Work Sheet 1 of T.1 L.1

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Education Gate International School (Al Murraba)

EGIS1 -Academic Year 2023-2024

Science department

Grade ( 7 ) – Work sheet ( 1 )

Course 1 Topic 1 ( Introduction to matter )

Lesson 1( Describing and classifying matter )

I - Choose the correct answer

1- Evan and his friends are working on a group project on matter. Michelle says that matter is anything that has
mass. Ricky says matter must have mass and also be touchable. Evan thinks matter must have mass and
also be visible. Leon disagrees and says that matter has both mass and takes up space. Who is correct?

A. Michelle

B. Ricky

C. Evan

D. Leon

2- Martina is camping and needs wood for a cooking fire as well as for shelter. She gathers a variety of logs and
branches from the surrounding area. She chops and shapes some of the larger pieces of wood into uniform shapes t
build her shelter. What kind of change is taking place as the wood is chopped?

A. a change in matter

B. a change in physical property

C. a change in substance

D. a change in chemical property

3- Sierra helps her father install an air purifier in her house. What type of separation method does an air purifier

use to remove dust and allergens from the air?

A. distillation

B. filtration

C. evaporation

D. magnetic attraction

II- Fill in a word that correctly completes the sentence.

Martina is camping and needs wood for a cooking fire as well as for shelter. She gathers a variety of logs and

branches from the surrounding area.

She burns some of the smaller twigs and branches to start a fire in order to cook her dinner. Burning wood is an exam
of a change in …………………………. property.

III- Nicole has 2 glasses on the counter: one of water and one of sugar-water. She is baking a cake and needs to

use the sugar-water for the glaze. Both glasses look identical, but one contains a mixture and the other contains a

Is sugar-water a mixture or a compound? Define mixtures and compounds, and explain how, without tasting it,

Nicole can test to make sure she is using the sugar-water in the glaze.
Julian accidentally dropped his science display and all the illustrations and labels are scattered.

Drag each label to its correct illustration.

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