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Activity 2

Answer the following questions briefly but substantially

1. How would you describe your manner as a person?

- I am a person who is generous, kind, respectful, cheerful, being thankful to others and a friendly

2. What would you consider as your strength?

- I consider my family, friends and loved ones as my strength. And also my strength is what I'm really
good at or what I excel in. It's something I can do well and makes me confident.

3. What would you consider as areas for improvement?

- The areas I consider for improvement is my skills and self confidence. I am shy to speak in public and I
want to improve it because as a future educator I must not be shy to speak in front of many people.

4. What necessary steps will you take to improve yourself?

- Surround myself with supportive and positive people who can help to boost my confidence. Avoid
negative or critical people who may bring me down. Learn new skills and knowledge to expand my
abilities and increase my confidence.

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