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–School, Elementary, Junior High School & Senior High School Education



Name: _____________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Teacher: Mr.Reyniel S. Cereza

I. IDENTIFICATION: Identify the answers based on the description / definitions. (1 pt. each).
____________1. The process of mountain building.
____________2.It happens when the force compresses the crust causing the crust to bend from its side at a very low rate.
____________3. A large surface feature that rises above its relative.
____________4. A Geological feature that showcases series of Mountains.
____________5. Refers to the word meaning “Build”.
____________6. The quantitative measure of the amount of energy release by an earthquake.
____________7. If three recorded measurements were done in different seismic station what method is being use to locate the
epicenter of earthquake.
____________8. Refers to the strength of ground shaking during an earthquake.
____________9. He is the Major Proponent of Seafloor spreading.
____________ 10. A process in which the segment of a rock was displaced along a fault.

II. MULTIPLE CHOICE. Write the letter of the best answer (1 pt. each)
____________1. The energy of an earthquake is released in the form of ________.
a. fault b. focus c. epicenter d. seismic waves

____________2. What classification of fault is the one that falls under the fault line?
a. hanging wall b. strike c. foot wall

____________3. He is the father of Plate Tectonics Theory.

a. Harry N. Hess b. Alfred Wegener c. Andrew Lauso d. J. Tuzo Wilson

____________4. Which of the following is not considered as the major plates?

a. Eurasian b. African c. Indo-Australian d. Cocos

____________5. formed due to oceanic-oceanic convergence.

a. Mariana Trench b. Himalayas c. San Andes Fault d. Mindanao Trench

____________6. .Which type of seismic wave travels the fastest?

a. primary wave b. secondary wave c. surface wave d. transverse wave

____________7. Which of the following is not essential in an emergency supply kit?

a. flashlight b. medicine c. radio d. school certificates

____________8. A type of convergence boundary where the continental crust descends to the other continental crust but not towards the mantle.
a. oceanic-continental b. oceanic-oceanic c. continental-continental d. transform

____________9. Which type of the following is found in the lithosphere?

a. the crust only b. the mantle only c. the crust and the part of the mantle d. the crust, the mantle, the outer core

____________10. Which is the correct order of the arrangement of earth’s layers from the surface to its innermost layer?
a. crust,mantle,outer core, inner core c. inner core, outer core, mantle, crust
b. inner core, outer core,crust,mantle d. mantle, crust,outer core,inner core

III. True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is incorrect. (1 pt. each)
____________1. Volcanic eruptions, though destructive, can also bring about positive impact on the environment.
____________2.The process of mountain building is associated with plate tectonic movement.
____________3. Earthquakes happen every day at various intensities and magnitudes.
____________4.Plate boundaries are the edges where two plates meet.
____________5.Plate movement is the major cause of earthquakes.
____________6. Metamorphic Rock is a Rock formed when Magma Solidifies on Earth’s Crust.
____________7. Rayleigh scale is the most common scale for the magnitude of an earthquake.
____________8. The ability of magma to flow is called Mobility.
____________9. Faulting happens when a force compresses the crust, causing the crust to bend from its side.
____________10. S-waves always register first in the seismograph then follow by P waves.
IV. MATCHING TYPE: Match Column A with Column B. Write the CAPITAL LETTER of your answer on the space provided.

____________1. convergent A. Oregeny
____________2. mountain building B. landforms that erupt
____________3. Plate tectonic theory C. Move away from each other
____________4. fold D. chain of islands and mountains
____________5. landform formed by orogeny E. Alfred Wegener
____________6. divergent F. mountains
____________7. Sea Floor Spreading G. Slide pass each other.
____________8. Origin of earthquake H. hottest layer of earth’s interior
____________9. volcano I. faulting
____________10. transform J. Move towards each other
____________11. crust K. Harry Hess
____________12. Segment of rock are displacing L. Focus
____________13. core M. thickest layer of earth
____________14. Plastic layer of earths interior N. Asthenosphere
____________15. mantle O. solid, outer layer of earth

1-2 Types of waves

3-5 Type of Mountains.

6-9 Types Convergent plate boundaries

8-11 Stages of Orogeny

12-15 Types of Geologic Folds

VI. ESSAY: 5pts. each

Differentiate between:

a. Volcanism and Orogeny

b. Asthenosphere and Lithosphere

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