Surface Chemistry

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Ge cba D v O golid ‘and polvert/ solnte xm a sofuon, The pale ol chemical bAoceseer that occur ot thie inbetface te Yenoune i as Chemesh gusface chen! | > Adsosphon The term adgonpbion fonblicee the paceence Of excese corcenteoton 4 ome parvtiodan, compenent ob the rae of Maui on Bold ee os cornpared to thot presomt 2, the boul ete aap betiee, miermbhewpmencen adeo A te ico wppeenelmetiaus! cforcet ot Ata tustace a the boy, Eqs The accumulation sf duet] govt on Our pkin hem we trovel. fiquid \e adeorbed n is basically due ¢ The solid O& Aquat on whose surface ¢/ th called adsorbent 0% substrate, amd Pe moe enka aflect bwhfelh concentrates OA accumulates at Me euface |e termed adsorbate . > adeorbets: Py» hye adeorbtioc€n Whew Bilin the ere: 4 is te Reece m tre eure um bulk. Mate as adltorbed ow 4 | cotnte imeullk n) oper tn Adsorption NO tea butk phenomenen Dt a a suface pre : Vi) £eower ceas 2 the attainment ji) Fagter procese and attadumed bea “fet ther shorter ime « @ es armmonia ie absorbed " 40 pee ee Uwherear it io adsorbed b4 pay o ; chartool « eae 4 ms (a) (0 > Adeorltion Mechamiew: Oh & because of these Aeifduat Rheem ees co thus CK at te surtoce - The ices ot ea Dae a sera) wos s , A&sAY—-TAS , Ag ble aE caalnuesne) a : Ee ana sapere a reese that Phe £iestavcee am exceseive snc. Pryatgos lien Chomia ) Forces af attaaction involved betreen ) Pocket attraction Involved adsoroent and adsorbate ave weak, bdrecen ae b adsorbate | I. & vom detWaale forces. oe Sadi chemical bord, batten adsorbate & i) Sefer a gurf act Bulg Formation ad susilace aera Ti) Reversibis om motte, as poe ii) [aneysnebe An anachute jas E “doped cam be pneoveed Wek tavotue ager a suena be ~ te be or edt SMO ct act ons. | tea gee activation omergy (v5) y Peas gee des V dV) ogc eee with} ia fea ® eS Temp. %) qb: x attained Lobe vi) Gap is ataived ahety WH) Maoaptin aT Wi), Adsoab bw Is smgnolegane. “ng ote t probbizo 4 heat Bea ah > Presaurt: At constant hump , extent of odgoabtion ® With Ais P ot tod P values, ace: t Li-chetllew whidr stati, Ure Sytem Usoutd move ADParde Aes mor amolrenrtes Wh, ® oP ( te), tf ois > Nature of adeorbabil? MF given Tam Py Hare pee ie : u adaasback prune ihe aclgorption, Bunce umab moss “ple , a more aetidual | eee one , > Nabe of adzorbsil : Ion gases, Bre mucleeular forrest tml) Th adegorbtion are more beedominant im the Bele baushable anno ar £0 Unb la. tea (44: Het, Nts dp) then (ee qr tay NorQ) ~~ Sustoe ava: Adeorbtin «x SA TAY it Bre Reason wh porous 0% et divided 40rm o| adsosbevte adznb pea Ads stm |Botherms The vasiation in the amount ce ae adsorbed Ph pretsure ak constont amc ” 4a cuusre Heemed ot adzorptiod isotherm . ) or (eotherm : : bcp bctweon the quantity sal aduonbent: presuse of alg [9K phe adsoant ee oH eres [haere canned with CamScanner At bow paceeuse : The phot ce Stralgnp 2 gi » Bydicating. frat he punt i, atest joe al Be ale ™ 2 xen ™ 2 Kp Me Meta tg rte: Laeundlte 7 pe a leotherm j4 aleo applicable +o £04 ere Keceure +t, i han in a ae petit the concentration ( ¢) 4 ee aeeates ae ee C= 9b eoncetyaton it Spee emt i# odacshed om the suspen 4 aas a anolal powder eset is ore atm ee a) Mass of adsorbed be quer 4 aide adsorbed 4 i ©) Volume qt adsorbed] pur qrom of odorbatt apcorl: a) Volume As nz adsorbed per sme 6h ad Lecnbate (at 21 €% osahe) Oe adearbed / odsorbont : hs ee PEGS a. 25q S04 4 ¥7/ Pee | zB 9-2 omelet adsorbent ay) ay ? oLamymuss ¢ 5 pe 4 Hen || I; The garpace of gohisd consiate ef a Hxed number deen ae tales adeo apn heel tee w. ach ile cm hota =a cel N, ial estas arenes a constant toot of ad Zosphen. The Lotter [2 idevtical for ant adgorbtion gitee . 3 The adzospion it ppm jee. omby ‘one fies of adaortion en. anolecule i£ Eu. pmopeeutee odsoroed at difp erent siles do mor 4. The tntzandl th ansh ore 5 o at involves 0 dynein eg ation of odeorbed molecules. ro yanben of ocusferd depowda on odorptien ait a’ Rate of decorptiow of 6 BO & -frrachaon * Y ace. covered Conunbation ef unodsorbed patous mokievle G with be ave iiss fo wud Cone: of votamt Liter on Me Lurdace Rd ky Fe go mtn et preseune of Hon of am odleocbork 1 WA be ead pibboctionat to frais + te sundae Hak i uncovered. : adsorp o» P (1-6) = ka PCI-6) | ; —= [Cotta solutions/ | Colors a particles wit Lo Of dcifsion zs do deste Hugh a pasch niente pap Ge ; F nt pa Ausolyeld. ie Ce chokairers | True solutions | suspension Hl" | poloidal coi” Neto A ie eee Laman —jRettnog nous H DUAR | Diffausi oat | Nigh No diftustow | Love © size of ides ley Hour Inm lwo thar }O0nm| b} vo l- LoD nm seithng poopy doom seks adits vad ceils a Centr —Nppeme bane Crawapassct | Vopagua Fromdotent wi x ni dour fiber | Flucees sotity | doomnt ten out ncditatiy A fl tues dow, Filer piltoxs x Brovenitdewusto Xa" ppt SA } tle ibe 919 tiovg Jes moo. his) uiZLuog va dbhog aig Pal ae p | re a SN Plases of cpnidol solutions « I Dupaued, pais: Mu pte voli usin Jesh qunaty 2) hus KL o pobutt + Dispersiovs woedlivme: srbskanow ae just Li _golweak in soluttow oe Stlver_(0F ignite (04) — | tamifitation oy ppulaidly D120 motu 9) ‘ntanttion Lpyi PP et DM —__ LYopHic) LYoPHOBIC fone DM 3 ein tab reat ju LouutieA Ul oolyeraggis Sin hoswry) — AavaNisosan! duow u_inteeactiew bl + Nalpays intermetione | br 180!) size a didpr ua plait. ~Manowalor wtisid + Assoclated coloids :- || bs . lid ay ont ok mal rea void ene has conc: than the othe - hehe fe Cs, “ur fe (0H), ae Muutinoly cou _ colloid 2 Phonon disedluchiow , atoms) rwoluowlu gpa 1 fo pastices ok (pULoidod « dimesiou ©. Mr ahombic sup (8%) combining. —_COCANDENSKTON Meta? : (0) Bo said abi = elie geal ss eee Con, ns i) By ed load bin tlle Pei ak ET og sels Ob gat by a. Taine apt res hn dung pyre, SYwou dou : ie Vlei) bully + SnUl2——>_ Au + nly C) 2 Pasa oboe wit watt Fella +H, O———» fe (ot), + Hb (wulatdal 99t") (Al) IHou = ate frre. Chimie > Aso Oe ASOs + HS ——> hy, Sg tied By _oxremive woling. — SA wlsital sation tonne uke passa thus Sebati ett of chiertformn 4 cashes ee by feuzing O_sotion op ty Ye 6) of S04 =e { : Tate ad te ohuuee ne. formed Po vataotual= 0, tte ] oe ‘ Colle?dal Solution of cextain Subctara ths oA frrined In _, ‘ and_inmolble in wate | can_fom celled inp ia atuhote gototien in “water 0 alee it ‘oluble to watts. Cur colyenld au exchanged prom wate fo oll Dp ina At plait salts or pubsianes Uikn subplud ait pape Hea tir soates Ok seobilising agit (IEE 4 pa) Uk ti, pasta bet (2)) DISPERSLON. METHODS: (a) By medonical passion |ddpuion = Particles One and mained sf dlapusion, naedliond. fo form 4 pension. and ton, tt —t_ passed te a totinidal mil. eee 1 2 (b ppyion igk axe Es tv _ used au te slop Au, Cu, Pe amd Ae. Me wiki v Molle os pteetuode od uu inmted tn M - DM Ube cont by iL: Ma wiedic Obi struck ya tha oor o Leak U QuAnatid oud 4 + Cee Ai que pour by which fully prepaid — uni sober i con vented ‘ ellaidat forme ee ae Mu obcholylt. ih called peptining. [siabilicing Cpert Couto this, adaarption op ions of aleetrolyte by re aaa Thea opal elhtin,. ae Gta adoption Of cowmon lompuiow ausasr dronide corn be owmerted tr roel prepaid uv colloid? iat vain aenage fot] on” fons from Feels ; od ard. b aot I met vty chile colulTvon WL ox suspectilely e | fue cotleides om tue sign te ai manok of Aileuriou UL Cr ‘hn on tre principe Huot colleidal I parkcls cont piss aang oud teen fare ae a Elepbrodialuyss Wolo used to Taman take f pusipteation. Voy. biteal bhation— 7 patticlus pin or au Amollee Syn Alze, diel) oa ile vada filter paper od rt q l u Ke mn oe Ihe i wild z wt i show . tatu Gol paskicler b fecal fr ea Lan dow =A el dui osu | wotiow Ok panties Ocean \ BMC QL. OMATOUAty “og Plectvonte xt Anes owdun § oliebrc ee Uiave Advice veUua Glevtrieal double layer Gunny + AAMOA + _ L 7 a J. 4 a ) oe a Fer TNT, aif fuaed 7 ow 2) ung two i te Ue | ¢ eee Wun 4w0 Ols pay maxed foytto Wega quis _v 4 wtlihddely — | ait an ovat ee . Dike Kos 7 | eae. tare | fest DP beds sonnet 0 A vihelr dvebolyl Ttakur tu ion sett E fiducial cruutyollsation of, Cheats j ve aout ol rogtlics. : = dade atl: fate toga oi pose g fon prcater iid to-aqulat™ ie hos 4 computa” aia Nat. Coagulation Eat ee aunaswint Ff | oa No: oy vs oa aLyoolyte aaa opaquloton Ubi Wop eoltnidal tal ae. Pedeuuadion. salut Mur NOt Won t eongubatiowe \ vabine ‘on jo sa bh tlic —inaddad 1 lyuflishie Col stk lese sensei Lab yap oll er moe stable finn Lyaplrop). of preventing co-agulation 8 lyorla), foaiiiee fo 0 add lop Wyofhitt Voilorl it Ty {sat ealection |-erokcetion of olla As. ppteeting Milfernuct: fox eaicla‘fyo - ide call ha ehceten gb ive. i U din Atus a 0 0:005 +0.0\) te - WJOvO3 $0../al4 E € Ov : Pee OrtodlalnWind || ff Mark orton aoe owt Totato ctanele L 20 dT a le acai get ee Min nakosine ef elLotd - ; ' a Poy thee ow of lOmL few), sol. ; 2b IM_kBy i y Ard co he al. Ker G euibelie lomL —— > mb: (lg) ovo mL —> —QoomL mw O2L — ia} apulator cable telat Dp a da [mL solution ty 104, Natt to lOmt in Ap DO A gin Atma, . Suh on it use prsconteDL ~ Pind 9Xtd no. ae ane given No OF tli ond” of sich Ul. (0.025 fod ) nad —- Gotd- ote IG a | millimeter of eltchaty Ga) = 0-3 Y 36-8 | = 20 mmals’ ADO eee CO [+ in loDOmL —— 4- A= 00 ——— fo W Agua oun oh [onl of ff, ; Sul of IM Natl eg vived s what v Houllation valu of Nach . 2. mmoles = FX) =F rams - ® ~ 9 oom ——> mmol D600 Mi se Wal : focutation. WA - 290 aa ca apiulaliowds (oomL ea eg US) = OF BY eS OM g00 md gold ywbor = 0°01 Wat Bit tn. a (Gat iad te of oe ; = pbS [idhok “u_plouunlat Sorel Graph fini Legatm VS keg P was tineat of 8 of AE. | tulkot ent on ymanein -voae 0.010, gop peacoat vader proxeecdl 3. Ds SIG fn. iad tone = j 3 : a (og 2. 2 0:3010 oan rears! = es a | MO. ee : Seve || Of No gad ot STP je 10 cover faa fee Calolore a Ny WTI. 7 cecuples 14s al Aidit [80m colloidal sovoti peg lop a: Natl: GO. Vecsey [000 ——~> aL 19 2 = Sxiops 2. A 25D me == _—

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