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General Biology

Activity #1: Lumpy Dumpy Blood Circulation

1. Illustrate or list down the paths in blood circulation. Include the function of the different parts of the
body involved in blood circulation.
-Pulmonary and Body Circulation
● The Blood will come into the heart, which receives blood from the veins and pumps it back to
the arteries
● It will move into the right atrium, which receives venous blood from venae cavae and delivers it
to the right ventricle.
● It will proceed to the right ventricle, which pumps blood that are low on oxygen to the lungs.
● Will travel through the Pulmonary artery, which delivers venous blood to the lungs.
● In the lungs, where carbon dioxide is released, and where oxygen is received by using the
pulmonary alveolus for gas exchange.
● Will travel through the Pulmonary vein, which delivers oxygenated blood back to the heart.
● Will go to the left atrium from the pulmonary vein, which receives oxygenated blood, and
proceed to the left ventricle, which pumps oxygenated blood to the arteries
● Will proceed to the aorta, which branches out to different arteries and flows to capillaries all over
the body to deliver blood.
● In the capillaries, where oxygen and nutrients are distributed to cells and where carbon dioxide is
● They will then begin their trip back to the heart, using the Vena Cava, which delivers blood from
all over the body back to the heart.
● The process continues.

2. What is the importance of the tricuspid valve?

- The tricuspid valve is the three leaflets located between the right atrium and right ventricle. It
allows the blood into the right ventricle when the heart contracts as well as prevents the backflow
of blood into the right atrium after the heart relaxes. Without it, it may cause the heart to pump
harder to make up for the backflow, which in the long run can affect the heart negatively.

3. What are the two roles of red blood cells in blood circulation?
- The 2 roles of red blood cells in blood circulation are primarily aiding in the transportation of
oxygen and carbon dioxide all throughout our body. The RBC will first transport oxygen they get
from the lungs and deliver it to cells all throughout our bodies. The RBC will then make the
return trip back to the lungs. Their two tasks in blood circulation are to exchange carbon dioxide
for oxygen and drop off the oxygen and nutrients and collect waste like carbon dioxide.
4. When will blood circulation be complete?
- Blood circulation completes after the red blood cells have accomplished their tasks and fulfilled
their roles and once they have returned to the right atrium of the heart.

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