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When we talk about agriculture, the fisrt thing might appear in your mind is about planting trees.
However, it’s not a small amount of crops, we talk about numberous of plants. In order to grow up, they
all conduct a process called photosynthesis. This process uses the carbon dioxide in order to generate
oxygen. Finding this really interesting, our group has done researches how can we apply blockchain
technology in agriculture. The innovation we want to present today is the carbon credit trading system.
This help the agriculture sector not only gain more profit but also minimize the emissions.

How it works?

Through several agricultural activities, the farmers can gain carbon credits to trade or sell them in crypto
based software. These activities involve

- Whether using no-till or conservation tillage,

- rotational crops and planting cover crops outside of the growing season
- encouraging the regeneration of forests
- replacing surface irrigation systems with flood irrigation
- scheduling changes for feeding and manure management; and
- switching to low-carbon, alternative fuels that are renewable.

The information from your property can then be verified by a third-party specialist from one of the
verification sites mentioned above, who will also visit your property to determine how many offsets your
project is qualified to get.

Example: DcarbonX t is a decentralized application program that stores an immutable record of issued
and sold carbon credits on the blockchain. It offers a main and secondary market for selling carbon
offsets, which are kept as NFTs on the blockchain network.s.

Blockchain technology

The quicker processing and certification of carbon credit or offset purchases is made possible by the use
of blockchain technology. Blockchain also enables businesses to employ smart contracts to interact with
suppliers and verify business regulations to ensure safe and open stakeholder interactions.


It helps the environment and removes carbon from the atmosphere by planting trees, or avoiding
emissions from other sources, like switching to clean energy. It also earns extra income for farmers.

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