements in their businesses. Furthermore,
leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability is regarded as one of the major goals
of individuals (Financial Management, n.d.). They are wholeheartedly committed towards
achievement of desired goals and objectives. One of the important aspects that needs to be
taken into account is, individuals are required to be well-resourced in terms of marketing
techniques, demand and supply and so forth. Therefore, they are promoting enhancement of
their overall living conditions by generating a source of income.

Livestock Sector

The rearing of the livestock is regarded as one of the major occupations of the
individuals within rural communities. Livestock sector contributes about six percent of the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and 25 percent of the Agricultural Domestic Product (ADP).
Over the past two decades, there have been an increase in the livestock sector at an annual
rate of 5.6 percent, which is higher than the growth of the agricultural sector, which is 3.3
percent. This suggests that livestock is likely to emerge as an engine of agricultural growth. It
is also regarded as one of the potential sector for export. This sector has played multi-faceted
roles in bringing about socio-economic development.

Within rural communities, the individuals consider the job duties of rearing of
livestock in an effective manner. The different types of animals that are reared are, cattle,
goat, sheep, pigs and buffalo. When the individuals are skilled at rearing of livestock, they
are required to be well-informed in terms of all types of ways, how livestock can be of use to
them. The products that are manufactured are marketed and desired outcomes will be
generated. The individuals are required to be well-versed in terms of marketing strategies and
labour market factors. The livestock is facilitating in transferring from one place to another.
For example, bullock carts are used, hence, it is necessary to take into account all the factors
that would be facilitating in rearing of livestock, i.e. feeding, making provision of shelter
places, taking care of their health conditions and so forth. Therefore, rural individuals are
promoting enrichment of their living conditions through rearing of livestock.

Rural Aquaculture

Rural aquaculture is regarded as one of the most useful and effective weapons for
alleviating the conditions of poverty. It is the cause for the reduction in inequality and
received attention in recent years. Rural aquaculture pertains to the farming of aquatic
animals by small scale farming practices by the households or communities. In rural
aquaculture, there is a low level of fish production for household income. Fish is utilized by
the individuals for family income as well as for the fulfilment of nutritional requirement. The
development of rural aquaculture can be accomplished in two ways, by increasing the area,
devoted to aquculture and by increasing production in the existing aquaculture areas.

Rural aquaculture cannot be viewed as an isolated technology, but be considered as

one of the vital aspects of rural development and form a part of the holistic growth to
development. Rural aquculture pertains to the farming of aquatic animals by small-scale
farming households or communities. Normally, extensive or semi-extensive low cost
production technology is appropriate to their resource base. Rural aquaculture makes use of
inland aquatic resources, such as, natural and manmade lakes, reservoirs and rivers.
Therefore, individuals are able to render an important contribution in bringing about
improvements in their standards of living, by generating income.

Social Classes within Tribal Communities

The social classes within tribal communities are, agricultural labourers, hunters, food
gatherers, fishermen, artisans, labourers, industrial workers, skilled workers and white collar
jobs. These are stated as follows:

Agricultural Labourers

In tribal communities, agriculture and farming practices are regarded as the primary
occupations of the rural individuals. The research studies have indicated that in the
agricultural sector, individuals are employed usually in the productive season. This is when
the productivity is high. The tribal individuals, who are agricultural labourers are having the
main goal of leading to up-gradation of productivity and profitability. They are
wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and objectives. For this
purpose, they are required to augment their information in terms of different types of modern,
scientific and innovative methods and materials. These will be facilitating in carrying out
different types of job duties and responsibilities in a less time-consuming and efficient

The tribal individuals are diligent. They are aware that in order to carry out different
tasks and activities in a well-ordered and satisfactory manner, they are required to prepare
themselves in a well-organized manner. The individuals are required to make sure, they
overcome different types of setbacks in a satisfactory manner. As a consequence, in the
agricultural sector, all the procedures of sowing, seeding, weeding, irrigation, planting and so
forth are put into operation in a well-organized manner. Therefore, agricultural labourers are
an occupation of individuals, belonging to tribal communities, which are facilitating in
sustaining their living conditions in an effective manner.

Hunters and Food Gatherers

Since ancient times, the tribal individuals have been hunters and food gatherers. They
are dependent on forests and natural environmental conditions in order to sustain their living
conditions in an effective manner. They hunt animals and birds in order to fulfil their daily
nutritional requirements. Hence, forest dwellers are required to carry out this task in order to
sustain their living conditions in an effective manner. Fishing is regarded as one of the vital
tasks, which is put into operation by the individuals, belonging to tribal communities, who
are residing near the coastal areas. The products that are collected through fishing and
hunting and food gathering are marketed in order to generate income.

The tribal individuals are trained from the stage of early childhood in terms of
methods and procedures, which are facilitating in carrying out their tasks and activities in a
well-organized manner. Furthermore, they are required to acquire an efficient understanding
of the concepts. In addition, they are required to get engaged in regular practice. This is
facilitating in doing well in one’s job duties and achieving desired goals. Therefore, it can be
stated, hunters and food gatherers is a social class within tribal communities, which is
commonly understood since ancient times.


Fishing is regarded as one of the vital tasks, which is put into operation by the
individuals, belonging to tribal communities, who are residing near the coastal areas. This is
regarded as one of the indispensable tasks in order to sustain their living conditions in an
efficient manner. The products that are collected through fishing and hunting and food
gathering are marketed in order to generate income. Fish is utilized by the individuals for
family income as well as for the fulfilment of nutritional requirements. It is a difficult job, but
one needs to be well-informed in terms of techniques and methods.

They are wholeheartedly committed towards achievement of desired goals and

objectives. For this purpose, they are required to augment their information in terms of
different types of pioneering methods and materials. These will be facilitating in carrying out
different types of job duties and responsibilities in a less time-consuming and efficient
manner. The individuals, belonging to tribal communities are augmenting their information in
terms of different types of methods and procedures, which would be facilitating in carrying
out job duties efficiently. Therefore, it is well-understood, fishermen are carrying out
different tasks and activities satisfactorily in order to promote well-being and goodwill of
themselves as well as community members.


Within tribal communities, individuals are artisans. This profession, they are
adopting, when they are unemployed and do not have any other occupation. These
individuals are engaged in the production of garments, jewellery, artworks, handicrafts,
pottery making, silk weaving and so forth. They are having the main goal of leading to up-
gradation of productivity and profitability. They are wholeheartedly committed towards
achievement of desired goals and objectives. For this purpose, they are required to augment
their information in terms of different types of modern, scientific and innovative methods and
materials. These will be facilitating in carrying out different types of tasks and activities in a
less time-consuming and efficient manner.

With the advent of technologies, the tribal individuals are contributing efficiently in
bringing about improvements in their businesses. Furthermore, leading to up-gradation of
productivity and profitability is regarded as one of the major goals. They are wholeheartedly
committed towards achievement of desired goals and objectives. One of the important aspects
that needs to be taken into account is, individuals are required to be well-equipped in terms of
marketing techniques, demand and supply factors and so forth. Therefore, artisans are a social
class within tribal communities, which are contributing efficiently in promoting better
livelihoods opportunities.

Labourers and Industrial Workers

The tribal individuals are labourers and industrial workers. They are employed in
various types of industries and factories, i.e. plantations, lock industries, silk weaving, cottage
industries, beedi rolling, diamond polishing, gem cutting and so forth. The job duties are
hazardous, but they are getting engaged in these jobs with the main objective of bringing
about improvements in one’s financial positions. The employees are required to make sure,
they are well-versed in terms of job duties and methodologies. The methodologies are
referred to the ways, which are facilitating in carrying out all types of tasks and activities in a
well-organized manner.
When the individuals get recruited within industries and factories, they are required to
get enrolled in training and development programs. These are the programs, which impart
adequate information in terms of different types of job duties and methodologies (Tribal
People Planning Framework, n.d.). Furthermore, leading to up-gradation of productivity and
profitability is regarded as one of the major goals. When they are wholeheartedly committed
towards achievement of desired goals and objectives, they will be able to acquire an efficient
understanding of techniques and strategies. Therefore, labourers and industrial workers is a
social class within tribal communities, which are dedicated towards bringing about
improvements in overall standards of living.

Skilled Workers and White Collar Jobs

The individuals get engaged in different types of employment opportunities in

accordance to their competencies, abilities and aptitude. The different types of fields that
individuals are getting engaged in are, art, architecture, literature, science, engineering
medical, health care, journalism, technology, and so forth. Hence, in all these fields,
individuals are skilled workers and they are engaged in white collar jobs. The various types
of occupations and professions are, doctors, engineers, lawyers, administrators, managers,
scientists, journalists, teachers, doctors, health care specialists, and individuals employed in
various types of organizations.

In all fields, it is necessary for individuals to be well-informed in terms of their job

duties and methodologies. Furthermore, one needs to be moral and ethical in their conduct.
This is regarded as fundamental in order to carry out all types of tasks and activities in a
satisfactory manner. Furthermore, one will be able to differentiate between various types of
appropriate and inappropriate factors. In addition, individuals are required to inculcate the
traits of diligence, resourcefulness and conscientiousness. With the advent of modernization
and globalization, in all fields, it is of utmost significance to be well-informed in terms of
different types of pioneering methods and materials. Therefore, skilled workers and white
collar jobs is a social class within tribal communities, which are committed towards
enhancing their career prospects.


Throughout the country, urban, rural and tribal communities are categorised into
social classes. The social classes within urban communities mainly comprise of capitalists
(commercial and industrial), corporate sector, professional classes, petty traders, shopkeepers
and working classes. The social classes within rural communities are, landlords, agricultural
labourers, artisans, production of handicrafts, livestock sector and rural aquaculture. The
social classes within tribal communities are, agricultural labourers, hunters, food gatherers,
fishermen, artisans, labourers, industrial workers, skilled workers and white collar jobs.
Finally, it can be stated, social classes in all communities are different and need to be aware
regarding their job duties.
Deeksha, S. (n.d.). Personality Development: Definition and Characteristics. Retrieved

November 03, 2023 from

Education. (2022). Retrieved November 03, 2023 from

Employment Generation. (n.d.). United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved November 03,

2023 from

Financial Management. (n.d.). Retrieved November 03, 2023 from

Tribal People Planning Framework. Skill India Mission Operation. (n.d.). Retrieved

November 03, 2023 from


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