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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia


December 01,2023, | 8:30 AM -3:00 PM | Grade 9-Narra, Acacia, Cedar, Molave and Apitong.

Most Essential Learning Competency Analyzed literature as a means of

understanding unchanging values in the
volatile world.

At the end of the lesson, the students shall have:
➢ identified the common themes and characters in the story.
➢ reflected on the importance of being resilient, selfless and adaptable in this
volatile world.
➢ created a visual representation that shows the important ideas or lessons from
stories “The Gift of Magi”.


• Topic: Literature: The Gift of Magi
• Values Integration: Social: Family – Peace and Justice (Respect and love for
one’s family).
• References: Department of Education. (2023). English – Grade 9 Quarter 2
Module 2: Analyzing Literature as a means of understanding
unchanging values in the VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex,
Ambiguous) World.
• Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Laptop, TV. Bond paper.

A. Preliminary Activities (5 minutes)
• Prayer
Ecumenical Prayer: Acknowledgement of different religions/Faith.
• Greetings
The teacher will greet first “Good morning class” followed by the student’s
response “Good morning, ma’am!”.
• Preparation of the Learning Environment
Arranging the chairs
Pick-up pieces of paper/trash
Keep the gadgets and other things that are not related to the lesson.
• Checking of Attendance
Requesting the class secretary to list the names of the absentees if there is.
• Setting of House Rules and Guidelines

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

Be polite and respect your classmates, especially your teacher.

Be attentive and cooperate.

• Review of the Previous Lesson

Question and Answer about the previous topic/lesson.

• Presentation of the Learning Objectives

B. Motivation/ Activity (10 minutes)

The teacher will present the word Literature, Values, Volatile through a jumble
word and the students will try to arranged it correctly. After the short activity
the teacher will ask the following questions to the students.

Processing questions:
1. What are those words that are mentioned in the activity?
2. This refers to written works of imaginative, artistic, or intellectual value,
typically characterized by the use of language to convey ideas, emotions, and
3. An individual belief that motivate people to act one way or another. They
serve as a guide for human behavior.
4. Refers to the speed of change in an industry, market or the world in general.

When they have finish answering the questions, the teacher will then present to
the class the short story entitled “The Gift of Magi” by: O. Henry that depicts
unchanging values in a volatile world.

C. Analysis (10 minutes)

The learners will watch and listen to the video summary of the short story “The
Gift of Magi”. Afterwards the class will be divided into group to answer some

Guide Questions:
1. What is the story all about?
2. What is their gift for each other?
3. How did Jim and Della feel about their gifts for each other? Why did they
decide to sacrifice their special belongings?
4. What values portrayed in the story?
5. Can you think of a time when you or someone you know had to give up
something important for someone else? What did you feel about it?

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

6. Why do you think stories like “The Gift of Magi” are important today? How
can their lessons about love, sacrifice, resiliency, and adaptability help us in a
world that sometimes change unexpectedly?

With the questions being presented, a representative of each group will be asked
to share their ideas and answer in the class, but with a little twist the groups
representative will go in front as they will going to pick a paper with a
corresponding number 1-6 written on it. The group who picks no.1 will answer
the number 1 question, followed by the group who pick no.2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

D. Abstraction (10 minutes)

When all the groups have finish presenting their answers to the class, the teacher
will give or add more input and correction as needed. Questions and clarification
will then be used from the class. The teacher will give and share some additional
insights about the lesson “The Gift of Magi” and share in the class.

How can studying and analyzing literature help us learn about important
ideas that stay the same, even when the world keeps changing?

Studying and analyzing some literary text like short stories helps us understand
important values that stay the same even as the world changes. These tales teach
us timeless lessons that apply to our lives as they evolve. Literature acts like a
time machine showing us important human values that stay the same over time,
even as the world changes. It tells stories about things like love, bravery,
fairness, and kindness, which everyone can relate to no matter when they live.
By reading these stories, we learn about how these values remain important
across different times and cultures.

Why does the story “The Gift of Magi” is a perfect literary piece to when
we are analyzing about the unchanging values in the volatile world?

"The Gift of the Magi" stands as a perfect literary piece for analyzing
unchanging values in a volatile world due to several compelling reasons:

Timeless Themes: The story express and shows timeless themes such as love,
sacrifice, resiliency, adaptability and the true meaning of wealth. These themes
resonate across eras and remain relevant in any societal context, providing a
lens to understand enduring human values.

Stability in Changing Times: In a world that's always changing, this story

reminds us of the things that don't change, giving us a kind of stability and

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

Simple Story, Big Ideas: Even though it's a simple story, it teaches us important
things about life and how people should treat each other.

Learning from Surprises: The surprising part of the story helps us see that
life's lessons sometimes come in unexpected ways. It makes us think deeper
about what's really important in life.

E. Application (15 minutes)

With your group create visual representation (such as posters, drawings, and
infographics) that shows the important ideas or lessons from stories “The Gift
of Magi”. You will create these visuals to explain why these ideas or lessons are
still important or helpful in a world that is changing a lot and put it in a long
bond paper. The rubrics below will be used for grading. Afterwards,
representatives from the groups will share their work and the learners will be
given feedback on the Performance task.

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

IV. EVALUATION (10 minutes)

Instruction: Read each statement carefully, determine whether the statement is TRUE
or FALSE based on your knowledge of the story “The Gift of Magi” by O. Henry. Write
down your answer for each statement in a ¼ sheet of paper.
1. Della sells her watch to buy a Christmas gift for her husband.
2. Jim sells his prized possession, a chain, to purchase combs for Della's hair.
3. The story takes place in a mansion in New York City.
4. Facing tough times with resilience is a timeless human quality, despite a world that's
always evolving.
5. The theme of the story is regret and sadness.
6. Della's main motivation for buying Jim a gift was to make him feel guilty.
7. The story takes place during the Christmas season.
8. Sacrificing for someone you love is an enduring value, regardless of worldly shifts.
9. The story ends with Della and Jim feeling regretful and bitter about their sacrifices.
10. Facing tough times with resilience is a timeless human quality, despite a world that's
always evolving.

Instruction: On a 1 whole sheet of paper, explain why do you think the story is entitled
“The Gift of Magi”?

Prepared by:
Bili, Monalie Sumatra, Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

Checked and observed by:

Cooperating Teacher, English 9

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI- Davao Region
Maa National High School | Christian Colleges of Southeast Asia

The Gift of the Magi

By: O. Henry

The story tells of a young married couple, James, known as Jim, and Della
Dillingham. The couple has very little money and lives in a modest apartment. Between
them, they have only two possessions that they consider their treasures: Jim's gold
pocket watch that belonged to his father and his grandfather, and Della's lustrous, long
hair that falls almost to her knees.

It's Christmas Eve, and Della finds herself running out of time to buy Jim a
Christmas present. After paying all of the bills, all Della has left is $1.87 to put toward
Jim's Christmas present. Desperate to find him the perfect gift, out she goes into the
cold December day, looking in shop windows for something she can afford.

She wants to buy Jim a chain for his pocket watch, but they're all out of her
price range. Rushing home, Della pulls down her beautiful hair and stands in front of
the mirror, admiring it and thinking. After a sudden inspiration, she rushes out again
and has her hair. cut to sell. Della receives $20.00 for selling her hair, just enough to
buy the platinum chain she saw in a shop window for $21.00.
When Jim comes home from work, he stares at Della, trying to figure out what's
different about her. She admits that she sold her hair to buy his present. Before she can
give it to him, however, Jim casually pulls a package out of his overcoat pocket and
hands it to her. Inside, Della finds a pair of costly decorative hair combs that she'd long
admired, but are now completely useless since she's cut off her hair. Hiding her tears,
she jumps up and holds out her gift for Jim: the watch chain. Jim shrugs, flops down
onto the old sofa, puts his hands behind his head and tells Della flatly that he sold his
watch to buy her combs.


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