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CLASS – 10


Max. Marks: 80 Time Allowed: 3 hours

General Instructions:
i. This question paper consists of 39 questions in 5 sections.
ii. All questions are compulsory. However, an internal choice is provided in some questions. A
student is expected to attempt only one of these questions.
iii. Section A consists of 20 objective type questions carrying 1 mark each.
iv. Section B consists of 6 Very Short questions carrying 02 marks each. Answers to these questions
should be in the range of 30 to 50 words.
v. Section C consists of 7 Short Answer type questions carrying 03 marks each. Answers to these
questions should be in the range of 50 to 80 words.
vi. Section D consists of 3 Long Answer type questions carrying 05 marks each. Answer to these
questions should be in the range of 80 to 120 words.
vii. Section E consists of 3 source-based/case-based units of assessment of 04 marks each with sub-parts.
Select and write the most appropriate option out of the four options given for each
of the questions 1 – 20. There is no negative mark for incorrect response.
1. A student added dilute HCl to a test tube containing zinc granules and made following
a. the zinc surface became dull and black
b. a gas is evolved which burnt with a pop sound
c. the solution remained colourless
d. the solution becomes green in colour.

2. The colour of the solution observed after 30 minutes of placing zinc metal to copper sulphate
solution is
a) Blue b) Colourless c) Dirty green d) Reddish Brown

3. Mild non-corrosive basic salt is

a) Ca (OH)2 b) NaCl c) NaOH d) NaHCO3

4. Which of the following salts does not contain water of crystallisation?

a) Blue vitriol c) Gypsum
b) Washing soda d) Baking soda

5. The transport of water and minerals in plants is done by

a) Xylem b) Hormone c) Tissues d) Chloroplast

6. Blood vessel carry blood from lungs to heart through

a) Pulmonary artery
b) Pulmonary vein
c) Coronary artery
d) None of the above

7. Villi present on the internal wall of intestine help in the

a) Emulsification of fats
b) Breakdown of proteins
c) Absorption of digested food.
d) Digestion of carbohydrates

8. The conversion of glucose into pyruvic acid occurs in

a) Mitochondria
b) Cytoplasm
c) Outside the cell
d) Chloroplast

9. Main excretory organ of human is

a) Kidney
b) Lungs
c) Skin
d) Liver

10. Which cell organelle is involved in the breakdown of glucose to produce energy for metabolic
a) Mitochondria
b) Chloroplast
c) Golgi body
d) Endoplasmic reticulum

11. Where should an object be placed in front of a convex lens to get a real image of the size of the
a) At the principal focus of the lens
b) At twice the focal length
c) At infinity
d) Between principal focus and optical centre

12. Velocity of light in air is 3 x 10 8 m/s. while its velocity in a medium is 1.5 x 10 8m/s. The refractive
index of this medium is
a) 3 b) 5 c) 0.5 d) 2

13. Focal length of plane mirror is

a) Zero b) infinite c) 25cm d) – 25cm

14. A cylindrical rod is reformed to twice its length with no change in its volume. If the resistance of
the rod was R, the new resistance will be
a) R b) 2R c) 3R d) 4R

15. How much work is done in moving a charge of 2 C from a point of 118V to a point of 128V?
a) 20 J b) 30J c) 40J d) 10J

16. 100J of heat is produced each second in a 4ohm resistance. The potential difference across the
a) 20V b) 10V c) 5V d) 15V

DIRECTION : In each of the following questions, a statement of Assertion is given and a corresponding
statement of Reason is given just below it. Of the statements, given below, mark the correct answer as:
(a) Both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.
(b) Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.
(c) Assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) Both Assertion and Reason are false

17. Assertion: Salts are the products of an acid – base reaction.

Reason: Salt may be acidic or basic.

18. Assertion: Nutrition, respiration, transportation, excretion are essential processes for our life.
Reason: We cannot survive without these processes.

19. Assertion: All the arteries (except pulmonary artery) carry oxygenated blood from the heart to
various organs.
Reason: Pulmonary vein carries deoxygenated blood to the heart.

20. Assertion: When the object moves with a velocity of 2m/s, its image in the plane mirror moves
with a velocity of 4m/s.
Reason: The image formed by a plane mirror is as far behind the mirror as the object is in front of

Question No. 21 to 26 are very short answer questions
21. In electrolysis of water, why is the volume of gas collected over one electrode is double that of gas
collected over the other electrodes?

22. What is meant by the term water of crystallisation? How would you show that copper sulphate
crystals contain water of crystallisation?

23. Define transpiration. How does the transpiration help in upward movement of water from roots to

24. How is the resistance of a wire affected, if (i) its length is doubled, (ii) its radius is doubled.
25. Two lenses of power – 2.5D and +1.5D are placed in contact. Find the total power of the
combination of the lens. Calculate the focal length of this combination.

26. What are the methods used by plants to get rid of excretory products?
Question No. 27 to 33 are short answer questions
27. Decomposition reactions require energy either in the form of heat, light or electricity for breaking
down the reactants. Write an equation each for decomposition reactions where energy is supplied
in the form of heat, light and electricity.

28. A substance ‘X’ is used as antacid reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce a gas Y which is used in
fire extinguishers:
a. Name the substances X and Y.
b. Write a balanced equation of the reaction between X and hydrochloric acid.

29. Give schematic representation of different pathways of breakdown of glucose molecule.

30. Mention three major regions of brain. Write one function of each.

31. When an object is placed at a distance of 60cm from a convex spherical mirror, the magnification
produced is ½. Where should the object be placed to get a magnification of 1/3?

32. Find the distance at which an object should be placed in front of a convex lens of focal length 10cm
to obtain an image of double its size.

33. An electric geyser rated at 1500W, 250V is connected to a 250V line mains. Solve
a. The electric current drawn by it.
b. Energy consumed by it in 6 hours.
c. Cost of energy consumed, if each unit costs Rs.6
Question No. 34 to 36 are long answer questions.
34. A 10 cm long pencil is placed 5 cm in front of a concave mirror having a radius of curvature of 40
a. Determine the position of the image formed by this mirror.
b. What is the size of the image?
c. Draw a ray diagram to show the formation of the image as mentioned in the part (a).

35. A student dropped few pieces of marble in dilute hydrochloric acid, contained in a test-tube. The
evolved gas was then passed through lime water. What change would be observed in lime water?
What will happen if excess of gas is passed through lime water? With the help of balanced chemical
equations for all the changes explain the observations.

36. Explain the structure and functioning of the nephron?

Question No. 37 to 39 are case-based/data -based questions with 2 to 3
short sub-parts. Internal choice is provided in one of these sub-parts.

37. Vinita and Ahmed demonstrated a circuit that operates the two headlights and the two sidelights of
a car, in their school exhibition. Based on their demonstrated circuit, answer the following
(i) State what happens when switch A is connected to
a. Position 2
b. Position 3
(ii) Find the potential difference across each lamp when lit.
(iii) Calculate the current
a. in each 12 Ω lamp when lit.
b. In each 4 Ω lamp when lit.
(iv) Show, with calculations, which type of lamp, 4.0 Ω or 12 Ω, has the higher power.

38. If the body design in the squirrel relied only on electrical impulses via nerve cells, the range of
tissues instructed to prepare for the coming activity would be limited. On the other hand, if a
chemical signal were to be sent as well, it would reach all cells of the body and provide the wide -
ranging changes needed. This is done in many animals, including human beings, using a hormone
called adrenaline that is secreted from the adrenal glands.
1. Which is the target organ for the adrenaline hormone?
2. Which hormone is released by thyroid gland?
3. What is the function of thyroxine hormone?
4. Name the hormone released by ovary?
39. Salt is an ionic compound that results from the neutralization reaction of an acid and a base. It is
composed of related numbers of cations (positively charged ions) and anions (negative ions) so
that the product is electrically neutral (without a net charge). They may be simple salts such as
NaCl, KCl, and Na2SO4; acid salts like NaHCO3 ; or double salts like KAl (SO4)2

a) What happens when a solution of an acid is mixed with a solution of a base in a test tube?
(i) Temperature of the solution decreases
(ii) Temperature of the solution increases
(iii) Temperature of the solution remains the same
(iv) Salt formation takes place
(a) (i) and (iv)
(b) (i) and (iii)
(c) (ii) only
(d) (ii) and (iv)

b) When hydrogen chloride gas is prepared on a humid day, the gas is usually passed through the
guard tube containing calcium chloride. The role of calcium chloride taken in the guard tube is

(a) absorb the evolved gas (b) moisten the gas

(c) absorb moisture from the gas (d) absorb Cl–ions from the evolved gas

c) What is formed when zinc reacts with sodium hydroxide?

a) Zinc hydroxide and sodium
(b) Sodium zincate and hydrogen gas
(c) Sodium zinc-oxide and hydrogen gas
(d) Sodium zincate and water

d) Sodium carbonate is a basic salt because it is a salt of a

(a) strong acid and strong base
(b) weak acid and weak base
(c) strong acid and weak base
(d) weak acid and strong base

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