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Designer’s Notes: September Army

Lists Update
Conquest: The Last Argument of Kings is a living Wargame, with rules changing to the
better according to the design team’s directions and in tune with our community’s
voice. As such, rules are clarified to better convey their meaning and purpose. These
will be found under the FAQs section. You will notice that some of the FAQ questions
are removed from this document as time passes. That is either because rules have
changed to invalidate the question and/or response to it, or we have added
clarifications to rules in the actual rulebook as per your suggestions.
Of course, as a company with responsibility to all the peoples of Eä, we employ
beings of all Factions, including Ugr. We also use them as scapegoats for any errors
you may find in the rules, and herein we provide corrections according to the Arcane
Council of Factions. These will be found under the Errata section.
Also note that, while at times we post answers to questions online, this document is
always in effect first and above any answers for any Tournaments or Matched play
sessions. This document will be reviewed and changed accordingly at certain
intervals; however, not all questions will be entered as they are not encountered
often enough to warrant the “Frequently” part of the document.
All changes listed in these documents will also be updated in the online PDF. You will
be able to find the changes highlighted within the PDF document itself.

Scenario Packs
For this balance update, we've invested significant effort into overhauling our
Scenarios for Organized Play. Scenarios are essential to maintaining Tournament Play
balance, so we've dedicated a great deal of work towards laying a robust foundation
for our Competitive Play pack. Consequently, we will be making the following
adjustments to our OP scenario packs. From now on, Scenario Packs will be classified
into two categories.

The first category will consist of the TLAOK/FB Additional Scenario Packs. These
packs will include casual scenarios intended for casual and/or narrative play. This will
be a continually expanding library of scenarios, where new ways to play the game
will be added regularly.

The second category will be our TLAOK/FB Tournament Play Scenario Packs. In
these packs, players will find a carefully curated selection of Scenarios designed for
Organized and Tournament Play. This will be a live document that will be regularly
updated, accounting for the timing and dates of significant tournaments and events,
thus allowing ample time for players to prepare. These Scenarios can be modified
and fine-tuned variations of Scenarios found in the Additional Scenario Pack. When
they rotate out, they will become part of our continuously expanding library of
Scenarios. Thus, it is possible for you to encounter two versions of the same
Scenario, updated to accommodate competitive play.

Game-related accessories such as the Scenario cards found in the Army Support
Packs are not outdated, as they refer to scenarios found in the Additional Scenario
Why should I choose to play the Additional Scenario Pack version of the Scenarios
when the Tournament Pack ones are more "balanced"?
While the Tournament Pack Scenarios are carefully adjusted to account for the
current meta and overall balance, the Additional Scenario Pack versions of these
Scenarios cater to more care-free and diverse Army List configurations, fostering fun
and relaxed gameplay without the incessant need for optimized tactical planning.
Additionally, they serve as a fantastic foundation for playing Narrative and Slow-
Grow Campaign games, where the unique process of upgrading your Regiments
enables gameplay that diverges from the typical Organized Play TLAOK and FB

Scenario Updates
Kicking off with the substantial changes, competitive Scenarios will no longer use
12” zones. While we acknowledge that 12" zones are commonly used in wargaming,
we have found that they contribute to a meta of ranged firepower and slower
gameplay, aspects we aim to adjust. The diameter of the circle rendered Charging
from one side to the other extraordinarily challenging, often resulting in Regiments
reaching a stalemate. A 9” circle permits all the same tactical maneuvers but

encourages shorter-range engagements.
Scenarios Last Stand and Bottleneck will no longer feature in the competitive
Scenario pack and will henceforth be located in the Additional Scenario Pack. In their
place, two new Scenarios have been designed, both introducing a unique approach
to Objective Zones. We've observed that “short table-edge” Scenarios tend to
promote a somewhat skewed playstyle, and thus, we will be cautious about
reintroducing them into our Organized Play pack in the future. However, we always
remain alert for innovative ways to design Scenarios, so we don't rule out the
possibility of revisiting these Scenario styles at a later stage.
All of these updates to these Scenarios will be released shortly after the Army List
update of Monday 18th.

Nords Updates
The era of monsters and mighty warriors has arrived! We consistently critique our
designs and have recognized that the design behind the Nords does not sufficiently
reflect their lore, nor does it enable gameplay as their lore suggests. Consequently,
we revisited the segment of the Army List that best encapsulates and sets the tone
for the army— the Faction Special Rules!

"Blood of the Einherjar" serves as an excellent introduction to what the Nords

represent. Ever watchful and determined, the Nords display resolve to rise after each
fall, to strike with increasing intensity, and to withstand the horrors of Mannheim
and beyond through sheer willpower. However, while this creates a compelling
narrative and accurately depicts the Nords, the reactive nature of the rule often
places Nord forces on the defensive, when they should be flooding the battlefield,
striking swiftly and powerfully before the enemy can organize a response.

To create an even more captivating and aggressive gameplay experience, we

revisited the core of the faction and reimagined their Faction Special Rules. We
posed three vital questions: What makes a Nord warrior? What is the relationship
between the Einherjar and the Nord people? How did the Fall impact them and what
lies ahead? The responses to these questions—"Ice, Flesh and Blood", "Blood of the
Einherjar", and "Prophecy Unfulfilled"—comprise the new and updated Faction
Special Rules for the Nords.

"Ice, Flesh and Blood" empowers the Nords to fight effectively, even in the harshest
and most perilous terrain. After all, conquering Manheim could not have been
achieved without such resilience. This rule is part of a larger toolkit for the Nords to
quickly and ferociously attack their opponents in an attempt to gain and maintain an
early lead. The inspiration for this rule is deeply rooted in the intrinsic character of
Manheim. After all, if any faction is adept at combat in challenging terrains, it's the
Nords. We wanted to carve out a distinct aspect of the game where this faction truly
shines. When fighting against the Nords you better watch how you approach terrain!
"Blood of the Einherjar" continues to encapsulate the Nord fighting spirit. Attack
them, only to find yourself hit even harder in return. This update takes it a step

further, capturing what martial prowess signifies for the Nords and urging you to
actively seek out Duels to definitively prove who the superior warrior is. In our view,
the previous version of the rule fell short. Most Regiments seldom, if ever, gained
the Flurry Special Rule, and by the time they did, they were often too depleted to
capitalize on it. While the rule seemed to encourage fielding multiple small
Regiments, in practice, this strategy proved impractical. Given the shift towards a
more aggressive playstyle, the old rule was no longer on par and needed revision.

"Prophecy Unfulfilled" amplifies the Nords' rapid-fire playstyle, enabling your

Regiment to advance up the Battlefield as quickly as possible to swiftly amass and
overwhelm Enemy Regiments. This is an incredibly important part of the new Nord
toolkit and ultimately the rule that solidifies their new playstyle.
Why do Monsters only benefit from one Special Rule? They are part of the Faction
they should get all three!
It's crucial to explain why Nord Monsters only benefit from the "Ice, Flesh and
Blood" Special Rule, rather than all three Faction Rules. Thematically, this Faction
Special Rule pertains to how Mannheim's harshness shapes every creature that
dwells there, while the other special rules address the unique relationship between
the Nord people, including the beasts under their command, their heritage, and their

From a gameplay perspective, enabling Monster Regiments to become Inspired

when charging into Hindering Terrain allows them to counteract the terrain type
they struggle with the most. This ability alone adds substantial value, so granting
Monster Regiments the effects of "Prophecy Unfulfilled" on top of it would tip the
scales excessively in their favor.

Then do Nords just ignore Terrain?

The short answer is no. However, it's crucial to adjust your tactics and approach to
Zonal Terrain when battling a Nord army. Just as the Old Dominion necessitates
strategic target prioritization, so too does fighting the Nords call for a nuanced
approach to utilizing terrain.
Nords continue to be affected by Line of Sight blocking terrain, and they will still
forfeit Impact Attacks when initiating a Charge Action into and through Hindering
Terrain. The biggest difference lies in Medium and Heavy non-Monster Regiments
benefiting from the Inspired Special Rule in such situations. For most players, this
means that anchoring a Regiment in a piece of Hindering Terrain might serve as an
excellent staging point for a Charge or a tactical advance up the battlefield against
most factions; however, they should reconsider employing that same tactic against
the Nords.

How does Nord rules impact Zonal Terrain placement in a competitive setting?
Terrain placement in Conquest TLAOK is most effective when at least 3-4 pieces of
Zonal Terrain (all Hindering, Obstructing/Obscuring, Traversable) are centrally
positioned at strategic points on the Battlefield. The fact that one Faction might gain
a particular advantage over this does not necessitate modifying the terrain setup.

Instead, it forms part of the wargaming experience to comprehend a Faction's
strengths and tactically navigate around them. Game balancing occurs with this
terrain setup in mind, and all official Organized Play events are expected to follow
these guidelines.

We saw a Vargyr Lord and he isn’t included in this update!

So far, Nord players have had access to "Curse of the Vargr," a Combat Mastery for
the Blooded that allows individuals to more deeply explore the bestial side of the
Blooded and join Brute Regiments. However, we felt this Mastery didn't fully capture
the essence of a Blooded who has completely embraced the curse.
Therefore, in an upcoming update, coming very soon, "Curse of the Vargr" will be
removed. In its place, the army will introduce the Vargyr Lord. Players can anticipate
a warband comprising Brutes and Cavalry as mainstay options, with the Vargyr Lord
able to join either. Besides being a formidable front-line brawler, the Vargyr Lord will
synergize with Brutes and Cavalry and offer a new Supremacy to fully embody this
new Nord army archetype.

Dweghom Updates
Unyielding, world-altering, and meta-defining, the Dweghom have unquestionably
claimed the top spot in many tournaments, often driving a high Cleave meta. Two
main factors, among others, contribute to the Dweghom's strength: their access to
high Defense and Resolve Characteristics and their high ranged damage output. So,
how do we adjust these two core aspects of Dweghom gameplay without
underpowering them?

Bastion (X) becomes Hardened (1) across the board and Hold Raegh gets a Resolve
of 4.
A fundamental hurdle for anyone battling the Dweghom is overcoming a seemingly
impenetrable Defense 5. This essentially suggests that any list that cannot effectively
wield a significant amount of Cleave will find itself disadvantaged in a competitive
setting. By capping Dweghom Defense at 4, we ensure that a strategy based on the
volume of Attacks becomes viable against the Dweghom, as you're battling a
Defense Characteristic that would otherwise necessitate Cleave (1). Consequently,
factions like the Spires and Nords find their strategies relying on the volume of
Attacks much more relevant in competitive environments. Essentially, Dweghom
transforms from the faction you need Cleave to combat, to the faction against which
Cleave is less useful. This shift in dynamic not only maintains the defensive nature of
the Dweghom but also aligns thematically, given they were fighting literal dragons.
Overall, Regiments like Steelforged and Stoneforged have moved to a Defense of 4
and abilities that previously added Defense have now been updated.

How do you stop a high Cleave meta if you’re adding Hardened? Wouldn’t this
mean that Regiments would require even more Cleave to fight Dweghom?
The prevalence of the high Cleave meta stems from several factors. Dweghom not
only benefited from superior Defensive stats but also had the capability to unleash
powerful barrages of ranged damage, all from behind their high defense. In 12” zone
scenarios, seasoned Dweghom players would strategically position a robust
defensive "screen" right on the zone's perimeter, presenting opponents with a very
difficult choice: attempt a potentially fruitless long Charge or remain static, only to
be decimated through ranged firepower. This combination of elements meant that
unless there is a significant amount of fast-moving, high-Cleave, high-quality Attacks
a player would have a significant disadvantage fighting against them.
Competitive Scenarios will no longer have 12” zones, rather zones will be 9” and 6”.
Dweghom ranged firepower has been adjusted and their Defensive stats lowered.
Their Defensive prowess has actually improved as even though they are now weaker
against volume of attacks they are now stronger against Cleave. What this means is
that there are now more options to approach fighting the Dweghom and their
combined strengths do not amount to a force as oppressive as before.
Dweghom Spellcasting received a rework.
Having absorbed a portion of War, their proclivity towards Destruction has
transformed them into potent Spellcasters capable of controlling the elements, with
Steelshapers representing the ultimate evolution—beings so powerful that the
elements respond to their mere thoughts. This trait is so fundamental to the
Dweghom that the current version of the rules didn't adequately capture it. We
wanted to address this while at the same time address the ranged offensive output
of the School of Fire.

The first change was to Flame Wall Spell, reducing some of its offensive output in
exchange for some utility. The Tempered Sorcerer may still perform two Spellcasting
Actions as part of their Supremacy Ability, but the sheer offensive output has been
reeled in a little. The other important change is to Roots of Stone. Now Roots of
Stone can only be applied to a Regiment that has not yet Activated and therefore
requires more time investment before a Dweghom Regiment may “Root” itself on an
Objective Zone.

The School of Magma has been reimagined and rebuilt from the ground up.
Magma Spells now function around the "Erupting" rule, a terrain attribute that
works in synergy with the Magma Spells, enabling the Sorcerer to inflict damage on
Targets within pieces of Zonal or Garrison Terrain and extend the range of Pyroclast
to distant or concealed Targets.
Heralds now have interactions specific to the School of their respective Elements.
Each Herald (Fire, Stone, and Magma) interacts with Spells that share their element.
The Herald of Fire can act as a short-range node (to Enemy Regiments in contact);
Regiments with the Herald of Stone gain extra benefits from Stone Spells, and finally,
the Herald of Magma turns pieces of Terrain into Erupting Terrain. All Heralds have
maintained their useful abilities on top of which these synergies were built.

The Focused Mastery has been adjusted.
Focused maintains its incredible utility, however the two Re-Rolls now happen once
per Activation rather than once per Spellcasting Action. On the other hand, it is no
longer required for the Character Stand to have a Tier 3 Arcane Retinue drastically
reducing its cost.

The Tempered Steelshaper has been reforged!

Delving deeper into the enigmatic nature of these elusive Sorcerers, the Steelshaper
has been reforged into a front-line support Spellcaster, equipped with a reimagined
set of abilities and a Supremacy Ability that more closely aligns with the
Steelshaper's elemental, barely Dweghom anymore nature.

Spires Updates
The Spires are receiving a few, yet highly requested, adjustments in this update.
Firstly, we've altered Superior Creations. Although this rule no longer includes
Evasion, the upgrades are no longer limited to the Warlord’s Warband. You can now
upgrade Regiments in Lineage Highborn, Highclone Executor, and Mimetic Assassin
Warbands. Despite the loss of Evasion, the real value lies in the additional Clash and
the freedom to upgrade Regiments across multiple Warbands.

Secondly, we've made significant adjustments to the Pheromancer. The

Unnumbered Menagerie Special Rule has been expanded to include Brute Drones.
As they are a staple Underspire Regiment, they should not be excluded from the
Heal, further adding value to the rule. Furthermore, the Pheromancer has gained the
new Induced Lethargy (Combat and Out-of-Combat Action) Action. This new Action
allows the Pheromancer to suppress enemy formations, providing friendly
Regiments an opportunity to overwhelm their position with feral intensity.

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