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Team work: Anarjingoo and Nandin-

As we know
République Française, countryмof northwestern
Europe. Historically and culturally among the most
important nations in the Western world, France has
also played a highly significant role in international
affairs, with former colonies in every corner of the

France has long provided a geographic,

economic, and linguistic bridge joining
northern and southern Europe. It is Europe’s
most important agricultural producer and one
of the world’s leading industrial powers.
About France
Population: 68,042,591
religion: 41%- Roman catholic
40%- No religion

Government: Unitary semi-

presidential republic
President - Emmanuel Macron

France has also been influential in government

and civil affairs, giving the world important
democratic ideals in the age of the
Enlightenment and the French Revolutionand
inspiring the growth of reformist and even
revolutionary movements for generations.
Culturical france
Equality and unity are important to the
French. The French also value style and
sophistication, and they take pride in the
beauty and artistry of their country. Family
is also highly valued in French culture.
Mealtimes are often shared with family,
and extended-family gatherings and meals
are common over the weekend.
Fashion Fable Eiffel Tower
Fashion has been an important industry and cultural export
of France since the 17th century, and modern "haute
couture" originated in Paris in the 1860s. Today, Paris, along
with London, Milan, and New York City, is considered one of
the world's fashion capitals, and the city is home or
headquarters to many of the premier fashion houses. The
expression Haute couture is, in France, a legally protected
name, guaranteeing certain quality standards.

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