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If you were to become a deity, where would you want to rule - heaven,
earth, hell?
If I were to become a deity, I would choose to rule Earth because
the world of mortal/human is mesmerizing, and I want to observe
humans and their day-to-day life and be able to experience it myself.
Being right around the middle of heaven and hell makes me feel like I
am in a safety net where I am not pure evil or good. Thus, giving me a
comfortable throne where I could sit without the pain of choosing to be
good or evil. Although as a deity I have the great responsibility in ruling
the kingdom of Earth, I do believe it’ll be less complicated.
If you were Odysseus, would you still go back home to Penelope
despite the uncertainty? Why or why not?
What Filipino superstitions do you practice? Why? Expound.
A Filipino superstition I do practice are pagpag, knock on wood,
and the tabi-tabi po. There are actual spirits that would follow me home
if I don’t try to do the pagpag and I don’t want them roaming around
home so I choose to believe that when I do pagpag somewhere their
spirits will no longer follow me. Additionally, I do the knock-on wood
when I say things I don’t actually want to happen so it would not
continue to happen. Lastly I say tabi-tabi po when I walk around a big
lump of land or nunu sa punso or somewhere dark and forest-like
places as a sign of respect to the mythical creature or the dili ingon nato
so they would know I am not going to hurt their home but rather I would
only pass by.
god/goddess, demi-god, mortal, mythical creature - which among the
four would you like to be born as?
"For her beauty, she was violated. For her hideousness, she was
murdered." What is the message of Medusa's tale?
Courage, wit, love - which among the three is the key for human
Our brain is the reason why we function, and with that I believe
the key for human survival is wit because wit means having the ability to
be clever, resourceful, logical, and smart. Our reasoning power will give
us courage, sanity, and
How would you globalize Philippine mythology?
Was Hades' love for Persephone selfish or unconditional?
What is your honest and firm stand on polytheism?
What hypotheses or truths are revealed in Egyptian mythology?
If you were Aphrodite, would you grant Galatea breath or keep her
stoned forever? Why or why not?
If you were Galatea, would you choose to love Pygmalion for all the
things he has done for you, or would you find someone else instead with
your freedom and new life?
Do you believe that behind every success and failure of a man is a
woman? Expound.
Among the four mythologies introduced, which is the most significant?
How will you prepare yourself for the inevitable Ragnarok?
If you were given a chance to replace Ma'at, how would you judge the
If you were Orpheus or Eurydice, would you continue your love for each
other even though you have known that your love is doomed even from
the start?
Do you influence your peerage and others in what you believe? Why or
why not?
If you were tasked to create another realm, what would it be? Expound
your answer.
If you were Achilles, would you also sulk and grieve in your tent
because of your best friend's death or continue fighting for the sake of
your fellow warriors?
If you were Horus, would you kill Isis (your mother) because she freed
Seth (your father's murderer) from prison? Explain.
If you were Psyche, would you obey your husband's command or feed
your curiosity?
If you were to compose your own creation myth, what was there in the
beginning? Expound your answer.
If you were Prometheus, would you steal fire and give it mankind or
obey the gods?
If you were one of the Norns/Moirae, who would you be? Expound.
If you were Mimir, which part of Odin's body would you ask as Odin's
sacrifice in exchange for wisdom?
If you were Odin, would you scourge out your eye in exchange for
knowledge and wisdom? Why or why not?
If you were Thor, how would you react to the criticism against you that
says, "Thor is nothing without his Mjolnir"?
If you were to honor and worship one mythological deity, who would it
be? Explain.
What is your greatest takeaway from studying mythology?
Whose initiative, drive, and effort should preserving a nation's
mythological, folkloric, and archaeological treasures be?
What are the conflicting truths brought by mythologies and folklores?
If you were Paris, who would be the fairest?
If you were Epimetheus, would you obey your brother's (Prometheus)
warning or continue falling for Pandora?
If you alter an ending of one Greek tale of romance, which will it be and
how will it end?
If you exactly knew when you die, how would you live your life?
If you were to dwell in one realm of Yggdrasil, where would it be?
Is teaching children about the Philippine mythical creatures necessary?
Why or why not?
Should traditions change? Why or why not?
Is it significant that the mythological deities are personified imperfectly?
Why or why not?
What can kill ‘hope’?
How do good and evil enter the world?
Why do you suppose people worship divinities?
How does mythology and folklore influence a human’s psyche?
What is the purpose of mythology and folklore?
If you were to replace one Greek deity, who would it be and why?
If you were to replace one Egyptian deity, who would it be and why?
If you were to replace one Norse deity, who would it be and why?
If you were to replace one Philippine deity, who would it be and why?
If you were to create a symbol for Philippine mythology, what would it be
and why?
How do myths differentiate between humans and deities?
What does mythology and folklore teach us about love?
What virtue is learnt from mythology and folklore?

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