Gagne's Nine Instructional Events

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Applying Gagne's Nine Instructional Events

Topic: Arts of Questioning

1. Gain Attention: The teacher will present logic questions on the monitor and the student's task is to guess
what is being asked in each logic such as:

2. Set

Objectives: The teacher will pose a question: What are the thought-provoking questions?

3. Stimulate Recall: The teacher will ask the students to recall the last topic.

4. Present Content: The teacher will introduce the new lesson and give its definition.

5. Provide Guidance: The teacher will give three examples of each type of Questioning.

6. Elicit Performance: The teacher will ask the students to give their own examples of the different types of
Questioning that are not mentioned yet in the given examples.

7. Give Feedback: The teacher will check if the examples given by the students are correct/incorrect.

8. Evaluate: The teacher will give scores and remediation to the students.

9. Enhance Transfer: The teacher will ask the students what questions they would ask if they met their ex-
boyfriend/girlfriend. Using thought-provoking questions.

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