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Assalomu alaykum to everyone!

Very welcome to
those who gathered for our table discussion, dear
teachers and participants!
Today, we would like to discuss the significant
impact of foreign languages among lawyers. As the
world becomes increasingly interconnected, the
requirement for foreign languages is seemingly high.
It is clear that the process of globalization and
integration is having a positive effect as it expands
itself around the world. For modern lawyers, being
able to speak another language should be their first
priority these days. This is not only learning the
language in terms of lexical, grammatical, and
phonetic ways but also giving the opportunity to
study the cultures, traditions, internal and external
politics, legislation, and histories of the most
developed countries in the world.
And also, in our country, various systematic
measures are being implemented in order to develop
the teaching of foreign languages as a prime concern
of education policy. In addition, if this vital skill is
the ability to communicate effectively in different
languages, why not consider that a crucial factor in
young people’s lives?
All in all, today, we will explore how foreign
languages are important for lawyers, and we will
search for ways to contribute to their professional
success. Here, you can see some students who are
ready to express their own perspectives.

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