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Murloc Names Ability Score Increase.

Your Strength score increases by

Murloc names contain many wet, soft sounds; "sh"s, "l"s, and Aaaghiburgurgle! When you damage a creature with an
"m"s are common. Their tribe names recall something of the attack or a spell and the creature has no swim speed, you can
tribe's accomplishments, appearance, history, or tradition. cause the attack or spell to deal extra damage to the creature.
Among other races, they may just use their tribal name or The extra damage equals your level. Once you use this trait,
even a local nickname. you can't use it again until you finish a short or long rest.
Male Names: Ashmol, Bralk, Gelihast, Gurmel, Loshof,
Molgloo, Shlesh, Slark Orgul (Beaches and Coral Reefs)
Female Names: Bialga, Lishal, Loomalil, Malash, Nareesh, In patterns of blue, grey, and gold, the Orgul Murlocs patrol
Orgloom, Seeshen, Shyresh up and down beaches all over the world. Although all Murlocs
Tribe Names: Blindlight, Bluegill, Cruelfin, Elfgutter, possess some reverence for magic, the Orgul take a cultural
Greenscale, Greymist, Saltspittle, Scargill, Tidehunter interest in spells and magic items. Though they often build
huts on beaches and above ground, it's not unusual for a
Murloc Traits portion of their tribe to live beneath the waves, in crudely
All Murloc, regardless of their subrace, share a few things in hollowed out caves or coral reefs. Considered by many
common. scholars to be the "smartest" of the Murloc subspecies, the
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by Orgul are far more likely to use stealth, terrain, and other
2. ways of gaining advantage in a battle before engaging their
Age. Murlocs reach maturity at a relatively young age, foes. The shamans and sorcerers among them may even lay
generally around twelve years old. Although they can magical traps or choose careful positioning to rain down
biologically survive well into their fifties, few live past twenty death and destruction on those who threaten their territories.
due to the harsh nature of their environment. Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by
Alignment. As a general rule, the savage and selfish 1.
Murlocs are neutral evil. However, Murlocs are more Wurglewurl! A child of the sea, you can call on the magic
intelligent than they are often given credit for, and may make of elemental air and water. You can cast fog cloud with this
choices outside the normal pattern. trait. Starting at 3rd level, you can cast gust of wind with it,
Size. Murlocs stand slightly smaller than the average and starting at 5th level, you can also cast wall of water with
humanoid, although this is largely due to their bent posture it. Once you cast a spell with this trait, you can't cast that
on land. Your size is medium. spell with it again until you finish a long rest. Wisdom is your
Swim Speed. You have a swimming speed of 30 feet. spellcasting ability for these spells.
Amphibious. You can breathe both air and water. Almush (Deep Sea)
Seabeast: You gain advantage on any Dexterity An extremely mysterious subspecies, the Almush are almost
(Acrobatics) or Strength (Athletics) checks made while never seen by the land-dwelling races. With dark purple or
completely submerged. blue coloration, they blend in well in the darkest areas of the
Murloc Weapon Training. You have proficiency with the deep ocean. Similar to the angler fish, the Almush have a
javelin, spear, trident, and net. special dangling light on a stalk that they use to lure their
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim prey in. They are heartier than the average Murloc, able to
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if survive the crushing depths with ease. They live exclusively in
it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. underwater cave systems, many of them a labyrinth to the
You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray. inexperienced outsider. These caves will be full of blind
Languages. You can speak Nerglish and you can speak, corners and traps, perfect for defense. Almush Murlocs very
read, and write one other language of your choice. rarely intreract with any creatures outside of their own tribe,
Subrace. Murlocs are divided into a number of mutations, unless it is to hunt them. Extremely xenophobic, the Almush
covering a range of possible habitats and states. have a "stab first, ask questions later" policy when it comes to
Nargil (Rivers and Lakes) strangers.
The Nargil are the most commonly seen subrace of Murloc, Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases
with scale patterns in bands of green, yellow, and orange. As by 1.
the only "freshwater" Murlocs, the Nargil are the subrace Blindsight. You can perceive your surroundings without
most likely to come in to contact with humans and other land relying on sight, within 20 feet.
races. They live in crude wood huts constructed along rivers Blurglah! As an action, you may cause your angler light to
and lakes, often far from the sea. This close proximity to suddenly flash, emitting a blinding light. All enemies within
other races has had a surprising effect on some young Nargil, 30 feet that can see you must succeed at a Constitution
who have begun to question their culture's xenophobic ways saving throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
and attempted to venture out into the world. But for most Constitution modifier) or become blinded until the end of
Nargil Murlocs, savage defense of their homeland is still the your next turn. Once you use this trait, you can't use it again
top priority. Primarily pack hunters, the Nargil rely on until you finish a long rest.
surprise, intimidation, and pure numbers to overwhelm their
foes. For many unfortunate people living near the water's
edge, the last sound they ever hear is a garbled

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