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WLP No. 2.2

Class No.: G-12

Name: Laurice Faith Mauro Grade & Section: 10-Equity
Teacher: Mr. Edgar Badanoy Jr. Date: October 20, 2021


Now that you have explored the importance of argumentative text, it’s time already to engage yourself
into a series of activities that will make your learning worthwhile. Have fun in completing the activity

TOPIC OUTLINE (30 points)

Directions: Decide on a topic or subject for your argumentative writing. Initialize with writing an
Argumentative essay by drafting an outline. Fill out the necessary information below.

Tentative Title: The Legalization of Divorce in The Philippines

Subject or Topic: This subject talks about divorce and why the Philippine society needs it.

A. Introduction
1. Catchy Hook:
Marriage is a sacrament and a commitment that both couples must fulfill together.
However, the chance to be able to start a new beginning is a right that all people should
have access to.

2. Thesis Statement:
1. What is the issue?
Divorce is a law that legally terminates a marriage through court that a lot of people
against of due to differences in beliefs.

2. Who are concerned to the issue?

The people who are concerned regarding this issue are individuals or couples that want
to file a divorce.

3. Why is the issue relevant?

Although a large part of the society view divorce as a problem because they think that
it “damages the sanctity of marriage”, a lot of individuals or couples still need it due to
numerous factors like domestic abuse, infidelity, financial issues, use of substances
and differences that are irreconcilable that leads to conflicts. This issue is specifically
relevant in the Philippines as we are “the only country aside from the Vatican City to
outlaw divorce” (The Economist) and a large number of Filipinos still reject the idea of
divorce thus, clashes with the opinions of other citizens who do agree with the law
which creates a divide in opinion.

B. Development of Argument
1. Claim 1: Most cases of divorce are due to domestic abuse and infidelity.

Evidence: According to the Philippine Statistic Authority, “spousal violence is the most
common form of violence experienced by women aged between 15 and 49”. This alarming
rate of abuse and infidelity causes bad experiences in marriage. Thus, also contributes in
proving the statistic made by the office of the Philippine’s Solicitor General which states
that the petitions for annulment back in 2010 gained 9,117 petitions.

2. Claim 2: The mental, emotional and physical well-being of the couples or the person that
filed the case are ruined.

Evidence: Toxic relationships can be described as “perfectly healthy, but over time,
unhealthy habits may start to surface, changing the dynamic of the relationship” (Murdoch
University) and toxic marriages includes “physical abuse, substance abuse, adultery,
desertion and other major transgressions are obvious signs that the marriage is in trouble”.
For these reasons, a lot of married people in a toxic environment become depressed,
develop anxiety and makes a person physically sick since it “severely disrupts sleeping
patters, cause unhealthier eating habits and, lower the immune system” (Divorced Moms).
Their emotions are affected too and they become unhappy, stressed and their self-esteem

C. Refuting Opposing Argument/s

1. Opposing Argument: A lot of people have expressed that couples should just communicate
with great attention and consideration instead of breaking things off which could only hurt
their children.

Counter Argument: Regular and proper communication especially if a conflict occurs and
respecting your partner are significant aspects that keeps a marriage strong and alive. It is
understandable that many people are hesitant when it comes to divorce but, if the marriage
problems become too serious, abusive and exhausting then one must file a divorce case
since divorce is a human right and a choice that people must have for peace of mind and a
happy life. Another thing is that it is not right for children to be exposed with domestic
violence and a toxic marriage since it “children who witness domestic violence are at risk
for long-term mental health problems” (Women’s Health). While there are negative effects
that children will experience after a divorce, these can be solved by parents helping their
child cope with the divorce despite the painful aftermath. The negative emotions and
situations that children of divorce go through will be alleviated if parents consider
“preparing children for changes by giving them accurate information, keeping up with their
children’s emotions and transition to the change, and evidence-based interventions” (Child

1. Restatement: In conclusion, there may be a lot of people with specific reasons why they do
not believe that divorce must be enforced in the law; however, recognizing divorce as legal
enable couples, particularly women, who are forced to be stuck in miserable unions to
finally secure their own freedom, safety and mental, physical and emotional health as well
as keep their own children away from mental distress that a deteriorating marriage brings.

2. Description of the Issue: Divorce has made people’s lives change for the better and my
mom’s friend and her kids who is living abroad is much happier with her life than the old
life that she had with her husband before therefore, we must listen to the voices and stories
of people who had or are getting a divorce to encourage the youth to expand the beneficial
effects of divorce.

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