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Despite huge improvements in healthcare, the overall standard of physical health in

many developed countries is now falling. What could be the reason for this trend,
and what can be done to reverse it?

It is true that health sate of developed societies' members has been deteriorating,
regardless of the outstanding progress in the medical field and health services. This essay
will outline a number of reasons for this trend and some significant solutions to deal with
this issue.
This problem can be driven by several factors. One of the main causes is that the
considerable increasing in pollution state contributed to harmful conditions for living,
therefore people would be suffered from different diseases. For instance, in developed
countries, emitted gases from vehicles and factories result in falling in the air quality,
which leads to various respiratory problems. In addition, another reason contributed to
the lessen of health condition is the rapid change in humans’ lifestyle in advanced
countries. This lies in a fact that the appearance of robots makes people not to do loads of
physical work, they could just sit in front of the computer and control everything. The
consequence of having a sedentary lifestyle is the high chance of fall ill with many
illnesses such as cardiovascular and obesity.
In order to improve health status, there are several methods to tackle this issue. First and
foremost, the authority should build on the quality of public transportations, with the aim
of encouraging people use it rather than their private cars. Moreover, government could
fine heavily factories that do not treat the toxic gases carefully. Secondly, people should
lead a healthy lifestyle by regularly practicing of sports or doing exercise in order to get
rid of excess harmful calories and to strengthen their immunity level against serious
viruses and bacteria. Besides, administration would propagate about physical training to
help people realize its benefits.
In conclusion, although the overall standard of physical health in many developed
countries is now falling, there are a number of viable ways to counteract the situation.

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