GG2 U3 Test

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Name __________________________________ Date________________

Grammar Galaxy Book 2 Unit 3

A. Look at each picture. Then circle the correct word(s).

1. This is (mine / my) book.

2. That is (their / theirs) music teacher.

3. (That / Those) glasses are too big for Ryan.

4. Those are (her / hers) parents.

5. (This / That) drawing is for my grandmother.

B. Complete each answer. Use the given word as a clue.

1. Q: Who is that? A: That’s __________ uncle. (she)

2. Q: Whose car is that? A: That’s __________ car. (Jim)

3. Q: What’s this? A: It’s __________ lunch. (I)

4. Q: Whose shoes are these? A: They’re __________. (he)

5. Q: Is this your phone? A: No, it’s __________. (Missy)

Name __________________________________ Date________________

C. Unscramble and write.

1. isn’t / She / sister. / my

→ __________________________________________________________

2. their / found / gifts. / Everyone

→ __________________________________________________________

3. dog? / that / Is / your

→ __________________________________________________________

4. are / friends. / John’s / These

→ __________________________________________________________

5. bananas / delicious. / look / Those

→ __________________________________________________________

D. Underline the mistake. Rewrite the sentence correctly.

1. This is not me house.

→ __________________________________________________________

2. The cat sleeps in it bed.

→ __________________________________________________________

3. Theirs teacher is not at school today.

→ __________________________________________________________

4. These is his sisters and brothers.

→ __________________________________________________________

5. That bike is Bens.

→ __________________________________________________________

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